Following Apple supplier Foxconn; Toyota and Mazda set to invest $1.6 billion in U.S. Plant; create 4,000 jobs

“Toyota Motor Co. will take a stake in rival Mazda Motor Corp., the companies confirmed Friday, and jointly invest in a new U.S. production facility that could create 4,000 new jobs,” Martin Baccardax reports for TheStreet. “Japan’s Nikkei news organization first reported Friday that Toyota is planning to take a 5% stake in Mazda as part of a previously-stated plan to develop clean-energy and self-driving vehicle technologiesThe two groups confirmed the purchase and said they would combine to invest in a U.S. plant under a cooperation agreement the two groups first revealed in May 2015.”

“The $1.6 billion facility, when completed in 2021, will employ around 4,000 people and be capable of producing as many as 300,000 cars a year, the companies said,” Baccardax reports. “The Toyota/Mazda investment would be the latest in a series of high-profile job creation announcements since President Donald Trump was elected late last year, the most recent coming last month when Taiwan’s Foxconn, one of the most important suppliers to Apple Inc., said it would invest $10 billion over four years to build a new LCD flat panel display plant in Wisconsin and hire as many as 13,000 people.”

Baccardax reports, “The reports come ahead of a joint Toyota/Mazda webcast, slated for 6 am eastern Friday, after the world’s second-biggest carmaker posted better-than-expected first quarter earnings and boosted its full-year profit outlook.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Wonder where?

Foxconn considering a second Wisconsin facility – August 3, 2017
Apple CEO Tim Cook dodges question of whether he promised President Trump three big, beautiful U.S. factories – August 2, 2017
President Trump announces Apple supplier Foxconn’s $10 billion investment in Wisconsin and up to 13,000 jobs – July 27, 2017
President Trump to announce Apple-supplier Foxconn manufacturing plant in Wisconsin today at 5pm EDT – July 26, 2017
President Trump says Apple CEO Tim Cook has promised 3 ‘big, beautiful’ manufacturing plants in the U.S. – July 25, 2017
China Premier Li visits Apple supplier Foxconn after CEO’s meeting with President Trump – May 10, 2017
Apple’s top manufacturing partner to meet with U.S. President Trump today – April 27, 2017
Apple supplier Sharp may begin building $7 billion U.S. plant in within months as Japan PM meets President Trump – February 8, 2017
Make America Insanely Great Again: Apple seeks to expand Made in USA manufacturing – January 9, 2017
Apple invests $1 billion in SoftBank’s massive tech fund; may help company get in President Trump’s good graces – January 4, 2017
Softbank to invest $50 billion in the U.S., create 50,000 new tech jobs after meeting with President-elect Trump – and Apple supplier Foxconn is in on the deal – December 6, 2016
President-elect Trump invites tech leaders to roundtable in Manhattan next week – December 6, 2016
President-elect Trump tells Apple CEO Tim Cook that he’d like to see Apple make products in the U.S. – November 23, 2016
President-elect Trump says Apple CEO Tim Cook called him after election victory – November 22, 2016
Apple could make iPhones in the U.S.A. under President Trump, sources say – November 17, 2016
Japan’s Softbank just became one of Apple’s most important suppliers – July 18, 2016


    1. From Marketwatch:

      The U.S. labor market shows little sign of exhaustion nine years into an economic recovery, as the economy added an impressive 209,000 new jobs in July.

      The U.S. has added nearly 450,000 new jobs in the past two months, knocking the unemployment rate back down to a 16-year low of 4.3%.

      Stock futures pointed to a higher opening for the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.04% and there were rises for the yield on the 10-year Treasury as well as the dollar DXY, +0.24% . Employment gains in July easily surpassed the 175,000 estimate of economists polled by MarketWatch.

        1. That all you got, botty? Your boy just showed up with the slowest increase in spring employment stats in several years.

          Your response, as usual, is to ignore the facts and attack every who disagrees with your twisted worldview.

          In the last 6 months, the only dramatic employment increase has been bus boys at Maralago.

    2. You called it.

      Anyway, the Trumpster is off to a terrific start. Lowest unemployment in 16 years, stock market records several times over, manufacturing returning, but more importantly — feel good national enthusiasm, a la President Reagan.

      Now we have REAL hope and change that translates from sloganeering to ACTION.

      Keep it up Teflon Don and MAGA! … 🇺🇸👏🏻👍🏻

      1. Throw McConnell and hypocrite Ryan in too. McConnell got to become a multimillionaire through decades of legalized corruption that he helped write into law. Ryan, the welfare kid who would throw his own mother in debtors prison, has no principles. He has proven to be as useless as a bent Boehner. Speaking of which, you know what Boehner does now? He’s a lobbyist for one of the biggest carcinogen seller in the world and leading driver of increased healthcare costs for you and me. Nice.

        1. Using their knowledge and skills to earn a living after decades of public service is far less reprehensible than spending a lifetime screwing over others in business, then jumping on a populist bandwagon to enter office whereupon every single weekend is spent profiteering with the swamp creatures staying at Trump resorts.

          Moreover, there aren’t but a couple senators who aren’t multimillionaires in the current corrupt congress. That’s how it has been forever.

          Hillary posted her tax returns so you can dig up whatever dirt you want on her. Sure, she took plenty of cash from Wall Street for speaking engagements. But you can look up the wealth rankings of your congressmen and Hilary wasn’t anywhere near the worst offender in peddling influence.

          You seem to think Trump is a fucking Robin Hood saving the middle class. Do you have any clue how he treats his employees? He spent his whole life pissing on the working class. Worse, Trump the liar has refused to be honest and transparent like every prior presidential candidate and instead of respecting the constitutional right of free press, Trump has vilified all reporters and goes on a witch hunt as if the USA was a god damn banana republic.

          Bottvink and butt buddy Goeb: you lose. Again.

        2. “Using their (Clintons) knowledge and skills to earn a living after decades of public service…”

          How about USING EVERYONE for their own enrichment along the way. Whitewater land deals was only the tip of the iceberg.

          Don’t lecture me on the most CORRUPT COUPLE in the HISTORY of American politics. Both should be charged and brought to justice.

          I’m sorry, ooooohhhh poooor baaaaby. Out of power and lost control after eight years of partying. Lie down sweetheart, things will look a lot brighter in the morning. 💤

          Almost forgot, yes, Botty and I are butt buddies. Hey Botty, down to my last butt and need some smokes. I’ve got a full tank of gas … Camels? Damn, I sure do miss those colorful Camel cartoon T-shirts … 😆

        3. Urban Dictionary

          A slang usage to define two gay guys having anal sex with each other.
          See also Butt-pal
          That must be Chris’ butt-buddy, they look sexually attracted to each other.

          My head is spinning.

        4. Tobacco eh?
          You are really going to miss that ‘pre-existing conditions’ healthcare clause when you suffer the inevitable.
          Your choices stink.

      1. Thanks Obama for the hope and change in my pocket.

        Thanks for not running up the federal deficit to record levels more than all the presidents before you combined.

        Thanks for keeping citizens safe and murder rates down in your hometown of Chicago.

        Thanks for maintaining respect for police and military.

        Thanks for maintaining free speech, particularly on the Berkeley campus.

        Thanks for the cooperative atmosphere you fostered in Wahington.

        Thanks for fighting against the polarizing paralysis in politics.

        Thanks for a fair IRS that does not target private citizens and opposition political groups like the tea party.

        Thanks for poverty rates not at all time high records.

        Thanks for millions out of the workforce not at all time highs.

        Thanks for healthcare reform bringing costs down and allowing me to keep my doctor as coverage options increase in every state.

        Thanks for the best healthcare and low wait times for our veterans.

        Thanks for a strong military and increased troops and funding.

        Thanks for a strong Secretary of State protecting ambassadors in foreign lands and rapid fire military response when an embassy is attacked.

        Thanks for enforcing the red line in Syria and protecting the citizens of Aleppo.

        Thanks for a leak proof FBI director and non meddling attorney general that are above the Washington swamp illegal leaks.

        Thanks for upholding federal law in regard to 30,000 deleted government e-mails.

        Thanks for private talks with Putin in the middle of an election not working in collusion and no promises.

        Thanks for global trade deals that protect American jobs.

        Thanks for lowering our taxes.

        Thanks for protecting coal miner jobs.

        Thanks for advancing the XL pipeline expanding our energy independence.

        Thanks for expanding oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

        Thanks for fighting aggressively the societal plague of illegal drugs.

        Thanks for bringing violent street gangs (MS13) to justice.

        Thanks for enforcing states to follow federal marijuana laws.

        Thanks for enforcing cities to follow federal immigration laws.

        Thanks for not allowing taxpayers to pay for illegals and abortion.

        Thanks for standing up for Christianity long under attack around the world.

        Thanks for protecting our sovereignty as a nation by enforcing our borders.

        Thanks for fully vetting refugees from terrorist nations.

        Thanks for not golfing and limiting vacations to save taxpayer dollars.

        And last but not least, drum roll please … thanks for following hundreds of years of presidential protocol, taking the high and noble road and disciplining yourself not to comment negatively in public on your successor!!!


        1. Keep repeating the Beibart spin. Nothing you claim here is as simple as your one line statements; some haven’t happened for good reasons , some have been blocked by Republican obstinacy, and some/most of your wet dreams do nothing to make America better overall. Worst, Trump has shown he is too inept to get anything done with his own party. He thinks the presidency is a big reality tv program. Lotsa drama, no beef, no effort to do anything but tweet to his narrow base and of course golf. More vacation than any other president and no major legislative reform signed into law. Laughing stock of the world, well out of his league.

          By the way, before you accuse me of being a libtard: I have never voted for a democrat for national office and stopped voting for republicans when airheaded GWB was nominated. Both parties suck.

    1. Increasing American jobs “doesn’t end well?” How so? Trump’s easy re-election is a fine, fine result, as far as real American citizens who want to work are concerned.

        1. CitizenX June 23, 2017 at 2:45 AM

          tell you what. don’t respond to my post and I won’t respond to you. Sounds simple enough,

          The POTTY MOUTH has ZERO credibility …

        2. CitizenX June 23, 2017 at 2:45 AM tell you what. don’t respond to my post and I won’t respond to you. Sounds simple enough,

          The POTTY MOUTH has ZERO credibility

        3. CitizenX June 23, 2017 at 2:45 AM

          tell you what. don’t respond to my post and I won’t respond to you. Sounds simple enough,

          The POTTY MOUTH has ZERO credibility

        4. CitizenX June 23, 2017 at 2:45 AM

          tell you what. don’t respond to my post and I won’t respond to you. Sounds simple enough, The POTTY MOUTH has ZERO credibility … oh yeah, LOL!!!

    2. This thread is a defining moment for MDN. Blatent, egregious two-faced censoring of only one side of passionately held opposing views, is unforgivable. It’s simply crass stupidity.
      Welcome to the alt_right echo chamber.

  1. Automotive companies (see: Apple Car) and U.S. manufacturing (see: Apple and Apple suppliers and U.S.plants).

    Which of the obvious connections can’t you see?

    1. You’d think the explicit mention of Apple in the article would be obvious enough, but this “Joe” sounds like he’s of the “Morning” variety.

      Make that “Mourning” – for the regional, powerless, shrinking Democrat Party.

  2. Good for the US, no doubt about it.
    Now, how about this administration giving credit where it’s due – 8 years of steady growth under Obama, just recognise that, say well done and thank you for the platform that we will now move forward on and improve. It’s not hard, it’s just common sense.
    When does the healing begin? Unless someone bigs up – Trump?and embraces the whole nation then, yes, it will not end well.

        1. But you still can’t find a video of Obama blaming Bush for any of the messes he created, can you?

          Compared to what Trump inherited, Obama had a lot more serious fires to put out. Which he did. Trump goes golfing and holds press conferences to take credit for things he did not do or to throw his own employees under the bus. It’s sad that you people can’t identify incompetence when you see the Trump drama play out day after day. The fool has gotten nothing substantial done. NOTHING.

        2. President Trump has heroically achieved the most important accomplishment of all:

          pissin’ off libtards like you.

          bwahahahahahaha…7.5 more years, princess!


        3. Let’s review together! …in a mere six months, Our Beloved President has:
          1) Selecting Neil Gorsuch For The Supreme Court.
          2) Ending the fraudulent and disastrous climate agreement.
          3) Killing The Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Deal.
          4) Actually cleaning up the VA instead of just talking about it. Over 850 incompetents fired already.
          5) Decreasing illegal immigration by 74%
          6) Restricting the immigration of people who hate us from predominantly anti American countries.
          7) Canceling 876 obama era regulations.
          8) Freezing all Federal Hiring Outside of the Military.
          9) Approving The Dakota Access Pipeline And The Keystone Pipeline.
          10) Ordered Federal Agencies To Cut Two Regulations For Every New One They Propose.
          11) Putting Out An Executive Order Asking The DOJ And Homeland Security to Withhold “Federal Funds, Except As Mandated By Law” From Sanctuary Cities.
          12) Actually begin the dismantling of obamacare.
          13) The start on the wall.
          14) Reinstating The Mexico City Policy.
          15) Giving little girls their restrooms back.
          16) Stopping the transsexual madness and allowing the military to put its actual job above political correctness!
          17) DESTROYING obama’s JV ISIS TEAM!
          18) Putting the left’s/Fake New’s anti America, anti Constitution bias so clearly on display so that even the blind can see it.
          19) Enabling America to become energy self sufficient by unleashing our own energy industry.
          20) A soaring stock market and record unemployment.

          not bad, not bad at all.

        4. LOL!

          Yes, it must suck to be a Diehard Democrat today. Losing thousands of elected seats, reversing bad laws and sweetheart deals with bad actors to name a few …

        5. As usual, you place credit exclusively one the bigmouth braggart whether the job was done on his watch or not.

          1) nominated, not selected Supreme Court justice. Same thing any other president would do.
          2) walking from climate agreement just destroyed US trade opportunities with our former allies
          3) Killing The Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade instead of reforming it just gave Chine the dominant power broker role in the eastern hemisphere
          4) prove to us that the VA is suddenly reformed. Being too lazy to appoint administrators in the VA and other bureaus is just stupid. What improvement in service has been achieved?
          5) Decreasing illegal immigration by 74% is a totally made up number. To you, every immigrant is illegal and every dumbass native born oxy addict is a future hardworking employee in whatever coal mine Trump decides to open. Good luck with that.
          6) Restricting the immigration from countries that pose no real threat to the USA on the basis of religion is stupid. Refugees should not be pre judged by where they were born.
          7) Canceling 876 obama era regulations. Some of which where critical to consumer protections and small businesses. The republican thugs only care about maximizing profits for their corporate donors, so obviously they are working hard to ensure their privileged market dominance is assured
          8) Freezing all Federal Hiring Outside of the Military – which is the sign of stupidity. One can lead reforms without stupid arbitrary decrees that have no basis in organizational effectiveness or efficiency. Not hiring anyone means that no new ideas will be introduced at lower levels of the administration.
          9) The Dakota Access Pipeline And The Keystone Pipeline are both economic boondoggles with the price of oil where it is
          10) cutting 2 Regulations For Every New One They Propose. Again, authoritarian arbitrary stupidity with no merit. Not every regulation is created equal, and as technology evolves and complicates, so doe the regulation needed to protect people from being harmed by it.
          11) Executive Order Asking to Withhold “Federal Funds, Except As Mandated By Law” from Sanctuary Cities is effectively transferring the responsibility for border enforcement from the feds to local law enforcement, while offering no funding to do so.
          12) Obamacare will not be replaced by Trumpcare because Trump and McConnell are too incompetent to propose meaningful efficiency reforms.
          13) The wall between the usa and Mexico is a waste of taxpayer money.
          14) Reinstating The Mexico City Policy. Whatever
          15) Giving little girls their restrooms back is not a federal issue and trump didn’t do a thing
          16) made America less safe by banning people who want to defend their country from serving in the military in any capacity. Who knew sexuality had anything to do with fighting for a nation?
          17) ISIS flamed out without Obama going off half cocked to escalate hot wars in Middle East backwater towns. Obama wisely took the long view and placed the duty of security on the local governments there. Now Trump declares victory after having done nothing.
          18) Putting the left’s/Fake New’s anti America, anti Constitution bias so clearly on display so that even the blind can see it. This statement shows how clearly the usual dorks here have been brainwashed by Breibart. Trump could not recite a single line from the constitution without a telepromter. The thin skinned weakling president lashes out at anyone who corrects his factual errors. A free pree is enshrined in the constitution. It takes a true idiot to complain about the press or its constitutionality when the maximum discourse he can manage is 144 words of regurgitated Bannon barf —– who is a former journalist for the alt right.
          19) America is not energy self sufficient for any other reason than the global price of oil and gas isn’t high enough to justify saving domestic supplies or exporting it. And the fracking revolution happened during the Obama years, you dorks.
          20) A soaring stock market and record unemployment caps off 8 years of steady recovery from the previous administration.
          21) a true leader leads all people, not a narrow brainwashed base of xenophobic idiots who don’t see the seeds of US decline being sewn by a president who doesn’t have a clue how to measure greatness

        6. I laughed out loud at the graphic, well done!

          To CitizenZero and FAKE Gotcha, please fill out the form and return it to Botty and yours truly A.S.A.P. You two are overly obsessive with ass rectums. I am not. Thanks in advance. 🇺🇸

        7. This standard form reply shows that botvink has no interest in reality or rationally discussing ideas. When someone points out the bad effects of the regurgitated alt right propaganda, he has no brains of his own to even respond, just more insults to others cut and pasted from, you guessed it, other antisocial alt right sources. He is just here to be the typical internet bully. Do not waste your time. There are better sites on the internet that allow for people to rationally discuss issues using objective facts. Go there. These sites would ban bot and his ilk in a nanosecond for their toddler debating skills.

        8. Trump has no substance. Haven’t you noticed he does not refer to any data of any kind in his speeches? Bannon’s puppet is a fact free wanker with the lowest truth rating of any modern American president. You may wish what he says is true, and you may want him to deliver on his outrageous campaign promises, but you are the one who is being duped. Turn off the rhetoric networks and look at solid data for once. I posted earlier how the last jobs report showed a slowing employment trend, with USDept of Labor stats in the link. Look at the CBO and other nonpolitical objective measures. Your political hero hasn’t done a damn thing to move the needle on anything. You should stop the blind partisan cheerleading and back up your assertions with facts if you want to make a point. Bottwipe is too fucking lazy to do anything more than post pics of Trump wagging his finger with the Made in China red hat. Total hypocrite.

        9. How many people attend his inauguration? Trump has done nothing but lie and golf since he arrived. Get a fucking clue what a useless pos Trump is. How much are you getting paid to cheer lead for your incompetent president?

        10. New around here? Or just another regular poster under a different name for the day hiding out as a coward? I’ll bet on the later, but it really does not matter. I can handle it.

          “How many people attend his inauguration?”

          Who cares?!?!?

          “Trump has done nothing but lie and golf since he arrived.”

          Obama was the king of golf and Hawaii vacations. President Trump got more done in the first six months than Obama and Clinton. Get a grip.

          “Get a fucking clue what a useless pos Trump is.”

          I repeat, get a grip.

          “How much are you getting paid to cheer lead for your incompetent president?”

          Zero, zip, zilch, nada. It’s simply GREAT to feel GOOD about America … AGAIN! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    1. “Giving credit where it’s due – 8 years of steady growth under Obama.”

      And Obama had policies in place to achieve this wonderful growth? I think not.

      After the Great Recession of 2008 where can the economy go? Only one direction, up. If you think Obama was responsible, please enlighten the rest of the class with all the wonderful policy accomplishments.

      I’ll save you time. He sat back and it happened on its own.

      But again, open to hear all the wonderful policies he achieved that grew the economy for eight years…

        1. Yep. Thanks Jean for pointing that out to George. He and his buddies are the last people to verify facts before going on their juvenile tirades.

    1. You are not alone in being cendored and blocked!
      Censors what does not suit them..
      MDN Steals poster thoughts and ideas and makes them their own ..and when confronted .. they censor and ban..
      To minimize exposure to their pathetic ways!

      What MDN preaches is everything they are not.

    1. Obvious you have no fair minded sense of justice. But that’s what I expect from liberals.

      For the most part, Botty posts interesting facts and commentary. Then the Libtards show up with full fangs out to destroy and denigrate some of his insightful and witty posts.

      He simply responds with the same, clueless much?

      If you are defending the king of insulting potty mouth posts that enlighten no one, then your flawed judgement is visible …

  3. The Foxconn deal was started in 2013 and it is one of those things I will blame squarely on the Obama administration.
    It’s a horrible deal as it will actually cost the taxpayers $519 every year thanks to subsidies.
    But if Trump wants to take credit…

        1. Me too. 😢

          Hey, CitizenZero and Gotcha clowns have dubbed us “butt buddies.”

          I don’t know about you, but after giving up Camels I turned to fine cigars and my favorite is a Patagas Fabuloso.

          What they are most likely talking about is juvenile nothing put downs, as usual …

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