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The Apple Watch experience: Greater than the sum of its parts

“My wife hates watches,” Ron McElfresh writes for McSolo. “Through the years I’ve bought her a dozen watches as various gifts and she simply refuses to wear a watch– any watch– more than a few times a year, regardless of expense. While browsing through the Apple Store a month ago I asked her that if she could have an Apple Watch which model would she prefer. Amazingly, she tried on various models and bands, asked plenty of questions about usability, notifications, how Glances and navigation work, battery life, and so on. I thought she was just feigning interest, but after a few more trips to the Store it was obvious she was serious.”

“She loves it. This is from a non-watch wearer, someone who generally disdains the accouterments of a watch as a fashion accessory, a woman who does not yet understand how time works or is measured. And she loves Apple Watch,” McElfresh writes. “Why? Here’s the list. Notifications, exercise tracking, convenience, Apple Pay, and good ‘feel.'”

“Convenience was expected, but the convenience Watch provides is more than expected. Apple under promised and over delivered,” McElfresh writes. “Her enthusiasm over Watch pushed me to buy one a year earlier than planned. My Watch usage and analysis matched my wife’s experience. The total of using Watch is greater than the sum of the parts.”

Much more in the full article – recommendedhere.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple Watch users’ experiences, even those who were initially naysayers and/or non-wristwatcher wearers, are remarkably uniform: Apple Watch offers bits of improvements and efficiencies throughout the day that add up to a stellar, addicting experience. That’s why Apple Watch customer satisfaction is off-the-charts.

Apple Watch owners understand. Hopefully, this article and many others like it helps those without an Apple Watch to begin to understand, too. It’s like trying to explain “Why Mac” to a Windows PC sufferer. You really have to use one in order to understand. There are just too many details, too many nuances; a list of benefits simply doesn’t do it justice – and that list’s order of importance is different for everybody. With Apple Watch, as with the Mac, it’s the entirety of the experience. It’s indescribable, yet indescribably better.

That’s why we can say, after four months of wearing Apple Watches every single day: You can have our Apple Watches when you pry them off our cold, dead wrists.

Apple Watch owners vastly prefer Apple Watch to iPhone for Apple Pay – August 18, 2015
I own two $6,000 Swiss watches, but I wear my Apple Watch most of the time – August 14, 2015
A convert’s Apple Watch diary: Three months in, a skeptic no longer – July 31, 2015
Apple Watch dominates smartwatches with 75% market share – July 28, 2015
The Apple Watch reviewed, 3 months on – July 24, 2015
Apple Watch after 3 months: It’s still personal – July 24, 2015
Apple Watch: A brilliant addition to my life – July 24, 2015
Non-techies love their Apple Watches even more than tech users – July 20, 2015
Look who bought the first Apple Watches – July 14, 2015
Apple Watch satisfaction is unprecedented at 97%; beats original iPhone and iPad – July 20, 2015

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