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Apple is leading the charge to offline artificial intelligence

“When it comes to the companies that are leading the charge into artificial intelligence (AI), Apple has always been something of a black sheep,” Danny Vena writes for The Motley Fool. “Leaders in the field like Alphabet,, and Microsoft have aggregated their data in the cloud, which resulted in AI systems that could learn more quickly thanks to the constant stream of new data.”

“Apple has been more focused on user privacy and has taken a different path. The company has used differential privacy, a technique that is capable of identifying trends without transmitting personal data,” Vena writes. “There has been an unintended consequence of this approach, and Apple stands to reap the rewards.”

“By focusing on the privacy of its users, Apple was forced to innovate in a particular area of the technology. The company has focused on at-the-edge or on-device computing, which moves the AI capabilities from the cloud to the device itself, allowing it to use AI offline,” Vena writes. “With its longtime emphasis on protecting user privacy and data, Apple has gained the lead in the realm of offline AI. Maybe it wasn’t unintended after all.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Those who hand over their personal data and relinquish their privacy to companies like Google are fools.

People who value privacy and security use Apple products.MacDailyNews, September 12, 2015

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