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How AR and VR will revolutionize the classroom

“With our business and personal lives moving to the digital environment, it makes sense that education — from elementary school through to college, trade schools, and professional development courses — will also migrate to a more technologically focused model,” Bart Schachter writes for ReadWrite. “And that includes the influence that virtual and augmented reality will wield in the classroom over the next decade.”

“Virtual field trips are one way AR and VR are already in use. After working through some issues with WiFi networks, charging issues, and the comfort levels of students and teachers, many educators now find this an ideal way to teach lessons and keep students engaged,” Schachter writes. “Melinda Lohan, a Massachusetts high school teacher, has been conducting virtual field trips for three years and reports that ‘The kids love them.'”

“In addition to enabling educational ‘travel,’ AR and VR have been shown to improve motor skills, enhance imaginative play and thinking, and inspire learning through gamification,” Schachter writes. “While educators may be interested in this technology, the real news is that they are also planning to invest heavily in it. According to Forbes, ‘Goldman Sachs estimates that roughly $700 million will be invested in AR/VR applications in education by 2025, on simulations for everything from forklift operations to architecture to invasive surgery. Gartner projects that 60 percent of all higher education institutions in America will be using virtual reality in the classroom by 2021.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple’s AR smart glasses cannot get here soon enough!

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