eBay sellers fail to see big iPhone profits in early going

“David Flashner thought he had it wired: buy two iPhones last Friday when they first went on sale, keep one and sell the other at a profit so big it would pay for most of the first one,” Katie Hafner reports for The New York Times.

“Mr. Flashner wasted no time. He began advertising the extra phone while still in line at an Apple store in Burlingame, Calif., south of San Francisco. During his 21-hour wait, he posted half a dozen different ads to Craigslist — with prices ranging from $800 to $1,200 — and waited for the calls to come in,” Hafner reports.

“But no calls came because consumers expect that stores will soon have phones in stock. He continued to advertise the extra phone through the weekend, and ended up with just one call, which went nowhere. On Wednesday, he returned the phone,” Hafner reports.

“Mr. Flashner, 25, who manages an audio-visual equipment rental company, is not the only would-be iPhone reseller whose plan failed to follow the script,” Hafner reports.

Full article here.

Supply and demand. First the product has to be sold out (as it was yesterday – some Apple Stores have since ben restocked) and you have to have extended periods of drought (we’ll see) to build up any eBay frenzy. Nobody with a brain would buy an iPhone for some exorbitant price off eBay during the first few days when they could just walk into an Apple Store and buy one at normal retail price.


  1. Its sad to see this site devolve into petty bickering. It seems to me the iPhone, as good as it is (I love mine), brought a new group of people to the apple table that do not share the traditional apple values or community, manners, helpfulness, etc.

    If you are here to flame, please go back to whatever site you came from.

  2. somehow there was never any doubt in my mind that “reality check” would think like that….

    the world is full of pricks who have no morals and blame others failings for their habit of screwing people over. always blame the victim, that is the scum bag way….

  3. “Office Arr Poo man I can even smell office on a PC is smells like sacks

    PC people play game killing and SIck porn”

    i am sorry even babble fish was no help for this….

    are you trying to communicate with us? blink once for yes, and twice for no….



    Tell me – how many years is your extreme stupidity based on? and what time does your Mummy come along and put you to bed?

    If you are stupid enough buy anything on Ebay that is priced more than teh retail price then YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT.”

    40 years on this planet and a little thing like reading comprehension has escaped you huh? Go back to my post, and re-read, but this time do it really really slowly. Maybe ask an adult near you for help. And then maybe, just maybe, you will see that I never defended the concept of buying things for double the price on eBay.

    Guess who the idiot is here Petey? There are only two of us but based on your apparent intelligence level, or lack thereof, I will give you 3 guesses. And something tells me you still might be stumped…

  5. : shen

    hahha Ha Shen , Boring well why don’t you say something , as its a bit hard when no one is chatting :

    you know what I was saying,

    Bu I am picking you are from UK , Ireland originally and working in Admin

  6. Anyone that waited 21 hours in line is a f*cking moron. I walked into the Apple Store at 8pm on launch night, waited approximately 5 minutes in line for a cashier, and walked out with an 8GB iPhone. As for those trying to profiteer on eBay and Craigslist, they’re getting exactly what they deserve.

  7. I am bored, life suck, Australia sucks
    Australians are Dumb as shit; they are the lowest on planet earth for intelligence

    The Media makes you so depressed is such horse shit,

    They food is just cheap fast meat & chips
    The buildings look likes poo they have the architecture of a dogs den
    There government is proactive as fungi

    I can’t stand them, America; poor bastards have to keep the world running
    English, like to be improvised and angry

    I am coming to US, hope your ready people I will meet American Girl and be rich, and visit Steve and drink coffee,

    The end

  8. I love how one person’s investment translates to Americans are fat, lazy, greedy earth destroying bastards. How is this lady’s tactics any different that a stock market investor? I believe stock is traded world wide, correct?


    What’s your next comment, Life’s like a box of chocolates?

    40 years and Mummy still caring for your retarded ass?

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