Florida man demands right to wed his porn-laden Apple MacBook

“Chris Sevier, a man from Florida, believes he should be allowed to wed his Macbook,” David Millward reports for The Telegraph. “Mr Sevier argues that if gays should be allowed to marry, then so should other sexual minorities.”

“Mr Sevier states he has fallen in love with a pornography laden computer,” Millward reports. “‘Over time, I began preferring sex with my computer over sex with real women,’ he told a court in Florida. This appears to be not a passing holiday romance, but a lifelong commitment. If gays have the right to ‘marry their object of sexual desire, even if they lack corresponding sexual parts, then I should have the right to marry my preferred sexual object,’ he said. Mr Sevier, who describes himself as ‘a former judge advocate and combat veteran,’ is persistent, filing claims not only in Florida but also Utah.”

“If gays feel as is they are second class citizens, Mr Sevier argues then ‘those of us in the real minority, who want to marry machines and animals, certainly feel like third class citizens,'” Millward reports. “Mr Sevier apparently sought a marriage licence for himself and his ‘machine spouse,’ but for some reason was denied. ‘The exclusion from marriage to a machine denies myself a dignity and status of immense import,’ he argues in his motion.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Unconscious coupling.

If the name Chris Sevier rings a bell, it’s because he’s the sane, oops, typo… same gentleman who sued Apple last year because its devices can display porn.

God Bless America.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews readers far, far too numerous to mention individually for the heads up.]

Related article:
Apple sued because its devices can display porn – July 12, 2013


        1. And the marrying animal thing is sick, a poor animal can’t consent, though if the relationship is at that point the poor animal has probably already been sexually abused.

    1. In HER, the OS is an AI who has learnt sexual arousal and can not only simulate orgasm, as human females are wont to do in the way of reassuring their mates, but experience it fully. I’d be really interested in seeing the code for those algorhythms.

    1. Slippery slope requires that there be similarities between the precedent and the following. This is akin to the argument that giving women the right to vote also give laptops the right to vote.

      So, yes, if you are insane as Servier, then this is a slippery slope. If you don’t have your head shoved all the way up your ass, it is not.

      1. You are reading too much into the comment…

        Let this be allowed, and just wait to see what will be next, 3 way with an iPhone.

        And yes, people have been allowed to marry themselves.. And if I’m not mistaken… At least tried to marry animals as well.

        A laptop.. The guy should try to marry a website instead, then he can view it on any device with no restrictions.

    2. And there’s as much chance of danger to society in this situation as every other time conservatives scream “slippery slope”. The main thing the world has going for it that conservatives for all their zeal lack even a basic understanding of the merits of them but on the other side’s arguments. Gay marriage has won on an equal protection argument. Laptops are not afforded equal protection rights.

      1. And YOU are reading way too much into this.
        Did I specifically mention gay marriage in that post? nope…

        Slippery Slope in general, THIS instance the dumbass in the article mentions it… I didn’t.

    1. How long does any Macbook last? How long before you’re no longer able to install Mac OS X OS updates? How long do you keep your Macbook before getting the next great thing? If dogs to human years is 7 to 1 and cats is 6 to 1, maybe Macbooks are…

      1. I wouldn’t be concerned about the age difference, as a MacBook year is much shorter then human years. I’m guessing his MacBook to at least be in it’s 30’s.

    1. So you’re saying he should dump the Macbook and start dating the iPhone because Apple bestowed upon it the “one handed usability” rule regarding screen size.

  1. actually, this is really sad. He’s an Iraq vet who suffers from PTSD. He graduated from Vanderbilt Law School (he’s obviously not stupid) but has since been put on disability inactive status due to mental issues. He was convicted of stalking a country music singer after violating several restraining orders. He now had to wear a GPS tracking device as a result. I hope he gets help.

    1. If a freeze occurs, lasting more than 4 hours, needs IT assistance immediately, because of the risk of floppy disk damage which could cause permanent loss of hard drive.

      1. Not quite. You have forgotten a key difference between computers and people. You see, with computers, it’s the software that goes in the hardware — but with people…

  2. Marriage requires consent of both parties. Unless his MacBook has some amazing AI qualities no other computer in the world possesses this should be an easy case to dismiss.

    For certain though, despite his claims this has absolutely nothing to do with the case for same sex marriage.

    1. The guy will most likely say he is an ‘animist’, believing there is spirit in inanimate objects. And he’ll say his MacBook talks to him, which is amusing as it might actually talk to him. And he’ll say that his MacBook verbally consented to marriage. Of course, he probably told his MacBook to say that. But what do you expect? He’s a loony.

      I was also thinking about the bizarre male fear of female genitalia with teeth biting off their weenie. Here we have a nutjob who appears to WANT that to happen.

      Nurse, start him on a Thorazine drip please.

  3. Not saying I’m against gay marriage but I was concerned it would be a slippery slope giving any weirdo an excuse to want to marry another animated or non-animated object, animal, car what have you. After all it’s all in the pursuit of happiness ain’t it? Pandora’s Box has been opened.

    1. I’m certain that the only reason this man is bringing this case is to invent this so called slippery slope. It has nothing in common with the case for extending marriage to same sex couples.

      1. Isn’t that what traditionalists were saying when they were against ‘same sex’ bringing cases so as to invent a reclassification of the definition of ‘marriage’?

      2. I’m not debating the legitimacy of what a real relationship is between opposite or same gender couples but if the law would be perverted by the inclusion of same sex couples and used as an excuse to legally include any sort of coupling. Fortunately there are few other species on Earth that also have the ability to grant consent so much ado about nothing, or let’s hope. With our screwy legal system anything twisted is possible.

        1. I’m not aware of ANY other species capable of giving consent to marry a human. Not gonna happen. And of course, the same will remain forever true of inanimate objects. But then there are the robots. Could a robot consent to wed a human? Give it the Turing test! 😉

        2. From my experience, Siri is ‘smart’ enough, (aka has in her database of options the response) NOT to accept any requests for marriage.

          OK nurse. It’s time for electroshock therapy. Attach the electrodes.

          NO! To his HEAD! Not his nuts! I merely said he “IS” nuts. Not to fry his nuts! Your act of initiative is NOT appreciated.

        3. Yeah I was joking – “few” as in none. (Dolphins maybe? I was in love with bottle-nosed dolphins once ala FLIPPER heh.) I was thinking too – Aliens and AI Robots & OS’s ala “HER” may change things too. And then what if the Aliens are both he and she? Marrying a Windows OS would be hell of course and subject to BSOD sort of like Stella to your Harry Mudd.

        4. Oh how interesting. The story series I have been writing address those questions about alien, ahem, interrelations. My main character occasionally brags about such interrelations with ‘feminine’ aliens. But he does draw the line at one particularly slimy creature. I suspect I got this concept from Dr. Who’s Captain Jack. He, of course, wouldn’t care if the alien was he or she.

          “HARCOURT FENTON MUDD!!!!”

        5. Yes I have been consorting with Aliens as well via an indie found footage movie. Good things happening there.

          Very good sir. You know your Star Trek references “you lazy good for nothing thing… thing… thing…” 🙂

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