Samsung’s Galaxy S9 first weekend sales in South Korea get lukewarm reception

“South Korean consumers are not that enthusiastic about the Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus,” Cho Jin-young reports for BusinessKorea.

“‘It seems many consumers are thinking that the latest models are not that different from the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy A8, which were released a year ago and in January this year, respectively,’ a retailer explained on March 17, the first weekend since the release of the Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus,” Cho reports.

Cho reports, “‘The Galaxy A8, which comes with dual front cameras, is very popular with teenagers and those in their 20s taking a lot of selfies.’ He went on to say, ‘An increasing number of consumers are opting for inexpensive older phones these days amid the lack of significant performance improvement.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Samsung phones, like all Android phones, are dog-slow and offer inferior technology, versus real iPhones. Samsung can’t even sell them in their own backyard!

With each passing year, and especially with iPhone X, it becomes increasingly clear – even to the Android settlers – that the competition has no chance of even remotely keeping up against Apple’s unmatched vertically integrated one-two punch of custom software and custom hardware. The Android to iPhone upgrade train just turned onto a long straightaway, engines stoked, primed to barrel away! — MacDailyNews, September 13, 2017

Apple owns a two-year lead over Android imitators in 3D sensing race – March 20, 2018
Samsung Galaxy S9 thoroughly beaten by Apple’s iPhone X/8/8 Plus in early benchmarks – March 1, 2018
Samsung’s Galaxy S9 and S9+ look like total yawners – January 26, 2018
Apple’s custom silicon sets their products apart – December 7, 2017
Apple ships more microprocessors than Intel – October 2, 2017
Ming-Chi Kuo: Apple’s TrueDepth camera system puts iPhone X years ahead of Android competition – October 2, 2017
iPhone 8’s Apple A11 Bionic chip so destroys Android phones that Geekbench creator can’t even believe it – September 30, 2017

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers “Fred Mertz” and “Dan K.” for the heads up.]


  1. Gotta say, I was on the fence for a few months before getting my X last week. Gave serious thought and consideration for the S9 but ultimately couldn’t disrupt my work flow. A week into my ten and it’s mixed feedback. Mostly good. Only thing I can say negative is the notch, the notch must go. Also, The screen size is not proportionate to it’s length. That is the only negative. Everything else, thumbs up.

  2. Yea coming out after Samsungs own Note 8 and Apples iPhone 8/8+ and X My guess is only very few the hardcore Galaxy S users waiting for it.

    Most of my friends my coworkers and my students here in Korea either have a cheap Android phone or they have an iPhone. Few have Galaxy notes or S phones. If they are going to pay premium price they would rather get a premium phone. Also Koreans slowly are learning how crappy android apps are.

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