CNET’s Matt Asay: ‘There’s something very different about using a Mac’

“People use Windows because they must, not because they necessarily want to. Those that can afford to buck the IT department’s preference [business executives] are all running Mac OS X now, and not because they must,” Matt Asay writes for CNET.

“Until you’ve spent time on a Mac, you’re almost certain to pillory this perspective, but there’s something very different about using a Mac,” Asay writes. “It’s a beautiful piece of hardware, complemented nicely by an inviting, rock-solid operating system with seamless integration into the services – iPod, iPhone, iLife (Apple’s creative productivity suite) – that people desire.”

Asay writes, “Windows is IT. It’s industrial and it’s useful. The Mac is something more, and that is why more and more people choose to buy it.”

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: “Mac users have made a conscious technology choice and are therefore better informed.” – Paul Thurrott of Windows Vista Secrets, Windows IT Pro Magazine, Windows Weekly, SuperSite for Windows, etc., December 06, 2004


  1. “The Mac is something more . . .”

    It’s giant croutons in your salad that never get soggy. It’s a red light bulb on a steamy night. It’s a young doe that smiles, winks and says, “I believe in you and I’m delicious.” It’s corduroy pants that don’t make that weird rustling noise even if your thighs are huge. It’s that new car smell that reminds you that you left the stove on an hour before the cruise ship leaves the dock.

    It’s just that good.

    (Inspired by the genius of Crispin Porter + Bogusky)

  2. Do you get that sense of belonging? Do you get that smug sense of superiority? Do you now have the urge to peddle Macs for Dummies door to door?

    That something different you’re feeling is that sense of elitism that we Mac people deny exists yet relish in it.

    Like Scientologists, we now know well never be required to have an opinion again. It’s done for us. Steve will tell us what’s cool and what’s not cool. If Steve says people don’t read books, well by gosh, we won’t read books. If Steve, the man who once said it’s better to be a pirate than join the Navy, tells us to get in line because we’re part of his Navy now, well show us the deck to swab.

    The difference is that you are experiencing the unbearable lightness of being a Mac user.

  3. If you read the original article on CNET, then be sure to read the comments. The MS Fanboys are getting really restless. I suspect they know their boat is sinking but they are having a very difficult time with Mr. Reality.

  4. Here’s a brilliant post to that CNet article:

    “I almost never see a Mac on a plane.”

    That settles it for me. With that kind of stunning logic and solid insight, I must ditch the Mac for a Windows PC.

    I’m in awe.

  5. from theloniousMac, “That something different you’re feeling is that sense of elitism that we Mac people deny exists yet relish in it.”

    MMMMMMM, relish ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”tongue laugh” style=”border:0;” />

  6. @Rob M

    “..What the Mac experience is NOT:
    Standing patiently and obediently still while someone pins a “Kick Me” to your back.. …”

    True. What the Mac experience is becoming is not having to wait to be bitch slapped by a company that is becoming more controlling than the freaking government.

  7. Some of the comments on that article are just inane. Talk about drinking the M$ Kool-Aid. And yes, we Mac fans have a tendency to drink our own. But the guys who do not see how closed and proprietary the M$ platform is border on brain dead, or just delusional. I am sure one of the most salient points made in those comments–that Mac users are often people who have used Windoze machines, while the reverse is rarely true–is lost on most of those poor souls. Though I did like the comment fromn the guy who admitted to owning an iPod but claimed he would have preferred a Zune; I would say his bias was showing.

  8. “But the guys who do not see how closed and proprietary the M$ platform is border on brain dead, or just delusional.”

    Yeah, but I can build my own PC in ten minutes for five bucks that’s 100x faster than MAC and runs 10 to the 25th power as many programs.

  9. “Here’s a brilliant post to that CNet article:

    “I almost never see a Mac on a plane.””

    many, if not most, Mac users can afford the upgrade from cargo to passenger that the average CNet reader couldn’t manage, so that may be the reason…..

  10. “Yeah, but I can build my own PC in ten minutes for five bucks that’s 100x faster than MAC and runs 10 to the 25th power as many programs.”

    It’s nice to be able to build a computer but the overwhelming majority of consumers have no desire to do that. Too many hassles with warranties, configurations and support.

    Plus aren’t you being just a tad hyperbolic there? 5 bucks? 100x faster? 250,000,000,000 programs?

  11. Modbus,

    “I can build my own PC in ten minutes for five bucks that’s 100x faster than MAC and runs 10 to the 25th power as many programs.”

    How do you figure that when Apple Macs can also run Windows natively, you stupid fuck?

    And MAC = cosmetics brand or Media Access Control address, not a personal computer platform, you fucktard.

    Enjoy your OS-limited Piece of Crap that will run fewer apps than any Mac on the market, okay, fuck face?

  12. “250,000,000,000 programs?”

    No, more like 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

    See how wide and deep that is? That’s because it’s sarrrrrrrrrrrr . . . . . . . . . chasm.

    ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”wink” style=”border:0;” />

  13. The Mac experience is like a really fresh doughnut made without preservatives. It’s like driving into the filling station and seeing gas is down fifty cents a gallon. It’s like reserving a Malibu and getting an upgrade to an Escalade. It’s like an October morning Montpelier, Vermont. It’s like having a lobster casserole in Camden, Maine on Columbus Day. It’s like getting a smile from an old girlfriend who looks better than ever.

    I just assisted my eighty year-old uncle to switch. He was very frustrated with OSX, . . . for about five days. He’s an engineer, and I knew he’d catch on. Now his wife is a computer widow.

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