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Macworld reviews Apple Watch Series 3: The wearable leader runs out to an insurmountable lead

“Apple Watch Series 3 has relieved my Forgotten Phone Anxiety,” Michael Simon writes for Macworld. “You know the feeling: You reach your destination and paw at the outside of your pocket to feel the phone-sized lump and it isn’t there. And you panic.”

“With an LTE-equipped Apple Watch Series 3 on my wrist, I don’t need to turn around and head back to my house. I know that if someone is trying to get in touch with me, they can, and if an urgent email comes in, I can answer it,” Simon writes. “That being said, I didn’t need more than a couple days with my LTE-equipped Apple Watch Series 3 to see that it’s not meant to be away from an iPhone for very long. Its main selling point might be independence, but it’s still a generation or two away from being a full replacement for your iPhone.”

MacDailyNews Take: Apple Watch will never be a full replacement for your iPhone due to its display size limitation. Period. Full stop.

Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS + Cellular). The freedom to go with just your Apple Watch.

“Along with LTE, there’s also a new S3 processor and W2 wireless chips, which give the Series 3 Apple Watch a tremendous speed boost,” Simon writes. “Navigation and animations are much smoother now, but most importantly, apps open much quicker. The speed of third-party apps was a pretty major pain point with previous generations of Apple Watch (particularly the original model, which most people will be upgrading from), and the new internals make a huge difference.”

Much more in the full review here.

MacDailyNews Take: All of Apple Watch’s so-called “competitors” are laughably overmatched.

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