Elon Musk sides with President Trump on trade with China

“Tesla’s Elon Musk is complaining to President Donald Trump about China’s car tariffs,” Tae Kim reports for CNBC. “‘Do you think the US & China should have equal & fair rules for cars? Meaning, same import duties, ownership constraints & other factors,’ Musk said on Twitter in response to a Trump tweet about trade with China. ‘I am against import duties in general, but the current rules make things very difficult. It’s like competing in an Olympic race wearing lead shoes.'”

“Trump responded to Musk’s tweets later at his steel and aluminum tariff press conference Thursday,” Kim reports. “‘We are going to be doing a reciprocal tax program at some point, so that if China is going to charge us 25% or if India is going to charge us 75% and we charge them nothing… We’re going to be at those same numbers. It’s called reciprocal, a mirror tax,’ Trump said after reading Musk’s earlier tweets out loud.”

Read more in the full article here.

“According to people familiar with the matter, Trump administration officials requested a $100 billion reduction in the U.S.-China trade deficit when meeting with President Xi Jinping’s top economic deputy last week,” Lingling Wei reports for The Wall Street Journal. “According to the people, Liu He, the main architect of China’s economic policy, said in his Washington meetings that narrowing the vast bilateral trade deficit was in China’s interest as China seeks to shift away from an export-led growth model.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Perhaps Musk should have stayed on the presidential committees of which he was at one time a member. Seems like that would have been a better avenue for discussing and achieving shared policy goals than Twitter.

Analyst: President Trump’s tariff impact on Apple would be just a ’rounding error’ – March 7, 2018
Apple and other tech firms caught in crossfire as U.S.-China trade war looms – March 7, 2018
Apple Macs caught up in President Trump’s aluminum tariff plan – March 2, 2018
Apple CEO Tim Cook pressured to follow Elon Musk and leave President’s Council over Paris Agreement kerfuffle – June 2, 2017
Apple CEO Cook calls President Trump as Elon Musk threatens to quit White House advisory councils over Paris decision – May 31, 2017


    1. Old rich folks polluted the Earth enough so that they want to escape to Mars instead of cleaning it up first and charlatan Musk is promising them that transportation. Ever wonder why NASA sent up so many old people besides that they have the money to pay the expense?

      1. Trump is ridiculed and reviled worldwide. Trump couldn’t negotiate his way out of a paper bag. If he had not started his life with wealth and privilege, the he would have been a con man. Instead, he is…still a con man, but with money.

        1. “Trump is ridiculed and reviled worldwide.”

          Really? He was a rock star in Davos but you are too stupid to keep current and don’t even know what Davos is. Catch up here:


          “Trump couldn’t negotiate his way out of a paper bag.”

          Seriously? Again you have proven stupidity and ignorance of the news. The North Korean leader has caved and agreed to meet face to face with President Trump by May. That has not happened with any president in history, but I’m not surprised you do not know that.

          If he had not started his life with wealth and privilege”

          A million dollar loan from his father to start a business that he turned into billions is hardly wealth and privilege. Most people I know have over a million in their 401k.

          Keep posting stupidity Citizen X, that’s all you know …

  1. This is why the President says other countries are laughing at us. We’ve had stupid people is positions of leadership for far too long – from BOTH parties.

    The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would steal them away. — Ronald Reagan

        1. There are many historical examples of the tit-for-tat tariff and import duty actions (when a country imposes a ‘reciprocal tariff’ that tries to match the tariffs for same/similar goods.

          There is not a single historical example when such action had a net positive result for ANY of the countries involved. Ask any economist and they will all tell you that the concept of reciprocal import tariff is the most foolish and dangerous action any one country can do with respect to its international trade.

          Anyone with half a functioning brain can easily understand this. And historically, these actions were literally always taken for the reasons of domestic political expediency (in other words, to please a narrow band of constituency). In this specific case (steel/aluminium tariffs), that constituency is so narrow that even the representatives from the same party are vocally arguing against this.

        2. You would have absolutely no idea what to do with those cookies, botty. For you far right conservatives, that is a nasty, sinful place intended only for reproduction.

        3. Anyone with half a functioning brain can easily understand you are Incapable of staying on topic, not straying with yet another tedious post that IGNORES the Trump triumph in the news.

          Deflection only works with your ER butt-hurt …

        4. GoeB, you are part of the butt-hurt party. Deflection is Trump’s middle name. He has surrounded himself with criminals and incompetents. He is deporting the wrong people. Start with the Administrstion and work down.

          Trump had better hope that deflection works in jail. Because he shows loyalty to no one but himself and his immediate family. Others will eventually realize that it is stupid to take the fall for the arrogant bastard.

        5. Hello coward regular poster with a new instant fake name. Pay attention to the following numbers:

          * 313,000 jobs added in February, 200,000 projected (blowout numbers).
          * Unemployment rate at 4.1 percent, the lowest since December 2000.
          * Employed Americans has broken eight RECORDS since President Donald Trump took office: 155,215,000 Americans were employed in February.
          * 31,000 manufacturing jobs added in February and sector employment increased by 263,000 since December 2016.
          * 6.9 percent black unemployment rate in February hits historic low.
          * Stock market soaring and breaking record after record since Trump took office.
          * Consumer confidence off the charts.

          It is obvious this remarkable businessman turned first time politician has upset the Washington apple cart in positive ways by using plain common sense.

          “Arrogant bastard” you say, well, with numbers and results like these — bring MORE on …

        1. As I said above, you can bet your ass they are laughing their a$$es off! Their “army of beauties” accomplished their “charm offensive” mission, South Koreans are now ready to do anything for the North, the little rocket man is getting exactly what he wanted. And Trump believes it is of course his own doing…!

        2. CNN: Trump would go down ‘as a great president’ if he solves North Korea problem

          Piers Morgan: Little Rocket Man Blinks

          Make no mistake, this is a massive win for Trump. None of his predecessors as US President has ever been able to bring North Korea even remotely to heel. The chronic, shameful inaction by Trump’s predecessors in the White House has merely served to embolden the world’s most unstable dictatorship, rather than decapitate it. Now, through a mixture of tough talk and wily diplomacy, Trump has succeeded where they so abjectly failed…

          Both Jong-il and Jong Un have previously been able to rely on the fact they were dealing with conventional career politicians in the White House, like Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama.
          Those US presidents were all terrified of triggering a planet-threatening war and thus did nothing to properly confront the growing menace of a fully-nuked North Korea.

          Trump is a different animal.

          He doesn’t care for the niceties of Washington diplomacy and from his business life he knows a gigantic bullsh*tter like Jong Un when he sees one. THIS President prefers wielding a big stick, and reminding everyone that America has by far the biggest stick to wield.

          ‘Hopefully you will give me credit,’ a reportedly ecstatic Trump told ABC News journalist Jon Karl yesterday.

          Don’t hold your breath for that, Mr President.

          The US mainstream media is already working overtime to accentuate the negative rather than positive from this announcement, such is their collective ratings-boosting hostility towards Trump.

          But the truth is he deserves a LOT of credit.

          And even some of his biggest political critics are ready to give it to him. ‘I think this is a positive step,’ said former CIA chief and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. ‘I think the world is breathing a sigh of relief.’

          Yes, it is. — Piers Morgan

        3. Only a fire breathing (two posts) DERANGED Libtard like yourself is totally INCAPABLE of giving credit where credit is due.

          I don’t think you’ll get well soon … 😆

        4. * 313,000 jobs added in February, 200,00 projected. (Nobody in the media saw blowout numbers like this coming.)
          * Unemployment rate at 4.1 percent, the lowest since December 2000.
          * Employed Americans has broken eight RECORDS since President Donald Trump took office: 155,215,000 Americans were employed in February.
          * 31,000 manufacturing jobs added in February and sector employment increased by 263,000 since December 2016.
          * 6.9 percent black unemployment rate in February hits historic low.
          * Stock market soaring since Trump took office.
          * Consumer confidence off the charts.

          It is obvious this remarkable businessman turned first time politician has upset the Washington apple cart in positive ways by using plain common sense.

          Not the theory based campus models at liberal schools that never created a job in their lives.

          Democrats mouth jobs at every election cycle. Yet they fail consistently to deliver and the media never holds their failures accountable. Obama famously said “those jobs are not coming back.” Tell that to the Don.

          Bottom line: Remarkable turnaround in the U.S. under President Trump in a short period of time. Only the media and the Democrats don’t know it.

          Bake some cookies, will help with butt-hurt …

        5. “And Trump believes it is of course his own doing…!”

          As he should take credit. Peace through strength a principle long employed by U.S. presidents.

          Just wondering, how do you justify lying, denial of the truth and constantly spreading falsehoods about Republicans only? How do you sleep at night if you have a conscious? Lastly, what do you tell your kids? …

        6. It should be obvious that Trump is responsible for this North Korean development. I don’t understand why anyone is dubious about progress toward nuclear disarmament. Give me a break! Everyone who is appalled by Trump’s overall crassness should pause and consider how Kim and Trump are sort of like Jack and Nikita in 1962 with the Cuban missile crisis. A little perspective, people!

    1. Actually Ronald Reagan said that while he was in government.

      -When Neil Armstrong walked on the moon he was a civil servant and so were the designers in Huntsville that made the Saturn V.

      -When The US Army Corps of Engineers built the Panama Canal it was after repeated failures by private business. General George W. Goethals, USA was the Chief Engineer and brought the project in under budget & ahead of schedule. Not only was he in the employ of the US Government, he was trained by it as well- the US Military Academy (West Point).

      -The Civilian Conservation Corps put unemployed men to work during the Depression and conducted 300 types of massive public works projects in 10 categories that we still use today.

      Structural improvements: bridges, fire lookout towers, service buildings
      Transportation: truck trails, minor roads, foot trails and airport landing fields
      Erosion control: check dams, terracing, and vegetable covering
      Flood control: irrigation, drainage, dams, ditching, channel work, riprapping
      Forest culture: planting trees and shrubs, timber stand improvement, seed collection, nursery work
      Forest protection: fire prevention, fire pre-suppression, firefighting, insect and disease control
      Landscape and recreation: public camp and picnic ground development, lake and pond site clearing and development
      Range: stock driveways, elimination of predatory animals
      Wildlife: stream improvement, fish stocking, food and cover planting
      Miscellaneous: emergency work, surveys, mosquito control.

      This program gave the unemployed a job instead of a check, built much needed public works projects for a bargain price and helped stimulate the economy.

      There are many other examples.

      Government does plenty of things well when politicians fund it properly , do not meddle in operations and provide high quality oversight. A failure of government means a failure of the politicians that run it- not government itself.

    2. Indeed, we have had stupid people in government leadership positions far too frequently and for far too long. Trump is a prime example of the failure of the democratic system to elect qualified people to office. Money and celebrity have trumped knowledge and ability. America is a “reality show” and ratings are our new metric for goodness. Truly sad!

      1. “Trump is a prime example of the failure of the democratic system to elect qualified people to office.“

        On the contrary, Trump is a prime example of the SUCCESS of the democratic system to elect qualified people to office. People sick and tired of the same old, same old, do nothing politicians from BOTH PARTIES.

        The name of the new Trump reality show is called, “The Disruptor!” Shaking up the system to the core, draining the swamp, making bargaining moves never seen before and blowing up the PC media stranglehold hold on Washington politicians. Business NOT as USUAL inside the beltway.

        There, I fixed it for you. Anything else, MELVIN?

        1. Trump is more human than he is political, so if he makes errors of judgement in his appointments and they make him look bad in any way, he will replace them. He has already criticised or replaced a number of them, and will continue to do so. I don’t see how this can end badly: it may seem inefficient, in the abstract, to play out Trump’s reality show The Apprentice on the national stage, but turnover matters less than results. Give him his four years and then decide whether or not to panic.

        2. Yes, he is more human focused on results for EVERYONE. This is the main thing I like about him. It is hard to believe some don’t appreciate his efforts …

  2. Elon prematurely pulled out of a presidential committee based on the daily noise of the destroy Trump media. No matter, join the cause, get real and let’s make a deal …

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