Fastest Apple G5 Power Macs versus fastest Windows PCs

Bare Feats has posted various test results comparing “CPU Crunching” for a Dual G5/2.5GHz Power Mac vs. Dual G5/2.0GHz Power Mac vs. Dual Xeon 3.4GHz vs. Pentium 4 3GHz vs. 64 bit Athlon 2.2GHz = 3GB of 333MHz DDR which shows that the top G5 Power Mac (dual 2.5GHz) won every CPU intensive test except one.

Test results here.

Bare Feats explains, “Though the G5 Power Macs did well in the CPU tests, they were pretty much ‘smoked’ in the 3D GRAPHICS tests. Part of it as to do with how much effort developers put into optimizing (or re-writing) the game code to take advantage of the unique features of the G5 Power Macs. Quake 3 Arena, though considered obsolete by avid gamers, is a perfect example of the potential of the G5 Power Macs to excel in gaming.”

Test results here.


  1. But I don’t have any friends and the sunlight hurts my eyes. Without “the gaming world” I’d have to actually interact with the rest of humanity. I don’t think I could handle it!

    No, I’d rather play my games and waste my life away rather than putting forth an ounce of effort into improving my life or contributing to society in any meaningful way.

    Game-ism is escape-ism. And I can’t handle anything else.

  2. Tetrachloride – “More gasoline. More blood ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”vampire” style=”border:0;” /> “

    I don’t think that will help any thing. ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”smile” style=”border:0;” />

  3. NO NADS, I was just watching CNN and I didn’t see your name scroll by. I guess you failed at contributing to society in a meaningful way.

    Just because someone has different interests than you, doesn’t make them any less than you. I would have thought that a person with such a desire to lend a helping hand to humanity would have recognized that.

    “Shall we play a game?”

  4. Wow. There are some strong feelings on this thread. Personally, I don’t mind gamers at all. That’s probably mostly because I don’t know who they are, where they are, or even care. They’re locked up in their basements on their Dells, out of sight of the real world.

    Let them sit there. Let them just rot away. The real world is moving along fine without them, so let’s just leave them to their Quad-Opterons (or whatever) and not give it a second thought.

  5. Jerry T:

    Gaming and CNN. What a well-rounded life you lead. What’s next on your agenda… jamming on your Casio keyboard? …or perhaps you have a Chess game going on against yourself and today is white’s turn?

    Have fun, freak.

    ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”LOL” style=”border:0;” />

  6. macnut222 “blaming Steve is immature as well as placing the blame on the wrong person.”

    Part of Steve´s job is to make sure that the game companies design the software to run optimally on Macs. Steve is letting us down.

    So, yeah, blame Steve. He has more clout than you or I writing an email to black hold suggestions dept.

  7. no nads: “I’d have to actually interact with the rest of humanity. I don’t think I could handle it!”

    And yet you have the gall to make that claim as you sit by yourself in your cubicle/room surfing the web all alone and writing anonymously to some feedback to other anonymous people….

    Interact with humanity….what a Hypocrite.

    There is more interaction between people in a game than here. We actually talk to each other live over internet throught the games.

  8. The Gaming World: “This is the modern day Dungeons & Dragons… losers sit in dark corners playing their little games while the rest of the world passes them by. SAD.”

    You would rather sit alone in your darkened room staring at your monitor and use a fake name while surfing (for your porn) and writing ignorant things at Mac Daily news I guess.

  9. Permanent Slumber “Let them sit there. Let them just rot away.”

    And spending hour after on the web and then writing two paragraphs at MDN chat list makes you living in the “real world”.

    Sheesh. You haven´t a clue.

  10. frenchie: “We got money for a another computer. We alreday have 2 Macs. Son said: PC. I bought an iMac.”

    Son now convinced you are a close-minded idiot and will soon be spending all his time at his friends playing games on their PeeCees rather than be at home watching you read MDN and say “what do you need to play a game on a computer for?”.

  11. NoMacForYou wrote: “Face it, your over-priced over-heated over-hyped toys just aren’t up to the task!”

    Y’know, it just makes me laugh when people whose lives revolve around PLAYING GAMES on their computers have the audacity to refer to a professional machine like a PowerMac as a “toy.” I think these people need to re-aquaint themself with exactly what a “toy” really is.

    PowerMacs are high-end, professional workstations best suited for doing something worthwhile and creative in order to get some serious work done, and the CPU (read: relevant) tests reflect that.

    On the other hand, the Windows boxes, with their only apparent strength being gaming, seem to me to be the very definition of what it means to be an “over-priced over-heated over-hyped toy.”

  12. Hmmm… The gaming loser(s) defiling someone for wasting time on MDN is doing exactly the same thing… while defending their pathetic little anti-social past-time (or in many cases, their lives).

    You talk to each other over the internet while gaming you say? Holy crap, congratulations for that. You are so special.

    Good luck ever getting laid you bunch of dorks. Say hi to your therapist for me.

  13. The Barefeats article reveals that Mac’s are definitely up there with the fastest PC’s. They can even be faster, but only when software is written to take advantage of the PowerPCs abilities, all other things being equal.

    Game software is clearly an area where further improvement can be made. Who’s responsible for this? Apple? The game authors? Us? (the game customers) I’d say we each have some responsibility, but to be honest, I believe the software authors have the most responsibility.

    How this gets fixed is difficult to work out. The game authors won’t optimise games for Macs if they don’t feel the need – they’ll argue that if performance is what you want, get a PC. They might say, hell, it runs on a Mac, what more do you want? Performance? Hey, we’re not a charity.

    Steve Jobs has already made some effort in getting gaming to the Mac… indeed it was a convo with Id’s John Carmack which led to OpenGL being ported to Mac OS in the first place.

    And clearly, there are customers are willing to buy the games when they are available. I trust we don’t steal them? I know I don’t.

    Thus, I see the Mac’s biggest issue in gaming (and other areas now too) as being the software authors* themselves. They are the one’s who have to want to make the Mac a serious platform when developing software, instead of just an afterthought.

    * I’m wondering if Id software can be let off, since they actually do tend to make the effort sometimes.

  14. The main issue isnt the hardware. The CPU tests prove the foundations are in place on the G5.

    Its been obvious for years some developers choose not to, or dont have the same resources they can put into optimising their code for the Mac. This is where the whole ‘market share’ argument comes into play. This is where Mac users become second class citizens.

    Thankfully there are guys like Graeme Devine at ID that went out of their way to bring Quake Arena up to par with the PC.

  15. Kids play games. Adults work on their Macs. Just run a study to prove which machine is more productive over time in a real work environment. Then see who’s smiling and making money. P.S. Include support people.

  16. I like playing games on line because I’m such a loser in real life that I need an escape or I would probably commit suicide. Rather than actually putting any effort into improving my life, I can just escape into the gaming world with my friends Zandar, MadHatcher, and Blaucher283.

  17. uhmm, so PCs are strong at playing GAMES hence they are real computers, G5s are strong at computational tasks but less at games hence are TOYS.

    Yes, I see the LOGIC why people buy Wintel platforms thinking they are getting a real computer. It’s a TOY, a gaming platform, stop calling it a computer already. It’s main use is to play games: honorable but call a spade a spade and a toy a toy: Wintel PC.

    Get a clue: you want a toy and play? Get a PC
    Real computer for real stuff? Get a Mac.

    At NASA and labs work is done on Linux and now on G5s. Have yet to see anything more serious than a FPS game on a Wintel PC.

    It is OK to prefer the PC for gaming reason but be *SERIOUS*, you get a TOY, not a computer, and with a toy OS where serious work is practically impossible.

  18. WarCraft ROCKS!

    Every day after I get off work at Burger King I head down to my parents’ basement and play WarCraft for hours. I am a total master!

    I saw that someone mentioned D&D… I was a Grand Wizard in D&D all through high school. But that was about 15 years ago.

    Yeah, my life is totally on track now. After eight years at Burger King, I’m in line for the sweet drive-thru window gig. My supervisor just says I need to work on my concentration and hygiene before he’ll let me deal with the customers directly.

  19. yellowmustard: “PowerMacs are high-end, professional workstations best suited for doing something worthwhile..”

    hey, yellow, we have macs and pcs. we do high-end professional work on both. maya, photoshop,flash,after effects, etc, etc.
    and when we are done for the day of doing high-end, professional work we turn to the pcs to play games.

    if you don´t own and work with them both you can´t talk.

  20. ron: “I made $65 in the past few minutes on my Mac. Don’t you just love it?”

    Hey, ron, I am impressed. What did you do? Sell it?

    (Ron that set up was to easy to pass up.)
    ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”wink” style=”border:0;” />

  21. Hey, pac & mac,
    >hey, yellow, we have macs and pcs. we do high-end professional work on both. maya, photoshop,flash,after effects, etc, etc.
    and when we are done for the day of doing high-end, professional work we turn to the pcs to play games.>

    If you stayed on the Macs instead of screwing around playing games on your pc’s, you’d probably be able to retire 15 years earlier like me.

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