Microsoft’s Mundie: Windows Mobile does more than Apple’s iPhone does today

“Craig Mundie is one of two men taking over for Bill Gates,” David E. Williams reports for CNN. “Microsoft’s Craig Mundie has some big shoes to fill when Bill Gates steps down next year — or at least one shoe anyway.”

MacDailyNews Take: Good news! If he’s half the man Gates is, he should only be able to steal half of Apple’s stuff.

Williams continues, “Gates tapped Mundie, the software giant’s chief research and strategy officer, and chief software architect Ray Ozzie to replace him and handle the day-to-day operation of the company so he can focus on his charitable foundation.”

Mundie sat down with’s David E. Williams to discuss some of the issues facing Microsoft. One question centered on Apple’s iPhone:

Williams: So do you see Microsoft doing something like Apple’s iPhone in the future?

Mundie: Well, Microsoft has been in the phone business for years. What do you think that thing is (pointing to a cell phone on the table)? That does more than an iPhone does today and it’s our 7th generation.

MacDailyNews Take: Mundie ought to be Microsoft’s chief comedian. Do they really think anybody believes this nonsense?

We’ll spare you the rest as Mundie continues his answer by listing Microsoft’s usual iPhone talking points (see Microsoft CEO Ballmer laughs at Apple iPhone): iPhone’s not for business, it costs too much, because Microsoft has a bunch of partners, they supposedly offer more diverse mediocrity, blah, blah, blah.

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: The only reason Microsoft Mobile phones do more than Apple’s iPhone does today is because it’s not yet June.

Related articles:
Microsoft caught off-guard, beaten badly by Apple’s iPhone innovations – February 13, 2007
Apple’s soon-to-be iPhone rivals sound just like iPod rivals circa 2001 – February 01, 2007
The amount of iPhone FUD is truly stunning – January 22, 2007
Those beholden to Microsoft are deeply concerned about Apple’s latest threat: iPhone – January 19, 2007
Microsoft CEO Ballmer laughs at Apple iPhone – January 17, 2007
Reactions to iPhone highlight competitors’ inability to understand Apple’s success – January 17, 2007
The massive FUD campaign against Apple’s iPhone ramps up – January 10, 2007
Apple debuts iPhone: touchscreen mobile phone + widescreen iPod + Internet communicator – January 09, 2007


  1. Note to Mundie: Way to not get the point, dude!

    It’s not about how many boxes you can check off on a features list, it’s how easy the product is to use. This is why Word and Excel (and especially PowerPoint) are such a major pain in the ass to use.

    The most important part in any product planning at Apple is deciding what it *shouldn’t* do.


  2. Do yo know that MS sales guys dont use MS Windows Mobile powered phones? Do you know why? Simple. They dont work. The software like everything else MS puts out is crap, untested, poor quality, buggy and totally unimaginative.

    But then when did MS ever produce anything that was original?


  3. I have no inclination of reading the above posts.. i dont care if you read this one .. you guys are retarded.. wake up and smell the salts man!! the powers that be… are kickin ass where they deem neccessary.. you are just fodder so stfu.

  4. What’s with the pussies who can’t use their own handle when they retort?
    Especially since, dumbasses, it’s an anononymous chatboard!!!!

    Al Queda is in Iraq because we are there.
    How stupid can you be? WHAT does one (Iraq)have to do with the other? (Afghanistan, the mountains of Pakistan, and Osama Bin Laden, who’s family has close ties with the Bushes.)

    You can research our history of Middle East meddling (if you can read, that is), starting with BP’s reluctance to give up the last vestige (sorry about the big words) of imperialism, via Iranian oil.
    Started then. Go ahead. Look it up. Read. Learn.

    Iraq has NOTHING to do with Al Queda (29% of the forces there.)
    Admit you are wrong. As Always, I am Right.

    Give up. Move. Far away.
    I hope our Democratic leadrer have the guts to stop the liberal spending under Cheney/Bush.

    -In “Ariel Sharon: An Intimate Portrait” by Uri Dan, the author writes of the very close relationship between George Bush and the Israel leader, Ariel Sharon.

    Uri Dan recalls that Sharon was reluctant to repeat what the President Bush had told him when they discussed Osama bin Laden. Finally he relented.

    Here is what the leader of the Western world, valiant warrior in the battle of cultures, promising what he would do to bin Laden if he caught him: “I will screw him in the ass!”

    Whether this was a figure of speech, a Freudian slip or an expression of some sexual desire, we will never know for certain. After all, is George W. Bush, who was known to his college fraternity as Lips Bush.-


    GW is gay, too.


  5. Hmmm..

    Well, the MS controlled phone may do more – as long as your decider is more functions per square inch.

    But then many MP3 players do more than the iPod, and yet the iPod is basically the only MP3 player most people think of.

    And it will be the same with the iPhone – it may not have all the functions of other high price phones, but it will do the things that people want it to do.

    Time and again, companies like MS fail to understand the customer. They design products without really working what the customer wants, or how easy things are to use, and then just forcefeed customers with usable but inadequate products.

    Because they make a profit, and because almost all other companies and competitors are doing the same things, nothing ever really changes – just incremental improvements, and no real desire to do things better or in a different way.

    Apple, and companies like them, are the cat amongst the pigeons – they stir things up and really make the changes, which others won’t or can’t deal with.

    just my thruppence worth.

  6. “America First” and “before the storm” have it right, these guys are plotting to kill us and the Left is playing right in to their hands. I also agree that there are many similarities between these times and the late 1930’s, but I no longer think the Neville Chamberlain analogy holds up (I used to, though). I don’t think Chamberlain actually realized that Britain was in the early stages of a war that threatened to completely overtake their country when he kept trying to appease Hitler. You could argue that the Democrats don’t realize that we’re at war with something threatens to ultimately change our country and the world (i.e. Islamofacists), but they certainly know that we’re fighting in Iraq, and I find it remarkable that they actually want us to lose. I shudder to think of a Democrat winning in ’08 and having Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi calling the shots from Congress — we may as well send the Muslims a Harry & David fruitbox if that happens.


  7. I repeat myself:

    “The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.” (George W. Bush, 09/13/01)

    “I don’t know where Bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” (George W. Bush, 03/13/02)

  8. The ONLY smart move Microsucks has made in the last couple years was to hire Ray Ozzie – that’s it.

    Will you look at that, an on-topic post. Wonders never cease!

    Save the political talk for Meet the Press!

  9. Cooler Heads Boys.

    Answer to the Middle East Problem. Send them all Macs.

    Really, Islam is not pissed off at us, they hate the muslim version of Windows.

    Get everyone who can pledge allegience to the Flag out of Iraq and then nuke the rest.
    Turn the desert into glass…

    Let them drink oil…

    Just a geopolitical thought.

  10. I agree with all of the commenters here. However, in spirit of responsible journalism, it would be nice to see a feature-to-feature grid of the iPhone vs the <strike>dumb</strike>smartphone. I’m not buying “Do they really think anybody believes this nonsense?” as a valid rebuttal.

  11. “When Clinton lied, no one died.”

    Uhh what about the aspirine factory?
    How about the cruise missles we sent to the afgans at full speed?
    There were all those strange plane crashes and “suicides” of people close to him..
    lets now forget our bombed embassys and the cole. There was also the matter of the world trade center bombing.
    There was ruby ridge
    lets not forget waco.
    So yes, there was plenty of dying going on while he was busy *ahem* “moistening his cigars”..

    Having been to two of the war zones above, let me assure you I would have rather been there with an adminstration that came to fight than slick willy and his crew..

  12. Love Macs, Love Apple .. but he is 100% right .. While I can use my Windows Mobile phone on a 3G network running VOIP software and skype, it IS doing more than the iPhone will when released.

  13. “nice to see a feature-to-feature grid of the iPhone”

    This of course varies depending on vendor and model but here is a by no means exhaustive list of few things that Windows Mobile phones have that the iPhone does not. (I have ignored things that BOTH have):

    Exchange connectivity
    Mini versions of Office apps.
    3G Capability
    XM streaming radio
    Streaming video
    Built in GPS
    Turn by turn mapping
    Clients for evey IM system under the sun.
    3rd party applications
    Full keyboard phones
    Small and light phones
    Phones usable with one hand.

    Things Windows phones do that the iPhone may do but have not been demoed.
    Push to Talk
    Voice dialing

    I think the list for the iPhone compared to the Windows mobile phone goes something like this:

    Improved voicemail interface.
    Apple logo.

  14. yep, if Windows Mobile Smartphone is a phone, they’ve been building them for years. So how come they can’t get them to synchronize properly yet. ActiveStync is pathetically unreliable after years of effort, where Palm OS Hotsync just… works. And I’ll bet Apple’s iPhone will have similarly robust syncing.

    I’ll never buy another Windows Mobile device until Microsoft improves its software.

  15. “I’ll never buy another Windows Mobile device until Microsoft improves its software.”

    Windows mobile syncing over the air with Exchange works just fine. As the popularity of Blackberrys and Windows Mobile devices shows, Connecting a cable to your phone to sync is an outdated concept.

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