Apple pulls iTunes Store affiliation from Christian Values Network

“Apple has pulled its iTunes store from the Christian Values Network due to what it sees as the network’s contributions to controversial groups, as tech companies tread carefully in the midst of complicated social issues,” Joe Arico reports for Mobiledia.

“The Cupertino, Calif.-based company removed iTunes from the list of stores on after the company discovered CVN had made contributions to what the Southern Poverty Law Center deemed ‘active hate groups,'” Arico reports. “Apple was made aware of CVN’s actions by Western Washington University student Ben Crowthe, who started a petition against Apple’s connections to the group on, citing CVN’s support of groups he characterized as anti-gay and anti-women.”

Arico reports, “Apple is not the first company to remove one of its offerings from CVN. Microsoft pulled itself off of the website two weeks ago, also a result of a customer-driven campaign on The two companies join Macy’s, Wells Fargo, Delta Airlines, BBC America and others that have all removed their online stores from the site.”

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews readers too numerous to mention individually for the heads up.]


    1. In context the quote from Rush was comparing the liberal response to 911 “why do the Muslims hate us so much” to the liberal response to the wacko in Norway.

      The expanded quote: “… if there were (liberal) consistency, you know what would be happening right now? The government in Norway would be asking this guy ‘ ok where do you want your church ?'”

      Happy Days framing of the quote is a perfect example liberal derangement.

      1. Yeah, Happy Days, be careful with the misquotes, just provide the full, in-context quote to show how stupid, paranoid, and narrow minded conservatives are, no need to misquote.

        1. Bubba, the left doesn’t care about convincing anyone but themselves. After all, they don’t think thru issues, they just regurgitate the popular view (popular among themselves, of course.)

          Jon Stewart is as ignorant and as obnoxious a blowhard as limbaugh– but they think he’s funny while the idea that limbaugh might be telling a joke is beyond their comprehension.

          As a libertarian, I find things to disagree with both sides on… and while right-wingers can be unfair, I find them much more willing to at least consider an opposing viewpoint than the left.

          The left has become really intolerant and closed minded, and quite frankly, ignorant, in the past couple of decades.

        2. That’s right, Happy Days, we can rely on the intellectually challenged liberal/progressives such as mac user 48 to represent the reasoned, mainstream liberal approach to dialogue.

          Ann Coulter is right to compare the liberals to a Mob.

        3. You can’t use Ann Coulter as a valid argument for anything except a frontal lobotomy. As far as Rush’s comment goes, it is over the top with or without being taken out of context. As far as I know, no one held a mosque open house in New York City. A muslim group found an available building and bought it. The enlightened among us defended their right to build a peaceful place of worship. The unenlightened ignored the Constitution that they claim to venerate and chose to twist the situation to suit their goals. For instance, the mosque was not very close to ground zero, much less at ground zero as was so often stated.

        4. kingmel

          Is that a name/title you chose for yourself? Or did your parents set out to torment you?

          Your opening slam at Ann Coulter is a perfect example of classical Liberal dialogue: Demonize and trivialize the opposition rather than debate or reason against their arguments. Of course she is not a liberal therefore she is stupid.

          Ann is an intellectual achiever; with a razor-sharp wit that is lost on Liberal because they still don’t understand the concept of analogy.

          She has a law degree from prestigious Ivy League university, Cornel – not the Agricultural college. She has written 7 NYT best sellers; she is a courageous, popular lecturer on Liberal college campuses – albeit she requires a bodyguard.

          She is a commentator on television and writes a nationally-syndicated column. Do you still maintain she has had or needs a frontal lobotomy? Your pathetic dismissal of Ann proves how inferior you are and probably feel in relation to her.

          Did you graduate from college? Do you have a degree? How many essays/books have you actually written. Surely your august level of enlightenment must have garnered prestigious rewards for your contribution to the popular discourse. Or are you just a regular blogger on MDN like me?

        5. Are you aware of the fact that Islam has an oft-stated goal in relation to both Israel and America: to destroy you from without or from within; to advance global Caliphate and to establish the rule of Sharia Law? How does that jive with your exalted state of enlightenment – Maya, more like it?

        6. @j.eric

          When that “intellectual achiever” said that Christianity was Judaism perfected, she ceded the one shred of credibility she had left.

          And, nice job making fun of someone’s name. Very mature.

        7. @5th Grader

          It is probably a moot point, given it is Friday as I write and everyone has moved on, but I do have one question for you.

          I wrote in response to something kingmel said – I was not making fun of his name; my question was serious, though I did end it with some playful sarcasm. I should have known better, liberals are not noted for their sense of humour.

          If I was going to make fun of someone’s name I probably would have chosen yours; mind you having read your response, you are probably well-named.

          Oh, yes, the question. Why are you answering a question that was directed at kingmel?

          As for Ann’s comment about Christianity perfecting Judaism it was actually true. Naturally it would be perceived by the unenlightened as anti-Semitic, which it was not.

          It would be impossible for a true Christian to denigrate or deny the sine qua non relationship between Judaism and Christianity.

          The Bible is a book (actually 66 books) comprised of two main divisions:The Old Testament and The New Testament.

          The Old Testament, with its history and prophecies actually anticipates and predicts the New Testament. In a very real sense, O.T. can be understood to be Judaism – the Patriarchs and the Law, especially the Law.

          The N.T. is Christianity, the fulfillment of the O.T., the coming of the Messiah, the age of Grace. Grace by anyone’s estimation is the perfection of the Law.

          I surmised your grasp of Judaism and Christianity was tenuous with your comment that Ann “ceded the one shred of credibility she had left” whatever that means. But, in fact, although she stated it in a rather clumsy fashion, Ann was correct in stating that Christianity perfected Judaism.

          If you don’t believe me pick up a Bible and see for yourself. Bear in mind the Truth of Scripture is Spiritually discerned.

      2. Rush’s full quote is a perfect example of how he says random inflamatory sounding bullshit without first asking himself if it makes any kind of sense, because what is he even talking about there?

        The shooter, Anders Behring Breivik, is an extreme right-winger who advocates the destruction of Islam, Marxism, and multiculturalism in order to keep a pure Christian Europe. He wanted to start a Norweigen version of the Tea Party and identifies himself as the saviour of Christianity.

        So what exactly is Rush saying? That Christians are insane mass-murderers? That Christians are terrorists? That Christian churches are a breeding ground for terrorists? That if you hate Muslims and South East Asians and Liberals like Anders does, then you’re a ticking timebomb just waiting to go on a shooting spree? Is he saying that Liberals are the minions of right wing Christianity? Is he saying that liberals wanted to build a terrorist training camp on top of the smouldering ruins of the Trade Center? Are liberals terrorists? But Anders is a terrorist and he’s certainly not a liberal. He hates liberals. Is Rush saying that the problem with liberals is that they want to appease the crazy mass-murderering terrorist organizations known Christianity and Islam who both want to kill the shit out of liberals, and also eachother? Doesn’t this cast the left wing, the right wing, Christians, and Muslims as all being completely batshit insane?

        Don’t ask Rush, I doubt he has any clue what his rants mean. He just assembles random Conservative Firebrand Buzzwords(TM) together into a string of free-wheeling gibberish. Who cares that it doesn’t make sense if you reflect on it for 5 milliseconds? It’s provocative and it wins him a steady audience of trainwreck spectators and grunty mouth breathers* who are too busy straining to simply assemble sounds into words that in turn form language to indeed reflect on what the hear for 5 milliseconds.

        The paycheck is what counts.

        (*no offence to people who breathe through their mouths for medical reasons)

        1. Well, speak of the devil!

          Here we have Nick giving us a perfect demonstration of random Conservative Firebrand Buzzwords(TM) strung together into free-wheeling gibberish that’s provocative and doesn’t make sense if you pause to think about it.

          Thanks, Nick!

          Bonus points for ludicrous question marks.

        2. Anders isn’t crazy. That’s the easy cop out. He’s at the nasty end of the Christian Right. You can’t claim that Islam must deal with its extremists and then dismiss Christian ones as just “insane”. They are exactly the same.

        3. This is perhaps the best reader post I have seen on this website.

          So hilarious that some idiot jumped right in and claimed Islamic terrorists are your heros.

          Of course, being a modern right-winger requires disabling of the brain’s irony and hypocrisy detectors.

        4. You really need to exercise some discernment; ultimately you will appear to be less prejudiced and foolish.

          There is not one shred of evidence this deranged mass murderer is a Christian. In fact, he is a self-confessed atheist. He uses the word Christian in a European context, i.e. non-Muslim. Try reading his document before you pontificate.

        5. To quote a famous American, “You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.”
          Breivik has in fact stated many times that he is a Christian, so pretending that he somehow meant something else is silly.
          The ranting of the delusional wingnuts is getting really stale.
          MDN needs to institute an “Ignore” feature, so that the sane posters can exchange meaningful comments in peace.

        6. Since he has written a “manifesto” for modern Knights Templar, I’d say he’s Christian. Unless you believe the Knights Templar were not Christian.

        7. Double plus good. Thanks for emphasizing the nonsensical nature of the typical rant by Mr. Oxycontin. He can take one tiny piece of reality and inflate it into a massive fabrication almost as well as Beck.

        8. I am trying to follow this thread but I’m totally confused by the “Mr. Oxycontin”. Is this an inside joke I’m not privy to or have I missed a post? Baring this, I am enjoying the lively back and forth.

        9. Rush Limbaugh, AKA The Drugster, used to pontificate that “all drug addicts should be locked up”. Then it was revealed that he was one, his drug of choice being oxycontin, who broke a number of laws to feed his habit. Guess who didn’t send himself to jail?

    2. If he was an islamic jihadist they would have. They would be wondering what we could have done to upset him so much. The guy was insane period. Liberals should know what that means. They’re nuts too. Out to destroy freedom and individual responsibility. This guy was a NAZI. Nazi’s started out as socialists……..

      1. I am fairly certain that you would label me as a liberal. And I can assure you that I value freedom more than the people who favored the Patriot Act. I am also a very strong advocate of personal responsibility and fiscal conservatism. I strongly support the Constitution and I will fight to keep it free of prohibition-type amendments promoted by self-righteous reactionaries. The first ten amendments are called the Bill of Rights for a reason. We don’t need to append a list of prohibited activities to appease the “Moral Majority.”

        Why is this guy tagged as a deranged “non-Christian” Nazi socialist by the political right, but every Muslim seems to represent an unquestioned religious jihadist threat? Is there any wonder that a lot of people agree with George Carlin on the topic of religion? The “discussions” have only served to strengthen my belief that separation of church and state is one of the most important aspects of our nation, and should be strongly defended against the erosion that began in the Bush administration.

        1. This “separation” is properly stated as an aspect of the nation; fortunately you did not try to imbed it into the Constitution, at least not as popularly misapprehended. Because as the ACLU proves almost daily, few Americans even comprehend the ‘doctrine.’

        2. I would have thought the adjective, “deranged” was a no-brainer.

          George was an atheist, hardly a position of expertise on religion. He worshipped in the mirror.

      2. I’ll ignore your biased religious views and your ironic statement about who’s nuts and jump straight to the point:

        “This guy was a NAZI. Nazi’s started out as socialists……..”

        NO, FOR THE LOVE OF SCIENCE, Nazis. ARE. NOT. SOCIALISTS. Does your brainwashing run so frickin’ deep?

        And neither atheists! Nazis are an extreme right, fascist (YES, fascists are from the RIGHT, not the LEFT) and supporters of C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N supremacy!

        In FACT, the Nazi party gained power after the recently-elected socialist party was unable to dig Germany out of the economic crisis, which in turn was a consequence of the defeat at the imperialistic-driven World War I. The socialists won a narrow victory after one of the first elections of the newly founded Weimar Republic (Germany between WWI and II), but were unable to implement most of the planned reforms due to heavy opposition interference. Even when they *could* do something they avoided doing it, since the opposition started propaganda to further hinder their movement and turn some of the neutral masses that formally supported the socialists, since they were not seeing progress and the economy continued to fall apart without decisive actions.

        This opposition, which had as leaders the most rich of the German society, joined forces with the religious extremist and charismatic Hitler. The Nazi party gained strength, and through propaganda of Crusader-like and Nationalistic nature, they won the elections and seized full power over Germany, massacring the jewish population and shortly after sparking Fucking World War Two.

        Wow, isn’t that familiar? Why, that’s *almost the same thing that’s happening on the States* Even your beloved Sarah Palin displayer her intentions of a Holy War some time ago! You are entering a cycle were the super-duper rich use money to gain power and get MOAR rich, fucking your country in the process. Then, when the other party tries to fix *your* shit up and wins the election, you go on and start BSing about how the changes they are trying to do are EVIL and suddenly everyone wants their situation to change without changing the way the system works, thinking that everything can be the same as before…

        WELL GUESS WHAT, the way you lived before, that’s simply not sustainable. If it were, the economy wouldn’t have fallen apart in the first place. So the bitching and whining of the people provoked by your influence, coupled with the weak hand of the ruling party, their inability to gain lots of vocal enemies and actually DO something while they can (thus making your current government a central one) keeps things the way they are. Then the Tea Party comes in and somehow everyone forgets how *their* ilk dug the shithole you are currently in. I fear for the world if Palin wins the 2012 elections….

      1. Maybe from the gunman’s own description of himself as a Christian? Maybe from his 1,500 page manifesto that promoted violent purge of non-Christians from Europe?

        Maybe that’s where people came up with it?

      2. my, you right-wingers are pretty testy these days in the wake of the tragedy in Norway. Stating that the guy was crazy is the easy way out. He holds the same beliefs that many of you here do, he just acted upon his beliefs. Does that make all of you terrorist sympathizers? Of course not. But man up and recognize that zealotry affects both sides of the political spectrum.

        If US conservatives would actually activate a few brain cells, they would know that in the history of the world, more violence against humanity was done in the name of Christianity than was ever done in the name of Islam or any other religion for that matter. Christians are not infallible; a true Christian would know that.

        1. It seems liberals need no underlying facts to make bold and inaccurate statements.

          And it comes as no surprise that you have not apprehended the belief system of so-called, ‘right wingers. You would be hard-pressed to articulate left wing doctrine

          I believe it was his lawyer who advanced the notion that he is crazy. I am content to assess him as a mass murderer – which he is.

          Socialism is the stats leader in kills and that is just in the past one hundred years – see China, Russia, Nazism ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

        2. The philosophy that hides behind the banner is the real demon, which makes fundamentalist capitalism (aka profit fetishism and institutionalized greed) the overwhelming stats leader in kills. Stalin wasn’t a socialist. He was a capitalist who used socialism as a vehicle to further his hunger for personal wealth and power.

        3. And Nazism wasn’t socialism anymore than The Democratic People’s Republic of (North) Korea is democratic:

          The Nazis were socialist only in as much as they believed that the citizen owed his/her life to the fatherland and it made “sense” to tell the lie that they were socialists so the population would believe that they (the Nazi party) were protecting the interests of the wider population .

          Look at who Hitler supported: Franco (Fascist), Mussolini (Fascist), Shōwa Japan (Japanese Nationalist, broadly Statist with Fascist undertones ).

          Not exactly a Who’s Who of radical Marxist socialism and neither were the people who the Nazis sought refuge from in the wake of WWII, including Alfredo Stroessner (Matiauda) .

          You can call yourself whatever you like, it doesn’t make it a reality: otherwise Sarah Palin would be a media guru.”

          The problem here is that you’re the sort of person who learns about politics by copying the notes of some who only of someone who read Politics for Dummies.

        4. The violence carried out in the name of God (or Allah) pales in comparison political genocides like Hitler’s, Stalin’s, Darfur, etc.

        5. HitlerWasAChristianHitlerWasAChristianHitlerWasAChristianHitlerWasAChristianHitlerWasAChristianHitlerWasAChristianHitlerWasAChristianHitlerWasAChristianHitlerWasAChristianHitlerWasAChristianHitlerWasAChristianHitlerWasAChristianHitlerWasAChristianHitlerWasAChristian…

          Besides, Stalin’s government wasn’t actually State Atheism. It was State Theism, if anything. People were forbidden to have any Gods other than the State Itself.

        6. You’re kidding, right? Hitler sought to destroy christianity as well as jews and gays.

          All I’m saying is that people kill for their own reasons regardless of whether they blame God for their actions.

        7. That’s what some priest must have told you to prevent being connected to a maniac genocidal person. HITLER. WAS. A. CHRISTIAN. GO. FUCKING. BACK. TO. SCHOOL.

        8. Do you even know WHY they persecuted Jews? Because Jews were the ones that killed your holy Jesus Christ.

          Not that I would expect you to know that, after the “Duuuude, he was an evil atheist!” comment.

  1. Apple Inc. gives $$ to CA Prop 8 but yet NOW is concerned over how some might perceive its affiliations with a “Christian” group they deem might be viewed as “controversial in the midst of complicated social issues”?!

    I’ve heard of Fuji Apples, Granny Apples, Golden Delicious Apples, Macintosh Apples… and now I have hear of…


      1. Unfortunately, in today’s world if you voice disagreement with progressives, it is labeled as hate speech, no matter how rationally and kindly one attempts to express a point of view. It is textbook leftwing methodology to paint opponents as ugly human beings. I don’t anything about this case, and my comment is not directed specifically to this story. My larger point is that Apple and other businesses should be careful with this kind of action. After all everyone seems to hate someone or something. Pretty soon Apple won’t be able to advertise to anyone.

        1. TowerTone is clueless, solid is wrong, Spark is less wrong.

          Nothing brings out the hate faster than D vs. R debates, each has to frame every issue in a super important context to make it seems dire. In reality neither platform has any interest in pressing issues, only what interests them… the status quo.

          However Democrats tend to have a much thinner skin, too much time trying to pretend they are keeping of equal rights (which of course is pure fantasy). I think they are just pissed the Republicans will always have Abraham Lincoln over them, and no matter how hard they close their eyes and pretend, FDR’s social policies were economic and ideological failures.

          I’m a repeal guy. We can’t solve anything with more legislation, need to reset the whole sucker to 1790-ish. Democrats get their pot, Republicans get their guns, my taxes low, and you could all start shutting the fuck up about stupid your politics. Neither side has gotten us anywhere in the last 50 years, with meaningless agendas and pandering lazy interests.

          So remember, if you’re a Democrat or Republican voter, and you are serious about progress, stay the fuck home next election. In fact, just forget about politics completely and consider hiring someone to differentiate reality and bullshit for you.

        2. Wow. I really MUST be clueless, because I had no idea I was.
          Now that’s clueless.

          No need to articulate why you call me that, either. Just call me clueless and demand I give facts.

          Like I’ve said before, this whole ‘Christians hate Gays’ is bullshit.
          They may hate some of the things they do, but I’ve met very few people who hate Gays based on their Christian views.

          However, I seem to see quite a lot of hate directed at Christians by a certain group. Let’s guess who they are……

        3. You find them that attractive, huh? That the only way to maintain your straightness is to eliminate them from the earth? Sick fuck right winger!

        4. Oh, please! It is acting”rationally and kindly” to repeat lies that vilify a particular group? Because that is what I hear over and over from “Christian” spokespersons and groups.
          Over and over, I have heard lies about AIDS and HIV, infection rates and how the disease gets spread. I have heard lies about pedophilia, rape, mental health, child rearing…
          Vicious lies = hate speech.

        5. And the media rush in hoping to show that he is a card carrying NRA member who also kills abotion doctors, but when they find out he is insane, and all his lefty friends concur, the story line is dropped…..

    1. Actually, Apple gave money to the anti-Prop 8 people. CVN’s groups target a minority to punish them for being a minority they don’t like. You do not see gay people going out and trying to get laws passed banning Christianity, or putting Christians in Jail for their choice to be a Christian (which is a choice, unlike homosexuality), or activity similar to these hate groups.

        1. Non needed, since statements like this go unchallenged
          “CVN’s groups target a minority to punish them for being a minority they don’t like.”

          The entire argument is bullshit.

        2. No, actually you don’t. Much like “sports entertainment”, the things you hear on Mr. McClearchannel’s Talk Radio Entertainment shows are not 100% representive of reality.

        3. Wait tclash, I think that TowerTone thinks that laws that require people not to treat the whole country as if they were Christians are somehow “banning Christianity”

      1. Actually Ron, you should exercise some restraint before you volunteer to speak for people who’s thought processes you cannot begin to comprehend. I know you are liberal and that should be reason enough.

        Christians’ main complaint with homos is that they want so badly to be perceived as just another deserving social group and the path they have chosen is to pervert the sanctity of the dearly esteemed institution of marriage.

        For your information, marriage was instituted by God in the Book of Genesis to be between one man and one woman that they might become one flesh. The point being God created Man in His own image, male and female He created them. Marriage is not a legal contract; it is a spiritual union.

        This is the reason why homos won’t accept civil contracts; it stops short of giving the desperately craved legitimacy to gay unions.

        You have to hand it to them though, simply on the basis of chosen sexual activity – there is not one study that conclusively proves that homosexuality is a natural state, gays have been elevated into the liberal pantheon. And what a status they have achieved. Their status is preferential to heterosexuals.

        1. “God” is the imaginary excuse morons use to justify their hate for those that tempt them to do the things they would most like to do, but don’t have the guts.

        2. Gay people don’t give a shit what Christians think. It’s all about equal protection under the law, including the right to marry long-term partners and have all the legal protections that provides.

          To say gay people want preferential status is to be completely ignorant of how skewed the law currently is. Equality is the aim, nothing more.

        3. Which is why the government needs to get entirely out of the marriage business. Let the state issue the civil union documentation for legal purposes to any couple that wants it. That would cover ownership, benefits and legal rights, the same for all citizens.

          If some of those people want to have a religious ceremony to celebrate that union, that would be between them and their chosen religious expression, in accordance with its rules and beliefs. This is one case where smaller government would be a good thing.

        4. Then why were men allowed to have more than one wife?  The 10 comandmens does not say one man and one woman.  Christ said “The Law was made for man, not man made for the Law”.  His teachings was about a new covenant, a rejection of the old law.  When one actualy reads the Gospales and what Jesus you have a very different view of world and what is important.  

        5. “For your information, marriage was instituted by God in the Book of Genesis to be between one man and one woman that they might become one flesh. The point being God created Man in His own image, male and female He created them. Marriage is not a legal contract; it is a spiritual union.”

          How ignorant can you be? Have you ever heard yourself saying this out loud? “God created Man in His own image”… How can you not burst into laughter (or tears) when you stop to think that people actually BELIEVE that. That’s the most egotistical statement taken as a fact in the history of mankind!

          Next up I guess you’ll be trying to prove that women shouldn’t be working at all because of some crazy shit like “a woman lives to serve her husband: she was, after all, created after a part of man”

          ” there is not one study that conclusively proves that homosexuality is a natural state”

          Well I guess all dolphins go to hell when they die.

  2. I’ve got no problem with this as long as Apple also doesn’t actively support the homosexual agenda. Just stay neutral.

    As an aside, if CVN is “anti-gay,” then what is the Westboro Baptist Church? Those two are certainly not on the same level. I really, really think some people need to re-learn the English language.

      1. Uh, California’s Gay Education bill force-feeding acceptance of gays; various circumventions through the courts forcing implanting laws rejected by various states’ voters; DODT being dismissed by the Corts and the the (closeted) President; and then of course the ever effulgent Media acting as an ad agency for the group, refusing to air the public perversity of the H-O-M-O sexual. Even the scientific community has been compromised, with funding researching the condition/deformity just about squeezed shut, and the society of shrinks forced to avoid the treatments of these pathological perverts.

        AGENDA – any way you frame it.

        1. Here the biggest problem with cracker red necks like smitty.
          They are too uneducated to understand that combining “force-feeding” and “acceptance” is contradictory. It does give my some joy to know your brain is a scrambled paranoid snake pit though.

        1. No, homosexuality is, in most cases, a social construct.

          But that doesn’t make it wrong for homosexuals to have rights, either. They are human beings and don’t harm the society in the process.

    1. The homosexual agenda. I love it when people blurt this nonsense like it’s some Dr Evil plot.

      OH NOES people want to be treated equally. How horrible!!!!

      Ask yourself this question. Which group is trying to dictate how the other can live? If you believe in freedom, you’ll know the right answer.

      1. I know what you mean. In our school district, their is elementary school curriculum that teaches the young kids how to have homosexual sex. This didn’t exist in my day. Good recruiting technique.

        1. It would be like learning how to put a DVD into the USB port. This is not the way the system was designed, but if you are determined, it can be done. It detracts from the user experience, could void the warranty and might result in fatal viruses

        1. Please, to maintain the general state of happiness in your country and mine, stay where you are – bloom where you’re planted, as they say.

      1. You’re talking SPECIAL rights, not equal. I can’t marry a a man either since I’m male as well – and no sane woman will marry me either. So we’re equal.

        It’s illegal to beat me up for being straight (or any reason, actually) the same as for being HOMOsexual. So we’re equal.

        On and on.

        You see the difference between ‘equal’ and ‘special’ now, you dimwit? (I can call you names, you can call me names. See, we’re equal!)

  3. Now that Apple grew a pair, I think I’ll write to their legal dept. telling them they need to ditch the “space” backgrounds for blank ones or colors… It has too much of a “In the beginning, God created…” feel.

    Oh, and that goes for all your packaging, adverts, website, etc. All of it is just so “controversial”!

    How insensitive of you Apple! How insensitive.

  4. I am terminating my iTunes and MobileMe accounts. I am a Christian. Since Apole does not like Christians I will not burden them with my business. Also, I will stop recommending their products to friends and family which I have done for years. It is sad Apple now requires adherence to GroupThink. I remember the 1984 commercial, and Think Different. What a joke that is now.

      1. I dint believe there is any evidence this group is a “hate group”. Because some useless person with nothing productive to do complains, this group is a hate group. How about Apple being labeled a “hate” company for putting all their manufacturing where the laborers get paid almost nothing and commit suicide at high rates due to what Apple puts them through. All so Apple can avoid paying American wages and increase profits. Now that seems hateful to me.

        1. Belief systems are a hypocrisy, they allow you to choose truths and lies without knowledge, as you’ve just proven with this last statement.

          Your belief they don’t hate, doesn’t mean they do or don’t, but you’re going to assume they don’t because you choose to.

          Apple, like most other American companies buy, manufacture and assemble their products in Asia because that’s a region of the world where all those things take place, it’s more practical.

          Furthermore, it has been proven that the suicide rate at the company is on par with the suicide rate of the general population in China.

          Apple’s tax rate was 25% last quarter, they do not escape paying American taxes except on investments made outside of the country that never steps foot in America.

    1. Steady there! No need to be so half-hearted. Just go out and campaign for another Spanish Style Inquisition, or maybe start an Irish Priests Are Never Abusers, campaign.

    2. Can’t say will miss you. And Apple doesn’t hate any religious group or organization unless that entity has a negative agenda.

      By the way, you’re not a very good example for Christianity. Unfortunately, your example is not unique either.

    3. I love how idiots like you draw conclusions….

      Apple does not support groups who speak hatefully, and try to restrict the rights of other. That group happens to be affiliated with a Christian organization…

      Therefore, Apple hates Christians. Yeah, sure.

      You are proof it’s a myth that Apple users are more educated.

        1. Yes, everyone knows it’s proven that Christianity is the real deal and those pesky Hindus and Buddhists and Atheists are just rebels that want to go to hell.

          Se ya brain damaged.

    4. What makes you think Apple hates Christians?

      Wasn’t Apple on the site originally?

      They only left after they found out the site was involved with specific groups known for intolerance.

      Even Jesus would’ve disassociated himself with those groups. Was he not the model of tolerance and spoke out against oppression and hate?

      So can we all assume then all Christians react the way you do and the way that nut in Norway did when they see something they don’t like or completely agree with?

    5. Oooh, a “Self-Important, Christian Supremacy” type. And a butthurt at that! You’re just the type of people I wouldn’t want lowering the average IQ of Apple customers by buying their products.

      Goodbye, and good riddance!

  5. Before everyone starts hopping on the pro/anti-gay agenda sides, take this from Techland:
    “A few of the groups are certainly controversial. For instance, the founder of Abiding Truth Ministries, Scott Lively, wrote a book titled “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party,” which attempts to link homosexuality with extreme militarism in the Nazi party, and the Family Research Council actively lobbies against LGBT rights and advocates a one-year waiting period before a married couple with children can legally divorce (excepting domestic abuse).”

    We’re not talking about affiliation with what would be considered mainstream Christianity in any way, shape, or form. That’s the difference.

  6. By that understanding the Bible is hate speech because it promote an anti gay lifestyle. People can be against acting on homosexuality urges and still be for equal rights for all people.

    1. I think you are confusing an interpretation of the bible, which itself has been translated, with what was likely intended. Homosexuality is NOT an “urge,” it’s what you are, and you are born that way, you do not acquire an “urge” to be homosexual. You can have an “urge” for ice cream, or to be a christian, or any other number of things that are choices, but homosexuality itself is not one of those things.

  7. What the hell is the Christian Values Network?

    I believe it was the really quite splendid Steve Taylor who observed: “And you’ll only drink milk from a Christian Cow”.

    God Almighty but I love living in Blighty. And least I can get on with trying to work through a faith without having it commercialised. Didn’t Jesus get in a bit of a tizz about Moneylenders in the temple? How silly of him, when he could have just raked off some money from every transaction. Bless.

    1. No, the ridicule is for twisted logic.

      No one’s saying don’t be a Christian, but all you guys are getting your martyrdom lessons from Bill O’Reilly these days, so anytime anyone even mentions the word Christian in an adversarial way, it’s some sort of WAR ON CHRISTIANS.

    2. Why not ridicule those who follow Jesus? All religions are ludicrous and belief in god is superstitious nonsense. In fact, if it wasn’t for religions (and especially christianity) burning our best minds at the stake and stifling original thought, we’d probably have eradicated poverty and hunger, be running OS XXXX on quantum computers, and have colonies on Mars.
      Face the facts, religitards: God is Imaginary

      1. When you can prove your last statement, I will throw my Bible out. Until then I will keep my faith.

        How much of the Bible have you read? Do you actually realize that Christ was against most of the religious institutions of his day? What would he say of those of our day? I don’t think he would be happy.

        Do you know what Christ said in response to which commandment was the greatest? In Matthew 12:28-31, Jesus said “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. And the second is this: love your neighbor as yourself.”

        Try reading current literature to increase your understanding of the relationships of science and theology. One book to read may be “Belief in God in the Age of Science” by John Polkinghorne, a particle physicist lecturing at Yale.

        The proof of the existence of God will not come in my nor your lifetime. Only in our “dead”time.

        1. I have read all of it, in English, Hebrew, and Greek. It doesn’t say what you think. It’s a constitution for a very un-American form of government. Homosexuality is described as being equally bad to eating shellfish or mixing different fabrics. Do you obey Ezekiel 4:12-15?

        2. Ezekiel 4 contains a set of instruction to one prophet, to be carried out over one specific period of time. I sure hope nobody else thinks they need to do the same thing today.

        3. All of your statements are ludicrous. I have the the bible many times. There is no real evidence that Jesus even existed.

          Why should I prove god is imaginary? YOU should prove god is real. The burden of proof is upon those who make extraordinary claims. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof and for god – no proof exists. Is there a “Flying Spaghetti Monster” currently orbiting Jupiter? By Religitard logic, the “Flying Spaghetti Monster” exists because there is no proof to the contrary.

          Ah, the old Polkinghorne chestnut: He is an aberration and the only particle physicist who believes in god. You should read Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens.

          Further… the bible is a repulsive book. The bible tells us to kill all:
          1. People who work on the sabbath (Exodus 31:15),
          2. Homosexuals (Lev. 20:13),
          3. Lazy teenagers (Deut. 21),
          4. Atheists (Deut. 17:27),
          5. Blasphemers (Lev. 24:16),
          6. People who curse their parents (Lev. 20:9),
          7. Adulterers (Lev. 20:10)
          What a horrible, stupid book.

        4. Who’s more likely to be right, the one saying that an omnipotent deity doesn’t exist because we have no reason to believe it does, or the one that uses a 4000 year old book written by people that thought that an old man built a boat large enough to accommodate every fricken species and survive an über flood and repopulate the whole world?

  8. I like it. Apple is based on rational thinking, so this is a logical decision. Society has hopefully reached a stage where equality for all individuals isn’t regarded as an “optional extra”, only if approved by all the various faith groups, but 100% accepted by all. To equate that right with the “extra” rights sought by some religions is not logical.

  9. I have no idea what “hate” groups they were allegedly supporting, but I do know that gay activists tend to use demonizing language for anyone who does not agree with their lifestyle.

    You can disagree with someone’s behavior and be friends with them. I disagree with the behavior of most of my friends and we’re still friends.

    If you disagree with the activists’ behavior, they label you as “homophobic” and a hate monger. So when they say a “hate” group was being supported, I would need more information about the group before believing the “hate” label that is thrown around way too often.

    1. Yep it reminds me of one of my all-time favorite bumper stickers:

      Jesus is coming… and boy is he PISSED!

      No to mention….
      Jesus is coming… listen for the SCREAM

  10. SPLC is nothing but a shakedown group, ala Jesse Jackson and it’s head, Morris Dees, is a pretty slimy character. I don’t know anything about CVN, but I sure don’t trust the SPLC.

    1. And why the hell should we believe your opinion?
      Morris Dees is an honest, principled person who has done more good for this country than any commercial hucksters pushing “religion.”

      1. No one has to believe my opinion. But all you have to do is a little research on Dees to see he is not what you seem to believe, and that he is the huckster.

  11. Oh, I am a member of the Christian Right
    and I know what’s wrong and what I need to fight
    Right is right and you’re gunna be left if you don’t agree with me
    Mary Whitehouse is our guru
    and we believe that we can cure you
    of every social sin and ill from San Fran to Circular Quay

    So come right in and close your mind
    you can leave it at the door behind you
    come on, sit right down, we make the blind see
    With our hands upon the bible, we commit all kinds of libel
    so raise your hands up to your your heart and repeat after me

    I hate blacks, and I hate women
    homosexuals are sinning child molesters
    and the lord knows that it just ain’t right
    I stand for good clean wholesome family livin’
    all my sins have been forgiven
    I’m pure as snow as I do-si-do with the nutty Christian Right

    1. Very clever poem. You spent a while composing it, but the result is not what you intended. Thank you for furnishing a clear example of hate speech. Yes, it comes in many varieties. Whether it is officially classified as hate speech is up to the powers that be.

      You see there is nothing righteous in most of the comments on this thread. Most are hate speech disguised as shallow opinions with the purpose of looking righteous.

      Please grow up. I mean that sincerely and humbly. Both sides should take the time to know the facts before you spout off and embarrass your self. Bet what you believe with the idea of leaving the table with a greater understanding than when you sat down. It is not as ” fun”, but it’s more satisfying.

      1. Very clever. You spent a while composing it, but the result is not what you intended. Thank you for furnishing a clear example of hate speech. Yes, it comes in many varieties. Whether it is officially classified as hate speech is up to the powers that be.

        You see there is nothing righteous in most of the comments on this thread. Most are hate speech disguised as shallow opinions with the purpose of looking righteous.

        Please grow up. I mean that sincerely and humbly. Both sides should take the time to know the facts before you spout off and embarrass your self. Bet what you believe with the idea of leaving the table with a greater understanding than when you sat down. It is not as ” fun”, but it’s more satisfying.

        Who died and made you god?

        1. What a childish reply. No comment on the content. No engaging in a rational dialog. This is what I am talking about, nothing but I’m right and you’re blanking wrong!

  12. It’s a shame that we as a nation prize disobedience to God’s law. God blesses the nation that honors His law. Anti-gay is pro-american. Hate the sin, love the sinner.

  13. Geoman

    You will never be able to comprehend what i am about to say, but, thank God I have not had to tread the path that has led you to post such an epithet, so completely devoid of class or discernment.

    1. Monotheisms were concocted to be non-Democratic, un-American forms of government. They inspired fascism and continue to push for it up until today. Until we throw them away and embrace our more modern, more humane forms of government (like the American Constitution), we are doomed!

      1. Has your education been so perverted that you do no know your Constitution was founded upon Christian principles and framed by practising Christians, for the most part?

        BTW, the one, the only, 0bama is dismantling your more modern, more humane form of government right before your eyes.

        1. But j.eric, the Constitution wasn’t founded on Christian principles. It was compromise and consensus agreed upon by Christians and Atheists alike. The reason the Declaration of Independence uses the word “creator” is that Jefferson believed in a natural force of nature, not the Christian God. In fact he thought Christianity was responsible for more evil than good. Masonic principles are clearly driving the Constitution, including the guards against oppression by royalty, religion, and inherited aristocracy.

        2. “I never will, by any word or act, bow to the shrine of intolerance or admit a right of inquiry into the religious opinions of others.”

          “The god who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time: the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them.”

          But my favorite one is
          “Most bad government has grown out of too much government.”

  14. Dude, you are such classic closet case that a grad student in psychology could do a doctoral dissertation on you!
    I mean, just look at the user name you chose. Pretty much defines where your mind is centered.
    I predict you will either kill yourself, or come out when you are about 75 and bitterly regret your wasted life.

  15. SPLC is a hate group. They make up lies about people and spread them around as part of their agenda to demonize people whose politics they don’t agree with. It has been decades since the “Souther poverty law center” offered legal services to a poor southerner.

    They demonize organizations and innocent people as part of a campaign to raise money from gullible people.

    It is a shame that Apple has fallen for this.

    I’m not a fan of christians, my sibling is gay, my other one is transgendered and I don’t like discrimination.

    But there is a campaign of discrimination against all kinds of people, christians, conservatives, gun owners, etc. Even when these people are good people, who don’t actually discriminate themselves.

    SPLC is a hate group. They propagate hatred and advocate discrimination against innocent minorities.

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