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Inquirer tech writer switches to Apple Mac: ‘Fed up with the absolute turd that is Windows Vista’

“Hell has finally frozen over,” Dean Pullen reports for The Inquirer. “This INQ hack has gone Mac. I’m now using a Macbook full-time and expect to be using a Macbook Pro when the (likely) August refresh occurs. I’m also buying a 3G Iphone in July.”

“I’m simply fed up. I’m fed up with the absolute turd that is Windows Vista,” Pullen explains.

Pullen reports, “Don’t get me wrong, I hate a lot of what Apple stands for. Fanboys bordering on zealotry is one major reason I’ve wanted to avoid Macs for a long time.”

MacDailyNews Take: Yes, by all means, always base your decisions on what other people say and do.

Pullen continues, “I like Steve Jobs as about much as Steve Balmer. Not a lot.”

MacDailyNews Take: Dude, you’re a “fanboy” already, whether you know it or not and Steve Ballmer isn’t fit to carry Steve Job’s sandals. Much of what constitutes the “tech” world today is due to Steve Jobs. From the GUI to Multi-Touch™.

Pullen continues, “I admit, I love an OS full of eye-candy. Why, in 2008, should I be looking at low-res icons and opaque windows? I pay good money for a decent CPU and graphics card, I expect the underlying software to utilise it. OSX does. OSX is also ‘nix based, being built from Nextstep, which was originally based on BSD, which most ‘nix advocates will tell you is ‘a good thing.'”

“I like the no-fuss OS, the bells and whistles, and the ability to work for longer than ten minutes without my disk rotating at maximum velocity for an eternity,” Pullen explains.

Pullen asks, “If (alleged) IT professionals, like myself, start making the switch and bemoaning the state of Microsoft’s offerings, how long before the masses take heed?”

MacDailyNews Take: It’s already happening, Dean.

Pullen plows on, “How long will it be before Microsoft’s market share starts to falter at the burgeoning up-take of hassle-free operating systems and devices?”

MacDailyNews Take: Dean, that’s already been happening for some time, too. Where’ve you been?

Full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “MacRaven” for the heads up.]

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