Woz defends Apple CEO Tim Cook; says wait for new, secret products

“Guess who’s been busy talking about Apple again. Yep, Steve Wozniak, more fondly known as Woz, has been discussing the company he helped found with Steve Jobs in yet another interview,” Ashleigh Allsopp reports for Macworld UK. “This time, Woz spoke during a discussion at CeBIT 2014 in Hannover. He spoke about Tim Cook and his role as CEO at Apple, Steve Jobs’ death, innovation, Apple’s cool-factor and more.”

“‘Cook hasn’t been at the helm of Apple for a long enough time. We haven’t seen what new categories of products are being developed secretly. Who knows what’s going on in the company,’ Woz said,” Allsopp reports. “‘Tim Cook is a hard worker and he is very good at execution. I don’t know him too closely, but I’m willing to wait for a longer time,’ [Woz continued].”

Read more in the full article here.


  1. Tim doesn’t need defending, he’s done nothing wrong. Apple is a huge company with an almost cult like following making it impossible to please everyone. Apple needs to continue to move forward, those less adept at change are likely to be the most vocal because change is hard for better or for worse.

    1. Woz could’n’t defend a segway from himself let alone TC.

      STFU Woz, the fact that you happened to have had engineering savvy back when, doesn’t reflect on your innovative/business savvy capabilities one iota.

      Actually it was Jobs ( the guy who handpicked TC) that provoded any and all savvy that you rode the coat tails of for this long.

      1. Not only does he have more brains than you, but he is also a heck of a lot nicer guy.

        I saw him speak years ago, and really enjoyed it. Obviously, a lot of people are still interested in what he has to say.

        1. Not only I’ve seen him in person on conferences. I had the chance to have dinner with him and talk to him. He’s the nicest guy, with a down-to-earth view of life. Money never got to his head. And, bottom line, he invented the personal computer. And changed the world.

          I dare to ask: What have you (or anybody bashing Woz) ever invented? And how did that change the world?

          Yeah, I’m sure it’s going to be a loooong silence in the room…..

      2. Without Woz,Jobs wouldn’t have had a platform to work with. Apple’s success was based on both their contributions (not to ignore the cast of thousands that did the hard work from beginning to end based on their contributions).

    2. Damn straight, Sparky. Tim Cook has continued to raise the value of the company and its products. That, BTW, is his job.

      Any of this other abstract mumbo-jumbo that the so-called Wall Street experts claim he does not do…is not his job. Has any body ever wondered why all Wall Street experts aren’t billionaires? I mean if they truly have their finger on the pulse of Wall Street couldn’t they all be billionaires in a few years?

  2. When Apple was in a garage and growing in the first few years, Apple could only do 1 or 2 things at a time. With many many billions in the bank and many many hundreds of people in the research and development departments at Apple, more products and services can be worked on at the same time. Time to tell the world regularly what Apple has done and release into more markets at the same time yearly and then quarterly. It is time for Apple to grow up and realize the vast power and ability that it holds today and will hold tomorrow. AND NEVER TELL THE INVESTORS TO “BE PATIENT” LIKE YOU ARE TALKING TO LITTLE KIDS. That is our money and we believe in what Apple will be, sometimes a lot more that either Tim Cook or the Apple board. Time to man up their at Apple!

      1. Pondo, we’re gonna have to put you in a straitjacket. You’re a nutcase running loose in the asylum. Jersey Trader has forgotten more about stock trading than you’ll ever be able to remember in your drug addled brain.

    1. Honestly, I don’t care much about the stock price.

      I care much more about the products. The products make an impact on my life.

      The stock…. not really. Ok, I don’t own any. But I’d rather have the good products than the high stock. For the high stock, there are alternatives. For the good products… not too many.

    2. Wow, how far the ignorant have fallen. Let me explain something to you. It’s NOT your money. You got your money when you received your stock certificate.

      There is no such thing as shareholder value (something you and a lot of others get wrong). The only thing there is…wait for it, is share value. Just because you hold a share doesn’t mean you own anything, other than that certificate.

      Any money that Apple makes, or doesn’t, isn’t yours’ because you haven’t done a single thing to achieve that. I wish guys like you, not to mention countless MBAs, could get that through your impenetrable thick sculls. Legally all you own is that piece of paper. That is it!

      The business you invested in, is its’ own entity, doing whatever it does, regardless of whatever you think say or do. It is completely separate from that piece of paper in your possession.

      I know, from years on this forum, that you know a great deal about Apple and it’s’ products. But you obviously don’t really know anything legitimate about stocks or business in general.

  3. I don’t mind waiting on Apple or Tim for quite awhile, but when Apple and Tim delivers, they had better really deliver in a profound way. The longer the wait, the higher the delivery expectations. Apple has delivered recently, but not in a consumer understandable way. The industry is scrambling trying to catch up to a 64-bit Unix secure OS with that smartly works with a 64-bit chip(and a low power coprocessor), but the consumer doesn’t get that. The consumer does get a bigger screen, etc. So Tim really needs to deliver big time.

  4. I love how Apple is innovating all the time. Way to go Tim! Obviously having a selfie category in the App Store is innovation at its finest. Rocket fuel for Apple to hit $1,000. I can’t wait for Apple to acquire Snapchat. That’ll really send the investors scrambling on the accelerator pedal. You got my vote Tim!

  5. “No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time. You can’t produce a baby in one month by making nine women pregnant.”
    – Warren Buffett

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