Apple Board Member Al Gore campaigns for Oscar for Apple Keynote-based documentary

“Al Gore is waging a fierce campaign for recognition and an Oscar statuette for his global warning documentary, while reviving talk that he’s pursuing a bigger prize: the presidency,” Beth Fouhy reports for Forbes.

“This Saturday Gore is hosting a network of 1,600 house parties across the country to watch and discuss his documentary, ‘An Inconvenient Truth,’ with the Democrat planning to address the gatherings by satellite hookup. The movie is on the short list of feature-length documentaries being considered for Oscar nominations,” Fouhy reports. “The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announce the Oscar nominations Jan. 23, with the 79th Oscars slated for Feb. 25.”

“‘I am not planning to run for president again,’ Gore said last week, arguing that his focus is raising public awareness about global warming and its dire effects. Then, he added: ‘I haven’t completely ruled it out,'” Fouhy reports. “Those words make Gore the 800-pound non-candidate of the Democratic field.”

Full article here.
Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth,” the highest-grossing documentary of the year, features copious use of Apple’s Keynote presentation software, even while many reviewers of the film incorrectly describe it as a “PowerPoint” presentation.

Apple’s Keynote use in “An Inconvenient Truth” here:

Related articles:
Apple’s Keynote frees presentations from ‘Death By PowerPoint’ fate – November 15, 2006
Grab the room’s attention by using Apple’s Keynote and dumping Microsoft’s PowerPoint – April 12, 2006
Apple’s Keynote makes better-looking presentations than Microsoft’s PowerPoint – December 06, 2004
Clean elegant Keynote: ‘the anti-PowerPoint’ – March 10, 2003
Keynote cleaner and better organized than PowerPoint – February 18, 2003
Bill Gates on Apple’s ‘Keynote’ app: ‘I doubt what they’ve done is as rich as PowerPoint’ – January 09, 2003


  1. “cows worse that cars”

    So what’s your point? Obviously we are responsible for the number of cows on the planet aren’t we? And it’s the combined effect of all the cows and all the cars, all the people burning all the hydrocarbons, all the stack spewing all the sulphur, etc. etc. etc.

  2. Hurl, “Board member Al Gore.

    How embarrassing.”

    It could be singularly embarrassing if it were not just as embarrassing to face the person “leading” (and by leading I mean dictating) the country from the White House. Even more embarrassing now that we’ve seen what he actually intended to do with his given power.

    Lord please help us out of this almost-two-party system that is working our beloved country to ultimate destruction, creating the illusion of black and white issues, either/or choices, righteous versus evil, over-simplified conclusions to justify the gradual demise of the most fundamental tenets this country was originally founded on, and the only reason we’ve come this far and not self destructed – yet.

    Regarding Al’s campaign for an Oscar – seems a little over the top. I think he needs to relax and let the work speak for itself.

  3. I know Gore has put on some weight in recent years, but I don’t think he weighs 800 pounds. Although, if he cared so much about the environment he may want to shed some pounds to increase his gas mileage.

    I think the next President should be a REAL uniter. The Republican and the Democrat parties have become too polarized. I think America would be much better off if we could reach some compromises, and get some things accomplished. The last two, two term presidents have both been bad for the country overall. This coming election in 2008, we need some REAL change. Hopefully, we can find someone who can accomplish this. If not, I’m really worried.

    When discussing politics, please remember that we are a civilized people.

  4. schmluss,

    I second that!
    What the hell has happened to our country? We can’t even have a political discussion without resoritng to name calling.

    We’ve got to stop watching these stupid talking heads on television that are playing us for ratings, and go back to common sense and civil discourse.

  5. “a million Iraqis still alive”

    The estimates of Iraqis killed is between 30,000 and 100,000, not a million. Many of those have been killed by insurgents. Saddam Hussein is said to have killed between 300,000 and 600,000. This was NOT in a war, this was him testing weapons and eliminating political enemies. There were also over 1,000,000 killed in the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988).

    Saddam purposely killed more Iraqis than the war has. While many have been killed in this war, at lleast there will be freedom for the Iraqis in the end (hopefully).

    If you are going to attack, you should at least use honest numbers and not attempt to lie to people.

  6. “Don’t let those colored folks get into the polls.”

    The song was stupid and funny, but this one line is quite insulting, and complete non-sense. The ONLY votes that were oppressed were the votes of military soldiers that were overseas and attempting to do absentee voting. The Gore team attempted to have their votes discounted on a technicality. Furthermore, the Democrat party hired a telemarketing company to cold-call voters and suggest that they may have accidentally voted for the wrong candidate, which lead to the whole “chad” problem.

  7. “People are dissing Al Gore? The guy who’s election to President was stolen by the corrupt GOP? I don’t understand this at all. At least Gore can hold a meaningful conversation, conjugate his verbs, etc. He would be more than just “the decider” – a lot more.”

    I’m not dissing Gore, but I am dissing your statement. Al Gore did not have anything stolen from him. Our election process has rules; rules that both Gore and Bush agreed to before running. Based on those rules, he lost. He may have had more popular vote, but he did not win the electoral votes, and it’s not the first time that has happened.

    Furthermore, Al Gore himself conceded the election.

  8. “I think the next President should be a REAL uniter. The Republican and the Democrat parties have become too polarized. I think America would be much better off if we could reach some compromises, and get some things accomplished. The last two, two term presidents have both been bad for the country overall. This coming election in 2008, we need some REAL change. Hopefully, we can find someone who can accomplish this. If not, I’m really worried.”

    Actually, here’s a shocking statement. I don’t think either were all that bad for the country. I think the Clinton administration will in the future be largely forgotten. Why? Because there weren’t many earth shattering events or policies.

    As for Bush, I think his Presidency will be looked at favorably in the future, as long as we finish Iraq. It may look bad to a lot of people now, but it looked bad during the Revolutionary War and Civil War. It also looked bad during WWII, yet the Presidents of those eras are looked at favorably.

    “When discussing politics, please remember that we are a civilized people.”
    Are you sure we are? Every time anything remotely political comes up, the insults fly. Usually, they fly from people that are “factually challenged”. It’s much easier to call George Bush a chimp than to look at facts.

  9. Oh, yeah, let the misinformation begin. Maybe some clarification will help. Probably not.

    Every Florida recount done after the election showed Bush won. It was a Federal election, the Florida Supreme Court has no jurisdiction. Get over it.

    The Kyoto Accord. Not a magic pill.

    On Gore’s “documentary”

    Am I a conservative? Yes, and that includes the environment. It also includes some common sense.

  10. “Go ahead and continue to buy your overpriced gas guzzling Hummers and SUVs, take us to the tipping point where its too late to do anything, except move in from the coast as the oceans rise 20 feet. What’s the point – either it isn’t going to happen, or it’s too late to stop it.”

    If it’s not going to happen, or it’s too late to stop it, then why should he worry about his SUV? According to you, it doesn’t matter, we’re doomed.

    By the way, when I was a small child, we were doomed because erosion was going to destroy my entire town of Newport, RI….never happened. They told us in school that we were going to be doomed by acid rain….never happened. Then they told us that CFCs were going to destroy the world and needed to be replaced by something new. That new product, it turns out, is worse. They fight drilling in Alaska, which causes us to use giant tankers to haul oil across the world, which leads to the Exxon Valdez crash.

    Based on these items, you’ll excuse me if I am skeptical of the doomsday preachers.

    MDN Word: Seems, as in, it seems these environmentalists have been wrong alot.

  11. SimpleMind-
    Surely you don’t mean to imply that I, Always Right. am factually challenged?

    Ok, WAS Rush drug-addled, or no?

    You mean to compare The Revolutionay & Civil Wars to our invasion of Iraq, (whereby the NeoCons, who never lost the hard-on to oust Hussien, conciously decided to MAKE UP stories to tie terrorism to Iraq)? What a joke that is. In fact, Iraq IS civil war.

    Hey, Mr. Fact-Checker (Simple-Mind), why don’t YOU give a us a dissertation on Iraq? You can read umpteen current books (vast majority condemning) and reports from current and retired military Generals (vast majority condemning). Use that as your basis, including the newly released IRAQ report, and give us some FACTS.

    Here. I’ll give you one. (Again).
    $8 billion a MONTH in Iraq.
    But Osama Bin Laden is not in Iraq.
    Explain, please, so that I may see you point of view, and be part of the TWENTY-SEVEN PERCENT who think like you do.

    Ok, fact-checker, GET TO WORK.

    Gore didn’t lose because of electoral vs. popular. The process was hijacked, and subverted.

    “…As for Bush, I think his Presidency will be looked at favorably in the future, as long as we finish Iraq…”

    “…think the Clinton administration will in the future be largely forgotten. Why? Because there weren’t many earth shattering events or policies…”

    Disclaimer: I did not write that song, just C & P’d it.

  12. Al Gore would make a great pesident of the United States. Finally a man with his values straight and a global vision instead of some rednecky, narrow-minded, navel-gazing U-S-A U-S-A we-own-the-planet brouhaha.

    Bush – the worst president ever. How has he
    made your country safer by spawning more and more of ‘dem turrrshts’, even in Iraq, where there were none before this insane neo-con pipedream war of his and his neocon buddies? (That “no terrorist attacks on American soil since 9/11” argument is as pathetic and braindead as it gets – how many were there before 9/11, huh?) How has his torture-endorsing, human rights stomping neobarbaric regime of liars and their corrupt GOP pawns held up family values and fastened the national identity? I though the national identity of America was built on freedom, democracy and human rights. The Bush regime and their policies are the antithesis of these values. And that’s as anti-American as it gets.

  13. Surely you don’t mean to imply that I, Always Right. am factually challenged?
    Well. let’s see. You said. “Really? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!
    WHO’S coming here to fight? The Shiite and Sunni?” You may have forgotten that on September 11, 2001 the Sunnis did come here and destroyed a few buildings. We thwarted another Sunni attack a dew months ago coming from London. Most recently, we stopped an attack in a mall, and I believe that man was NoI.

    “Ok, WAS Rush drug-addled, or no?”
    Don’t know, don’t care. My posts had nothing to do with you except that one line in the funny song.

    “You mean to compare The Revolutionay & Civil Wars to our invasion of Iraq…”
    Yes, I do. And here is why. In all of those cases, we did what was right, regardless of the fact that the majority were against it. In the case of Iraq, we went in there to finish what should have been done a decade earlier. Iraq had repeatedly thumbed it’s nose at the world and ignored the treaty we had with them. After September 11, 2001, it was time to clean house. You can argue that Iraq was not part of the September 11 attack, and that’s fine, they weren’t. However, September 11th proved that these terrorist states have the ability to attack us. That is why e had to put an end to Saddam’s reign of terror. This is the same or worse with Iran.

    Simple, have the cajones to defeat the insurgents. Quit pussy-footing around and try to WIN instead of trying to appease. The biggest problem with Iraq is that we went in as the Incredible Hulk, and have transformed back to David Banner.

    “Gore didn’t lose because of electoral vs. popular. The process was hijacked, and subverted.”
    No, that’s untrue. Please prove otherwise.

    No, I don’t.

  14. Thanks, Gary for reporting from a reliable, well-respected new source.

    What does the National Enquirer say about this?
    Or, in the same league, what about Faux “news” InfoTainment (TM)?

    So, who is going to answer my questions?

  15. “Bush – the worst president ever. How has he
    made your country safer by spawning more and more of ‘dem turrrshts’, even in Iraq, where there were none before this insane neo-con pipedream war of his and his neocon buddies? (That “no terrorist attacks on American soil since 9/11″ argument is as pathetic and braindead as it gets – how many were there before 9/11, huh?) How has his torture-endorsing, human rights stomping neobarbaric regime of liars and their corrupt GOP pawns held up family values and fastened the national identity? I though the national identity of America was built on freedom, democracy and human rights. The Bush regime and their policies are the antithesis of these values. And that’s as anti-American as it gets.”

    You got it right Brutha! He’s so much werser than Saddam.

  16. Always Right: I’ll answer. I looked up your posts and found the questions below…

    “To those who disagree with the concept of global warming, can it not be argued that it still is indefensable to spew waste into the oceans, soil and atmosphere?
    Doesn’t that just SEEM right?” I agree, wherever it’s feasible we should try to be clean. Just because people disagree with some of the eco-activists does not mean that people want to throw trash everywhere.

    Y’all come vote now. Ya hear?
    Actually I read it, but I guess I could have RotRox 2.0 speak it for me.

    How can you possibly quote him? HE_IS_HIGH! 30 a day? THIRTY!
    Well, I can’t defend drug abuse, but it doesn’t mean a quote is inacurate.

    WHO’S coming here to fight? The Shiite and Sunni? As I said earlier…on September 11, 2001 the Sunnis did come here and destroyed a few buildings. We thwarted another Sunni attack a dew months ago coming from London. Most recently, we stopped an attack in a mall, and I believe that man was NoI.

    Anything else?

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