Free: bring back the one feature from old Macs you can’t find in today’s new Macs

“Yes, dear Mac user. I’m a Mac-loving mommy of three who’s old enough to know better, and young enough not to care too much,” Alexis Kayhill writes for Mac360.

“Free is high on my list of criteria for new Mac apps,” Kayhill writes. “So is elegance and usability. And, retro stuff.”

Kayhill writes, “Retro? Yes, retro, meet Displaperture, the Mac app you probably don’t have, more or less don’t need, and does absolutely nothing for your Mac except bring back a little of yesteryear… Displaperture does to your new MacBook or iMac what Apple once did to all Macs. Rounded screen corners… The settings give you options for which corners, and you can adjust the radius of selected corners.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Note: Now remember, real Macs only have their top corners rounded. 😉


  1. I miss two things, actually. The first was the DA keyboard view, where a keyboard showed the character that would appear for every font with the various key combinations. The keyboard system panel in OSX just doesn’t do the same thing. The second was the OS 9 utility (can’t remember the name at the moment) that allowed one to change the IP address of a laser printer. Telnet just isn’t as elegant. If there are replacements for either of these programs, I’ve love to know!

  2. My favorite was VisiCalc. But then, I discovered that you couldn’t sort the rows in the spreadsheet. That was important, because with all my friends in CompuServe chat rooms, I want them alphabetical by name (sometimes), or numerical by User ID (other times). Mine was 77369,6643.

    So I wrote a Basic program to take an exported spreadsheet text file — a DIF (Data Interchange Format) — sort it on a column heading, and rewrite the file that would import back into VisiCalc. Sorted.

    But I had a lot of friends (not like the hundreds we have on Facebook, but a lot), and it took a long time to sort.

    So, I’d heard about Assembler, and having really enjoyed base number systems other than base 10 decimal (binary and hexadecimal being my favorites), I rewrote it. WOW! That was a LOT faster! :-))

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