Apple offers up three new .Mac member exclusives

Apple is offering three new .Mac member exclusives. From the .Mac website:

Free VersionTracker Plus Subscription: Sign up today to keep your software up-to-date and running smoothly with a free VersionTracker Plus subscription. (chosen by Time as one of the most useful websites of 2002) tracks more than 36,000 software products, so you’ll never miss an update. The subscription gives you a custom page for tracking your software, a download cart, email alerts, and advanced search


  1. VersionTracker is not that great an incentive, when I can get virtually the same type of service free (and with fewer and less obnoxious ads) on

    Not all that interested in Blogger, so not really that great a thing for me, either…

    And don’t have a DSL or cable hookup, and won’t until the prices are a little more stable (and not like cel phone plans), so the new backup incentive is a bust, too. (I already do regular backups to an external firewire HD.)

    Hopefully these incentives (and the others that are out there) will entice folks on that edge and would be able to make good use of these new freebies, but sorry, Apple, not me, not yet. Maybe if Apple could step into that void and offer a reliable, affordable DSL service along with all those incentives, I might take another look.

  2. I’m incented! Whoo! After 100 photos, Everquest, marbleblast and now iBlog – and considering the $30 discount I got from referring friends to sign up (instead of paying me for paltry email-only accounts), Apple is paying me money for .Mac. Whooee!

  3. Well I do like the versiontracker incentive, signed up already, and I’ve been thinking of blogging for some time now.
    And if the SmartDisk discount would be available outside of US, I’d get a 80 GB disk for sure.
    And people still say .Mac is not worth the $99!

  4. I don’t need Version Tracker to tell me if my software is up to date. And I don’t blog. So whats left? A $30 rebate which requires me to spend an additional $99. So I can save $30 if I spend $200. Sounds like something my wife says to me when she comes home from shopping.

    Only 8 days left. Come on Apple. Give me something to justify the doubling of the price of my membership.

  5. wish the iBlog offer had come out about 3 months ago. i enjoy iBlog as an amateur blogger. it is nice that it integrates well with iLife.

    these incentives still are too small to do the job. they really need to focus on incentives that integrate with the idisk.


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