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Apple’s secret war on Mark Gurman

“You don’t have to read too far between the lines in The Outline’s Inside Apple’s global war on leakers to see how determined Tim Cook was to stop Mark Gurman, the ‘scoop machine’ who left 9to5Mac for Bloomberg a year ago,” Philip Elmer-DeWitt writes for Apple 3.0.

“Exhibit No. 1 of Apple’s ‘biggest leaks’ — iPhone enclosures stolen from factories in China — are photos of an iPhone 5 that Gurman, still in high school, snagged and posted on 9to5Mac four months before the phone’s official reveal,” P.E.D. writes.

“I asked Gurman whether he was aware that Apple had put a team of former NSA spies and FBI agents on his tail,” P.E.D. writes. “He declined to respond on the record.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: All it takes is one leak out of Apple’s iPhone supply chain. It’s tough to achieve a perfect record with so many people involved in the process. We bet Apple can’t wait until the only eyes seeing future iPhone models during assembly are robotic.

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