Apple Board Member Al Gore campaigns for Oscar for Apple Keynote-based documentary

“Al Gore is waging a fierce campaign for recognition and an Oscar statuette for his global warning documentary, while reviving talk that he’s pursuing a bigger prize: the presidency,” Beth Fouhy reports for Forbes.

“This Saturday Gore is hosting a network of 1,600 house parties across the country to watch and discuss his documentary, ‘An Inconvenient Truth,’ with the Democrat planning to address the gatherings by satellite hookup. The movie is on the short list of feature-length documentaries being considered for Oscar nominations,” Fouhy reports. “The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announce the Oscar nominations Jan. 23, with the 79th Oscars slated for Feb. 25.”

“‘I am not planning to run for president again,’ Gore said last week, arguing that his focus is raising public awareness about global warming and its dire effects. Then, he added: ‘I haven’t completely ruled it out,'” Fouhy reports. “Those words make Gore the 800-pound non-candidate of the Democratic field.”

Full article here.
Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth,” the highest-grossing documentary of the year, features copious use of Apple’s Keynote presentation software, even while many reviewers of the film incorrectly describe it as a “PowerPoint” presentation.

Apple’s Keynote use in “An Inconvenient Truth” here:

Related articles:
Apple’s Keynote frees presentations from ‘Death By PowerPoint’ fate – November 15, 2006
Grab the room’s attention by using Apple’s Keynote and dumping Microsoft’s PowerPoint – April 12, 2006
Apple’s Keynote makes better-looking presentations than Microsoft’s PowerPoint – December 06, 2004
Clean elegant Keynote: ‘the anti-PowerPoint’ – March 10, 2003
Keynote cleaner and better organized than PowerPoint – February 18, 2003
Bill Gates on Apple’s ‘Keynote’ app: ‘I doubt what they’ve done is as rich as PowerPoint’ – January 09, 2003



    Looks like she needs some reality in her outlook.
    Published: October 22, 2006
    Nancy Pelosi condemned the new record highs of the stock market as “just
    another example of Bush policies helping the rich get richer”.
    “First Bush cut taxes for the rich and the economy has rebounded with new
    record low unemployment rates, which only means wealthy employers are
    getting even wealthier at the expense of the underpaid working class”.
    She went on to say “Despite the billions of dollars being spent in Iraq
    our economy is still strong and government tax revenues are at all time
    highs. “What this really means is” that business is exploiting the war
    effort and working Americans, just to put money in their own pockets”.
    When questioned about recent stock market highs she responded “Only the
    rich benefit from these record highs. Working Americans, welfare recipients,
    the unemployed and minorities are not sharing in these obscene record
    “There is no question these windfall profits and income created by the
    Bush administration need to be taxed at 100% rate and those dollars
    redistributed to the poor and working class”.
    “Profits from the stock market do not reward the hard work of our
    working class who, by their hard work, are responsible for generating
    these corporate profits that create stock market profits for the rich. We in
    congress will need to address this issue to either tax these profits or to
    control the stock market to prevent this unearned income to flow to the
    When asked about the fact that over 80% of all Americans have investments
    in mutual funds, retirement funds, 401K’s, and the stock market she replied
    “That may be true, but probably only 5% account for 90% of all these
    investment dollars. That’s just more “trickle down” economics claiming that
    if a corporation is successful that everyone from the CEO to the floor
    sweeper benefit from higher wages and job security which is ridiculous”. How
    much of this “trickle down” ever get to the unemployed and minorities in our
    county? None, and that’s the tragedy of these stock market highs.”
    “We democrats are going to address this issue after the election when we
    take control of the congress. We will return to the 60% to 80% tax rates on
    the rich and we will be able to take at least 30% of all current lower
    Federal Income Tax taxpayers off the roles and increase government income
    substantially. We need to work toward the goal of equalizing income in our
    country and at the same time limiting the amount the rich can invest.”
    When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she replied “We need
    to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities. For
    example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who
    need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall
    profits taxes could go a long ways to guarantee these people the standard of living
    they would like to have as “Americans”
    A Bush spokesman responded to this interview by saying “Mrs. Pelosi has
    set a new standard for the spin business”.
    Feeling smarter yet?

  2. Always Light (on substance):

    I clicked on the link and read the article and it’s a great read with a lot of excellent points on Muslims and Darfur and what’s being done there. Where do you get your news,

  3. Kim,

    That thing about Pelosi is terrifying if it’s actually true. I tend to believe it though. Yeah the US will be better off under Democrat control, what a freaking joke. They’ll turn the US into China or Cuba.

  4. > …I think the Clinton administration will in the future be largely forgotten. Why? Because there weren’t many earth shattering events or policies…. [Simple Math]

    Clinton-Gore Administration Accomplishments: 1993 – 2000 – or for the record, from a previous post in MDN:

    Longest economic expansion in American history

    More than 22 million new jobs

    Highest homeownership in American history

    Lowest unemployment in 30 years

    Raised education standards, increased school choice, and doubled education and training investment

    Largest expansion of college opportunity since the GI Bill

    Connected 95 percent of schools to the Internet

    Lowest crime rate in 26 years

    100,000 more police for our streets

    Enacted most sweeping gun safety legislation in a generation

    Family and Medical Leave Act for 20 million Americans

    Smallest welfare rolls in 32 years

    Higher incomes at all levels

    Lowest poverty rate in 20 years

    Lowest teen birth rate in 60 years

    Lowest infant mortality rate in American history

    Deactivated more than 1,700 nuclear warheads from the former Soviet Union

    Protected millions of acres of American land

    Paid off $360 billion of the national debt

    Converted the largest budget deficit in American history to the largest surplus

    Lowest government spending in three decades

    Lowest federal income tax burden in 35 years

    More families own stock than ever before

    Most diverse cabinet in American history

  5. Gore annoyingly claimed to invent the interenet while kissing up to celebrities. Clinton gave N. Korea nuke technology and set the stage for the 9/11 attacks by treating Islamic terrorists as petty criminals all while being blown by a fat, ugly chick. The great economy was set in motion by Bush and Reagan. By the end of Clinton’s presidency things were well on their way down the tubes. TotwerTone: Always Right’s mom caught him online again and took away his internet privileges.

  6. “…However, September 11th proved that these terrorist states have the ability to attack us. That is why e had to put an end to Saddam’s reign of terror. This is the same or worse with Iran…”

    That’s the kind of ideology that has not served us well. Iraq was a terrorist state? I thought they were a sovereign nation. Iraq had the ability to attack us?
    Look, Put an end to reign of terror?
    What about all the REAL threats? NORTH KOREA? (Oh, no, wait, that’s not condusive to the REAL motive- nation bldg. Always was, and is now. Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld- all trying to do this before. (At least G.H.W.B., and I believe thats what got him emotional the other day, his idiot son, and the blood on his family’s hands) had good sense. As I said before, this is a left-over hard-on.

    I agree, about Iran. Actually, that’s a bigger problem, but we’re not helping by refusing to talk.

    Re: Sunnis and Shiite- I can’t agree there (I think that’s a stretch), but, I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree.


    “…It was a Federal election, the Florida Supreme Court has no jurisdiction…”

    They most certainly do. Although the Legislature could’ve written better laws, and probably will because of this, the Court’s function is to interpret the law, especially in circumstances where a situation occurs that the law doesn’t adequately cover, or in situations that create a conflict between two laws.

    P.S. SimpleMath- why use superlatives? Who said acid rain would be the end of the world?
    There are, however, appr. 200 lakes that fish can’t live in (Adirondack Mts., near where I live). I see this report says 1200 lakes dead in Omtario.
    That’s what scientists say, but, I dunno, what do the Creationists say?
    ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”wink” style=”border:0;” />

  7. “What’s the point – either it isn’t going to happen, or it’s too late to stop it.”

    Well, that was me just giving in to my pessimism, because as I said, we humans have an unparalleled ability to deny the empirical evidence right in front of our noses, we get lost in the complexity of the issue and the seemingly conflicting facts. Why is it hotter here and colder there, why is it wetter here and dryer there? If it’s Global Warming why is it so cold this winter. Mistakenly thinking that minor localized variances is evidence that it is not happening.

    As Gore says in the film, small corrections can make a difference, better fuel efficiency, using low wattage light bulbs, installing a solar panel, turning down the thermostat and putting on a sweater, taking public transit, you name it.

    WM = began
    it’s time we as individuals began to make a difference.

  8. I agree, about Iran. Actually, that’s a bigger problem, but we’re not helping by refusing to talk.

    Talk about what? Ahmadinejad and the religious leaders that control Iran want Israel wiped off the map and the “Great Satan” (US) destroyed. He has publicly said that he is trying to bring forth Armageddon, the literal last battle. When a Hurricane is coming, you don’t talk to it, you prepare for the storm. Just look back into history. Chamberlain negotiated with Hitler and everybody cheered. Six days later, Hitler attacked and nobody was prepared. As Winston Churchill said, “You can vote for war, or you can vote for appeasement. You have voted for appeasement, and now you have war.”

    Re: Sunnis and Shiite- I can’t agree there (I think that’s a stretch), but, I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree.

    What is the stretch? The 911 attackers were Sunni Muslims. Just ask Silvestre Reyes, the incoming intelligence chief who is being blasted for getting that wrong on his intelligence quiz.

    As for acid rain, I remember in elementary school when they had speakers come in to teach us about how it was going to be a major disaster, which is the same thing the same people are doing with global warming.

  9. “Less is more”

    I guess you must also love the republican congress that worked with Clinton as well?

    You must also like George Bush, as the economy has grown even more, and unemployment is lower?

    As for my statement that Clinton will be largely forgotten, here is what I meant. Washington got us through the revolution, and was our first President. Lincoln had the civil war and freeing the slaves. FDR had the depression and the war. Reagan brought down the iron curtain. Presidents are remembered for the major events that they steer the country through. Saying that Clinton will be largely forgotten is not necessarily a slam on him. The fact that the country did well while he was in office is not memorable.

  10. All of my answers are intelligent, Wendy (BTW, are you hot? What are you wearing right now?)

    But I couldn’t hold a candle to, say, “webyswim”.

    “…Gore annoyingly claimed to invent the interenet while kissing up to celebrities…”

    Gore never claimed that he “invented” the Internet, which implies that he engineered the technology. The invention occurred in the seventies and allowed scientists in the Defense Department to communicate with each other. In a 1999 interview with Wolf Blitzer, Gore said, “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.”
    As a congressman he promoted the system we enjoy today, not that he could patent the science, though that’s how the quotation has been manipulated. Hence the disingenuous substitution of “inventing”.


    “…Clinton gave N. Korea nuke technology and set the stage for the 9/11 attacks by treating Islamic terrorists as petty criminals…”

    Actually, in 1994 Clinton reached the “Agreed Framework” and N. Korea froze nuclear production for the next 8 years.
    Bush blew our load settling an old score with Saddam. Otherwise, we might actually be able to do something about North Korea.
    Iraq also took the focus off of Afghanistan (Osoma. Remember?)Now we see a Taliban resurgence. It’s fair to give the guy who had the reigns the last 6 years a fair share of the blame.

    The great economy was set in motion by Bush and Reagan. By the end of Clinton’s presidency things were well on their way down the tubes…”

    What? Surplus= down tubes?
    Greenspan largely credited Clinto policies as single most important component of defecit reduction plan. Look it up, dum-dum!

  11. “That’s the kind of ideology that has not served us well. Iraq was a terrorist state? I thought they were a sovereign nation.”

    State is another word for nation.

    Iraq had the ability to attack us?

    They had weapon they agrees not to have after the first Gulf War. They had attacked an ally that was also a sovereign nation. They paid money to the families of people that blew up Israelis. They also allowed terrorist camps in the country, including Al Quida.

    “What about all the REAL threats? NORTH KOREA?”
    North Korea has not attacked a neighbor yet, but if you recall, the President named Iraq, Iran and NK as the Axis of evil. Nobody has ignored NK.

    “(Oh, no, wait, that’s not condusive to the REAL motive- nation bldg. Always was, and is now. “
    Gee, I thought it was to get the oil? Oh, wait, that was last month. However, if the goal is nation-building, then why not go into NK. That is the perfect place to nation-build. After all, we have trade relations with South Korea.

    However, I will say one thing. I don’t argue with you on the nation-building. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the first two nations we went after are on either side of Iran. I truly believe that the ultimate goal is to change Iran. In Iran the people are much more willing and likely to revolt than in the other nations, and having Afghanistan and Iraq living freely will bring about the uprising without us shooting one bullet.

  12. It seems that a lot of people here talk a great deal about a problem that they don’t really know a lot about. Since I actuall have some scientific training, I thought I might try to show how and why climate change can occur through CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere.

    Firstly, and rather scientifically, CO2, along with water vapour, and yes, methane (from cows etc.) are considered greenhouse gases. The reason they are considered thus is that they have a molecular structure that preferentially absorbs low frequency radiation (infrared, in particular). The practical upshot of this is that when the sun’s rays strike the earth, building, houses and most things, other than snow and clouds, the frequency of the radiation is lowered, on average to infrared and bounces back out through the atmosphere. This lowered frequency radiation is absorbed by the CO2, methane, and water vapour in the atmosphere. Not all of it, of course, but some of it.

    Now the more CO2, methane and water vapour in the atmosphere, the more heat can be absorbed and the more heat can be trapped. A simple experiment can be done at home with a sealable fish tank, a CO2 fire extinguisher, a UV light and a thermometer. Shine the light into the fisht tank just with air, and you will see an increase in temperature to a equilibrium point depending on the setup. Introduce some CO2 and wait for the temperatures to settle (it’ll get colder for a bit – CO2 coming from a fire extinguisher – then start to warm up and reach a new equilibrium level). The temperature will be higher.

    Now this lab experiment does not completely translate to the real environment, because there is no such thing as a conservation of heat, rather there is a conservation of energy. Only some of this energy goes into higher temperatures, some goes into driving faster winds, and still more goes into a million other things. But the fact remains that the amount of energy inputted into the atmosphere is increased.

    None of this is under any dispute, its all basic high school physics, and I don’t care how many Michael Crichton quotes you spew out, I aint backing down.

    Now, we have a good measurement of CO2 levels now for about 650,000 years. Some of these I even took myself from ice cores (when I was a postgrad). At this current point, CO2 levels are beyond twice those of any time in that entire history, so we EXPECT more energy to be in the atmosphere, so we would EXPECT that at least some of that would translate to a temperature increase.

    Now the above is no longer high school physics, but no serious climate scientist would dispute it. I mean no one who is not on someone’s payroll anyway.

    The entire block of increase from the roughly average levels of CO2 to the levels we have today occurs from about the 1950s to now. That is out of 650,000 years all of the record levels have occured in the last 60 years or 0.001% of the total time. Now you really do have to be an osterich if you can’t see that its pretty suspiciouly tied to our activities.

    I’m sorry people, but I think it really is time we stop listening to the so-called both sides of the debate, because one is basically the oil industry wanting to make sure they sell every bit of those trillion barrels of oil. My vote goes to the children to who inherit this planet, not Mobil, Unical etc.

  13. Before any of you label me as a “Republican”, please know that I am not from your country. I’m a Canadian, and if you had to label me by political affiliation, I would be a Canadian Conservative, mainly because I’m not a thief, nor a socialist, or a separatist for that matter.

    In any case, I’m rapidly becoming of the opinion that all this global warming coverage as of late is simply hyperbole. Many respected scientific minds have, with the aid of substantiated and indisputable evidence, proven that the Earth’s climate depends far more on solar activity from the sun than it does on carbon dioxide (and other “greenhouse gases”) concentration in the atmosphere. As a result, it is fairly easily proven that the temperature of the Earth has actually gone down in the last 50 years, on average. Less solar activity equals a lower temperature on Earth. These fluctuations are obviously not great enough to cause disruptions to life on Earth, but they are measurable.

    Peruse the link above, paying particular interest to the first graph, on the left. Notice how the solar magnetic cycle and temperature patterns on Earth match up very closely? Then look at the second graph, on the right, and notice how the trendline of actual temperature has not risen dramatically over the last 25 years. Pay particular attention to the scale on the left-hand side of the graph. As I recall from a newspaper article I read recently, the total efforts of every nation involved in the Kyoto accord have, cumulatively, achieved a temperature drop of 1/1000ºC, since its inception. Notice how the graph jumps and falls whole half degrees in a couple years? Yeah, solar activity rates again, not “global warming”.

    Further still, the temperature of the Earth is well below the established 3000 year average, and the temperature has been much higher than it currently is now, with no ill effects.

    In short, many agree that what we are experiencing is natural heating and cooling of the Earth. Fossil fuel use has little to no effect on the climate of the Earth, when considered in comparison to much larger forces such as solar activity or even natural progressions of carbon dioxide between the Earth’s crust and the atmosphere, something we know little about currently.

    Hope someone reads this. ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”grin” style=”border:0;” />


  14. Hi mAc-warrior! Hey , I read it! Published 9 years ago!

    “…The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine (OISM) describes itself as “a small research institute” that studies “biochemistry, diagnostic medicine, nutrition, preventive medicine and the molecular biology of aging.” It is headed by Arthur B. Robinson, an eccentric scientist who has a long history of controversial entanglements with figures on the fringe of accepted research. OISM also markets a home-schooling kit for “parents concerned about socialism in the public schools” and publishes books on how to survive nuclear war….”

    “… a petition produced in 1998 by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine and “signed by over 18,000 scientists”. Had Bellamy studied the signatories, he would have discovered that the “scientists” include Ginger Spice and the cast of MASH.(10) The Oregon Institute is run by a fundamentalist Christian called Arthur Robinson. Its petition was attached to what purported to be a scientific paper, printed in the font and format of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In fact, the paper had not been peer-reviewed or published in any scientific journal.(11) Anyone could sign the petition, and anyone did: only a handful of the signatories are experts in climatology,(12) and quite a few of them appear to have believed that they were signing a genuine paper.(13) And yet, six years later, this petition is still being wheeled out to suggest that climatologists say global warming isn’t happening…”

    “… of several small towns nestled in the Illinois Valley, whose total population is 15,000. Best known as a gateway to the Oregon Caves National Monument, it is described by its chamber of commerce as “the commercial, service, and cultural center for a rural community of small farms, woodlots, crafts people, and families just living apart from the crowds. … It’s a place where going into the market can take time because people talk in the aisles and at the checkstands. Life is slower, so you have to be patient. You’ll be part of that slowness because it is enjoyable to be neighborly.” The main visitors are tourists who come to hike, backpack and fish in the area’s many rivers and streams. Cave Junction is the sort of out-of-the-way location you might seek out if you were hoping to survive a nuclear war, but it is not known as a center for scientific and medical research. The OISM would be equally obscure itself, except for the role it played in 1998 in circulating a deceptive “scientists’ petition” on global warming in collaboration with Frederick Seitz, a retired former president of the National Academy of Sciences…”

    See? more horsecrap.
    Oh, and the world is flat.
    Also, Sunni’s & Shiite are comin’ ta git us, ‘cuz they’re “freedom-haters”. “Evil-Doers”. “Suiciders”.

    MW- “manner”, as in ” all manner of desperate horseshit thrown in here by people who think they’re “conservative.

  15. Anyone notice that the weatherman can’t predict the temperature or snowfall accurately, yet we are supposed to believe people that are predicting the climate in 100 years?

    It has been said that a volcano eruption gives off more greenhouse gases than all the cars ever produced. We are also told that in Earth’s history there was a time of great volcanic activity. At the same time we are supposed to believe that the greenhouse gases are worse now then ever. We are also supposed to believe that somehow, scientists that have only been keeping temperature records for 120 years know that we are warmer now than ever.

    Now, McGherkinstein Jones says that we are currently twice the levels that we were 650,000 years ago. Of course, if these things build up over the years, then doubling in 650,000 doesn’t sound so bad. Of course since nobody was doing these measurements 650,000 years ago, we will have to take these numbers with a grain of salt.

  16. How about these:

    “Scientists also point out that nature produces far more greenhouse gases than we do. For example, when the Mount Pinatubo volcano erupted, within just a few hours it had thrown into the atmosphere 30 million tonnes of sulphur dioxide— almost twice as much as all the factories, power plants and cars in the United States do in a whole year. Oceans emit 90 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, every year. Decaying plants throw up another 90 billion tonnes, compared to just six billion tonnes a year from humans.

    What’s more, 100 million years ago, there was six times as much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as there is now, yet the temperature then was marginally cooler than it is today. Many scientists have concluded that carbon dioxide doesn’t even affect climate.”

    Don’t expect a response. I’ve gone to bed.


  17. mAc-warrior-

    Don’t you feel just a little silly now?
    If so, why not renounce your Canadian citizenship?
    There are PLENTY of nutcases down here, WHO BELIEVE IN FAIRY-TALE (Bible) BASED LITERALISMS!


    “…Mitt Romney Appoints Non-Scientist To Stem-Cell Board…”

    Good ‘ol Morman Mitt (Hey, I JUST MADE THAT UP!).
    He’s a religious whacko too, mAc-warrior!


    In fact, just keep a headin’ south. All the way too MISSISSIPPI! Can’t be bothered with FIGURIN’ down there-

    “…The Mississippi state legislature removed fractions and decimal points from the mathematics curriculum of public secondary schools…”

    (Hard to believe, isn’t it?)

  18. Also, Sunni’s & Shiite are comin’ ta git us, ‘cuz they’re “freedom-haters”. “Evil-Doers”. “Suiciders”.

    No fundamentalist Muslims that have hijacked a religion may be.

    Do you think that people that strap bombs to themselves and blow other people up, or fly airplanes into buildings aren’t “evil-doers or” “suiciders”?

    You come on here freaking out about how theories of Global Warming are going to destroy us, yet downplay suicide bombers that we KNOW are killing people. Last I checked suicide bombers have killed far more people than global warming.

    Why is it you expect everybody to change our lifestyles to stop the potential global warming, yet when we do anything to stop terrorists, you criticize it. If life is so important to you, perhaps you should support efforts that are trying to stop deaths that are happening now.

  19. Example:
    “…Mitt Romney Appoints Non-Scientist To Stem-Cell Board…”

    Hey why not, we just sent a panel of people to study Iraq. None have experience running a war. Only one actually visited the battlegrounds of Iraq. As for the stem-cell issue, there should be others besides scientists on the board. Why? Because the issue of stem-cell research has social implications as well as scientific.

    “Good ‘ol Morman Mitt (Hey, I JUST MADE THAT UP!).
    He’s a religious whacko too, mAc-warrior!”

    Wow, that’s clever. What does religion have to do with this discussion? Why is he a whacko? because you say so? Based on your “fairy Tale” and “Mormon” comments, I guess your a secularist. I guess that explains why you think it’s OK that terrorist are killing people.

    And in your case, who needs facts at all. It’s much easier to call people a “Chimp” a “religious whacko” isn’t it?

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