President Trump personally calls Apple CEO Cook, thanks him for $350 billion investment pledge

“President Donald Trump said Thursday he personally called Apple CEO Tim Cook to thank him for his company’s pledge to reward its employees and invest $350 billion into the U.S. economy in coming years, with the president crediting the GOP tax legislation as the impetus for the move,” Cristiano Lima reports for Politico.

“‘Apple just announced they are giving their employees tax-cut bonuses,’ Trump said during a visit to a manufacturing plant in Coraopolis, Pennsylvania, just outside Pittsburgh. ‘I just called Tim Cook and I thanked him,'” Lima reports. “Apple reportedly also told its employees on Wednesday that it would issue bonuses of $2,500 in restricted stock units, a measure Trump praised in Pennsylvania. Numerous employers have announced in recent weeks that they’d be offering their employees bonuses, with many attributing it to the Republican tax plan.”

“‘I said I will not consider our economic situation complete until we get Apple to start building some of those massive plants in the United States,’ Trump said,” Lima reports. “Cook told ABC News on Wednesday… ‘There are two parts of the tax bill. There’s a corporate piece and an individual piece. I do believe the corporate-tax side will result in job creation and a faster-growing economy.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Here’s hoping Cook is right and we see continued U.S. job creation and economic growth!

Apple’s big repatriation cash winners: Shareholders – January 19, 2018
Why a record $38 billion U.S. tax payment is a good deal for Apple – January 18, 2018
‘We want to help America,’ Apple CEO Tim Cook says of moving foreign money back to the U.S. – January 18, 2018
Apple to build new U.S. campus, pay record $38 billion repatriation tax – January 18, 2018
Apple gives employees $2,500 bonuses after President Trump signed the GOP’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – January 17, 2018
Looks like Apple is bringing nearly all of its $250 billion foreign cash back home to America – January 17, 2018
Apple plans to add $350 billion to U.S. economy and create over 20,000 new jobs over next 5 years, pay $38 billion in repatriated taxes, the largest ever made – January 17, 2018
Apple expected to issue less debt in 2018 now that President Trump has signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – January 16, 2018
Congressional Republicans deliver epic overhaul of U.S. tax laws to President Donald Trump – December 20, 2017
U.S Treasury: 90% of U.S. workers likely to see more money in take-home pay next month – January 13, 2018
Apple makes Trump-friendly investment in Finisar – December 13, 2017
Apple is backing up iPhone X’s Face ID and AirPods with American jobs – December 13, 2017
How Apple and Finisar are transforming the future of Sherman, Texas – December 13, 2017
Apple awards $390 million to VCSEL-maker Finisar; award will create 500 high-skill jobs at Sherman, Texas facility – December 13, 2017


      1. “American people = the wealthy and corporations.” Correct, corporations that pays your salary and the salary of many other non American people like mexican and salvadorians and muslims to have the time to came here and make non sense comments.

      2. are evil. Wealthy people & corps/TC & Apple = evil. Those fark’n rich need to be burned. bj, where’s the next meeting, I want to join the Party…I’ll wear my best red threads.

      1. • Unemployment in the black community dropped to a record low of 6.8 percent in December, the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded since the Bureau of Labor started to take that statistic.
        • Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump.

        nice try, racebaiter…Trump is the president of all Americans.

        1. Wow, and Trump did all that in one year. The rate dropped from 7%. The national jobs average is 4.1%. Also since when ever have black/Hispanic people unemployment rates been equal or even close to that of white people?

          Oh yea what was this rate under Obama again? You didn’t want to acknowledge the disaster Obama inherited but are cheerfully pretending Obama never existed and Trump made everything happen. Again what Trump policies are you pointing too?


          that ship sailed and sunk nine years ago…besides, what business is it of a Canadian what Americans do?

          STFU, hoser.

        1. to think you’re a racist…going by your post a day or two ago displaying a healthy dose of bigotry towards the Orange man’s base. Ya know they’re dim-witted?

          I’ll be honest with you, my opinion may be affected because I don’t like small white poodles.

        2. You have a point. I tend to edge away from aggressive and opinionated men who, I assume, are overcompensating for unfulfulled sex lives or diminutive sex organs.

        3. You know, not likening dimwits who vote for carrot top is not racist, sheesh. The white sarcasm line is just that as well. Stop re-confirming that you are indeed idiots (which, sigh…. is NOT a race but a frame of carrot top followers). I am not talking republicans mind you as many either did not vote or regret their vote. But idiots like these ones who flame me, especially the guy who calls himself, herself, who do not reveal who they are.
          Enjoy the government shutdown. 2018 has started and the end of carrot top starts to accelerate.

        4. You are flamed for good reason making racist comments and constantly denigrating our great president with childish name calling and insults. Grow up, please. You don’t like his policies, all well and good. But never denigrate a person’s physical attributes no matter who they are. Miss Manners lesson of the day …

  1. This post PROVES BOTH MEN are doing the right thing for ALL the people and they have the ability, very important, to put ideology and party ASIDE for the greater good.

    Take a bow Tim Cook and President Donald J. Trump … 👍🏻🇺🇸

    1. No?

      I’m not saying who deserves the lion share of the credit, that is quite obvious.

      What I am pointing out is Cook, and I’m definitely not a supporter for Apple CEO, has testified before Congress regarding the ridiculous U.S. corporate tax rate.

      And you know how many times MDN has echoed Cook’s valid complaints. I give credit where credit is due.

      Bottom line: Suffice it to say both Cook and Trump in their unique capacities worked toward the greater good …

    2. There’s a lost of lefties and leftist losers posting at this site. Go cry into your Venezuelan social paradise, where they’ve finally run out of other people’s money. As Margaret Thatcher said, and Reagan would have agreed with, that’s the problem with socialism – you eventually run out of other people’s money.

      So many Mac owning leftist nut jobs with nothing better to do than spout snowflake butthurt anti-capitalist and anti-Trump hate.

      So much for diversity. Go fskkc yourselves, Leftist vankers.

      1. This doesn’t just apply to Apple but…

        Any tax break, is forgiveness of taxes. It’s forgiveness of a debt. It’s free money.

        Now before you tell me that they are going to employ people with that free money, I remind you that these people are being hired to make Apple more money. Why does Apple need incentive to hire people in order to make more money?

        I could see a startup, maybe, with new tech. But Apple has money. Meanwhile the US Military and US infrastructure protects Apple too, and they have more to protect and serve. So….

        1. in any traditional sense. Apple and others are completely within the law to invest and keep their excess cash out of the US. It is their duty to shareholders to enact smart fiscal policy. If they plowed that cash back into the US and paid the normal difference between the 35 percent rate and whatever international tax had already been paid Apple and other corporations would be sued by shareholders for incompetence. The lower repatriation rate is an incentive to get corporations to bring money back to the US which they otherwise would never bring back. The US taxpayer is losing nothing and is supporting nothing in this situation. This is a debt Apple never owed. It was not smart fiscal policy to bring large amounts of cash into the US at a 35 percent rate. Now it is smart fiscal policy, while the lower rate lasts.

        1. Wrong on corporate welfare and now wrong again on “forgiven money.”

          There is NOTHING FORGIVEN regarding lowering taxes that allows corporations and taxpayers to keep more of their hard earned money.

          When a liberal says “forgiven” it implies a wrong was committed and follows needs confession. So I guess lower taxes is indeed totally wrong in your mind, no?

          I believe you are in the minority of opinion, good, as it should be …

        2. forgiven in this situation. This isn’t tax money that Apple owes to the US. They only have to pay the tax IF they decide to invest the money inside the US, which they don’t have to do if the rate is not favorable. It is a kind of double taxation. The earnings have already been taxed in other countries where the money was earned. Then the US wants another cut if you bring it back to the US and I believe the US is one of the only countries that does this. The US is imposing its corporate tax rate on foreign earnings where taxes have already been paid. That is why corporations pay the difference between what has already been paid and whatever the US rate is. Does that clear it up for you?

        3. Well stated. Hopefully, AC will understand.

          The double taxation thing is really troubling and even more troubling is how governments waste tax dollars and don’t fix the problem …

      1. Apple received a small amount of $$ from the City of Austin when they added to the already existing campus (approx 7 yrs ago). Though local, the payers were “American taxpayers.” It was small, but it was dumb. I’m about as much of a free-market person as anyone, but I am always slow to accept this kind of involvement.

        1. I agree with your objection.

          Apple has more than enough money and taxpayers of Austin, where my brother and his family relocated, should not be on the hook for one penny.

          Maybe Cook will do the right thing with the tax break bringing money home and reimburse Texas taxpayers. Well, at least I can dream …

  2. Does anyone really believe Apple will spend $350 billion in the US economy in 5 years? This is nearly half what the US spent on the stimulus package to dig the country out of a recession. How much money as Apple spent directly in the US economy to date before this announcement?

    1. That’s the KEY, weimaraner – it took President Trump to get this done IN THE FIRST PLACE! Now Apple and other companies CAN make the investment.

      Your guy Obama just wandered around aimlessly spewing “This is the new normal. Get used to it”. About as useless as a corgi.

      1. You mean the tax cuts, that was all GOP republican. They have control of congress and now the white house. Then why have so many GOP congressmen approaching two dozen announced they’re not running or retiring in 2018?

        The GOP took control of the House after the 2010 election. The GOP took control of the senate after the 2014 elections. Before the senate went GOP in 2015, they filibustered nearly everything making the senate a moot point.

        1. spouts. He’s like a loose hose turned on high spraying water everywhere and the nozzle hitting the cars in the driveway.
          He’s under the influence of partisan, class, racial & wealth hatred. I’ve often wondered: is that citizenX under a different guise?

        2. “That’s the KEY, weimaraner – it took President Trump to get this done IN THE FIRST PLACE! Now Apple and other companies CAN make the investment.”

          You mean the tax cuts, that was all GOP republican. They have control of congress and now the white house. Then why have so many GOP congressmen approaching two dozen announced they’re not running or retiring in 2018?

          “Your guy Obama just wandered around aimlessly spewing “This is the new normal. Get used to it”. About as useless as a corgi.”

          The GOP took control of the House after the 2010 election. The GOP took control of the senate after the 2014 elections. Before the senate went GOP in 2015, they filibustered nearly everything making the senate a moot point.

        3. “You mean the tax cuts, that was all GOP republican. They have control of congress and now the white house. Then why have so many GOP congressmen approaching two dozen announced they’re not running or retiring in 2018?”

          Probably because – and I realize this may SHOCK you, BJ – they actually have OTHER INTERESTS and things to achieve in life besides being perpetual hacks on the government payroll … unlike the Pelosi’s, Biden’s, and Schumer’s of the world.

          “The GOP took control of the House after the 2010 election. The GOP took control of the senate after the 2014 elections. Before the senate went GOP in 2015, they filibustered nearly everything making the senate a moot point.”

          Dicky Durbin has a confirmed history of being a liar – basically the only one who claims the President said “sh!thole”. Should Menendez retire since the Feds have decided to re-try him? If the Federal government DOES shut down (something the Democrats actually want) then most Republicans across the land will be fine – because they are actually MAKERS and not TAKERS. (See – I can do non-sequiturs too!)

  3. Here’s what’s funny, until the price was right Apple and the rest of these American companies had no interest investing in America. What is even crazier the tax plan encourages them to do even move business overseas cause they can pay less in taxes then they have to pay if money was made in the states.

    Unfortunately many republicans don’t think. They hear lower taxes and believe their value is only what the rich wipe away from their mouths, crumbs. Hell they should be part of a monarchnical government. Trickle down, it sounds crazy as hell for any American to believe they the trickles from the rich.

    As much as many conservatives here think getting a one time bonus of a $1000 is a lot, it is not. 0.34 cents a day and companies like Walmart has a 20 Year condition to get it. Yes many of these CEOs are republican, want the tax deduction, for their bottom line, but that of course is short sited. Who can they blame when the quarter’s numbers are off. I bet we will hear taxes are to high. The funniest thing about republicans is they don’t want to tell you the plan, why? Because the cry of low taxes at the cost of everything else is nuts.

    The only people that make man are the rich. Countries around the world will just lovrf

  4. Excellent! Today, it appears Wall Street was overwhelmed by Apple’s investment pledge… or not. So far, no one actually seems impressed with Apple’s repatriated cash windfall. It’s as though nothing has changed for the better.

  5. You people are frightening. You obviously watch Fox news at the exclusion of everything else. You obviously have no clue about whats going on. Trump is a liar. Trump is a racist. Trump is dividing the country with his hate and ignorance. Trump is making USA a laughing stock of the world. There is more evidence every day that trump colluded with Russia. If you support Trump, you are a traitor to the country.

        1. You want an example of stupidity? Look in the mirror. You are the trash the makes America ashamed. You are the asswipe that want to see young kids torn from their families and sent to a country they have never seen. You are the excrement that loves it when your idol, carrot top, denigrates women.
          You are not a person with a shred of dignity but a self centred racist, who wants a tax break from the government but yet will let future generations pay for it.
          Have you no shame? No you don’t which is why everyone here scorns you and your pathetic pseudonyms that you post to praise yourself.
          Be careful about wanking it too much, you will grow hair on your palms and mommy may suspect what you are really doing in her basement.

        2. Enough with the juvenile bullshit, children.

          This is the real gdp growth in the usa:

          As we can all see, the sitting us president has way less influence over gdp than they claim to have when times are good. It also shows Obama was no worse than any other president in recent history, going back to economic policies of the 1980’s or earlier could bring back instability that everyone resented back then. Assuming you bickering whiny brats were alive then.

    1. The same political worthless rhetoric spewed over and over doesn’t make it correct. This is a tech page. Go play with the big boys on a political thread if you have the balls. Other wise come up with something original. Obviously you completely missed the improvement in the jobs reports, the growth in the stock market, lower taxes for almost all the middle class, bonuses for thousands, and other positives in the last year. You can’t handle the truth so you stoop to the “parroting” of BS from CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NYTimes, and every other lying media outlet. Wait, you ARE Jim Acosta!!

  6. If all you guys are so smart why do you have the time to spew worthless and inaccurate bull on and on about this of which you no nothing or very little. If you really knew anything worthwhile you would be a CEO and still working at the office while ignoring your family. You are all so pompous and boring. Take the rest of the year off and refuse your bonuses and tax refunds.

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