Apple calls Rush Limbaugh; working on his Mac issues

Apple has contacted Rush Limbaugh about the Mac issues that he’s been talking about this week on the most listened to radio talk show in America; heard on over 600 stations in the U.S.

Partial transcript from The Rush Limbaugh Show yesterday:

I have an announcement to make: Apple corporate called. Somebody from high up the corporate ladder at Apple Computer in California, out in Cupertino, called the office. When did you get the message? When did they call, late yesterday afternoon? All right, they called at nine o’clock this morning, very, very, very nice guy, put my IT guy in touch with them, working — No, it was not Algore. Ha! No, Mr. Snerdley, it was not Algore. I’m not going to mention the gentleman’s name because the Mac user community that hates me will start bombarding this guy. He’s a west coast guy. He called about six a.m. out there and said, “I’m here now,” so our IT guy is working with him. That’s cool. Yes, it’s official. It’s not a hacker. It was official. Don’t start gumming up the works. It was really true.

More from Rush Limbaugh’s “Stack of Stuff” page here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Judge Bork” for the heads up.]

MacDailyNews Take: The more Rush Limbaugh talks about Macs (even if it’s about issues he’s having), the better it is for Apple. Rush is planting Apple seeds. Making Apple Macs a real consideration for millions of people who might not have even thought about freeing themselves from the frustration and disappointment of Microsoft Windows is a very good thing.


  1. All you Rush haters, do you drive VW’s too? Come on guys, this is a chance for us to show the world that Mac is better. Besides, Bill Gates is a lib and you hate him. Rush may not be correct on everything, but he is spreading the Mac love!

    Parker –

  2. Wait, is that the same Rush Limbaugh who ridiculed Michael J. Fox and whom Bill Hicks once called a “scatmuncher”? I don’t know much about the guy (I don’t live in the US), but if Bill Hicks called somebody a “scatmuncher”, he must have had good reasons to do so.

  3. Ampar says “No. And don’t tell me what to do. I’m entitled to my opinion whether you like it or not.”

    Ampar are you somebodies ex-wife? You sure sound like an ex-wife.

    Ok so you hate Rush, I’m guessing all things Republican and you have BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome).

    Like I said, lighten up. Whatever you are, you can have your opinions but you don’t have to be such a nag.

  4. I’ve listened for years and nobody has the liberals gibbering like Rush.

    I love it!

    They think that non-liberals are sheep, but the arts, the media, the education system, the courts and corporate America are all *owned* by liberal dogmatism. They have not the slightest clue why American culture is self destructing when they own the lot!
    Do you they think it is Rush and James Dobson and Sean Hannity spoiling it all for you? Hilarious!


  5. Let me get this right here.
    Conservative people use Macs KNOWING that Jobs is a raging liberal.

    Hmmm, that must mean they can look beyond idealogy and see the bigger picture.

    Hmmm, how could this be if they’re all mindless bigots?


  6. It’s always amazed me that the modern Democratic party, the party of tolerance and inclusion, can’t include conservatives. In days past the democratic party was a home for social conservatives, but not anymore. It was a party about debate and dialogue.

    Forget that, can’t even include moderates like Liberman.

  7. It’s always amazed me that the modern Republican party, the party of the constitution and freedom, can’t include liberals. In days past the republican party was a home for social liberals, but not anymore. It was a party about debate and dialogue.

    Forget that, can’t even include moderates like Mayor Bloomberg.

  8. I don’t care if RL uses a mac, he’s still a fat worthless drug induced scum bag.

    If I was the tech guy at Apple, I’ll tell him to solve all his problems all he has to do is upgrade to a mac pro with two 3.2GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon (8-core), 32GB of RAM, a mac pro raid card, 1.2TB of storage, an NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600 graphics card with 2 30 inch displays.

  9. So tolerant are the lefties here. Not! As usual, the haters, the intolerants are from the left. Don’t agree with them so here come the attacks.

    Apple marketing and advertising people are making a political decision not to advertise on Rush’s show. They’d rather Apple go under than advertise on his show. Look at the dark days at Apple in the mid-1990s. Apple damn near went under but still no ads on Rush’s show. Clearly a political decision not to advertise at a place that gets results.

    You bet I’m a conservative but not a Republican. That party is far too liberal as is GWB. We need less government, lower taxes, less spending, more freedom, fewer rules and laws. All things conservatives stand for and as a wildly successful capitalist,Steve Jobs and Apple needs all of those to continue to be successful.

    I can’t stand Clinton (both) or Gore but I don’t wish them dead or ill. They’re just wrong. But I love Apple despite Gore being a big shot there.

  10. re matty’s and other’s comments:

    Greed and Hypocrasy are just two traits common in all of us regardless of whether we are Dems. Republican’s, liberals, or conservatives.

    I dont know why Republicans/conservatives get the bad rap, perhaps because the Dems and liberals are even more guilty. Remember, each time you point at the Republicans there are four pointing back at yourself.

    Perhaps “you guys, liberals, Dems, whatever” out to look in the mirror once in a while and realize no one is perfect. I cant believe the hatred express by “you guys”.

  11. Calls for more class and civility in public discourse are merely terms used by moderate wimps or right-wing partisans, to get liberals to back down. No, actually, with Limbaugh the time for civility is well past. And I consider him an enemy in the full sense of that word.

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