Apple issues Canadian-dollar bond for first time – and sets new record

“Apple Inc. has joined Tesla Inc. and Inc. in tapping the corporate-bond market this week, with a ‘maple bond’ deal, its first foray into the Canadian market,” Ciara Linnane reports for Marketwatch. “The iPhone maker sold C$2.5 billion ($1.9 billion) in 7-year senior unsecured notes that carry a coupon of 2.513%, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.”

“The deal priced at 80 basis points above the Canadian government’s 7-year bond, according to the Globe and Mail, and is the biggest maple bond deal ever,” Linnane reports. “The proceeds of the Apple deal will be used to fund the company’s shareholder return program, as well as for general corporate purposes, working capital, acquisitions and repayment of debt, said the filing. Apple had $96.6 billion of unsecured senior notes and $12 billion of unsecured short-term promissory notes outstanding, as of July 1.”

“Apple has repeatedly tapped the bond market to fund the investor return program it launched in 2012, preferring to take on debt rather than repatriate foreign cash holdings that would be subject to a 35% corporate tax rate,” Linnane reports. “President Donald Trump has pledged to implement a lower one-time repatriation tax to encourage U.S. companies to bring home their cash as part of a wider tax reform, but the timing of that move remains uncertain…”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Hopefully, a repatriation deal and corporate tax reform comes sooner than later!

Apple preps first Canadian-dollar debt offering to reward shareholders – August 15, 2017
Apple preparing new euro bond sale to fund capital return program for shareholders – May 17, 2017
Apple issues $7 billion in corporate bonds – May 12, 2017
The fact that Apple has to issue bonds is a reminder of why urgent U.S. tax reform is needed – May 12, 2017
Apple borrows billions while sitting on massive overseas cash mountain – May 10, 2017
Why Apple is investing $148 billion in corporate debt – May 4, 2017
President Trump’s tax reform plan includes deep cuts in corporate taxes – April 26, 2017
Apple raises $10 billion in debt ahead of President Trump’s repatriation tax plans – February 3, 2017
After Apple’s blowout earnings, the Street looks toward ‘iPhone X’ and President Trump’s tax reforms – February 3, 2017
President-elect Trump’s corporate tax reform expected to have some positive impact on Apple EPS – January 14, 2017
Apple has now amassed nearly $80 billion in debt – September 12, 2016


  1. The one-time repatriation is pragmatically irrelevant, the President’s goal of 15% corporate and small business tax reduction is key to MAGA. I have no doubt that the Plantation Party, the Yellow Stream Media and the globalist RINO’s will fight him and the economic security and future of the American people.

    America first.


        1. your people, pimp.

          “Our home in Virginia along with that of a neighbor was vandalized by people who also wrote hateful rhetoric about President Trump. We were out of town, but other kind, embarrassed neighbors cleaned up most of the mess before we returned.”

          Dr. Ben Carson

        2. You are one sad little man.

          Never again bottwipe. Don’t fall for it. I read another sob story this morning from the esteemed mr carson. This one was about how love conquered hate. A real kumbaya moment mr carson had. Probably a lie, like this one. And you fell for it. it’s propaganda to rehabilitate tRump.

          Don’t be so easily led.
          Never again.

        3. Thh story I heard, just hours ago was the neighbors put out american flags to shame the neighbor with the confederate flag when mr carson moved into the neighborhood.

          you are being manipulated bottwipe.

        4. Are you sure it wasn’t our lizard overlords stirring up trouble. After all, the conspiracies go away when it is convenient for you. How do we know it wasn’t nazis that did that. Paid by george soros?

        5. And here i am bottwipe, thinking that as a picker, I grew the finest Boston Ferns on the west coast. You know that yesar of farm labor I did.

          Man. No ferns died because of me. As a matter of fact, we shipped the finest Boston Ferns nationwide. That was our motto.

        6. and if you could listen, you would hear that JFK fought and won for a tax break for ALL tax brackets, but you do not listen, you do not hear, you are just a lying pimp.

          I await your disavowal of Antifa anarchy and violence…


        7. lol, phony downvotes for the greatest democrat president of the 20th century…simply because his tax measures and Trump’s are identical. The reality is that JFK wouldn’t piss on the current democrat party if their asses were on fire.

          PS: Their asses ARE on fire.

          the jig is up.

        8. you are the nazi, and you are fooling no one, Mr. PCP Alinsky…

          the jig is up.

          2018 midterms will be a bloodbath for the lying Plantation Party. Your filth will be ended until another generation has to do it again. Stalin, Lenin, Bush, Obama…you are destined to the dustbin of irrelevance in the hearts and minds of free men.

          you lose again, as tyranny always does.

        9. Hey bottwipe. I hate to break the news to you but the “truth” does change. I will give you a simple example. It is very simple, you should be able to understand it. The earth is flat.
          “Truth” for how long?

        10. “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”
          Winston Churchill

          and there you are, caught it a web of deceit and lies.

        11. bottwipe. reduced to platitudes.

          Hey bottwipe… those british soldiers had a permit. How dare those colonist not want to lay down and not stand up for what is right. (you pay that lip service, just a reminder) … Hey… How dare those good Americans let it be known that good Americans died squashing nazi fucks like you seem to support over 70 years ago. And with all the shit that goes on in the world, you support them coming for their pound of flesh. These nazi fucks are coming to get their due because your idiot king told them he supported them in the campaign and in his pathetic response to domestic terrorism.

          Hillary was right. Obama was right. Everybody with 2 brain cells was right. Putting an unscrupulous businessman as president is a disaster waiting to happen.

          You have to be doG damn stupid to have supported him in the first place, you have to be doubling down on stupidity to still be supporting him.

          Pence is coming back. Canceled his foreign trip. Maybe it’s time for a resignation.

        12. You can try to conflate Democrats with republicans but it won’t work. Kennedy would have been as revolted with tRump as every other thinking person.

          So all you have left is to try to co-opt Democrats and Democratic legends and principals.


        13. I don’t have to co-opt Kennedy. He lead my party against right wing hate… the more things change, the more they stay the same.

          You my friend, are not qualified to make value judgements about me. You have already proven that they are based on your own weak minds efforts to deal with the fact that you and your ilk are losing power. You will never bring back separate but equal bathrooms. You will never bring back discrimination.

          You are a dinosaur. When they went extinct, they fought it but end the end, reality rears its ugly head. You are a dinosaur.

        14. I’m laughing.

          I’m a megalomaniac. I’ve had to tone down everything in my life for you mere mortals. Don’t you know that bottwipe. You said I was one. I would think that is understood.

          You think I’m conditioned. Was it the Weather Underground. Black Panthers, Muslims, Arizona Militia, California Department of Corrections, Foster Elementary PTA Board, my 5 little league teams, the Royal Rangers or Faith Chapel. Meeting Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Adam Osborne. Working for the people that bought the first 50 Apples from Jobs. Guiding them to 142 on the Inc 500 Fastest Growing Companies.

          Yeah bottwipe. Try to put me in your box. All you have proven is you have a right wing box on your head that you refuse to look out of.

          Damn bottwipe. My hands hurt. curled up fingers. getting painful so I guess I will have to go to the doctor on my great blue state insurance plan through my work. free to me, you know. The doctor said they have an enzyme they can inject which will dissolve the buildup. They wont do it till it is severe. It’s getting severe.

          Maybe I should just retire disabled. Do that until I am 72 instead of 66. Naaaahhh… that would disappoint you.

          Dont turn me in.

        15. Here bottwipe.. so you don’t miss it.
          I’m laughing.

          I’m a megalomaniac. I’ve had to tone down everything in my life for you mere mortals. Don’t you know that bottwipe. You said I was one. I would think that is understood.

          You think I’m conditioned. Was it the Weather Underground. Black Panthers, Muslims, Arizona Militia, California Department of Corrections, Foster Elementary PTA Board, my 5 little league teams, the Royal Rangers or Faith Chapel. Meeting Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Adam Osborne. Working for the people that bought the first 50 Apples from Jobs. Guiding them to 142 on the Inc 500 Fastest Growing Companies.

          Yeah bottwipe. Try to put me in your box. All you have proven is you have a right wing box on your head that you refuse to look out of.

          Damn bottwipe. My hands hurt. curled up fingers. getting painful so I guess I will have to go to the doctor on my great blue state insurance plan through my work. free to me, you know. The doctor said they have an enzyme they can inject which will dissolve the buildup. They wont do it till it is severe. It’s getting severe.

          Maybe I should just retire disabled. Do that until I am 72 instead of 66. Naaaahhh… that would disappoint you.

          Dont turn me in.

        16. If if’s and buts were candy and nuts, everyday would be Christmas.

          Don’t give me this martyr 🐂💩. JFK enacted policies to favor the PEOPLE on both sides. Civil rights, tax cuts and standing up to communist Cuba are just three examples. He was simply great …

        17. What exactly did Citizen lose, botty? I realize that here on Trump Daily News you two just love to feed off of each other’s insults, but what confuses us all is what you think you won.

          Here’s an idea, if you’re not too much of a coward to claim your prize: why don’t you and Citizen exchange each other’s personal contact info and enjoy your debate directly. If both of you could restrict your comments on MDN to things that actually have to do with the Mac, then maybe oxygen and intelligence would return to the room and people would feel interest in sharing Mac tips and tricks again.

        18. botvinnik, I shall be magnanime with you. Let me just tell you that I feel sorrow for your incredible narrow minded approach of life and the sectarianism you constantly show up with.
          It’s a pity, but it helps to understand how a 🤡 like D. Biff Trump came to become president of a country that, before this guy arrived, was really a great one.

    1. Wow. Following Trump’s lead, botvink goes out of his way to insult and bully everyone around him. You claim all news you don’t like to hear is fake, and you act surprised when people from all points of the political spectrum distrust you. You are so far to the right that you have nothing in common with mainstream Americans and Main Street business. Trump claims to be working hard making everything great, but most of the time he is golfing or tweeting what he saw on Faux news or Brebart. He seems oblivious that he controls actual investigative bureaus that can tell him what is really happening in the world.

      people are leaving the Trump circus in droves now that they see what an ignorant dork he is. The bullshit lists of accomplishments pasted by Trumps desperate last few friends like botvink are void of reason. Hence the insults. the administration has no tangible progress on any major issue. The economy and most administrations of the federal government are on autopilot, unable to be responsive to the needs of the people and unable to negotiate multilateral anything since the clown in the drivers seat hasn’t any strategic direction other than maximum ego stroking. The incompetence of the narcissistic idiot is on display every day. Botvink like Trump thinks that posting insults on the internet will lead to action. Nope. Nothing gets better by filling your head with Bannon’s propaganda and then hurling it at anyone who doesn’t kiss your ass constantly.

      You might want to stop saying how many republicans were voted into office if now you are going to start labeling them as repubs in name only. Trump has 1.5 years to lead the reforms he claimed he would. By 2018, Trump may have exhausted all his former allies in his own party. There is a limit how many gymnastics a conservative can do to excuse the damage that this unprincipled president is doing.

      1. “You are so far to the right that you have nothing in common with mainstream Americans and Main Street business.”

        You have it completely backwards. The far left, aka the Democratic Party, have NOTHING in common with mainstream America. Evidence: The most unprecedented presidential election upset in history! 👍🏻

        I read you don’t like the number of Democrat seats lost the last eight years, pity. See reasons above and below.

        The party of protest destruction, shutting down campus conservative speech, threats, whining, freebies, greedy unions holding taxpayers hostage, PC speech police, snowflakes and the only thing they are good at besides empty talk and snarky put downs of opponents on comedy shows is … serious sanctimonious self righteous acting as victims hurting on CNN appealing for money and laws to ease their pain.

        Granted, some of it is indeed valid but most of it present day is staged to make the president look bad. That would be you CNN, MSNBC, WashPost and NYT.

        So if you believe 2018 will favor the Dysfunctional Democratic Party, think again. Mainstream America has figured it out despite the DAILY propaganda of the MSM. It took 22 months to pass the ACA. Plenty of time to make MAGA … 🇺🇸

        1. Thanks for that. I need to do an apples to apples comparison of the poll numbers and margin of victory between the two.

          In the meantime, it was the most unprecedented presidential win in history on the following levels:

          1) First time politician.
          2) Won the highest office in the land.
          3) Opponent spent a record amount of money.
          4) Opponent had the majority of polls showing HER winning in a landslide.
          5) Opponent had the majority of editorial endorsements.
          6) Opponent spent a career in politics spanning decades.
          7) Opponent came from a political family with name recognition and advantage of an ex-president husband.
          8) Opponent benefited from Donna Brazille submitting debate questions in advance (stacked deck) to CNN.
          9) Opponent benefitted from the head of the DNC working E-mails favoring her campaign instead of a fair and level field which resulted in undermining challenger Bernie Sanders.
          10) Opponent had two presidents, one current and one former, actively campaigning on HER behalf.

          Although I probably missed many, opponent was widely expected by the money and the media to be the first female president in history.

          But the people spoke loud and clear, not the connected. So sorry …

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