Court dates set for Apple vs. Samsung, Motorola multi-touch patent cases

“A German court set dates Friday to decide on two cases brought by Apple Inc. against Google Inc. unit Motorola and Samsung Electronics Ltd. for the alleged infringement of a patent related to multi-touch, enabled devices that Apple claims have been violated,” Friedrich Geiger reports for The Wall Street Journal.

“The Mannheim court heard arguments Friday from lawyers for each party, and set the date for a decision in the Motorola case for Aug. 31, and for Samsung on Sept. 21,” Geiger reports. “The lawsuits concern a touchscreen function crucial to many smartphone applications, which allow touchscreens to sense multiple touches at the same time, for example, when two fingers are pressed simultaneously to different points on the screen. The patent, EP2098948, protects the ability of a device’s screen to recognize multiple touches in some areas, while other areas do not.”

“‘A court ruling in favor of Apple would have far-reaching complications for many Android applications,” said patent analyst Florian Mueller,” Geiger reports. “While Google would likely amend the Android operating system so it no longer violates the patent, many apps and games designed for the current and previous versions of the popular operating system wouldn’t run properly on the amended version, he said.”

Read more in the full article here.


  1. “While Google would likely amend the Android operating system so it no longer violates the patent, many apps and games designed for the current and previous versions of the popular operating system wouldn’t run properly on the amended version…”

    That’s really no problem. With most Android handsets unable to upgrade to newer versions, no one will actually experience the loss if the feature. And with manufacturers still shipping old versions of the Android OS, it will be years until the phones start shipping with the newest OS : )

    1. It would be a problem. Handsets sold with the old Android OS that still had this feauture would be subject to a sales ban and possible damages, if it was willful those damages could be catastrophic for the offenders. Keep in mind that only one Android manufacturer has the money to fight Apple: Samsung. Motorolla too via Google.

    2. Could a ban NOT be placed to stop any further installation / use of Android version 1, 2, and 3 be put into effect?

      Android version 4.x + would be put into effect immediately.

      Some developers simultaneously compile apps for both OSes – which makes one think the differences of these two OSes are not so great; which then leads one to wonder just how stolen Andy Rubins’ OS might be. If not, the Google Plot to suck the success from Apple as close as possible.

      Android needs to be “BLOWED UP REAL GOOD!”
      Force it’s developers to start all over from scratch – please.

  2. Apple will lose, and everyone successfully will sue Apple and slavishly copy with impugnity everything Apple does, if judge Posner, or most any judge has a say in it. Only Big Pharma can use patents, everyone should forget about bothering to advance technology if making a living depends on that. Let the new dark age begin.

  3. This is German court, has nothing to to with the USA or Posner’s poor attempts at tring to skirt around the issue, I will say one thing, Posners ruling will be appealed, I don’t care what his history is, this man is going senile.

    Apple has a very good chance of having that rulling overturned, with Posner’s openness in the news lately, it’s just enough for Apple to use in its defense to show that a Bias with both party’s was an influance and at play in the recent hearing.

  4. Hoping justice is not compromised on this one for Apple.

    When regarding the acquisition of FingerWorks,
    reflecting on the history of eMate and Newton,
    evidence of Eric (the Shmitty-mole) Apple board conflict,
    mention of Andy (the os Rubbinghood) ex-Apple engineer,
    and the many patents covering Apple UI and IP…

    this case should snowball things for Apple.

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