Apple said to be working on ditching the notch in future-gen iPhone displays

“Apple decided to get rid of ‘notch’ design,” The Electronic Times reports. “Its plan is to improve obstacles such as 3D sensor and camera module that were in the way of implementing a full-screen on the front of an iPhone.”

“According to industries, Apple is preparing a new display without notch design for their new iPhones. This new display will be based on OLED and it is heard that it will be applied to new iPhones that will be released in 2019,” The Electronic Times reports. “‘Apple decided to get rid of notch design starting from 2019 models and is having discussions with relevant companies.’ said a representative for an industry. ‘It seems that Apple is planning to implement full-screen that is more complete to its new iPhones.'”

“It is heard that Apple will keep its face recognition technology called ‘Face ID’ for 2019 models,” The Electronic Times reports. “Apple is planning to release two models with OLED display and a model with LCD display during this fall. It is heard that OLED models will be available in 5.85-inch display and 6.46-inch display while a LCD model will be available only in 6.04-inch model.”

Alrighty then.
Alrighty then.

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Seems too soon for Apple to be able to pull this off. Perhaps lost in translation is that 2019’s inelegant design kludge will instead not totally disappear, but be smaller and less obstructive?

Apple’s 6.5-inch ‘iPhone X Plus’ display, with notch, shown in leaked photo – February 26, 2018
Apple will require all new iOS apps to support iPhone X notch from April – February 16, 2018
Google’s next Android version to mimic Apple’s iPhone X notch – February 12, 2018
New leak reveals significant iPhone design changes as Apple looks to correct notch design abomination – January 17, 2018
Sloppiness: Apple’s inconsistent iPhone X design guides show attention to detail is no longer a priority – October 13, 2017
It’s not all screen: Apple’s stretching the truth with iPhone X marketing – October 3, 2017
Joshua Topolsky: Apple is really bad at design – October 1, 2017
Apple’s botched ‘notch’ atop iPhone X’s display is a design abomination – September 15, 2017
Apple is turning a design quirk into the iPhone X’s defining feature: Leaning into the notch – September 14, 2017
The lessons and questions of Apple’s iPhone X and iPhone 8 – September 13, 2017
Apple embraces that ugly notched cutout in OLED ‘iPhone’s display – August 30, 2017
It’s time we embraced Apple’s notched/cutout OLED iPhone display – August 11, 2017


  1. More poor planning / lack of vision at post-Jobs Apple.

    Create and release a product with clear flaws, refuse to acknowledge the flaws, pretend they are features, press developers to redesign apps to accommodate the bad design.

    Then when you can fix it, force devs to design around it again.

    1. Oh really even by your standards this is ridiculous. They could easily have had the notch go right across (like Samsung’s solution but then equally like Samsung do you repeat it at the bottom too which would be a compromise in itself far greater than the notch or you get an unbalanced phone larger than it needs to be. The notch is the only solution presently available that allows maximum screen area with the required and superior technology out holds.

      The best solution within this design decision could arguably be to have it as is but with information left and right (battery etc) on a black bg starting any further imagery (i.e. true screen) always below that strip. Whether that is a better solution however is arguable and in itself a compromise that Apple would not favour as its a little forced in its own right and arguably a klutch in its own right.

      However the design has nothing whatsoever to do with the factors you lazily come up for it is purely an engineering necessity presently and thereafter it is a graphical decision between alternative compromises and no one as yet could do any better. My solution (the only other true alternative) could for example simply be executed by a software update if they wanted to so clearly ‘planning’ and’ lack of vision’ has nothing to do with it whatsoever. Your thicker bezel option or less sophisticated tech (because no other option exists at the moment) would please no one other than android sheep wanting to critique on that basis rather than this one. all so predictable.

      1. A device that requires apps to make non-rectangular design for ONE device in a manufacturer’s portfolio while continuing to mandate rectangular design in the rest is bad. It costs app developers $$$.

        Reversing that after demanding it for just one or two generations of that device is downright mean.

        Yes, reserving the strip for system data (time/signal) and leaving rectangular app space *is* the right decision. The “unbalanced” screen design would be no worse than the version with a bite taken out of one side, and would not put additional cost/burden on software creators.

    2. The iPhoneX is the best phone I’ve ever had. Not surprising but the enhancements are better that I typically expect with an upgrade.
      Battery life is awesome, FaceID works well and integrates with apps seamlessly. The screen size is the same as 8plus but the body is the same as the 8 model.
      The notch is forgotten in a few days.

    3. Spot on.

      Only an Apple fanboy will defend the indefensible.

      That said, Apple has been on a course direction recently in a couple areas I will not repeat. Exception: I finally upgraded to the latest iOS and while my favorite emoji was banished forever (handgun) they increased the weight of the Helvetica typeface to improve legibility.

      The “notch” is the latest course correction, but it is a burden to all the parties you mention …

    1. Exactly its simply about the desperate troll trying to find something to criticise yet with nothing alternative to suggest because they know there is no ideal solution and of course they are jealous that they don’t offer the advantages that having the notch allows.

  2. I want a bigger NOTCH. Then I’ll upgrade! Seriously I upgraded from the 6S plus to the X. It took a little adjustment since a little less wide, which I appreciate. It feels much better to use and not so ginormous. FaceID, speed, camera…all just the best Apple has created with the iPhone series.

  3. I don’t have an iPhone X, but the notch that everyone is talking about couldn’t be any more an eyesore than that ugly banner at the top of this site. Hideous! Come on MDN.

  4. The notch. There has been a lot of noise about it, from every direction. It is truly fascinating that there is so much debate, discussion, hand-wringing and strategizing… about — the notch. Clearly, there is some disproportionate significance to it.

    Obviously, Jony Ive and his team (as well as all that Jobsian legacy with respect to uncompromising design) won’t be getting any sleep until that notch is gone forever. So, the question is, how?

    Well, there are only two ways: one is to go back to bezel (put all the hardware that has to face the user at the very top of the phone, and make the screen go up to it, but not around it). This essentially means going back to what we had before, with the “selfie” camera, proximity sensor, phone speaker (and FaceID sensor, for the X) occupying the bezel area on the top.

    Or the other one, making the display in such a way that these elements are underneath the actual screen. That would obviously require some innovative engineering to pull of, as the screen would then have to be able to go completely clear and transparent around the pixels that cover these hardware elements while they are doing their work (for the ones that need line-of-sight visual path, such as camera or FaceID).

    Perhaps Apple’s engineering team is actually trying to figure out how to conceal all this stuff behind the screen, and that’s why it is taking them such a long time?

    1. The Jobsian legacy (for the most part) is that while they were trying to figure out how to release a good product, they didn’t release it, forcing their dev partners to redesign every year.

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