Latest Samsung flaw allows ‘total bypass’ of Android lock screen

“Another security flaw has been discovered on some Samsung phones that allows complete access to a device,” Zack Whittaker reports for ZDNet.

“Discovered by the same mobile enthusiast as the previous flaw, Terence Eden warns that this new bug could allow users to bypass the lock screen entirely through the use of third-party apps,” Whittaker reports. “This affects pattern unlocks, PIN code screens, and face detection security.”

Whittaker reports, “The flaw was tested on a Samsung Galaxy Note II running Android 4.1.2 as before — but it does not appear to exist on stock Android from Google, suggesting this is limited to Samsung phones only.”

Read more in the full article here.

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        1. The very best thing to do with this fraudulent ‘GM’ stalker troll thing is IGNORE it. It proves the rule of ‘please don’t feed the trolls’. It never has anything intelligent or useful to say. This dumbass ‘GM’ thing is nothing but PURE troll. If you expect an intelligent thought out of it, forget it, blahblahblah…

    1. You forget: Apple had a bug that allowed you to access the device past the home screen (until iOS 6.1.3), so Samsung was just copying it.

      Now they’ll fix it in Android 6.1.3 so that the copy is complete.

  1. what an idiot! there is no perfect phone or PC for security anyway. apple iOS 6.1.3 is also discovered to get in back door for personal information. I am not talking about 6.1.2. apple promised to fix it. then they released 6.1.3 yesterday. but similar bypass is happened again. how could you explain this? it’s not all about android but all platform, you idiot!

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