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Apple prepping Micro-LED displays for Apple Watch and Smartglasses for 2019, sources say

“Today the supply chain rumor mill is claiming that Apple is now gearing up efforts to develop micro LED panels for both small-size and large-size applications and has received support from Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) for the making of small-size ones,” Jack Purcher reports for Patently Apple.

“Apple is working with TSMC to develop micro LED panels on silicon-based backplanes for use in the Apple Watch and an augmented reality (AR) wearable device,” Purcher reports. “Patently Apple reported on a patent application for smartglasses last July.”

“Apple is also working on another project developing large-size micro LED panels on TFT-based backplanes and will use them in products sized much larger than its MacBooks, according to Digitimes Research’s senior analyst Luke Lin,” Purcher reports. “Citing his upstream sources, Lin pointed out that Apple is preparing two sizes of micro LED panels for small-size applications: a 1.3- to 1.4-inch one for its future Apple Watch and a 0.7- to 0.8-inch one for an AR wearable device, potentially AR glasses.”

Read more, and see Apple’s patent application illustrations, in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: 2019 seems really soon for smartglasses, but maybe not for Apple Watch?

Someday, hopefully sooner than later, we’ll look back at holding up slabs of metal and glass to access AR as unbelievably quaint. — MacDailyNews, July 28, 2017

As per Apple smartglasses: When they’re ready for prime time and not a moment sooner. There’s no room for a multi-year “Apple TV” beta tester experiment here. — MacDailyNews, August 29, 2017

Apple CEO Cook on the future of fashion, shopping, and AR smartglasses – October 11, 2017
Apple’s AR smartglasses – understanding the issues – August 29, 2017
Bernstein: Apple’s ‘smartglasses’ opportunity ‘could be enormous’ – August 25, 2017
Apple working on several prototypes of AR glasses – August 4, 2017
Apple’s next big move: Augmented reality – August 3, 2017
Apple’s rumored new glasses will be an even bigger deal than the iPhone – July 28, 2017
Apple smart glasses are inevitable – July 28, 2017

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Dan K.” for the heads up.]

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