Apple CEO Cook blasts ‘creepy’ web tracking

Axios reports, “A comment Apple CEO Tim Cook makes on ‘Revolution: Apple Changing the World,’ premiering at 8 tonight on MSNBC:

To me, it’s creepy when I look at something and all of a sudden it’s chasing me all the way across the web. I don’t like that… [MSNBC’s Chris Hayes interjects: “Particularly when I bought it!”]… “So, I think what has to be done is the type of information has to be looked at that companies can hold. I think the connection and sources of data have to be looked at…

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Uh, yeah, we already bought those sneakers, so showing us ads for them now couldn’t be less effective!


    1. It seems as though every retail website employs similar tracking and analytic algorithmics. Their so-called A.I. learns what you bought, or looked at, and presumes you want more of the same. It seems idiotic, but it actually works. People tend to like the same stuff.

      Another thing that works is on-line customer reviews. It works like word-of-mouth, authentic channels of experience that carry more weight than sponsored reviews which everyone knows are paid-for. You still need to be careful with this, as people have learnt to game the system by planting multiple fake reviews. Companies like Amazon have caught onto this trick. I am still waiting for Apple’s App Store to wise up, and I am suspicious of iBooks too.

      Apple’s analytics and predictive mechanisms seem more primitive than the competition’s, so far. But I am certain that their limitations are deliberate, even to the point of losing ground to the competition, because they are trying to do something strategic: laying ground for future secure communications.

      Apple are rich enough to afford this sort of indulgence, and they are smart enough to understand the priceless value of privacy in a world of mirrors. I think they are playing the long game, and playing to win.

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