Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day!

We’re taking the day off to hang out with family and friends, show off our iPhones, watch fireworks, and celebrate Independence Day (United States).

If you’re celebrating today, too, we wish you a happy and safe Fourth! To everyone else, we thank you for visiting MacDailyNews and iPodDailyNews!

We will resume our regular Apple-, Mac-, iPod-, and iPhone-related news coverage on Thursday, July 5th.

MacDailyNews Note: Click for The Declaration of Independence.


  1. ‘…a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.’ Having just spent an exchange year at an american law school, and taken classes on american legal history, it always strikes me just how admirable people like washington, franklin, and, later, lincoln were. (I’ve no time for jefferson, the hypocrite). I wish that the US political élite still had that ‘decent respect to the opinions of mankind’!

  2. Holidays could be a lot “happier” if everybody would not celebrate them on the same day, That is, if we didn’t all jump in our cars and drive to the same places on the same day of the year.

    But humans like congestion, even if only so the can bitch about it.

    There, flame that!

  3. pieter De Becker,

    I’ve been to Belgium 3 times and all I can say is, what a great country! Brussels is wonderful, Brugge is timeless and Antwerp was really cool. And the beer? Oh, the beer over there is fantastic. So, for now, you might not have iPhones – but you have great chocolate, waffles, mussels and beer!!!

    My wife and I are going to stay in Brugge for a week the next time we come. That town is so beautiful (and modern – at least in the shopping area). And there are so many people riding bicycles there. Ahhh, the memories…

  4. The unanimous decision of all 13 colonies to declare themselves free and independent states ought to be celebrated by pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other…

  5. The unanimous decision of all 13 colonies to declare themselves free and independent states ought to be celebrated by pomp and parade, with shows (1950’s Twenty One quiz show scandal), games (Salt Lake City Olympic payments scandal), sports (Ice skating’s Tonya Harding assault case), guns (numerous campus shootings), bells (cracked Liberty Bell), bonfires (Ku Klux Klan celebrations) and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other…

  6. As I floated above the Earth I saw endless swirls of blue with white, golden browns and green. As I moved closer in I began to identify myself with ideas …they alone began to differentiate me from my fellows and I warred with them in fear to defend my own understanding of real and right. I included aggression and greed and fought their descendants for millenniums until the Earth swirled red along with its blue and white. I have to admit it’s been fun but now I realize that I’ve been pretty f*ked up all these centuries. If ideas got me into this maybe ideas can find me a way out of the chaos. I think I’ll stop killing people …and then …then I’ll forward this on to Muhammad and see what he thinks.

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