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Apple is gaining in the enterprise because employees prefer Apple Macs, iPhones, and iPads

The annual Jamf Trends Survey looked at Apple in the enterprise – evaluating growth, key drivers for adoption and ease of management. Conducted in January 2017 by Dimensional Research, this survey is based on the responses of 300 IT professionals, managers and executives from commercial organizations of 50 to 10,000+ employees from around the world.

Standardization on a single device brand is a thing of the past. Sorry, IT doofuses. Apple is gaining ground in the enterprise because employees prefer devices they use in their personal lives — Macs, iPhones, and iPads. In fact, the ability to work on a device(s) that an employee chooses and feels comfortable with largely impacts their productivity and job satisfaction. IT admins are adapting, finding that deployment, device configuration, security, and support are easier with Apple’s macOS and iOS than with other operating systems.

Apple continues to gain traction in the enterprise. An amazing 91 percent of enterprise organizations use Mac, while 99 percent said they use iPhone or iPad.

The use of both Mac and iPad devices continue to rise in the enterprise. In 2016, nearly all of the organizations surveyed reported an increase in both Mac and iOS device adoption over the previous year. 74% of organizations saw an increase in Mac adoption. 76% of organizations saw an increase in iPhone and iPad adoption.

Nearly half of organizations surveyed (44 percent) o er their employees a choice between Mac and PC, with the majority (71 percent) o ering a choice between di erent mobile devices (Apple, Android, etc.).

Companies of all sizes are considering and implementing choice programs. Since implementing an employee choice program in 2015, IBM has deployed nearly 100,000 Macs, making it the world’s largest choice program and Mac deployment. According to IBM’s internal survey, 73 percent of employees want a Mac as their next computer.

IT admins con rmed Apple is as easy, if not easier, to manage compared to its rivals on six critical tasks:

• Deployment: Of those surveyed, 62 percent said the Mac is as easy or easier to deploy than PC. Additionally, 93 percent said it’s as easy or easier to deploy iPhone and iPad over another platform.

• Platform Security: 66 percent said it’s as easy or easier to maintain a secure environment on the Mac versus a PC, with 90 percent agreeing it’s easier to secure Apple devices compared to mobile devices on other operating systems.

• Device Configuration: 58 percent said it’s as easy or easier to con gure a Mac than its counterpart the PC. Additionally, 91 percent said Apple mobile devices are as easy or easier to con gure than other devices, such as Android.

• Support Software: 63 percent said it’s as easy or easier, in general, to support a Mac than a PC. Additionally, 89 percent of respondents said it’s as easy or easier to support Apple mobile devices over others on di erent platforms.

App Deployment: 57 percent said it’s as easy or easier to perform software and app deployment on Macs versus the competition, while 90 percent said it’s as easy or easier to deploy software and apps on an Apple mobile device instead of another operating system.

• Integration: IT admins who manage mobile devices know how easy it is to integrate iOS devices into any existing environment. However, not all IT admins know how easy it is to integrate Mac, yet. While only 36 percent of those surveyed understand the ease of integration with Mac, 79 percent of Apple mobile device users said they get it.

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: As employees continue to demand Apple Macs, iPhones, and iPads, old-school IT doofuses, who for years erected artificial roadblocks against allowing Apple products into the building, will have a choice: Get with the program or get the hell out of the way (finally). New IT blood, those without idiotic and counterproductive anti-Apple bias, are welcoming the superior Apple platforms with open arms and are rewarded for it with ease-of-use and massive stress reduction in their, and everyone else’s, jobs.

To IT Doofuses who retarded their companies for years by pigheadedly barring Apple products: We told you so. Repeatedly.

To the Google Thieves: You can have the K-12 testing machine market. Apple will take the enterprise, thanks.

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