petition demands that Apple not change Final Cut Pro

By SteveJack
SteveJack is a long-time Macintosh user, web designer, multimedia producer and a regular contributor to the MacDailyNews Opinion section who gets paid by the article, not the word count.
Related articles:
Final Cut Pro X ‘backlash’ coming from competitors scared to death over Apple’s $299 price tag? – June 24, 2011
Conan blasts Apple’s new Final Cut Pro X (with video) – June 24, 2011
Answers to the unanswered questions about Apple’s new Final Cut Pro X – June 23, 2011
‘Professional’ video editors freak out over Final Cut Pro X – June 23, 2011
Apple revolutionizes video editing with Final Cut Pro X – June 21, 2011


  1. To be fair, some users like the current Final Cut Pro and are concerned that they will be left behind as Apple focuses on the new X version. If they do not believe that X will eventually fulfill all of the requirements covered by the current version, then they have a right to be concerned.

  2. People want the best and the newest software around. I agree, Apple has made this new version a bit less exciting than the other versions. People expected a piece of software that exceeded last versions features. Thats why people are complaining. I like this new version. Im not saying Apple should completely change this new version, just add the major features from the last version. Long live Apple and their amazing hardware and software!

  3. Yeah I agreed at first but then read on reading through the posts that very few Pros. (people earning the living from FCP) need to jump immediately. Also like the furore over “Lion only available in App Store” it now transpires that Apple provide the means to burn an installer. I therefore ask myself.. why am I hating on Apple lately? I only use Apple computers and (i)Phones. The control grates a little bit but is there something deeper? 60 Billion in cash reserves? More FUD then information? No Xserve’s? Have I answered my own question?

  4. I’m going to pick up a copy of FCP X. I’ve dabbled with video, but not in a big way. But I’d like to know what the fuss is all about. I think the “pros” criticising the software have just given a sales boost to the product.

    1. That makes complete sense. And yet, Apple pulled FCP7 and replaced it with FCPX, inferring that it is indeed the upgrade. Therefore, the clear intention is that users move from FCP7 to FCPX. You have to admit that, at least, is Apple’s intention.

      Meanwhile, I’m looking forward to FCPX growing up a bit in the next few months, making it hopefully a worthy replacement.

  5. A large enough customer should simply contact Apple directly and ask to purchase 50 (or whatever) more licenses of FCP7, at $1000 a pop. Apple is not stupid. I think they would cheerfully sell licenses for the old version for $1000 a copy, instead of $300 for the new version. They are not going to put it on the web site because they are trying to encourage customers to buy the new version.

    A smaller customer who needs one or a few more copies of FCP7 should use this as an opportunity to save some money, instead of an opportunity to complain. Many “pro” users are upgrading to the new version, and if they don’t have a problem with the transition, they are not going throw away their license (and manuals/discs/docs) for FCP7. They paid $1000 for the package. They will try to sell it. Since it is no longer the latest version, and the new version sells for $300, the going price for a “used” FCP7 license will be discounted. Just look a eBay now. If you can get it for $500, it’s 50% off.

    Meanwhile, Apple will be working to add the necessary features to this new optimal “foundation” that will be around for the NEXT ten years. Within 12 to 18 months, FCPX will probably have ALL the necessary features, and you can then pay $300 for it. $500+$300 is STILL less than the old $1000 price tag.

    1. The price is not an important issue. Over the lifetime of the product, the price is just another sunk cost, like the hardware. The problem is that FCPX does not address basic requirements. Continuing to use FCP7 is unrealistic. There is no longer any support or assistance for it. No new licences can be purchased for additional licence bays. Further to that, it is unhelpful to have followed Apple’s software and then to be told to carry on using out-of-date software which is not 64bit. It is unhelpful to have to scrabble around eBay to purchase what may be essential software licenses. That is all most certainly amateur hour.

      1. I think it is hilarious that you guys think you can simply tell bald faced lies and expect us to buy them… and then sympathize with you!

        FCPX doesn’t just address basic requirements it exceeds them and has advanced the state of the art for editing. Most of the things you guys complain are missing aren’t actually missing, and the ones that are don’t make sense anyway. (EG: FCP 7 import.)

        You’ve been using FCP 7 for several years, now suddenly it isn’t good enough? It’s unrealistic to keep using it? Yeah, right.

        There is support and assistance ofr it from Apple and third parties. So claiming otherwise is just a lie.

        You can purchase new licenses from Apple and from other parties, so claiming otherwise is also a lie…. in fact, you admit this yourself when you mention ebay.

        You’re not being told to carry on using “out of date software”, you’re being told to use the new 64 bit product which is vastly superior, but you don’t want to, and are crying about it. If FCP 7 is “out of date” then you should move to FCP X and STFU!

        If you can’t handle apple advancing the state of the art in editing UI by changing things…. and by the way, I think it is hilarious that Apple making it easier to edit has thrown you guys into conniptions– then that’s your fault, not Apples.

        Your position is asinine where it isn’t dishonest…

        1. Calling people dishonest is stupid. Arguments and debates and calling loyal customers liars will not make the problems disappear and will not make people suddenly change their mind about Apple’s behaviour.

    2. “Apple is not stupid. I think they would cheerfully sell licenses for the old version for $1000 a copy, instead of $300 for the new version. ”

      Apparently, they’re stupider than you think since they are unwilling to sell FCP7. They took them off the shelf. Retailers were told to return the packages. You can not get a license from Apple.

      As far as eBay, that doesn’t work in the corporate environment. With the DRM that FCP has, you can’t be sure that the seller hasn’t retained the serial number which may prevent your copy from running.

      All of this also ignores the fact that you can’t get support, and platform compatibility moving forward is unknown.

      1. You have personally contacted someone at Apple, and they have personally informed you that they will absolute NOT sell you a license for FCP7 for $1000? Doubtful…

        You’re telling me that if I bought FCP7 a month ago for $1000, Apple will not provide me with any support? Doubtful…

        1. @ken1w,

          Why would you doubt that Apple doesn’t sell FCP7 licenses? They simply don’t. Yes, I checked. Yes, I verified that packages have been removed. This isn’t that hard. Why would you assume people are lying about this when it’s so easy to verify?

          “You’re telling me that if I bought FCP7 a month ago for $1000, Apple will not provide me with any support? Doubtful…”

          You still don’t get it do you?

          Again, pretend you’re not the only person in the universe. Realize that there are people and studios that have years worth of projects products by many people all in FCP project format. This is their livelihood.

          Now, understand that having your entire library of work stuck in a EOL format is simply too much risk. It’s unknown when any update may break functionality. For us, we have thousands of projects, so it means dedicating Macs for the sole purpose of archive access.

          We can’t continue to produce content in an EOL format. So the entire studio needs to consider the options, and unfortunately, this puts not only non-Apple software on the table as a likely consideration, but also migrating off Macs as a potential outcome.

          Wow…just wow…you really think FCP7 import “doesn’t make sense”. Do you even know what we’re talking about here?

          “You’ve been using FCP 7 for several years, now suddenly it isn’t good enough?”

          No, we’ve been complaining about it for a long time now, and have been patiently waiting for this upgrade. Unfortunately it can’t be used by many of us who were waiting.

          “There is support and assistance ofr it from Apple and third parties. So claiming otherwise is just a lie.”

          Really? Can you point me to support for the already broken codec issue? What about when the next security hole is discovered? How about when the next version of OS X is incompatible?

          “Apple making it easier to edit has thrown you guys into conniptions– then that’s your fault, not Apples.”

          Nope. Very few people are complaining about the new UI. Nobody in this thread was. I never have. I’ve mentioned several times in the MDN forums that I like FCPX. I think it’s great in many ways. My only complaint is with it’s inability to be used for the needs of many pros, especially those with existing FCP projects.

          “You’re not being told to carry on using “out of date software”, you’re being told to use the new 64 bit product which is vastly superior, but you don’t want to, and are crying about it.”

          Hey, how does a studio do that with their existing library of FCP projects? Can you answer that?

          Really, you might want to limit your comments to things you know at least something, however little, about.

  6. For the life of me, I can’t see what this all fscking fuss is about! All the issues of FCPX are just a fscking update issue just wait for crying pit loud and stop moaning and screaming like bitches! I have both of FC versions installed on my mac and when I want the FC features, I use this, just stay with the previous version and wait for damn fixes!

  7. I think people are missing the point of what the complaints are. It’s NOT BECAUSE IT”S NEW…

    Those who love FCP X are shooting family videos, skateboarders, etc and posting to you tube and Facebook, you are clueless as to what a PRO needs are.

    You are not a pro video editor because you own a Mac and shoot with the latest HDDSLR. Educate yourself about what PROS need in order to create those films you try so hard to copy.

    I loved the days when Mac was a small community, now they are mainstream and too big and care about the consumer and are forgetting about the pro users who have been with them from day one.

    Yes, we can still use FCP7, but as you all know its not supported anymore. What happens in a year when something goes wrong?

    Apple is forcing us to purchase something that isn’t usable in the pro editing world. Is that too hard to understand?

    They took away the essentials that are needed. They made it easier for the everyday Joe to enjoy simple video editing, so families around the country can enjoy with simple sharing.

    There is place for that but there is also a place for higher end software for the pros. Call it iMovie Pro and create we pros need.

    1. “Yes, we can still use FCP7, but as you all know its not supported anymore. What happens in a year when something goes wrong?”

      Look, there are legitimate concerns/complaints about FCP. But it gets undermined when the complainers point out that FCPX is not ready *now* and FCP7 might have problems *in a year*, without considering FCPX *in a year* and FCP7 *now*.

      I think the petition should have been to *ask* Apple to ease the transition by continuing to sell FCP7 (full price) for another 6 months/year, with a clear disclaimer that it is not going to get support.

      1. I am very unhappy with the transition from FCP 7 to FCP X and think Apple has massively screwed up, not on FCP X, cause it could be awesome, but in the way it has messed up current professionals. I think 1-2 years, maybe more of incidental support and continued sales, and perhaps some kind of plug-in allowing old project files to be imported or accessed in SOME way, so your archives are never truly “lost”.

  8. The claim that people can’t just use FCP 7 is undermined by the fact that they have “just been using FCP 7” for the past couple of years.

    Apple hasn’t done anything to stop the continued use of FCP 7.

    You say they can no longer get support, but that’s not true. Apple didn’t invalidate any support contracts by releasing a new product, and most FCP support is provided by third parties.

    If you need additional copies of FCP 7 then you can buy them, either on the new market, or on the used market going forward as the licenses are freed up by people moving forward with FCP X.

    There’s no legitimate beef anyone should have with FCP X.

    Cry babies gonna cry.

    1. Apple removed all support references to FCP the day that FCPX came out. This cut all links to upgrades to FCP. They’ve since, after “cry babies crying” put the links back so bug and security patches could be downloaded and installed.

      “If you need additional copies of FCP 7 then you can buy them, either on the new market,”

      You can’t do this. Apple pulled all copies. Used isn’t an option for many since FCP has DRM and the serial numbers could be retained by the original owners. Many corporations won’t allow this.

      “There’s no legitimate beef anyone should have with FCP X.”

      You know nothing about FCPX. To you, it’s fine as the iMovie Pro app that it is. Therefore you have no concept of what the software means for many professionals who’ve invested a lot of money and time to have this tool be a central part of what there career is about. Most real professionals in this field using FCP have been screwed by Apple.

      Since you don’t know anything about the software, why don’t you read any one of the articles outlining the legitimate beefs these pros have with FCPX?

      1. Well said MrEdofCourse. Throughout these threads, Engineer’s need seems to be to use whatever blinkered distortions of the situation he believes he can get away with to defend his beloved corporate, Apple, against the very real problems their bubblegum software is causing professionals.

        Such is the world of the teenage fanboy, I suppose.

    2. You have no clue what you are talking about, but clearly that doesn’t stop the diarrhea flowing from your keyboard. What do you do for a living? How are you qualified to have an opinion on this?

  9. I have had it. This new Pages program just is not as good as WriteNow. Let’s start a petition. While we are at it, who really needs anything more than a 20 MB harddrive.

    1. And yet Steve Jobs has repeatedly proved that he does give a rat’s about customer concerns, remarkably unlike most other corporate CEOs of the current era. Thus our ongoing economic depression while Apple thrives.

      Trolling is naughty. Nanny may have to spank you. 😛

  10. Regardless of who is a “pro” or not, regardless of what features will be added, are missing or how good the new version is and great new additions to the software, regardless of the great price, the requirement to adapt, to learn new software, REGARDLESS of all this… Apple has created a situation where CURRENT editors and post houses in my industry, the professional feature film and television world are affected MASSIVELY by not being able to expand or continue with FCP 7 and the infrastructure they have invested thousands of dollars in is wasted!

    This would be EASILY solved by Apple. Continue to sell FCP 7 and support it over the next 2-3 years as you ramp up FCP X to match the capability of FCP 7, a lot of people will naturally make the switch when it is the right time and FCP X offers the right features etc. It wouldn’t be THAT difficult…

    Guys, have some sympathy for these so called “cry babies”, they’ve been dealt a massive blow with no warning… if you really understood the impact of this, you wouldn’t be saying these things. I love Apple and always supported them, it’s strange now to be the one being taunted by Apple fans for voicing my concern…

        1. “This one has 3500 signatures-

          Current count: 3884 signatures and rapidly growing. Skip the petition!

          “Final Cut Pro X is Not a Professional Application” Petition:

          “To: Apple, Inc.
          “We, both the editors and affected filmmakers who rely on Final Cut Pro as a crucial business tool, do so in the same way Photoshop, Maya, Pro Tools, and other industry-standard applications are relied on by leading post-production environments. Many have invested hundreds of thousands (some even millions) of dollars in creating Final Cut Pro based companies. These are now threatened by a “prosumer-grade” product upgrade of Final Cut Pro 7 titled “Final Cut Pro X,” and will likely put several of these companies out of business….”

          This petition is a little shrill and over the top, but it speaks for more than a few users.

          I predict a formal Apple statement in our future…

  11. It’s interesting how whoever talks some common sense about this whole bogus “down with FCP X” campaign is immediately shot down as “you don’t know what you are talking about since you are not a pro”.

    But then the so-called “pros” just repeat the same talking points like parrots without really enlightening us “non-pros” about what the real problem is. And the real problem is that there really is no problem that can stand up to scrutiny.

    Cannot import FCP 7 projects into FCP X? Well, unless Apple sent some kind of internet-based electric bolt to fry your FCP 7 on the day FCP X was released, you don’t really need to import those products into FCP X immediately, do you? Just keep using FCP 7, don’t buy FCP X and contact Apple with your concerns.

    No longer supported? That is simply laughable. Apple did not become the world’s most valuable company by throwing customers under the bus.

    What will happen in a year’s time? Well, this gives you the opportunity to plan a year ahead. If you really have problems in one year, and FCP 7 just dies out sometime in June 2012 and FCP X doesn’t meet your needs, move on with your alternate plans.

    I suggest the upset “pros”, who seem to have a lot of time on their hands to write lengthy pieces repeating the same attacks on FCP X on public forums, just go back to work already. Your multi-million-dollar projects must be waiting for you to come back to.

    And when you have a moment, maybe you could spend some time trying to learn the new software. Don’t be like Conan’s video people – the software had barely made it to store shelves and they were already dissing it in a totally unprofessional manner.

    No wonder he lost the Tonight Show gig.

    1. The opinion war about FCPX is NOT about Pros versus Non-Pros. There are plenty of BOTH on both sides of the battle zone. Reading through all the comments here and elsewhere makes that quite clear. Therefore, please discard the red herring.

  12. There seems to be massive amounts of arrogance on the side of the “non-pros” here. It is funny how debate has distilled down to those who don’t use FCP much (or at all) versus those who use high-end features and tools to make a living. The “pros” continue to try and explain how it is extremely frustrating not being able to BUY NEW LICENSES (this is absolutely correct, no matter how you try to twist it; eBay simply does NOT count), not being able to rely on future technical support (meaning, 2 months from now) and knowing there will be NO FIXES to the bugs still in the (now obsolete) FCP 7.

    On the other side, we have “non-pros” who don’t exactly provide useful responses to the issues raised by “pros”, but mostly keep saying “cry babies”.

    To me, the discussion seems a bit lopsided.

  13. “Actually no, many of these folks can *not* just use the old version of Final Cut Pro. Apple doesn’t sell, or support it any more.”

    It’s still available from at least some major online retailers, like B&H Photo and Adorama.

    Apple doesn’t sell it now, no, but they do still support current users. That won’t change for at least a couple more years.

    Nitpicking? Maybe, but it’s an important distinction.

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