NY Times: Do Mac users lean left?

BoingBoing reader Brian Topping created this:

The New York Times’ Tom Zeller Jr. then blogged about it, writing, “This moment of geeky, user-contributed political Zen [is] perhaps more resonant with Mac users than those of the PC persuasion, but hey, a shout-out to the diminutive Apple gang! And PC users surely get the picture.”

“There’s likely to be more such visual humor in this vein, and there are those who would argue that a fair amount of it will be crafted on Macs (despite the fact that Macs continue to command only 3.5 – 4 percent of the American computer market),” Zeller Jr writes. “The suggestion, of course, is the bit of folk wisdom that Mac users tend to lean left … but is it true?”

Zeller Jr asks, “How about it Mac users? How did you vote yesterday?”

Full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “bc” for the heads up.]

MacDailyNews Note: Zeller Jr is using old stats. Apple Mac’s share of the U.S. market is currently somewhere between 5.8-6.1% in Q3 06 according to IDC and Gartner respectively. That’s up from 4.6-4.8% U.S. market share in Q2 06, according to Gartner and IDC respectively.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

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Rush Limbaugh and Apple Computer working to bring podcasts of radio show to iTunes Music Store – May 17, 2005
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Die Welt: U.S President George Bush is ‘the Steve Jobs of World Politics’ – February 25, 2005
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The Hill: Put Rush Limbaugh on Apple’s board of directors; he could sell tons of Macs – January 26, 2005
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  1. Mac user since almost day one (1985) and although in my first Presidental election I voted for Reagan, I realized the error of my ways soon after and have generally been voting Democrat or Libertarian since.

    I don’t think of myself as exceedingly liberal (I do think capitalism is a good thing, but it’s a model of human behavior, and like all models has domains where it doesn’t work so well). I want to keep the church out of our government and schools, and a strong beliver in civil liberties.

    But I’m sure that since I contribute to MoveOn and post occasionally on Daily Kos, by the standards of our corporate media I am a crazed liberal terroist-appeasing baby-raping moonbat!

  2. Frank

    I wasn’t the one who brought Rush up, but of course I take the hits.

    I am no fan of John Kerry’s, but I am intelligent enough to know that his statement was misconstrued.

    You failed to mention any of the praise Rush had for Fox, or that he agreed with much of what he thinks.

    You also failed to mention the whole controversy is not over stem cell research but instead over cloning.

    I guess if I got all my news from You Tube, I would be confused, too.

  3. Being liberal and a Mac user, I have to stand up say Americans are so far right, it’s almost frightening. We think having equal acces to health care it communism, that’s self defeating. How easy would it would for the government to insure every child in school got an organic multi-vitamin/mineral supplement after lunch?
    Radical? … for people living with their heads in the sand. Here’s a curve ball to all you Machiavellian, Leo Straussians, Ayn Randians, Libertarians, Conservatives, et al., I’m a socialist libertarian… I don’t trust big business yet., we’ve got some evolving to do. Utopia is not simple, it’s a goal, can you think of anything better to do?

    mn: east

  4. I voted for change. I’m a long time member of the “Throw the Bums Out Party”

    Democrat or Republican, it doesn’t matter. If they’re in office, they are only there to line their own pockets. So I vote for the challenger – they’ll have to behave themselves, at least for a little while.

  5. @Frank:

    “Ah yes, Towertone. Extolling the virtues of Rush Limbaugh, and not sarcastically either. The same Rush Limbaugh who has the guts to insult and degrade Michael J Fox because he has a terrible illness and would like to bring a message about stem cells to the public.”

    You just proved Rush Limbaugh’s point correct, the very point he was driving that whole week–the fact that people were using a victim with an illness so that nobody could criticize the ad ‘lest they be labeled as cruel and heartless. Sorry, but the moment you enter the political arena, your ideas can be criticized, regardless of your condition. Relying on a victim and then attacking critics simply because the victim has a condition is a copout that halts intellectual debate.

    Never mind that the issue isn’t stem cells. It’s embryonic stem cells. Fox’s commercial didn’t make the distinction, so it’s understandable if you weren’t informed about the cloning amendment’s purpose or that you weren’t aware of Rush’s full comment, which was that Fox was either “acting or off his meds.” The latter turned out to be true, and it’s not the first time Fox has done it, as detailed in his own autobiography. The media only reported the “acting” part.

    Sorry to defend Rush Limbaugh, but I actually find his show entertaining even when I disagree with him, and I didn’t get what the big deal was over the Fox comments since I actually listened to the show when he said it. I doubt any of his critics did.

  6. Republicans are sitting around stunned and licking their wounds today because the majority of Americans — whose politics trend toward the center rather than the extreme right or left wing — were disgusted with the sheer nastiness, corruption, and rigid, arrogant ideology driving the failed policies of the Iraq War and guiding the party in power.
    –There are 34,000 lobbyists showering money on Congress/political parties and reaping those rewards. What’s wrong with that picture?
    –100 people die each day in and around Baghdad, many of their bodies dumped in the streets and showing signs of torture. Sectarian militias control entire cities. If that kind of body count occurred in an American city, think anyone would be upset? Gosh, no wonder the Pentagon’s bar chart shows Iraq as edging ever closer to chaos.
    –Our trillions of dollars in national debt has ballooned during this administration and the burden will affect future generations. China owns over $1 trillion in total American debt, but I’m sure that’s nothing to worry about because Communist China only has America’s best interest at heart.
    Nancy Pelosi may lean left in her personal beliefs, but she’s now the Speaker of the House charged with pulling her group together — including lots of newly elected moderate Democrats — and working with Republicans to accomplish mutual goals. Ditto for Harry Reid, now the likely Senate Majority Leader. They HAVE to move to the center to get anything done — and because they also know that moderate Americans put them in power.
    And you know what, if the Democrats screw up their chance this time, we can throw them out just like we did their predecessors Tuesday.
    That’s one of the best things about being an American.

  7. Liberal,

    Tax cuts create greater tax revenues for the government. I understand this may seem incongruous at first glance, but it’s not. Prosperity breeds prosperity.

    A fun little quiz: Match the people (Rush Limbaugh, Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy) to the quotes below:

    1. “Republicans believe every day is the 4th of July, but the Democrats believe every day is April 15.”

    2. “If you’re not a liberal at 20, you have no heart, and if you’re not a conservative at 40, you have no head.”

    3. “An economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget just as it will never produce enough jobs or enough profits… In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now.”

    4. “No nation ever taxed itself into prosperity.”

  8. @ Hymen Rothsien, who says:

    “Yeah, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are going to get Bin Laden.

    Go get him, girls!”.



    Uhh — Gosh, I — don’t think I ever said I’m not worried about Osama bin Laden. It’s kind of one of those, uhh, exaggerations.
    — To quote President Bush (3/13/2002): “I — I’ll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him.” Third Presidential Debate, Tempe, Arizona, Oct. 13, 2004

  9. Right Winger,

    I believe in strong DEFENCE, ADEQUATE taxes, fiscal responsibility, useful entitlements – not entitlement abuse, limited welfare, no gay marriage, BUT CIVIL RECOGNITION OF UNIONS OUTSIDE OF CHURCH-SANCTIONED MARRIAGE no affirmative action, BUT EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY all men are created equal (and all women, too), discrimination should be punished when proven, and prefer a hands-off government when it come to business and regulation EXCEPT WHERE PROTECTION OF WORKERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT IS CONCERNED.

    I also believe that President Bush is smarter than most would give him credit for, but that he’s a terrible public speaker. HE CERTAINLY COULDN”T VERY WELL BE LESS SMART THAN PEOPLE RECKON.

    I use Macintosh.

    I also believe that Republicans lost their way MASSIVELY, spent way too much on entitlements, can’t get effective control of our borders OH, WHATEVER. IF THE EMPLOYEES STOP HIRING, THERE IS NO MORE PROBLEM, BUT BUSINESSES WILL HURT AND COSTS WILL GO UP, and they needed to be reminded to get back to what they stand for and do the things we elected them to do. TRUE.

    Those are my edits to your well-presented statement. In Australia, we also have social medicine, high minimum wages and comparatively low executive salaries. The benefit that we get for the extra expense is a pleasant and safe society that requires much less policing than in the USA. The society is much less religious and is more accepting of de facto relationships. Different societies are different. Our society works well for us. We have a government that is fiscally conservative (which is a good thing) that implemented strict gun regulation and a gun buy-back (which is also a good thing). They do have trouble with social issues such as accepting and moving on from past ill-treatment of Aborigines. The government also can’t seem to let go of the Queen, though that will change over the next few years. John Howard can also be immoral and opportunistic (which has been a very bad thing, but you have seen some of that in the US as well.

  10. Libertarian- leaning right on many issues (voted for W) but not in support of the right wing views regarding pro-life, gay marriage- does that make me a Schwarzengger republican?
    ahh the gear….
    Macbook, powerbook 15, powerbook 12, 2 ipods, Nano, 2 shuffles!
    and most importantly, I have converted at 9 PC using friends- they got Mac and aint going back!

    Thanks for all the chuckles MDN…

  11. Loyal, devoted Mac fan for many years. Also a registered Republican.

    I’m also a member of the creative class and have designed some pretty high-profile, well-known stuff. I think the notion that artists have to be leftists is a stale leftover idea from the high point of the baby boom generation.

    These days it’s much more innovative, cutting-edge and radical to go against the tired old hippies like John Kerry, Ted Turner, the New York Times and virtually all of academia. Socialism – yawn. 1968 – over, so over.

    This latest election, with all the conservative Democrats winning, will be more about a long-term realignment of the Democratic Party away from the fossilized hard Left than it is about the current Republicans.

  12. Preston says-

    “…the fact that people were using a victim with an illness so that nobody could criticize the ad ‘lest they be labeled as cruel and heartless…”

    Oh, you mean disingenious?
    Like when Repubs, or nuts like Hannity interupt a conversation with the question “Wait, Yes or No. Do you support our troops? Answer the question” (Who would say no?).

    More bullshit from the right.
    Good Bye, and Good Luck.

    Oh, and Rush IS a big fat idiot.

  13. To my leftest buddy, Liberal-

    Tax cuts stimulate an economy because it helps entreprenuers and businesses grow. This in turn provides more jobs. The Govn’t gets a boost from this because they tax all these new businesses and they tax all the new employees. Now these are NEW tax revenue streams and not higher taxes that Libs always push. Because of Bush’s brilliant move, the economy grew extremely well. Got it?

    Now a hot economy and the new tax streams are not enough to hold off a budget deficit when in a war. It hasn’t happened ever in the past and should be no surprise now. Ah, and another small point. Bush brought the deficit down more than half 2 years before expected. Nice work, eh?

    Yes, 2% of workers are at minimum wage. This is not a problem for the economy like it was in the early 90s when around 15% were at that level. Most of these 2% are the dropouts, the lazy ones who are not willing to work hard to get anywhere. So why should any govn’t step in and tell a business what contract they should have with an employee?? I do know what I’m saying and it’s that socialism at that level has no place in the U.S. It unfairly sets wages in a free market, and strains buisinesses who’s payrolls are becoming a burden.

  14. I’m really smarter than I sound? Really? Gee, thanks. I know I present a fine depiction of presidential stature.

    Look at some of the smart stuff I’ve said. (I like to read these out loud, using Will Farrel’s imitation of me).

    I worked with [Arizona Congressman] Rick [Renzi] to pass what’s called the Healthy Forest Initiative. See, his district has got a lot of important forests. It means that we can work together with local folks to thin out those forests so they’re not full of combustionable fuel.
    — Scottsdale, Arizona, Oct. 4, 2006

    I was not pleased that Hamas has refused to announce its desire to destroy Israel.
    — White House, May 4, 2006

    One way to aleve the pressure on price is to expand the use of liquified natural gas through new terminals.
    –Feb. 21, 2006

    Oh, gosh, I’m tryin’ ta pick examples, but everything I say is like that.
    Here, see for yourself.


  15. M.A.D.

    What do you think about the US system of businesses paying for medical costs for employees? That is certainly much more of a burden than a slightly higher minimum wage. Medical expenses in the US (I think) are much higher than in most other countries. The system is very ad hoc, so it would be difficult to argue that the extra expense is actually paying for something useful.

    It really is an odd system, because government pays for medical coverage of the military, public employees and the elderly. When you add it up, a huge fraction of the US population has medical expenses paid from the public purse. Where is the logic in the statement that an organised, government-funded medical system is a bad thing because the government shouldn’t be responsible for paying for medical coverage?

  16. Prez

    Do you ever, just for shits and giggles, try to understand what he is saying, instead of how he says it?

    I guess I have never heard anything you have to say, just quotes of our President which are, admittedly (by him), poor grammer.

    I think you have missunderestimated him, just like many of you have on the number of right leaning Mac users.

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