Apple calls Rush Limbaugh; working on his Mac issues

Apple has contacted Rush Limbaugh about the Mac issues that he’s been talking about this week on the most listened to radio talk show in America; heard on over 600 stations in the U.S.

Partial transcript from The Rush Limbaugh Show yesterday:

I have an announcement to make: Apple corporate called. Somebody from high up the corporate ladder at Apple Computer in California, out in Cupertino, called the office. When did you get the message? When did they call, late yesterday afternoon? All right, they called at nine o’clock this morning, very, very, very nice guy, put my IT guy in touch with them, working — No, it was not Algore. Ha! No, Mr. Snerdley, it was not Algore. I’m not going to mention the gentleman’s name because the Mac user community that hates me will start bombarding this guy. He’s a west coast guy. He called about six a.m. out there and said, “I’m here now,” so our IT guy is working with him. That’s cool. Yes, it’s official. It’s not a hacker. It was official. Don’t start gumming up the works. It was really true.

More from Rush Limbaugh’s “Stack of Stuff” page here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Judge Bork” for the heads up.]

MacDailyNews Take: The more Rush Limbaugh talks about Macs (even if it’s about issues he’s having), the better it is for Apple. Rush is planting Apple seeds. Making Apple Macs a real consideration for millions of people who might not have even thought about freeing themselves from the frustration and disappointment of Microsoft Windows is a very good thing.


  1. Children! Children!!!
    At least we should all be able to agree that track 8 on Disc 2 of “Live In Dublin” not only is “blindingly” cool, it blows just about any other polka renditions of once covered hits out of the water.

    Yes, we are a healed nation once again……

  2. @C1…

    I’m not defending Rush sis, never would. No more than I would defend Bill Maher. I’m just making commentary on some of the more fervent of the left leaning on this thread.

    It’s been my observation, here at MDN and elsewhere on the net. That the left insults the right far faster, more frequently, and with much more vitriol than the reverse. The right does it also, but less frequently. (Maybe because there’s less of them?) Don’t believe me? Just go back and count the left and right insults on this thread. I haven’t done it on this thread, but on most political threads at MDN the left usually insults the right at a 2 – 1 pace.

    “How does it benefit anyone to ‘include’ such people?” – Good point. It doesn’t actually, if you honestly believe that he “is a comedian (and) not a political thinker.” But if he was a comedian he would be funny, and he’s not.

    He represents millions of people who value this country, but share different values than you and I, just as passionately we do. Not considering his views seriously is unwise in my estimation, because many Americans share those views. Whether or not we agree with someone doesn’t mean we can’t reason with them. Isn’t that exactly what Obama is arguing for in our foreign policy concerning the Middle East? If we can’t reason with each other, how in the world will we ever expect to reason with our more serious enemies outside our borders?

    Doesn’t it wear you out that both sides of the political spectrum in our country tend to demonize the other sides far edge thinkers. Personally, I think that we NEED far edge thinkers. They are the bell weather of the edges of political thought and discourse.

    It also bothers me that the lack of listening to each other, and shouting at each other first, is moving towards the center of politics and culture more and more with each passing year. Rush represents a constituency that I debate with, argue with, but still call American. (not implying that you don’t)

  3. How about some humor to help everybody out…

    C O W S – Republican version
    Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 20 million illegal aliens wandering around ourcountry. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.

    C O W S – Democratic version
    Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate Osama Bin Laden wandering around the mountains of Pakistan. Maybe we should give him a cow?

    THE CONSTITUTION – Republican Version
    They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq . Why don’t we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and our courts aren’t using it anymore.

    THE CONSTITUTION – Democratic Version
    They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq . Why don’t we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and the white house, justice department, and Gitmo isn’t using it anymore.

    THE 10 COMMANDMENTS – Repubs and Dems
    The real reason that we can’t have the The Commandments posted in a courthouse is this: You cannot post “Thou Shalt Not Steal,” “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery,” and “Thou Shall Not Lie” in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians…It creates a hostile work environment.

  4. @ Jim – TIV
    LOL – thanks…

    For the rest of us:
    From the lead-in to the song National Brotherhood Week
    “I’m sure we all agree that we ought to love one another. I know there are people in world who do not love their fellow human beings and I hate people like that!” — Tom Lehrer

  5. Whenever you say or think, “I disagree,” you are, by definition, INTOLERANT.

    Remember, the day you stop hearing disagreement, the day you stop hearing opposing views, that’s the day you step back in time to Nazi Germany, the ultimate ‘PC’ country, where speech INTOLERANT of the Nazi administration wasn’t allowed at all…

    I certainly don’t agree with Rush or most political pundits most of the time, but I want him FRONT AND CENTER talking about what ever he doesn’t like about the U.S.A. – it’s the best proof I know that this is still America, not “AmeriKa”.

    Political Correctness is an impressive social weapon – the Nazis achieved so much using it, didn’t they?


  6. “While Apple and Jobs lean to the left, a *lot* of Mac users are conservative. Hate to upset anyone, but its just the case.”

    I dont think anyone with half a brain would argue that if you broke it down, its probably pretty evenly split. It’s just that with Jobs’ dedication to the Democrats, and the apparent idea that Macs are only for liberal creative types, one might think that. But saying both of those things are just about as dumb a saying that most people who use Macs are conservatives, which is also untrue.

    I’d be willing to bet not only is it an even split, but when you get people of varying political views together in a room, vs across the internet and through the media. that people really aren’t as different as people on the far left and far right would like to make everyone else think.

  7. “when you get people of varying political views together in a room, vs across the internet and through the media. that people really aren’t as different as people on the far left and far right would like to make everyone else think.”

    – best post on this thread so far

  8. Rush has been a Mac devotee for many years. He realizes that the liberal side of Apple isn’t proud of his political stance, but he has still been a bold supporter of all things Apple. While you may have little tolerance for Rush, I have little tolerance for Al Gore. Yet they both use Apples. And for this one item, this one moment, we agree. Let’s celebrate it not disdain it.

  9. Shen, Don’t just copy and paste and use Rush’s quotes as some sort of indictment of his “silliness.”

    If you had listened even to brief shows of his, you would know that he uses the absurd to demonstrate the absurd. Rush use lots of tongue-in-cheek comments that people like yourself love to use to flame him.

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