Street upbeat Apple’s iOS 7, OS X Mavericks will keep platform ‘sticky’

At its Worldwide Developers Conference on Monday, Apple Inc. unveiled “the highly anticipated renovation of the iOS operating system for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch,” Tiernan Ray reports for Barron’s. “The Street reaction, as represented by seem notes from sell-side analysts, was largely favorable.”

While many have been downplaying the importance of this year’s WWDC due to a lack of new mobile device announcements, we believe AAPL wanted to focus attention on the iOS platform. In our view, users will find the interface modernization/enhancements (e.g., translucence, precision feel, gestures, etc.), improved built-in applications (e.g., weather, photos, calendar, car integration, etc.) — Brian Marshall, ISI Group

We felt the refreshed user interface with iOS 7 was a big change through more striking colors, a simpler interface, translucency, new typography, full screen interface, “subtle motion” capability and more. Clearly, Jony Ive’s influence on iOS 7 was felt in a meaningful way with this release. Many new features come with iOS 7 and multi- tasking was one that we believe users will appreciate, along with AirDrop for peer-to-peer transfer, a new Siri voice (now in male and female), expanded Siri intelligence, iOS in the car and other new features. — Brian White, Topeka Capital Markets

We believe that the improvements in iOS 7 should give iPhone users, and investors, a new reason to be excited about their iOS devices and subsequent new phones/tablets. At the end of the day, we believe iPhone users get over new hardware within a few hours when updating their phones, but the OS is what mesmerizes people longer term. Overall, we believe the event sets the stage for new products over the next 6 quarters including iPhone 5S, a cheaper iPhone, a television, iPhone 6, iWatch, and possibly a payments solution. — Gene Munster, Piper Jaffray

Read more analysts’ reactions in the full article here.

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  1. I think you’d have to be mad, or a tech analyst to judge iOS 7 on that keynote. They showed off some of the visible changes that could be easily expressed in such a small time and mentioned a few key developer additions, there will be hundreds of other additions that we will only see the benefit of through use and by developers adding them to apps.

  2. The crazy thing is that I wasn’t even expecting a new phone yet. They even numbed my disappointment in wild new products we have seen rumors on, like TV’s and watches etc, with their opening video explaining that they must focus on a few products.

    1. Apple says the product must “deserve to exist”. I don’t think Apple has been able to justify the existence of some of the rumored products. However, iTunes Radio may be the precursor to iTunes TV.

  3. iTunes Radio will be a big deal. The amount of one-click songs buys will be huge. I’ve been wanting that for a while because I alway forgot the names of songs I hear and like. Now it will be instant gratification.

  4. As a content creator: graphics and HTML5 web content, I am good with the look of iOS7.

    The backgrounds should not compete visually with the functionally important elements. If you create a striking functional element like an icon, it should not be “camouflaged”
    by anything else and that is what I am seeing so far.

    What I hope NOT to see more of is a blending of iOS and OSX if the particular feature degrades the ease of use and functionality of OSX. Let us not forget that the content on iOS comes from creators using OSX. Lion and Mountain Lion have gone in that direction and I spend a LOT more time managing the locations of saved files.

    File management in the 3rd party apps that produce the vast majority of the content on iOS is much more difficult now because the 3rd party content creation apps on OSX of necessity use their own project folders to manage file locations, and they all do it their own way which seems to be very different that current OSX . When I am working on a web project which may have documents produced in 5-10 different applications (you don’t use Apple apps for those) OSX wants to decide where a particular file is saved. I want it in the project folder. PERIOD, end of story.

    And you can do that, however you must look at the particular Finder “save window” for lack of a better term, and visually verify that it is saving where I want it to save. If I am distracted by a phone call or whatever, there is a possibility at times when current OSX leaps into the fray and decides it wants to save it somewhere else. If you didnt see it save in OSX’s choice of the moment, you have a hell of a time finding it later. Time Machine can be ok, but when you are searching for something that did not get saved in the project folder, you are faced with dozens of choices from the possibility of many different event times in Time Machine. I rarely do it.

    It is easier to manage it manually, somewhat like Windows file management 15 years ago.

    Sorry for the long rant, but any operating system, or any “automatic” device of any kind (such as a self-driving car) has the same capability of multiplying mistakes as it can multiply good things, usually at a very high cost.

    Point is; iOS and OSX are different tools with different functions and if there is a doubt or a choice, I hope Apple chooses to keep them separate. I don’t think OSX in its current versions can properly track all of the file versions in complex apps that use project folders.

    Snow Leopard was the high point in that regard. Hopefully wherever Apple goes with Mavericks (huh?) returns some control of the files that we create and own back into the hands of content creators. Yes, I know the software is licensed and I don’t own that, but NO ONE is going to tell me I don’t own the files I create.

    Hoping for the best. There is something called “tagging” which is coming in Mavericks. Hope it will return more control of file management. Staying optimistic with a thinker like Jonathan Ives in the picture.

    1. Right on. Ever since Lion, I’ve had to learn the expert use of Spotlight to locate the files that OS X and I are playing hide-and-seek with. Mavericks tags should greatly improve the state of affairs. Good that they have colour as well as nameability, and I’d only ask for a larger palette.

      As for automatica, I believe control should be ceded to the operator, not necessarily as a default state but definitely with an override, as with smart braking systems. Failing to provide that suggests that the designer doesn’t fully trust the operator, and that erodes brand loyalty. Apple’s mucking with the file system hasn’t driven me back to Windows, but it has made me more cross than happy.

  5. “Many new features come with iOS 7 and multi- tasking was one that we believe users will appreciate”

    … I don’t think Brian White got any clue about the command he supposedly is covering. Apple has had multitasking for a long time. They have made innovations and improvements to multitasking. There is no need to have a program running in the background that you can not use or that does not do anything useful I.e. a messaging App. Having that on just to potentially be able to receive a message is stupid on a Phone so Apple invented a way for the App to still work but not run in the background. U call that real innovation and I don’t think people appreciate or understand it enough. Brian White surly doesn’t.

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