Obama on Obamacare launch problems: Glitches are to be expected, just like Apple product rollouts

U.S President Obama just conducted a speech in Washington D.C. regarding “Obamacare” that referenced Apple Inc.

There have been reports of widespread glitches today as the massive federal program launched. A message on the federal web site, Healthcare.gov, which is the main enrollment site for 34 states, said that it was having technical difficulties because so many people are logging on.

“Technical glitches held up a number of people, including West Virginia resident Jon Tucci, who supports President Obama and the health-care law and wanted to enroll on insurance marketplace at the first moment possible,” Sandhya Somashekhar and Susan Svrluga report for The Washington Post. “‘I’m pretty fluent on the Internet,’ said Tucci, 60, who is self-employed in the oil and gas industry. ‘I’ve applied for a lot of things, and there are always glitches. But this was totally disappointing. I’m just really frustrated.'”

“On Monday, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius pleaded for patience during a briefing with reporters, acknowledging there would probably be some site issues in the coming days and weeks as the administration moves forward on the sweeping program known as Obamacare. She likened the inevitable fixes to software updates on Apple products such as the iPhone or iPad,” Somashekhar and Susan Svrluga report. “‘No one is calling on Apple to not sell devices for a year or to get out of the business because the whole thing is a failure,’ she said. ‘Everyone just assumes there’s a problem, they’ll fix it, let’s move on… Hopefully, they’ll give us the same slack as they give Apple.'”

Obama’s statement, from just minutes ago, in part:

For every news product rollout there are gonna be some glitches along the way that we are going to fix. I’ve been saying this from the start. For example, we found out that there have been times this morning where the site’s been running more slowly than it normally will. The reason is because more than 1 million people visited healthcare.gov before 7 in the morning…

We’re gonna be speeding things up over the next few hours to handle all this demand that’s exceeding anything that we expected.

Consider that, just a few weeks ago, Apple rolled out a new operating system and within days they found a glitch, so they fixed it. I don’t remember anybody suggesting Apple should stop selling iPhones or iPads or threatening to shut down the company if they didn’t. That’s not how we do things in America.


      1. This country has been broken way before Obama was around…

        In any case… this COULD be viewed as a positive comment.

        Obama views Apple as being able to eventually solve a problem/bug…. he never reference MSFT… *whew*

    1. No, I think you have Obama confused with “W”; that guy was the as nosensical as Ted Cruz is crazy. Besides, the President is correct when he says that things will need to be fixed. That happens with any new product or service.

      1. You can’t fix a criminal, coercive system jiggered together by insurance executives and pharmaceutical lobbyists designed to boost income and executive bonuses at the expense of a working health care system. Best outcome is for it to die on the vine, before it gets traction.

        1. If it so bad after a year we will all know and can vote to change it. A lot of peoples lives might be depending on the success of this. Do you have a problem with giving it a try ? Is our current system so good?

          I don’t know if it will work or not, but for the sake of many uninsured people who are in desperate situations I am willing to give this a try. How about you ?

        2. I meant Ex-Pat Doc was full of it, not SouthRoad. Sometimes these threads get too long…

          The interesting thing was that I quickly got 3 five-star votes. Probably from the people on this forum from whom I do not want approval.

          Sorry SouthRoad. I wholeheartedly agree with your post.

          I think that I am wasting far too much time responding to the polititrolls on MDN. It just feeds their ego and encourages more BS.

        3. I followed that link from anonymous “Ex-Pat Doc” and it is clearly a far right-wing site. Just try to sort out the propaganda from any residual entrails of fact. By the way, the exact quote from that site is:

          “A recent survey by top research firm Deloitte Center for Health Solutions finds that 6 in 10 physicians say in the next 1 to 3 years, many doctors will retire earlier than planned because of the implementation of the Affordable Health Care for America Act…”

          Not quite the same, is it, E-P D? What a lousy stinking forum MDN has become…why can’t these people go find a political site of like-minded people and leave us to discuss Apple and Macs and OS X and stuff, like the old days?

        4. Your point? Retiring vs exiting the field?
          I know many doctors who have enough to retire and refuse to continue their practice due to this nightmare. They WILL retire and they WILL stop practicing. Get it now?
          And in case you don’t realize it, the goal here IS to drive doctors out of private practice and into hospitals, where the government has more control over them.
          Wake the F up?

        5. “…6 in 10 physicians say in the next 1 to 3 years, many doctors will retire earlier than planned…”

          Scored low on reading comprehension, did you? 6 out of 10 doctors are not retiring (or leaving the field). 6 out of 10 doctors say that MANY doctors will retire…etc. Hpw many is many? 1 in 100? 1 in 1000? Certainly not 6 out of 10.

        6. Do you really believe that I meant to include all doctors in my example? Simply that, an example of one situation where doctors WILL make other choices. How small minded you are, dumbass.

        7. In which version of the multiverse is this true? The US medical system is widely considered to be ridiculously expensive, overdependent on emergency care, and widely unavailable for many. In the civilised world it is considered a joke. There are many fine hospitals in the system which perform groundbreaking procedures – but these are unavailable to most people, including foreigners. And, of course, there are equally fine hospitals doing amazing work in countries like the UK, Germany, France, Australia, Scandinavia and elsewhere – where they are open to ALL.

          The headline of the linked article is deliberately misleading. If you don’t read it carefully you might think 6 out of 10 doctors intend to leave the system. Instead, 6 out of 10 doctors say doctors will leave – which is, of course, a guess and most likely wrong.

          I wonder where these doctors will go? Certainly not anywhere in the civilised world.

        8. The US health system is crippled by threat of lawsuits, administrative red tape, cream-skimming, and mind-boggling inequity.

          Americans spend more on health care per person than any other country, and still trail most developed nations on measures like life expectancy and infant mortality. It’s not value for money and this bill might finally start to change things.

          In Australia, their universal health insurance was repealed by conservatives shortly after it was introduced, but that eventually kept them out of government for years as it was reintroduced. Since the ’80s, universal health care is accepted and expected from all sides of politics. I hope the US will get there eventually.

        9. There have been much needed changes from the beginning, but the Republican congress has refused to work with the president and the senate to tidy it up. Before we vote to get rid of it, we’ll first elect a president who promises to implement those much needed reforms while keeping the law intact. The person for that job will be Hillary Clinton in 2016. Obama will pass her the torch and she will hopefully be the one to change the law for the better.

        10. What drivel! The Democrats refuse to give on any issue and draw a line in the sand every time. If the media did their job, then you wouldn’t be so ignorant of this fact and the picture would be so much clearer.
          I can give you
          Plenty of examples or Republicans offering concessions during this administration (in fact, on the current crisis, see my previous post). When was the last time that the administration offered any meaningful compromise?

        11. “Do you have a problem with giving it a try ?

          Southroad: your statement above is one of a few you wrote that I find hard to believe that one would actually posit. I imagine the legislators and citizens (some) saying the same thing when our current tax system, social security & medicaid/care were rolled out. If those 3 systems are any indication and, I think they are, of how a govt controlled healthcare system will end up, isn’t foolish to just think we should try it and see what happens? Like the 3 systems above and other govt controlled systems (Post Office), once initiated, it’s a train that keeps moving, gets bigger and heads towards disfunction.

        12. Don’t forget the one takeover that more closely resembles this one – food.
          Most all farmers are now gone, the whole operation is subsidized and the government propaganda on what we should eat has everyone sick, laws were passed that favor the big guys and drove the real farmers out of business and a great many foods have been taken out of the market (one of the driving forces behind the slow food movement).
          Yes, their track record is dismal. But Statists don’t care, it’s an agenda.

        13. MarkII, as you already know, you don’t get to enjoy a direct vote one every issue in a representative democracy. ACA was lobbyist-written with no input from one party because one party refused to participate. That party was outvoted in both houses of the legislature. That’s how laws are made. If you don’t like a law, write a better one. Dropping anchor because you don’t like where the captain and the majority of the crew are piloting the ship is juvenile and harmful to everyone. It can’t be allowed to work that way. Any system that allows a vocal minority to steer the ship is fatally flawed. If TEA partiers have a better legislation to offer, then they need to write it. You’d think that after 40+ times of voting on de-funding resolutions and LOSING, they would get the hint that the majority of Americans — who, yes, are represented in Congress — actually want what is in the ACA. Repeated polls show that even the parrots who claim to hate Obamacare overwhelmingly support the vast majority of the individual provisions within the bill. So for those people here can’t write on this forum (or to your legislature) SPECIFICALLY how to reform the law with reasonable and factual evidence why your proposal will help more people more efficiently, then you need to stop writing and start reading the actual bill, and the tons of information that your big bad government has prepared to show how it works and why. Am I an enthusiastic supporter of the bill? Absolutely not. But I hate immature whiny obstructionist brats even more.

          The level of immaturity displayed here — as well as the emotional fact-free self-serving propagandists who stir such idealogical hate — is precisely why the founding fathers rejected a direct democracy.

          … and if government was implemented as the founders intended, there would not be two corrupt corporate-puppet political parties commandeering the electoral system, gerrymandering all voting districts, and blocking all progress of the country. The voters of America have absolutely no one to blame but themselves for allowing the corporate oligarchy to buy their government representatives. If you don’t think your voice is being heard, it’s not because government doesn’t work, it’s because it works TOO well … for those who have enough cash to buy insider influence. That will only change when third & forth parties are voted in, and the entire election process revised to eliminate gerrymandering and other insidious corruption.

          To the article: I have never seen a product that didn’t have objectively identifiable glitches. Anyone who would argue about such an innocent statement is a partisan tool. Such lowlives should buy themselves their own island to divide down the middle and shout at each other across the fence.

          If the libertarian wing of the Republican party wants to prove themselves correct, then they should not let Boehner slow them down. Establish the Tea Party formally and stop pretending you have anything at all in common with other Republicans, or any normal human being who is willing to compromise rather than commit national suicide over easily changeable legislation.

        14. The law was conceived by the super-conservative Heritage Foundation and first implemented by Mitt Romney, so of course it’s private-sector-friendly toward insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies. If you want a healthcare system setup to fight those powerful interests, help elect socialists to power.

        15. No, the Heritage Foundation’s proposal bears NO resemblance to the bill that was passed by the democrats with ZERO votes from any Republicans. Zero. The Heritage Foundation proposed mandatory catastrophic health insurance, not what the Democrats rammed through.

        16. Sparseness, perhaps the “criminal, coercive system” would have turned out better if the GOP had attempted to help make the legislation better from the start rather than just trying to sandbag it. After close to four dozen public attempts to kill it (including shutting down the frigging government) and who knows how many covert attempts, now they try to spin recent attempts by claiming that they are trying to improve it. That’s total BS.

          You can be for ACA or against ACA for a range of legitimate reasons. But this two-faced, hypocritical GOP BS is destroying this country. Someone on the radio tried to blame it on the Tea Party, not “real” Republicans. But the Republican Party is letting the Tea Party call the shots, and that makes it their responsibility.

        17. Would that be same Tea Party who’s foundation is the Constituton, not the Communist manifesto?
          And don’t even try to say that the GOP had didn’t try to work wit the Dems. The Dems were in control all the way and none of the Republican ideas were considered. As I said, the drive was to ensure more people on the backs of others versus fixing the issues with the current system.
          And lest we forget, this initiative is placing 1/5th of the US economy under control of the federal government.
          You are an idiot if you think that the IRS should have their fingers in this pie. Even more ominous.

        18. I worked for GM for 14 years, then I worked in IT for several corporations afterword for 17 years. I had and paid into healthcare throughout my career and hardly ever used or needed it. Then in 2008 I got laid off from my IT job with a major newspaper because of the economic crash and lost my medical benefits.

          About a year later, I started experiencing some pain and discomfort. I was ignorant about charity care and just figured I’d have it looked into when I got a new job with benefits. Living in Florida at the time, there was no way I could afford COBRA on $275 a week unemployment.

          In late 2009 I finally nailed a new job doing IT phone support for a hospital. The contractor I worked for offered a very basic healthcare program and I was able to finally have the ache and pains I was experiencing looked into. It turned out I had a softball sized cancerous tumor growing on my sacrum.

          It took a team of surgeons and two days of surgery to remove the tumor and reconstruct the area where the tumor was. I am now permanently disabled and will never work in IT again. The benefits I had were very rudimentary, and were no where near enough to cover the $340,000 in medical bills I accrued from my illness.

          Had the ACA been available, I could have had this addressed when the tumor was small and not have suffered the physical damage I did from the surgery. I’m sure the costs to treat me would have been much less if I had had it checked sooner and I would still be a constructive worker today.

          In the end, I had to file bankruptcy because there was no way I could come up with the money to pay the medical bills.

          Here I paid into medical benefits for over 30 years, and when the time came that I needed them, they weren’t available for me. Is that right? Is that fair?

          I don’t want anyone to suffer what I went through. In a great country like the United States, there’s no excuse for anyone to have to go without medical treatment. It’s easy to disregard medical benefits when your young. When your young you think your indestructible and never going to get old and sick. The truth is, at some point, we’ll all need some sort of medical treatment.

          ObamaCare will go a long way to prevent people living through my nightmare in the future. I’m going to die from cancer in the not too distant future because I had to wait too long to be checked out.

          Don’t judge your fellow man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. The ACA is going to prevent a lot of pain, suffering and save many lives. Tell me how that’s a bad thing.

        19. Amazing story, thank-you for sharing. Unfortunately this is far to common and it’s a shame how easy people dismiss this as a possibility until it happens to them or someone they are close to.

        20. I’m sorry for your situation, but you can’t support those statements. You don’t know what care will really like, nor how comprehensive it is, nor whether you have even qualified for the operation under the new plan.
          Secondly, I like the system we have and would prefer that we fix it, instead of socializing medicine.

        21. I have a child who is in much the same situation. She lost her health care because her employer fired her for unavailability. Her unavailability was due to severe headaches. Her doctor had diagnosed her headaches as the result a hormone imbalance. Over a period of 2 years without health care insurance the headaches continued to worsen and become more frequent, but she did not mention it to us. When she finally found new employment she was able to see a doctor. The scans showed a pituitary tumor the size of a walnut. Two brain surgeries later her medical bills were in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and she is permanently disabled, and unable to work. The tumor was too big to remove all of it without doing more severe damage to her brain. She has lost control of one eye. She has no short term memory. Her ongoing medications are in the thousands of dollars per month. She lives in a facility for brain damaged people. She cannot work or follow simple instructions. She will never have children. We do not expect her to live past 40.

          My beautiful daughter’s life was ruined by our “wonderful” health care system. The surgeons said that if they could have operated 2 years earlier it would have been a simple matter to remove the tumor. It would have been a routine operation with no brain damage likely. Tell me again how we have the greatest health care system in the world. How many of these stories do the heartless Republican/Corporate bastards need to hear before we get universal health care?

      2. Rick – how about you give up 80% of your income, so some people who don’t work as hard as you can be insured.
        It’s not a right, but a commodity like anything else. Rights aren’t dependent on the labor of others.
        In the beginning, this was a discussion about reducing the costs of medical care. Instead we have increased costs at the expense of the middle class.
        Ted Cruz is right, and you are wrong. Call him crazy all you want, he’s still right.
        BTW – this is a Democratic shutdown. The Republicans offered to fund the Unaffordable Care Act, with the stipulation that all of Obama’s cronies didn’t get special consideration (and themselves as well). Reid flatly turned them down.
        Who’s being unreasonable? The socialists or the Constitutional adherents?

        1. “…how about you give up 80% of your income, so some people who don’t work as hard as you can be insured.
          It’s not a right, but a commodity like anything else. Rights aren’t dependent on the labor of others.”

          It’s NOT a commodity, you fucking idiot! People die without your “commodity”. But it’s OK if “people who don’t work as hard as you” die, since they are just lazy. Listen to yourself! Your new golf clubs as apparently more important than the life of your neighbor’s child. How does one become that depraved, and how do you justify it to yourself?

        2. You really don’t get it, do you? The US is not a socialist country, where there is wealth distribution. We all have opportunity and must strive to make our own way in life. As any child could tell you, dumbass, life isn’t fair. No amount of government control or regulation will change that. There will always be the haves and the have nots. This is life.
          And I DO have a problem with our government overstepping the bounds of the Constitution to reshape it’s role in our lives.
          I know you don’t get it and never will, and that’s part of the problem. You will never accept that the government was created to work for us, not control our lives. This bill is fully intrusive.
          There aren’t any examples of a country going down this path or a government. Program here that is successful, only corrupt and disruptive.
          And there are millions of dollars given each year to charities and organizations that work hard to help people in dire straits.
          But you don’t get it.

        3. Just because some sleazy loudmouth says something on the radio doesn’t make it true. Both Sweden and Canada have universal health care and it works. The total cost is cheaper AND they deliver better health care. Look up the numbers yourself and stop being a patsy.

    2. First Sebelius, then Oblahblahblah.

      Obviously, “Apple” is a main talking point for this cowardly, weak, inept administration to use in order to try to paper over this total fiasco.

      1. @First 2010….If “Pro” is the opposite of “Con”, then the one thing that stops “Progress” is……..

        I assume that’s what you meant by “Administration”.

      2. Um, First…, you forgot to switch to your new nick, which I think is ‘First 2014, Then 2016’ or something.

        Not that I ever want a Neo-Con-Job/Tea Party Republican ever again voted into office. And not that I wouldn’t enjoy the rise of an actual honest citizen representative group of third parties to plow down and bury BOTH the Democrats and Republicans.

        So how about this nick:

        First 1776, Then 2016

  1. Well, purchasing an iPhone or iPad isn’t mandatory or I pay a penalty. Apple doesn’t raise the cost of all other devices in order to pay for theirs either.

    I’m not against healthcare for everyone, I just don’t want the country to go further in debt to fund it.

    1. It is called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. It was originally a Republican idea, as was affordable health care. But as soon as the black guy co-oped their ideas, they turned against them.

      1. How is Obamacare related to “personal responsibility”?

        And how does — yet again — crying wolf, which is to say, crying racism supposed to help your point. This type of transparent tactic was already old a long time ago, but you’re so intellectually inept it’s all you can think of to say. Only losers do such things.

        1. The basic idea is: you have to buy your OWN health insurance so the rest of us don’t end up paying for your care. It’s a conservative law implemented first by Mitt Romney and conceived by The Heritage Foundation.

        2. Heroin,

          You are as wrong as you can be on every single count:

          1) Mitt Romney is not a conservative.

          2) The Heritage Foundation did not write Obamacare.

          3) Personal responsibility is a self-initiative; It is not coerced.

          4) I already have my own insurance, as does my entire family. If there just HAS to be a law regarding uninsured people, it should not affect those of who have ACTUAL personal responsibility in the first place. Obamacare goes way way way beyond just what your talking about. It is a monumentally huge piece of legislation. Plus which, the effects of it will be adverse.

          5) Government meddling alway makes problems worse, not better. History is an easy guide to verify this.

      2. Mr. Sterner,

        “Personal responsibility,” what? You must mean some’s personal responsibility to buy insurance for those that aren’t personally responsible (you are a state-ist, right)? Btw, what relevance does black (and I assume white) have do with this topic. It seems like you imply a racist mindset if one disagrees with O’s position? If so, you know that’s a straw-man’s position and prejudicial?

        1. Boris, DeRs is correct…
          The scope of this law is based on the system enacted in Massachusetts by Mitt Romney when he was governor. Simply expanded to a national scale.
          Another thing, you don’t have to be in any of the exchanges if you don’t want to be. Only if your employer is not providing you healthcare, then you can is ether exchange to pick a plan.

          Also, if you already have insurance, you can keep what you already have, no one is forcing you to switch to another plan…

          There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding over what the Affordable Care Act really does and what’s in it…

          And also, this basic plan WAS conceived at the heritage foundation in the early 90’s as an alternative to Hillary Clinton’s plan. This approach was originally proposed by Bob Dole… Try to remember that debate 20 years ago, it was a mess but, the Affordable Care Act came from that foundation…
          It is a market based approach.

        2. Voice of reason,

          Do you not understand what a fallacy is and how it is that DeRS committed one? Sheesh!

          Moreover, Obamacare will adversely affect the entirety of our health care system, and our economy. It affects ALL OF US. The exchanges are not the whole of it, for crying out loud.

          It doesn’t matter about Mitt Romney or Heritage or anything else. It’s not relevant to the issue of whether it is a good idea for the gubmint to stick its nose into the private sector and screw it all up even more than it already has.

          The claims made by the advocates of Obamacare are the same as those that were made by the advocates of Medicaid and Medicare back in the day. The same reasons were given for implementing those intrusions. The same promises of a better system were being made. The same fantasy-based projections of what it would cost and of what it would do were given. And all of them were WRONG!


          I do not care if Santa Claus was the first one with the idea for Obamacare. It is NOT relevant. It is a fallacy. This shouldn’t be difficult to understand?

        3. Your point was that he was committing a fallacy by providing incorrect information, which he did not.

          Ideology aside, there are good and bad parts to this legislation, but it none the less was still passed 3 years ago and upheld in the Supreme Court.

          Medicare and Medicaid are not the same thing, they are not analogous. The closest comparison to this current plan is Medicare part D which Geroge W Bush passed in 2002.
          So we shall all see how this turns out, but the bottom line is that this is a law, it was passed, and it was based on a market solution. Proposed by the GOP 20 yrs ago.

          Whether it works or doesn’t will have to be a matter of seeing if we have learned from our mistakes or not. This is Not a NHS/Canadian style plan, it is market based more analogus to car insurance.
          And no one is forcing you to use it if you already like what you have.

          Do you understand that?

        4. Voice of reason,

          NO! NO! NO!

          That wasn’t my point at all. This is precisely the sort of douche-baggery I can’t stand about internet people — especially of the left persuasion.

          You quite clearly do not understand WHY it is that his statement is fallacious. That’s really really dumb.

          I explained it already and yet you STILL don’t get it.

          I’ll try one more damn time. Pay attention, fool:

          The statement made by DeRS was fallacious because it is an appeal to authority (argumentum ad auctoritatem).

          That’s a fallacy! Okay? It doesn’t matter if he stated a true fact. Stating a true fact doesn’t make it a substantive argument. His true fact is irrelevant to my statement and to the issue of whether Obamacare is a disastrous law.

          Geez, but would you liberals please educate yourself before posting? Seriously!

          Stop insisting that DeRS and you are right. You’re not right. You’re WRONG! Grow up and admit when you’re WRONG!

          IT WAS FALLACIOUS!!!

          DEAL WITH IT!!!

        5. Thomas, that is also a fallacy. It is you who do not understand. Some of us WORK in the field and understand very well. We see it being destroyed. . . we see the increases being foisted on people’s existing plans, if they survive, most are unrecognizable after being converted to a plan acceptable under ACA guidelines, and a LOT more expensive with less benefits. I’m not kidding. I’m the health insurance administrator for my company. Obama has lied.

  2. I just got back from vacation last night so I haven’t been able to update my iDevices and Macs. Everything went smoothly on 2 Macs, 1 iPhone, 1 AppleTV and 1 iPad. The speed of the iOS 7 upgrade on the iPhone was particularly impressive. I was expecting to spend most of today working on it.

  3. The Apple comparison is a FARCE at best. Apple is a product that people actually want, have a choice to purchase, and most importantly IT WAS NOT CRAMMED DOWN EVERYBODIES THROAT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.
    Last but not least- nobody is getting carve outs and exemptions for Apple products and services.!!!!!!

      Congress, democratically elected, passed ACA in March 2010.
      The conservative majority Supreme Court, appointed by democratically elected president and confirmed by democratically elected Senate, upheld ACA June 2012.
      The president, democratically re-elected, Nov 2012.
      That’s pretty much the antithesis of “crammed down”.

      So to summarize:
      You lost legislatively.
      You lost judicially.
      You lost electorally.

      So now you whine like babies. You’re in the minority. Get used to it.

      1. Considering whole law was initially Republicans’ idea and Mitt Romney implemented in while he was governor, EVERYONE WINS.

        Republicans offered this idea, Obama made it federal, voters support it. Polls show mass *Republicans* support it, too, not only heads of the party like Mitt Romney (now Romney and other high-positioned Republicans are against the law, but is only because Democrats took it.)

        1. Oh good, you got your nick sorted out,

          And, it depends what clusterfsck you’re talking about on any given day. The current ‘shutdown’ of the US government is 100% owned by the Republicans. I’ve been cynically laughing at all the deceitful Republican speech making to the contrary. Then the dicks ask the Senate to sit down and iron out differences regarding the ACA, as if that has ANYTHING to do with keeping the government running. It’s called KIDNAPPING THE GOVERNMENT and HOLDING IT HOSTAGE until they get their little foot stamping hissy fit little way. It’s that blatant. (Yelling caps entirely intentional).

          Now make my cynically laugh some more.

          Then again, what will be the next crisis, this one invented by the Democrats? There’s the clusterfsck. Both parties have no interest in actually benefitting We The People.

        2. The only midterms you mentioned were the 2010 midterms.

          So, what happened in 2010?

          The Republican Party gained 63 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and six seats in the U.S. Senate from the Democrats. Republicans also gained six governorships, including Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan. Republicans gained 680 seats in state legislatures, the most in the modern era.

          Republicans gained the most House seats since the 1938 Midterm Elections, giving Republicans their biggest House majority, and Democrats their smallest minority, since 1946. When blue dog Democrats are added to the Republicans on certain issues like gun control or marriage, the Republican majority is even greater than in 1946.

          Thanks for playing. Enjoy your parting gifts.

        3. The 2010 midterms were widely regarded as disappointing gains for the Republicans, as the expectations were significantly higher, considering overall state of economy at the time.

          But I like how you use your numbers to conceal this bit of information.

        4. Beating a dead horse here, but still. At the time (and this was actually not that long ago), everyone expected a major landslide for Republicans, with Democrats losing many seats, and more importantly, both houses. Democrats were certainly very much expecting this, considering public discontent over economy. The result was fairly sweeping (52 seats), but also showed some very visible failures for Republicans, who were unable to even take over the Senate.

      2. thanxal,

        You have no grasp of the actual facts, nor of basic economics, nor of the Constitution, but you are an arrogant little snot, which, all these things together make you a lefty moonbat.

        Obamacare is a horrible piece of legislation that was barely just rammed through with back room political deals, bribes, and threats. That is not the democratic process. It’s pure Chicago style thuggery.

        The Jihadist-in-Chief said prior to his dubious election that the process its authorship would be open for all to see: HE LIED!

        The Anti-American-in-Chief said you would be able to keep your current insurer: HE LIED!
        The Black Liberation Marxist-in-Chief said that people’s health care costs would go down: HE LIED!
        The Sub Human Detritus-in-Chief said there would not be any such concept as a “death panel”: HE LIED!

        Moreover, the deciding vote in the awful SCOTUS decision was that of Roberts, who was blackmailed behind the scenes on account of his legally questionable adoption of two Irish children. This is all in line with the Obama’s political history, which is 100% Chicago thug style (for those who wish to look into the history of how he attained political office throughout his career, there will be much of interest). John Roberts had initially been on the correct side of the fence, but suddenly changed his mind at the last minute, causing the previous majority to have to rewrite their once-majority opinion as a minority opinion. This is pure patented B.O.

        Nevertheless, if SCOTUS is infallible, then maybe you should look at the history of its decisions. You can start with Dred Scott, and work your way out from there.

        I will never ever ever ever accept the curtailing of my liberties, and I don’t need your damned permission to resist the parasitical scum that has infiltrated the government at all levels and America as well. Socialists need to move to any one of the many many many jack-assical socialist countries that already exist and leave this one along, or else they can drop dead. I’d prefer that they all just drop dead. Literally!

        1. Let me repeat:

          You lost.

          You had three occasions to use democratic process to undo ACA and…

          You lost. All.Three.Times.

          So call me all the names you want, but remember: You lost.

        2. And you’ve been abducted by aliens, I know. Is there a stupid, unfounded, paranoid conspiracy you DON’T subscribe to? I didn’t see the one where the NSA is tracking you through your IP address.

        3. I’ll answer this one for you. First and foremost, it’s unconstitutional. The back and forth as to whether it was a tax or a penalty was to establish whether it was constitutional or not. Listen to Mark Levin’s show that he spent explaining the unconstitutionality of it. There are many on here who will dismiss him as a right winger, but keep in mind, he DOES know the Constitution better than anyone else alive.
          On top of that, the people who are uninsured are uninsured for reasons. Forcing insurance on these people will result in two things, young people will be paying for medical care they won’t use and wage earners in the work force who have insurance will see their costa rise to offset the costs associated with the additional enrollments.
          In addition, the medical landscape will change, and not for the better.
          We will see medicine centralized and incentives for quality care will plummet.
          Rationing and regulation will kill us, and taxes will be called for, all in the name of ACA, the Unaffordable Care Act.
          You can iCal this MDN if you wish. 🙂

        4. Mark Levin, the biggest sociopath on radio. Anyone who would take that asshole seriously should be committed. The man spews hate like no person I’ve ever had the displeasure if listening to. He makes Rush Limbaugh sound like a liberal in comparison.

        5. GTDworak – you either have never listened to him, are too ignorant to understand what he says, too lazy to verify that what he says is true, or lastly, completely gone to the dark side of socialism. If the latter, please exit to some third world of your choosing and get the hell out of our federalist republic.

        6. My health insurance cost are increasing by 88% due to the mandates required by the ACA. . . and what I once got for a $15 co-pay now has a 40% co-pay! THAT’s the result of being required to meet OBAMACARE’s idea of a fair plan! It has become a SHITTY PLAN.

          If I choose NOT to purchase health insurance, the government will tax me with a fine added to my taxes which is not an ad valorem tax ( unconstitutional in that it is not applied to everyone equally), if I do not pay that fine, they can unconstitutionally reach into my financial holdings and seize it. If, for any reason, the funding of the ACA falls short of that which is necessary to provide the medical needs of the beneficiaries, the ACA authorizes the IRS to seize what it needs from the bank accounts or other Financial instrument (read retirement accounts) of every American without any act of Congress!

          The ACA requires that healthcare be rationed according to guidelines established by certain committees who will look at the economic value of the recipient and the cost of the care. . . If the health care you need is not economically viable for you because of your age, you simply won’t get it! You won’t be even allowed to pay for it privately. . . under ACA, that is now illegal!

          Yes, my choices have been limited.

        7. “Moreover, the deciding vote in the awful SCOTUS decision was that of Roberts, who was blackmailed behind the scenes on account of his legally questionable adoption of two Irish children.”

          LMFAO. Yes, Obama probably held Justice Roberts’ children in the oval office until the decision was announced.

        8. “The Anti-American-in-Chief said you would be able to keep your current insurer: HE LIED!”

          I’m keeping mine.

          “The Black Liberation Marxist-in-Chief said that people’s health care costs would go down: HE LIED!”

          My premiums are going down by $500 per month.

          “The Sub Human Detritus-in-Chief said there would not be any such concept as a “death panel”: HE LIED!”

          The insurance company death panel refused to insure my wife because of a pre-existing condition. Obamacare makes that illegal.

          You might want to try becoming informed.

      3. A Democrat majority for one Congress, locking out the Republican minority from debate or amendments, passed the ACA without a single Republican vote. Some parts of the Bill were actually added AFTER president Obama signed it!!!! As Nancy Pelosi stated “we have to pads it to see what’s in it!” When members of Congress objected they did not even have time to READ the damn thing that was brought to the floor, offered with the requirement that NO AMENDMENTS, NO DEBATE, AND NO TIME BEFORE THE VOTE WAS ALLOWED! That is contrary to all law, rules and traditions of The House… and contrary to President Obama’s own promise that it would be available on line for three weeks before the vote. Nope. It wasn’t.

        A divided Supreme Court voted five to four, with four liberal Justices, joined by Chief Justice Roberts who REDEFINED words in the law, to find an impermissible and unconstitutional penalty for not buying insurance was a permissible and therefore constitutional tax ( although the word tax was not used or implied in the law), and ruled for the law, much to the shock and consternation of most constriction all experts, including liberal ones.

        The Democrats LOST control of the House of Representatives in the only true Legislative electoral referenda on Obamacare, and polls are running 65% opposed to its implementation and getting worse. Only 29% are supporting it now.

        As the law is being implemented, it bears NO relationship to the law Congress passed, the Supreme Court signed off on, because Obama has unilaterally modified the law no less than seven times, something he has no power to do.

        So face it, as people see what the costs are actually going to be under the ACA, the true limitations, and the unequal, unconstitutional implementation, it will only get worse. . . and the they will be even more pissed off that their neighbors get better treatment than they do.

    2. The American people had the opportunity to get rid of Obamacare in November 2012. It was indicted and put up for trial and we chose to live with it rather than the alternative of nothing (which is what the Republican party had to offer).

      1. R2,

        You are a liar. The alternative was not “nothing”.

        The American people did not vote for Obamacare. The un-American parasites that are ruining this country did.

        The election was stolen. The media, once again, was in the tank for Obama. The Republicans are stupid and put up a liberal Republican who didn’t really learn anything from John McCain’s cowardly campaign. And all you needed to do to win was to get your union guys in at the right places and tip a few precincts in the a one or two critical swing states, and voila, the worst POTUS in U.S. history is elected again.

        Yay, for us.

    3. “Carve outs and exemptions for Apple products and services”?

      You mean like “only” iOS users can iMessage each other for free? Or FaceTime? Or the new FaceTime Audio? Or iWork suite free? Or iCloud storage? Or iTunes Radio? Or iPhoto and iMovie for iOS? Or free iOS upgrades?

      Seems like you gotta be a “member of a well respected club” to get those “carve outs and exemptions”. You also gotta pay a little bit more (iOS Device) to enjoy them. Just like millions of other people who can AFFORD it.

  4. The difference is that Apple found “bugs.” Obamacare is simply NOT READY. It’s almost as if the people doing the planning and execution (for the technology behind the system) were expecting a one-year delay, and did not get it at the last minute.

    1. Another difference… Apple’s desires and expects to be perfect at launch. And if Apple then had technical issues of this magnitude, AAPL would due down at least 20%, with dire predictions of imminent doom. The government just says, it an “expectation” that their will be “glitches” for up to three months. The government feels it’s business-as-usual to launch knowing there will be problems, knowing the system is NOT ready.

  5. Does the act of not buying an Apple iPhone or iPad cause the IRS to exact annual penalties from U.S. citizens who are supposedly subject to the U.S. Constitution?

    No, it does not.

  6. Thank God I live Canada, already got healthcare covered. It not the best in the world but it works. As for comparing Obamacare to Apple, as the old saying goes “An Apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Hopefully that will keep the health cost down.

      1. This is what is so hilarious about the ranting that usually issues from the South of the border. Everyone not right of centre is considered “far left” by people who wouldn’t know a Communist if Stalin delivered their newspaper.

      2. Let’s see, “heartless thugs”. Republicans in the Senate proposed to fund the NIH so that children with cancer could be treated during this government shutdown caused by the democrats refusing to pass the Continuing Resolution passed by the Republican House. . . But Senator Harry Reid said, and I quote verbatim, “Why would we want to do that?” and as President of the Senate filed an objection to the proposal which tabled it. . . killing it, for political reasons. WHO, EXACTLY, is the “heartless thug???” Five times the REPUBLICANS have offered to compromise. Five times, the DEMOCRATS and OBAMA have said they WILL NOT NEGOTIATE. NONE, NOTHING. The shut down is from the Democrats. Not the Republicans. All of it. Look it up.

  7. i’m aware of the legal history of obamacare in the last 4.5yrs. i know it went through the supreme court. i know that. STILL, i totally consider this pos unconstitutional. i don’t care what anyone says to the contrary. and for obama and sebelius to make the same analogy isn’t anything the party’s done 1000 times, already. it’s cheap. they’re all a bunch of power-hungry, arrogant thugs. give me my freedom, you dirtbag politicians.

  8. All non essential government employees aren’t getting paid, shouldn’t that include Obama as well? Next Barrack “Ballmer” Obama will tell us that everyone will get free surface tablets with their obama windowze phones.

  9. It wasn’t a slam on Apple, all they were trying to point out was – Even a well run company like Apple known for their quality has fixable problems, especially when there is an initial rush of people all trying to buy/sign up at the same time.

  10. I love the political ignorant,.. I just dont think they should be allowed to vote or have children!

    Anyways, you ObamaZombies are probably checking your post box every day for checks, money and other freebies from the government to buy your allegiance, your vote,.. and to keep you stoopid. Just like the food stamp program thats tripled in size in the last four years,.. and oh,.. the free obama phones,.. I think they are android phones not iphones they are giving away! hahahaha love to see you squirm!

  11. Once again, a true statement by a politician causes much intense emotion amongst the peanut gallery.

    The current iOS version is 7.0.2. Apple has issued 2 bug fixes and more are on the way. Obama’s analogy of comparing a software release with a major healthcare IT platform release is accurate. Bugs happen. There has never been a perfect human product. All human activities involve compromises, mistakes, corrections, and so forth. Injecting crass cynical politics into an innocent and CORRECT analogy is just juvenile.

    Is there some gene that prevents otherwise functioning people to turn off their brains when true statements conflict their irrational perceptions and political biases?

    1. I think you meant Turd Blossum Carl Rove. President Obama is a man of honor and integrity. You’ve been listening to that drug addict sociopath Rush Limbaugh too much. It’s warping your brain and has turned you into a hater. Obama won by three million votes, so it’s safe to say the vast amount of American citizens don’t agree with your assessment.

  12. Wake up people.

    This has nothing to do with healthcare and everything to gain absolute power over all the peasants in the collective.

    Everyting the criminals in the White Hut do has a hidden agenda.

  13. This all makes USA looks pretty ridiculous to the rest of the world (I know, many americans don’t even know that anything ales than America exists).
    This republican narrow minded folks are not only about ruining USA’s image, they drive the whole country backwards, encouraging the world’s economy to get rid of their $.
    Obama is trying to lead US people into a modern way of thinking… But, as long as people can yet go into Tea Party Crap and help republicans to protect only the wealthiest, there’s no glimpse of hope left for this country.

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