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Ming-Chi Kuo: Apple’s next-gen 6.1-inch LCD iPhone will not include 3D Touch

“Apple’s upcoming 6.1-inch LCD iPhone may not feature 3D Touch due to cost constraints, according to a new note shared yesterday by KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo and published by Chinese site Feng,” Juli Clover reports for MacRumors. “Kuo says that the 6.1-inch iPhone will use what he calls “Cover Glass Sensor” (CGS) technology, relocating the iPhone’s touch module from the display panel (in-cell technology) to the surface glass. The CGS method reportedly results in a display that’s lighter and more shock resistant.”

“With this display technology, Apple will add a thin-film sensor to the touch film sensor included in the CGS, but the purpose of the new layer is unknown,” Clover reports. “To offset the cost of the new display it plans to use, Kuo believes Apple will remove the 3D Touch functionality on the 6.1-inch iPhone, which would be a curious move as 3D Touch is well-integrated throughout the operating system that runs on the iPhone at this point.”

“Because Apple plans to incorporate the CGS display technology into future iPhones, including OLED models starting in 2019, 3D Touch could potentially be removed from all future iPhones,” Clover reports. “It’s not clear what the mystery thin-film sensor mentioned in Kuo’s note will do, but it could be some kind of 3D Touch replacement system.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: We use 3D Touch quite a bit, but, uh.. more casual iPhone users we’ve seen using their iPhones don’t seem to use it much (or even know it exists).

Do you think 3D Touch is going the way of the AirPort or is Apple in the process of simply moving 3D Touch (or similar) to a new technology?

Apple working on touchless gesture control and curved displays for future iPhones – April 4, 2018
Apple’s awkward 3D Touch situation – February 14, 2018
Ming-Chi Kuo: Apple’s next-gen Apple 6.1-inch iPhone will not offer 3D Touch – January 23, 2018
Why iPad Pro doesn’t have iPhone’s 3D Touch – June 16, 2017
OLED iPhone 3D Touch modules cost 60% more than current iPhone’s, sources say – March 14, 2017

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