Apple CEO Tim Cook: President Trump and I both care about creating jobs

In a new 10-minute interview with Fox Business, Apple CEO Tim Cook discusses coronavirus’ impact on Apple and interests he shares with president Donald Trump, including the creation of jobs and job retraining in America.

Apple CEO Tim Cook: President Trump and I both care about creating jobs

I care a lot about creating jobs and I think the president does as well. I care a lot about training the workforce for the future and the administration is really focused on this as well…

We have to make sure our education is preparing people for the disruption and the creation [of new jobs]. If we can do that, we can flourish in this environment… These are just tow of the things where there’s intersections and I think most people would say those are nonpartisan. — Apple CEO Tim Cook

MacDailyNews Note: Direct link to the video is here.


  1. One has prioritized HonHai jobs, the other KHB jobs. Actually both have DIRECTLY sourced their business contracts to China First. Neither has a workable approach to leveling international labor issues.

      1. Not sure that most people who have firsthand experience dealing with him would agree with you. You can assess this yourself: when is the last time Trump has ever spoken publicly on any issue when he didn’t assign all credit for positive results, and simultaneously blaming anyone and everyone else for any setback? Teflon Don is that kind of slimy guy. But then, his base supporters who care only about aggressive speech stance and not actual results forgive this endlessly. Accountability? They don’t do that for their Chosen One.

        On Feb. 25 while visiting India, The Great Orange One couldn’t help but trot out his re-election advertising in front of foreigners (He has limited mental bandwidth, you know.) He claimed that he would cause stocks to jump if he is re-elected, but “if I don’t win you’re going to see a crash like you’ve never seen before.” How many of the Indian crowd even held US stocks? Well that’s irrelevant, Trump didn’t say a single thing of substance, certainly nothing for his Hindu audience. He’s just practicing for his campaign rallies.

        Sounds like delusions of grandeur to me. He has done everything possible to goose the economy with a sugar high of debt spending, cut Fed rates, and socialism for farmers and campaign donors. The same corporations that exported jobs were rewarded with tax cuts which were immediately spent to buy back their own stock! So the stock market was overvalued and looking for a sharp pin to burst the balloon. Trumptards will of course say that this stock market correction is entirely due to virus fears and that it would otherwise have continued to grow upward forever. Even if one believed that implausible scenario, the real GDP growth of the economy is lower than the predecessing presidents BEFORE the stock bubble burst. What separates this administration from prior administrations is that MUCH more rewards have been privatized for the connected billionaires, while working class stiffs continue to have poor pay and the millenials have zero-benefit jobs and educational debts with no good prospects. What has the current administration done? It’s bragged about how much der Fuhrer cares about the Youth and the working classes. Be sure to buy lots of Made in China Drumph Collection swag on your way out of the rally.

      2. @James, if you are new around here or not, you will not get anywhere close to a logical intelligent or HONEST political discussion with the tireless HATEFUL ONE.

        First paragraphs in the childish UGLY name calling started, followed by half truths and litany of off topic accusations having nothing to do with the discussion, I had ENOUGH, as with everyone of his posts.

        The people here with fair minded assessment and brains don’t waste their time. Volumes of tedious one sided opinions that are reduced to fodder aimed at orange sycophant HATE TRUMP followers and up vote ratings. Not those, that know better.

        Thankfully, we have many credible posts to choose from… 👍🏻

        1. @James, you will not get anywhere close to a logical intelligent or HONEST political discussion with the tireless non-Apple-related articles that MDN posts for clickbait to entertain the Donald J.T. supporters.

          Goeb is one of those Donald supporters, and you will see that he also posts off topic content ad nauseum, but instead of addressing the points made by anyone else, he posts labels. He claims to be fair minded but has never once looked at the objective impact of any current policy. His simple brain only clicks on the same old tropes: Cook always bad, Trump always good, Apple always right, anything else in California always bad, …. you get the idea. No subtlety or ability to think through complex issues, just paste and hate.

          Goeb is correct on one thing, however: people with dignity and honest consistent values admit that the orange sycophant in office now has earned all the HATE he gets. What comes around goes around.

          Since Goeb didn’t use his signature debate-winning Drumph card, I’ll use it: Nuff said. Be sure to stamp your feet when you say Nuff, then you can turn on your heel and run back to your propaganda handlers for more talking points Goeb.

        2. Actually, the fact that you posted again proves that you’re not immune to anything. You apply your highly slanted spin to everything you write and then you refuse to back up your assertions when someone calls you out on it. It really is too bad you can’t take more time to think through the untenable political positions you take over and over again. Your skin is thinner than the orange puppet’s. It doesn’t even matter what anyone says, you immediately jump up to attack anyone who questions your extreme worldview or the corrupt actions of your latest political hero.

          Funny, but just a few years ago you were lionizing Reagan. Reagan’s platform was downright leftist compared to the incompetence seen in the current administration. Frankly, it’s an insult to Reagan to even try to compare the current POTUS to him.

          Reagan said “tear down this wall”; DT the opposite.
          Reagan supported free trade; DT is bigly isolationist.
          Reagan was an old-school executive who hired competent agency leaders, gave them a few high level goals, and turned them loose; DT demands loyalty tests.
          Reagan, “The Great Communicator” used his public speaking ability to articulate his deep commitment to principles; DT has no principles (never was a registered republican before he ran for office) and can’t speak a single thought in a grammar-correct sentence.
          Reagan was big on dignity. He followed protocol and tradition with grace; DT trashes everything and badmouths his predecessors endlessly in his carnival of populist bullshit.
          Reagan formed relationships, including foreign relations, with genial and friendly approach; DT spreads hate on twitter incessantly, badmouthing foreign leaders and acting as a bully at all times in the presence of former allies.
          Reagan tinkered with taxes (yes, to reward his base) – that included both tax cuts and tax hikes; DT signed into law the most debt-ballooning corporate handout that the nation has ever seen, while doing a pittance for the working class that he supposedly cared about.
          Reagan would be considered a leftist by today’s right wing on social issues. He strongly championed more personal freedoms for all, regardless of sex, race, religion, etc; DT has repeatedly made racist, sexist, and antireligious statements and actions.
          Reagan was sane when he entered office, and became senile at the end of his presidency; DT does things that make everyone question his sanity, period. This is not a partisan statement, professional psychologists have issued serious questions about what is going on under that dyed orange mop.
          Reagan did not campaign on resentments and intolerance; DT makes that his centrepiece.
          Reagan, in general, used a scalpel to cut out waste from the federal government; DT attempts to make every executive department a tool of political revenge.
          Reagan, though far from being a technically astute president, realized that technical experts in government with a reasonable framework of laws were necessary to oversee industry and wall street; DT trusts no one, calls his aides and generals idiots, and shoots from the hip, completely ignorant of the long term ramifications of his actions.
          Reagan in 1980 defeated Carter thanks to a horrible world economy and some blunders on Carter’s part but did not stoop so low as to blame everything on Carter; DT inherited a steadily growing economy and a largely peaceful economy but hasn’t let a day go by without blaming someone on the other color team for how horrible it was — all while delivering inferior GDP growth.
          Reagan grew in popularity as his administration began to execute their policies (many of which in retrospect were bad in long term, but at least were executed in good faith for the benefit of all Americans); DT claims he’s working for all Americans but his popularity has shrunk, many associates jailed, and the divide between rich and poor shooting up at historically high rates.
          Reagan picked his battles, in fact working with Congress to find common ground where possible; DT picks battles with everyone, throws former allies under the bus, and refuses to work with anyone outside this little team — which does not include all people of his party, by the way.

          So don’t preach to me about principles, Goeb. You surrendered yours to become a zealot for Donny. Many of us chose to stick to principle over party.

        3. @Mike
          Your list is pretty much opinion and total bullshit.
          Again, the principles that got Trump elected are the SAME principles that Reagan espoused.

          We Conservatives have waited thirty years for more of what Reagan did, not less.

          The fact that during those years the left has moved further and further from the center (Yes, the LEFT has moved, not the Right!!!) and taken media, Hollywood and Universities with them. This REQUIRED someone more bombastic than Reagan to get the message across, to pound reality into the media and get the rest of the world to listen.


        4. @Mike

          “Actually, the fact that you” couldn’t simply let it go, Mike. OK, your ego got the best of you. Alrighty then, let’s party… 😡

          NO, I am DOUBLE immune from sophistry, particularly your unique brand of BLIND HATRED of our GREAT president Donald J. Trump. 🇺🇸👍🏻🦅

          JUST KILLS YOU to hear someone say that, doesn’t it? Tough.

          “You apply your highly slanted spin to everything you write”

          You should not talk about yourself that way, it’s a sign of weakness. Rather, stick to posting facts, NOT partisan fever spin.

          “you refuse to back up your assertions”

          YOU LIE and are talking about yourself, again. I post plenty of links to credible sources and post quotes with full attribution and rarely a video link when it suits me. The rest is common knowledge available anywhere on the internet. Like I said, time and time again, I don’t do anyone’s homework. Also, what I don’t do is post partisan spin from dubious left wing fever swamp sites, like you do often.

          “It really is too bad you can’t take more time to think through the untenable political positions you take over and over again.”

          It’s really “too bad” you are talking about yourself, again and again. The “bad” part is, you simply don’t realize it. Your psychologist will be better equipped to explain it to you in an honest exchange. Hope you health insurance covers the cost.

          “Your skin is thinner than the orange puppet’s”

          Your juvenile childish name calling OPINION does not make it REALITY, got it? That says more about you, than it says about our thick skinned president, me included. Let me repeat, that says more about you. I’ll be more than happy to Trump your false accusation.

          President Trump took his hand off the inaugural swearing in bible on the D.C. Capitol steps on a blustery winter day in January 2017. 19 minutes later the Washington Post posted a story online the impeachment has BEGUN. Obviously, they have deep state information and many motives clearly apparent after all the loser Hillary tears dried.

          Since Inauguration Day the Democrats, particularly the Democrat media, have been attacking and trying to remove Trump from office 24/7/365. Under MASSIVE daily media pressure, million dollar investigations and FAKE impeachment based on a dubious phone call — Trump like Atlas, just shrugged it off. Magnificent!

          President Trump has the thickest skin of any politician in HISTOTY and it is truly remarkable to watch. Not so remarkable, Dem dupes like you don’t see it. Pity the poor FOOLS.

          “you immediately jump up to attack anyone who questions your extreme worldview or the corrupt actions of your latest political hero.”

          Again and again you are projecting your own actions on others. I do not attack, that would be YOU, I defend and articulate truth. You should remember that.

          “Reagan’s platform was downright leftist compared to the incompetence seen in the current administration.

          Reagan “leftist”? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Wow! Time and time again you shoot yourself in the foot and only gullible Libtards swallow it.

          “Frankly, it’s an insult to Reagan to even try to compare the current POTUS to him.”

          More Mike clueless disinformation. President Trump only invokes Reagan in positive terms. There are parallels that both share and you don’t see it, gee, what a surprise! Both have put terrorist nations on notice.

          “The 52 American hostages, seized from the US Embassy in Tehran in November 1979, were finally released on 20 January 1981.” — Wikipedia

          So much for GoeB NEVER posting links or attribution, another LIE. That was the day Reagan took office. Guess you think it was just a coincidence. If so, you do not understand how Washington works. Oh sorry, possibly you were not born yet.

          Parallel to President Reagan, hostages were released from North Korea under President Trump.

          Parallel to President Reagan, the military was rebuilt stronger after the previous presidents in both previous administrations were liberal Democrats that massively cut funding for defense.

          Parallel to President Reagan, as Reagan famously said government is often the problem, Trump has cut onerous regulations that strangled business, lowered taxes and same as Reagan, the economy SOARED!

          Insult to compare Trump to Reagan? Is it possible you can become even more CLUELESS, Mike?

          “Reagan, “The Great Communicator” used his public speaking ability to articulate his deep commitment to principles; DT has no principles”

          I agree with you regarding Reagan style. I disagree with you regarding Trump. Certainly, his rough and tumble mix of brash Bronx political style is not in Reagan’s eloquent LEAUGE. So what? Results count more than STYLE POINTS and President Trump has broken more economic records than President Reagan. Rough style is working and it’s all good. You simply can’t handle Trump’s success, cry us a river.

          “Reagan supported free trade; DT is bigly isolationist.”

          “isolationist” is a Democrat code word meant to demean Republicans. Unbelievable you don’t understand that basic political tactic. What you constantly MISS is President Trump has negotiated FAIR trade deals that put America first. Clueless partisan pissing in the wind on your part. Again clueless, congrats!

          “professional psychologists have issued serious questions about what is going on under that dyed orange mop.”

          For clueless Mike and the rest of the “orange” Libtards, Trump’s hair is blond. In natural light outdoors that fact is obvious. Average incandescent indoor lighting casts warm colors because they are below the Kelvin measurement to match optimum color standards in the gold standard of SUNLIGHT.

          More Mike proof I don’t post links or facts: “Kelvin is a unit of measurement used to describe the hue of a specific light source. … The higher the Kelvin value of the light source, the closer the light’s color output will be to actual sunlight. Bulbs with an output of 3500K or lower on the scale will have an amber hue.”

          “Amber hue” you got that Mike? So are we to blame the hairdresser dye as Mike alleges without links or proof it even exists (READ LIE), or the bulbs in the room? Even if I agree, which I do not, what’s wrong with orange hair? You prefer purple? You lose, AGAIN.

          “Carter; DT inherited a steadily growing economy”

          You mean Reagan, not Carter. Whoops! Yes, inherited a slow growing anemic economic recovery. But more importantly, both Republican presidents through their respective policies shattered economic records their predecessors are in awe of to this day. That said, certainly they won’t admit that fact. Who wants to admit I failed and the next president has done better than I? Answer: Adults.

          As to the rest of your Reagan hysterical revisionist OPINIONS you slant your words to your party benefit and would not recognize reality if it spit in your face. Again, pity.

          “So don’t preach to me about principles, Goeb.”

          So don’t preach to me about principles, Mike.

          “You surrendered yours to become a zealot for Donny.”

          Miles better than a zealot for DEMOCRAT DISINFORMATION. You are partisan CLUELESS. I am not afraid to stand alone and do the right thing…🇺🇸🤠🦅

        5. I’d have to say there’s A LOT of difference between the manner of the two men; Trump and Reagan. Reagan was quite the gentleman and Trump is often just juvenile and boar-ish.

          Interestingly, their principles and perceptions re: the country are closer together than any R in my life-time…at least, or especially when it comes to actually being played out.

          How R dealt with the Russians is akin to T and the Chinese. Reagan’s posture in that scenario was needed and fruitful. Trump’s posture* toward the Chinese was needed and the future holds the complete answer re: fruitfulness.

          *Tariffs have historically been a loser and I abhor the “uneven” pain/cost that they bring upon certain citizens, but strategically their timing could be quite opportune. China is in very serious financial difficulties and the tariffs exacerbate greatly that fact. It’s still playing out, but the Reagan/Trump parallel here is noteworthy, imo.

        6. Telling the truth may hurt, but it does not even come close to the level of “insult.” In your next confession, tell the holy father about your repeated false accusations you post on the internet and the BIG LIE claiming to be a conservative Republican.

          The holy father will forgive your sins. I will not until you confess… HERE…

        7. A real Catholic would know that confessions are confidential. That said, I must admit that I voted in the Texas Democratic primary this year. The Republican primary in my county offered no choices other than unopposed Trump apologists. Not a genuine conservative on the ballot. I have no interest in anyone who thinks it is a good idea to expand Big Government and finance the expansion with money borrowed from the future generations that will be forced to service the debt.

        8. (continued from below)
          The fact that you keep saying Reagan would not be in the Republican Party shows just how little you understand Conservatives.

          Take this crap thought-“Reagan said “tear down this wall”; DT the opposite.”
          Completely different issues that you conflate. This is pretty thin on deep thought and pretty high on cut and paste. Reagan tried to get immigration reform and, as you said, worked with the Democrats who stabbed him in the back just get more power. Trump saw this.

          “Reagan supported free trade; DT is bigly isolationist.”
          If he were an isolationist he wouldn’t be going through all the agreements to make them equal for us and going through political Hell to get it done. Again, you are showing just how little deep thinking you can do.

          “Reagan was an old-school executive who hired competent agency leaders, gave them a few high level goals, and turned them loose; DT demands loyalty tests.”
          Trump has been attacked from day -50 on the job from inside and outside the government, something the Democrats of Tip O’Neal era were above.

          “Reagan, “The Great Communicator” used his public speaking ability to articulate his deep commitment to principles; DT has no principles (never was a registered republican before he ran for office) and can’t speak a single thought in a grammar-correct sentence.”
          Trump articulates what the average Joe wants to hear AND THEN DOES IT. Reagan got to work with Democrats who gave him the benefit of the doubt, Trump inherited a leftist party of power hungry Socialist that has been weaponized by Obama to do whatever is necessary to gain back power.

          I can go on and on with each point, but you get the drift.
          So two things-

          Quit trying to fool anybody that you are a centrist. I was a centrist 40 years ago when Reagan came into power. I voted half of the ticket for Democrats. Most of my views are pretty much the same as they were then but I look around and see nothing close to what Democrats used to be.

          Quit trying to paint Reagan as anathema to Trump. Any Conservative can tell you a 100 things they have in common to 1 thing they might not.

          You Leftist really are scared of America succeeding.
          The problem is, you don’t know this…

        1. Facts are not “bluster”, sonny. I guess you flunked English class when your teacher corrected you to stop using ABSOLUTES. That would be the word “never.” Keep it up proving how clueless you are…

    1. True H1-B are not good for anyone but Apple, free trade agreements are also the same they benefit no local business or worker in the US, they benefit the super world spanning corporations, I’m long Apple (and will stay long on the fundamentals of the company), Apple (same applies to other super corporations) doesn’t need help or giveaways they are winning.

        1. Certainly, when you do not earn a presidential salary of what, $400,000 a year, you graciously give back to the taxpayers, right, pays no income tax. Hello?

          Regarging five bankruptcies, so what? The number of Trump hotels, golf courses and other business holdings successfully operating worldwide today, ECLIPSE a handful of bad investments.

          Get a grip…

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