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Marathoner tests Apple AirPods on 10K run

“Apple AirPods wireless headphones are now being delivered to customers and the usual bevy of real-world tests have started hitting YouTube,” Benjamin Mayo reports for 9to5 Mac. “One interesting test is from Daniel Garcia, who takes the AirPods on a hilly mountain run to see how they work as earbuds for fitness workouts in terms of comfort, secure fit and battery life.”

“He came away impressed; the AirPods stayed in his ears throughout the jogging and sprinting in windy conditions,” Mayo reports. “The AirPods stayed in his ears across the entire journey; at one point he says it doesn’t feel like they have moved at all.”

Mayo reports, “His run/sprint lasted a little over an hour with continuous music playback; the AirPods reported 84% battery life at the end which is inline with Apple’s claims of 5 hours use on one charge without using the case to top them up.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: No, they’re not likely to fall out of your ears and, for those with bigger ear canals, there are various aftermarket “skins” you can easily add to make them fit more snugly.

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