Tim Cook: Apple’s enterprise business is already at $25 billion annually

“Apple CEO Tim Cook doesn’t do a lot of interviews, though he has been making the rounds to promote the new iPhone,” Ina Fried reports for Re/code. “On Tuesday, though, Cook is sitting down with Box CEO Aaron Levie at the company’s BoxWorks convention in San Francisco.”

“Cook shared a few details on the company’s enterprise efforts, which is now a $25 billion annual business (for the 12 months ending in June),” Fried reports. “‘This is not a hobby,’ Cook said. ‘This is a real business.'”

“Levie didn’t get much on new products, but did get Cook to say Apple is not working on an airplane,” Fried reports. “Cook said the company is just getting started in lots of areas, including the watch and television. ‘We know where we want to go in TV,’ Cook said. And Cook said that Apple has no plans to merge iOS and the Mac operating systems, though it does want to make it easy to move from one device to another.”

Much more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple’s enterprise business is already at $25 billion and look at the headroom! Apple hasn’t even scratched the surface! Wall Street loves growth potential, but they don’t seem to be able to recognize it even when it stands right in front of them slapping them repeatedly in the face. Wake up, dummies!

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[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Dan K.” for the heads up.]


    1. I’ve used SAP and I have a buddy who used SAP. He is the political opposite of me. We disagree on everything — and I mean everything except one thing: SAP software sucks. We can always agree on that!

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