Single iPhone owners don’t want to date someone who settled for an Android phone

“Americans are picky when it comes to dating, particularly those who have iPhones, according to a survey of more than 5,500 singletons aged 18 and over by dating site,” Quentin Fottrell reports for MarketWatch. “”

“Apple iPhone owners are 21 times more likely to judge others negatively for having an Android, while those who have an Android are 15 times more likely to judge others negatively for having an iPhone,” Fottrell reports. “And those who have older models of either smartphone are 56% less likely to get a date.”

“‘The metrics of the traditional date have shifted,’ says Simon Rego, chief psychologist at Montefiore Medical Center at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. He does see a cultish aspect to the technology we use,” Fottrell reports. “And it’s not only device preferences that divide people. The real judgments begin when singletons ‘friend’ each other on Facebook. Some 58% are turned off by anyone who complains on Facebook, and exactly half of singletons are put off by potential dates who are too active on social media, the study concluded.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Quickly weeding out those with poor decision-making skills is yet another of iPhone’s myriad benefits.

Since Android users are poorer, shorter, unhealthier, less educated, and far less charitable than Apple iPhone users, no one in their right mind would choose to date that over richer, taller, more educated, and far more charitable iPhone users.

Apple users have higher credit scores than Android and Windows users – January 24, 2017
Poor man’s iPhone: Android on the decline – February 26, 2015
Study: iPhone users are smarter and richer than those who settle for Android phones – January 22, 2015
Why Android users can’t have the nicest things – January 5, 2015
iPhone users earn significantly more than those who settle for Android phones – October 8, 2014
Yet more proof that Android is for poor people – June 27, 2014
More proof that Android is for poor people – May 13, 2014
Android users poorer, shorter, unhealthier, less educated, far less charitable than Apple iPhone users – November 13, 2013
IDC data shows two thirds of Android’s 81% smartphone share are cheap junk phones – November 13, 2013
CIRP: Apple iPhone users are younger, richer, and better educated than those who settle for Samsung knockoff phones – August 19, 2013
iPhone users smarter, richer than Android phone users – August 16, 2011
Study: Apple iPhone users richer, younger, more productive than other so-called ‘smartphone’ users – June 12, 2009

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Chazz” for the heads up.]


    1. When I was a teenager, it was the pretty girl with the lovely hair and big breasts who always seemed to be the one I was most keen on. Hardware accessories didn’t really form part of the decision making process.

      Obviously I’m more of a hands-on person.

      1. I’m not sure this has anything to do with race. It does have mostly to do with purchasing power. But not a lot. I see a lot of people in the service industry (restaurant servers, cashiers in stores, others who work for a low hourly wage) with iPhones (late models). While that “heat” map of large urban areas does indicate that the poorer neighbourhoods skew heavily towards android, there are still plenty of iPhone owners across the board.

      1. Because it’s sarcasm without the /s. 1. I am not dating. I am blissfully married. 2. If I were attracted to another woman (hypothetically) I wouldn’t care what their phone is. Love is blind. Lastly, the article is stupid and anyone who picks their mate over the phone they use, is pretty shallow. Like you said, douchery. I appreciate you calling me out. I was going for the chuckle or chortle. I’ve been checking out too many memes and comments lately.

  1. There’s a lot of snickering at this article, but it makes sense to me. I’m happily married now, but if I were single, looking at someone with an Android phone would be a turn off (not a deal-breaker though).

    My wife and I connected when she saw my jailbroken iPhone and asked how I got it to look the way it did, and then asked what else I could do with it.

    Both my wife and I spend most of the day with Apple products… behind a desk with a Mac, on the go with an iPhone, watching TV on an Apple TV, reading/playing games with an iPad, traveling with MacBooks, working out with Apple Watches. Even as we sleep my Apple products are encoding, uploading, downloading, and recharging.

    Here’s the thing, being all in on an ecosystem like Apple’s brings some clear advantages, but being all in with a partner brings even more advantages… sharing subscriptions, AirDrop, sharing cables, better messaging with iMessage, FaceTime, etc…

    Again, it wouldn’t be a deal breaker, but it’s pretty nice to have your partner be all in on Apple as well.

    Now on the other hand, someone who pulls out a 30-pin era iPhone with a cracked “spiderweb” display…

  2. My wife’s HP desktop died six weeks after we started dating in early 2008. I told her I’d break up with her if she bought another PC. She bought an iMac the next weekend. She’s in advertising so used Macs at work and it was an easy sell.

    She had a Razr at the time but got an iPhone as soon as I got my 3G.

    It’s petty but I find I have less in common with people who use Android or some other phone OS.

  3. Seeing a female with an Android phone shrinks me up into a little peanut. It’s like seeing a woman with hairy armpits, 39 piercings, or ginormous body tattoos. Android phones are gross.

  4. This is moronic. Who wrote this crap? “Apple iPhone owners are 21 times more likely to judge others negatively for having an Android.”

    I know Statistics ain’t easy. But seriously, “21 times more likely?” Than WHAT? You can’t just throw out a number and pretend it has a meaning on its own. Are they suggesting that if you interviewed 22 iPhone users, 21 of them would view the Android users negatively and 1 wouldn’t? I’d suggest that that is inaccurate. Surely at least a handful wouldn’t give a flying rat’s ass what kind of phone their date has.

    This is what happens when liberal arts weenies get the password to the SPSS machine and start playing math major.

    1. The impression I got was that if you take a group of iPhone users and a similar sized group of Android users, 21% of the iPhone group would view Android users negatively, 15% of the Android group would view iPhone users negatively, and the baseline being 1% of a group not using either OS viewing a user of either OS negatively.

  5. I can see this happening with over 50 percent of average folks.

    Much more going on for decades. Your voting stock depends on the eye of the beholder and obviously their likes and dislikes.

    For example: Jailhouse tats or butterflies, smoking, drinking, illegal drug use, et al — are either a turn OFF or a turn ON. That would be personal discriminating taste. I’ll leave out the elitist snob factor … 😎

    1. A friendly correction from the resident grammar nazi.

      et al. (with the required period after it, regardless of place in sentence) is an abbreviation from the Latin phrase “et alia (neuter), or et alii (masculine), or et aliae (feminine), and it means “and others” (referring to people). When you want to use Latin to say “and other things”, you say et cetera (abbreviated etc.).

      A less common meaning of et al. is et alibi, meaning “and elsewhere” (referring to physical locations).

      In your sentence, et al. doesn’t make sense (literally: “…tats or butterflies, smoking, drinking, illegal drug use, and other persons…”). If you need to use a Latin borrowed word (or abbreviation), etc. would work better.

    2. As for the substance of the message, your point is valid.

      The iPhone is just one of the many things that people use to determine the value of a potential mate. In the quest to determine a person’s quality, we try and use all social and societal clues that are available to us. iPhone and Android have been around for ten years, and over those years, a clear usage pattern has developed between the two groups. Phones now have an important role in our society, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that they represent one of those societal clues we use when assessing potential mates. There is nothing that surprising here.

  6. I always bought apple because of the value proposition: total cost of ownership, which includes valuing my time and security risks associated with “open” systems.

    If you think about that for a minute, you will begin to appreciate the importance of values aligning in a relationship. Until you’ve had your identity stolen and the months of effort necessary to reestablish your credibility, you can’t appreciate how important security really is.

  7. Based on the results of the survey the article could just as easily be titled “Single Android owners don’t want to date someone who settled for an iPhone”
    This is retarded anyhow. But if you really don’t like the phone your soul mate chose, you can CONVERT them. I can’t believe all the posts here that sound like they would walk away from that challenge 🙂

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