What we mean by ‘Hee Haw demographic’

Since we deployed the phrase “Hee Haw demographic” a while back without much elucidation, we’d like to more fully explain what we mean by the phrase: We are not referring to a type of people or a location where they live, but, rather, a practice performed by U.S. television networks in the early 1970s to shift from targeting for generic volume to targeting those with the more disposable income.

At that time, TV networks and advertisers realized that success wasn’t necessarily about the size of a show’s audience but rather the size of their target demographics within the audience. Specifically, they wanted to target the giant Baby Boomer market and they wanted to make them their customers for decades to follow.

Hee Haw was simply one of the many TV shows that was cancelled from network TV during what is known as the “Rural Purge.” In fact, these shows were popular in urban areas, too, but, the shows were broad brush programming, not focused targeting. For our purposes, the “Rural Purge” moniker is especially misleading. The TV shows that were cancelled generally contained “rural” themes (Green Acres, Hee Haw, Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C., etc., but not all: The Lawrence Welk Show was also among the shows cancelled in the “Rural Purge”), but the point is that we’re not referring to “rural” vs. “urban” when we use “Hee Haw demographic,” we are referring specifically to targeting for volume (Android, Windows PCs) versus targeting those with the more disposable income (OS X, Mac, iOS, iPhone, iPad).

Apple targets high-value consumers. Apple separates the wheat from the chaff with their value proposition. Android phone assemblers generally do not target high-value consumers (they target price-conscious customers with endless BOGOF promos) and when they do go after the high-end, they simply do not compete well against iPhone.

Apple customers are the wheat. The “Hee Haw demographic,” for whatever reason, failed to make the cut; they are the chaff.

We’ll link our use of “Hee Haw demographic” to this article going forward.

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    1. He uses a black rotary phone, I recall.

      If you do a google image search (sorry) ‘gomer and phone’ the third image is that of an iPhone. Go figure.

      The difficulty with using the “Hee Haw demographic” term is that there are lot of people who identify with the phrase on a basic level (the rather sophisticated explanation above notwithstanding) who vary quite a bit in education, income, lifestyles, and interests, and have iPhones. Some of us are therefore confused by the application of the phrase to those would not have iPhones.

      1. If you follow the link you’ll see the image is used in an article called “the Wisdom of Gomer” and is about how some businesses have been working with “Shazam”, thus the reason for the title. So the picture isn’t about an iPhone (or Gomer Pyle for that matter) , but about the app running on the screen of the iPhone displaying how one company is doing this.

        Another example of where a search engine can’t handle anything more than simple logic …

        1. Says the California homosexual Democrat who doesn’t have a need for God, guns or country. His life literally revolves around his own asshole and those who use it.

        2. @GTDworak:

          Wow. You must be the most hate-filled individual on the planet. And all because you don’t like someone else’s politics, religion, or geographic location? You have my deepest pity.

          When you do leave the planet, the world will be a better place because you are no longer in it. That’s not being mean; it’s simply a truthful statement of fact.

        3. To me, you come across as wanting to give the perception of being of higher education, but you obviously missed the POINT of an education!

          Me – I am from the south right smack in the middle of your heehaw demographic with a masters degree, bi-lingual (asian language and can read and write as well as speak professionally in the second language. What does your non-heehaw education do for you, except make you look like an dunce? I am very conservative but spend considerable time volunteering and helping at a clothing and feeding center assisting those in generational poverty, and in addition, mentor those without role models. What do you do to help society except rant hate for those not like you on the political scale?

          Shame on you!

    1. How about if you don’t like their phrasing find your apple news on another sight. There is plenty. I think it’s a perfect term and enjoy this websites commentary because their are frank and fall left of PC.

      1. You misunderstand. I grew up in central Florida in the 70’s and 80’s–pretty much the whole period of hee how’s syndication–and upon adulthood happily moved to put a thousand miles between myself and every shit kicking country redneck idiot that ever sat through a full episode of the thing.

        That MDN was appearing to insult cousin-marrying countrified contingent bothers me not in the least.

        At the same time, this site regularly trolls for the political party that, according to all recent polling, relies heavily on exactly that inbred bunch of hill dwellers for core of its support.

        So it isn’t hard to believe that the dozens if Limbaugh/Apple fans come here and wonder why they are being insulted.

        1. Opj,

          I was not previously aware that the Republican party relies on inbred hillbillies, so thank you for that info. Also, thank you for your obvious lack of bigotry. I’m glad you’re not sanctimonious.

          As for those inbred hillbillies, I seem to at least remember that they weren’t altogether fired up about voting for Obamacare. And as we now see, boy were they wrong.

          Whereas it is obvious that all of the good and smart people who DID vote for Obamacare really knew what they were signing off on.

          I wish this country had more smart liberals. Not only are they very very smart, but they are good people, too. The most tolerant people you’ll ever come across, in fact.

          Yay for Obamacare.

    2. And what phrase would you suggest MDN use?

      In today’s multi-ethnic, sexual orientation, religious belief, etc., splintered society there isn’t a word/phrase that doesn’t “offend” someone. The politically correct police have ensured that, except when the user of such “offensive” word/s are the group/s allegedly “offended”. Ever wonder how Exxon got its name? They could not find a single language, anywhere in the world that used a double “x” in a word. In other words they made up a complete nonsensical word for the Company’s name. That is where language is headed with all this nonsense about words that “offend”.

      Controlling the words we use is just another way (albeit more subtle) for one group to control another. Read George Orwell’s “1984” (not required in public schools anymore. What a shame.).

      1. There are plenty of phrases/words that do not offend the majority of the country (most folks are “chaff”). This has nothing to do with political correctness. It has everything to do with bigotry and making hasty generalizations.
        Words, you might or might not know, are made up. They are often derived from past language, but those, too, are made up. “Hee-Haw” is a made-up word. Ever use it in everyday language? Didn’t think so. Nonsensical, indeed.
        The Orwellian distinction here is ridiculous. Nobody is making anyone do anything. Criticism about how a blog uses language from free-thinking people, no gov’t involved is far from Orwellian. Perhaps you should read 1984 again.

      2. There are plenty of phrases/words that do not offend the majority of the country (most folks are “chaff”). This has nothing to do with political correctness. It has everything to do with bigotry and making hasty generalizations.
        Words, you might or might not know, are made up. They are often derived from past language, but those, too, are made up. “Hee-Haw” is a made-up word. Ever use it in everyday language? Didn’t think so. Nonsensical, indeed.
        The Orwellian distinction here is ridiculous. Nobody is making anyone do anything. Criticism about how a blog uses language from free-thinking people, no gov’t involved is far from Orwellian. Perhaps you should read 1984 again.

  1. Although I like the explanation, why you decided to elaborate now, suggests maybe you were getting tired of the misinterpretation complaints.

    I remember Hee-Haw on the tube, in close proximity to the Lawrence Welk Show. I mean, when you are 4 or 5 years old, you wished Emergency! would come on instead.

    1. “Why you decided to elaborate now, suggests maybe you were getting tired of the misinterpretation complaints.”

      No shit, Sherlock. Not too bright, are you? How do you like your Android phone?

  2. Thanks for the clarification. Some people here are just so passionate with where they live, and are offended when terms like “Ghetto” or “Hee Haw” are used to refer to their living arrangements. I grew up in a small town, and I plan on living in a city later on, but I still think both areas have their pros, and cons.

    1. I think of Green Acres as a comedy classic with good writers, well-developed characters and an unusually good cast (from Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor to Arnold). Definitely better than the vast majority of sit-coms. Tell me there’s a rerun and I’ll watch it on my iPad Air or Apple TV. 🙂

    1. Looks like you are trying out for the “Hipster” demographic. Some great bands for you include Autechre, Bon Iver, The Aphex Twin, and Sufjan Stevens. All of their posters would look great in your Williamsburg apartment.

  3. Dear MDN:

    Unfortunately, while you meant no insult to any particular person, the inescapable conclusion is that this phrase characterizes a definition of a societal Class, even in the supposedly class-averse United States. ‘Hee-Haw Demographic’ means Poor People. This is especially telling of the state of things in the US today.

  4. Anyone who claims not to understand this concept is either an idiot or is too hell bend on political correctness political to ever understand. This has nothing to do with whether you or anyone else not you is a special snowflake, so relax.

  5. I see. So it sounds like a belittling term for rural people, and the term has some historical ties with TV programming targeting rural people. But the way you use it, rural people shouldn’t be offended because it’s just a disparaging term for poor people in general. Got it.

    1. Lol. This is pretty spot on, but I don’t think MDN should have to be sensitive for the sake of being sensitive. Indeed, we are talking about an entire class of people in the HH demographic (many who are poor, many who are simply tasteless), but this is capitalism and targeting the right demographic is important.

      Apple’s products are premium but not to the point that they are unaffordable. They make reliable products that last for years and maintain their value.

      Those that can’t or won’t appreciate this should have a name that we can identify. “Bumpkin”, “Bottom-rung”, even “Poor” are worse identifiers, IMO. It is the opinion of this blog and many of its participants that people who don’t believe in Apple should have an identifiable name. You know, like all of the bottom-chucked cheerleaders that said Apple should sell things at a loss and dilute it’s brand.

      1. chuckers*

        Like BBall players who make terrible shot selection, there are people out there who will say anything negative about Apple (no matter how poorly founded or illogical) to see what sticks.

  6. i liked green acres.
    and petticoat junction.
    and beverly hillbillies
    and hee haw
    and gomer pyle
    and andy griffith
    Well, didn’t like them that much, but they were considered harmless and we were allowed to watch them.

    did develop an ongoing fondness for the banjo though.

    1. Then you will like Sufjan Stevens. His music features banjo, but he is very, VERY eclectic. One moment, his music sounds like folk music, and in another album, it sounds like abstract electronica, and one time, he even made a “Koyaanisqatsi”-esqe film with a classical-electronica soundtrack to it. I love his stuff, and I am sure that puts me in the “hipster” demographic.

  7. Hee Haw was a show featuring country music and country music stars. It was a variety show amidst a plethora of variety shows. TV shows are initially targeted using demographics, but get cancelled because of ratings, not quality or intention.

    A present day analog for Android vs iOS would be ‘Real Housewives of ______’ vs ‘Downton Abbey’ I suppose.

    But don’t forget the nouveau riche ‘Beverly Hillbillies’ market….

    1. No, it would be more like Honey Boo Boo vs Downton Abbey. I used to run into Teresa from RHW of NJ in Beach Haven, NJ. She is definitely an iPhone user. Her husband is a dick, but she’s very nice.

  8. Well said, MacFreek.

    The US appears a nation divided:
    1) the few percent elites who make all the rules and take the vast majority of the financial rewards (~10% of U.S.corporate profit goes directly to executives),
    2) the rapidly vanishing middle class who have spent the last few decades indebting themselves to maintain upscale lifestyles while their actual financial position has eroded severely, and
    3) the rapidly growing “Hee Haw Demographic”. This includes the traditional few poor who are proud to be ignorant, lazy parasites, but now also an increasing number who through no fault of their own are being marginalized by increased educational costs, evaporating job opportunities, extended commutes to zero-benefit dead-end jobs as they are pushed out of the gentrified and gated cities, and of course nothing but condesention from the upper classes.

    Way to go, MDN. How about you do the right thing and stop stoking the divisionism.

  9. The more read the comments about people who complain about the term “Hee Haw demographic” the more I think people don’t understand basic English (or English is not their 1st Language) OR people have a chip on their shoulder and are looking for a reason to be offended. So many people are so butt hurt by this expression even after an explanation in clear simple English. If you are so butt hurt you can just stay butt hurt. People need to learn that BEING OFFENDED DOES NOT MAKE YOU RIGHT!!!!

    1. Perhaps you missed the “separating the wheat from the chaff” idiom. What if Apple said that you’re disposable and irrelevant fodder? That’s what chaff is.
      Having poor reading comprehension does not make you right, either.

  10. I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU. AND, that’s a good thing. The Hee Haw Demographic SHOULD be about the Southern, hillbilly, idiotic slice of the population that has the IQ of a set of steak knives. That’s for the whole family.

    There are TRULY some stupid people in the US AND all over the place and ours is seemingly concentrated in the Southern tier of our country.. ALTHOUGH, it is NOT limited to the South.

    So call it what it is. It’s the concentrated component of our population that’s needs a LOT of help just opening their mouths. I challenge you to spend ONE HOUR in ANY Wal-Mart parking lot in Houston Texas, on any day of any week and tell me I’m wrong.

    1. So everyone who is poor are of low IQ and predominately Southern? You clearly need no help opening your mouth. Assistance with the lack of logic that comes out of it is another story altogether.

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