Apple CEO Tim Cook wants to make health and wellness the company’s greatest legacy

Apple launched Apple Watch Series 6 with the slogan, “The future of health is on your wrist.” Which fits well with Apple CEO Tim Cook’s goal to make health and wellness the company’s greatest legacy.

Michael Roberts for Outside:

Apple CEO Tim Cook
Apple CEO Tim Cook
“We all know intuitively, and now with research, that physical activity is a key part of longevity and quality of life,” Cook says. His own training time is sacrosanct, the one portion of his day when he’s unreachable. “I’m off-grid for that period,” he says. “And I am religious about doing that regardless of what’s going on at the time.”

No surprise that he pays close attention to the fitness data captured by his Apple Watch. “I want to know what I’m doing, not what I think I’m doing,” he says. “Because I can always convince myself that I’m doing more than I really am. So for me, it’s a motivator.”

As we walk along a pathway winding between shrubs and dry grasses, Cook makes the case that the Watch has ushered in a new era of fitness tracking, and not just for dedicated athletes. He cites letters he’s received from users of the device claiming that it literally saved their lives by detecting early signs of heart problems. Then there’s the fact that tens of millions of people now wear a device that monitors key health metrics and allows them to anonymously share data with researchers, which many do. (Some 400,000 Watch users participated in one Stanford study.) This enables scientists, says Cook, to “democratize research by having much larger constituencies that are able to participate.

“I really believe,” he adds, “that if you zoom out to the future and then look back and ask, ‘What has Apple’s greatest contribution been?’ it will be in the health and wellness area.”

MacDailyNews Take: There’s much more in the full article here.

If you ask me what Apple’s greatest contribution to humankind was, it will be in the health care area.

I believe, if you zoom out into the future, and you look back, and you ask the question, “What was Apple’s greatest contribution to mankind?” it will be about health.Tim Cook, January 2019


    1. If somebody asked to borrow your phone to organize a Young Communists for Abortion meeting, would you let them use it, or would you violate your understanding of the First Amendment by censoring their free speech?

      1. They can use their own phone. My phone is my phone. Not theirs. Don’t I have the right to refuse to lend my personal belongings to others? Oh.. unless our phones are State issued phones.

        1. “They can use their own phone. My phone is my phone. Not theirs. Don’t I have the right to refuse to lend my personal belongings to others?” is exactly the right answer.

          Free speech isn’t free because we have the right to make somebody else pay for it. It is free because we can use our own phone or newspaper or website to say whatever we like. The 1st Amendment does not limit the right of a private property-owner to use his own property as he sees fit. He has an absolute right to use his private property to promote his own views—so far as expressing them does not create an imminent and serious.threat to public safety—and to resist opposing views.

          If that is true for your phone, where in the Constitution does it say that the non-governmental owner of an App Store no longer has the right to refuse to lend their private property and reputation to someone who refuses to comply with the store owners’ conditions for the use of their property?

          The answer is that the Constitution says no such thing. As you point out, the only way the state can control private property is by expropriating it and treating it as State issued property. That seems to be what Apple’s critics want. Socialism.

    2. Tim is the disease that attacks only patriots. He has turned Apple into a company that exists to destroy America as it was founded, to eradicate the free expression of ideas (including ones you don’t like), to stoke racial hatred and to end the Constitution. Yes, Tim Cook would help to kill all who love America and dare to say George Washington was a great man.

      1. Yes Kent, Cook does not support patriots and lame support for the Constitution while not speaking out about human rights abuses in China – SJW Hypocrite Grande!

        Like his Big Social Media liberal pals in the valley it did not take him long to join in conservative censorship media movement with all the typical leftist excuses for doing so and not challenged by the Big Liberal Media. Hypocrite allowing other Apple apps to foster hate, violence, “death to Israel” and many others well documented on the internet, but certainly CNN or NYT will not inform you.

        For a virtue signaling SJW like Cook to support leftist causes while silencing patriots and no appreciable support for half of voters is his TRUE “legacy.”

        Apple’s legacy Mr. Cook is the house that JOBS BUILT. First the Mac and other technological marvels the greatest is the iPhone. A handheld easy to use carry all pocket computer for the masses that changed the world.

        You can claim an assortment of health apps on your wrist is Apple’s NEW legacy under your watch. Talk about virtue signaling arrogant hubris. Maybe you’ll get an empty Emmy Award to polish from the gullible and sycophant celebrity elitist class.

        But thankfully you cannot change history Mr. Cook and Apple’s legacy imbued with Job’s GENUIS is INTACT…

    3. “If a disease broke out that somehow only affected patriots…”
      You mean like the ass_backwards can’t_get_it_more_wrong denial disease that thinks the election was stolen, that storming the Capital resulting in five deaths was justified/it was antifa anyway, that Covid-19 is a hoax, that climate warming is a lie, that Trump was chosen by god, more guns means less violence, that Apple is a communist surrogate…
      That disease?
      You’re in stage four already.

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