Rush Limbaugh calls for Apple iCal to Sidekick solution

“I still can’t find a wizard that can come up to write a program that will export my calendar from iCal so I can get into my Sidekick,” Rush Limbaugh told a caller on his radio show yesterday. “It will export it but like Thanksgiving shows up on November the 10th. Christmas shows up on March the 1st — and this is chump change! I’ve been asking somebody to write a program, because I use Apple’s iCal program, and I’ve got a Sidekick, which is the Mac version of the BlackBerry, and I keep my calendar and all the contact data on the computer. I want to I export it to my Sidekick so I can have it when I take it with me, and it just can’t be done — and a simple triple click? I’m about to the point of offering serious money for somebody could do it.”

“I’m now getting deluged with e-mail from people who have found for me a program iCal to Sidekick. I have that program, and it is a program that goes back to 2002. People are sending me the web address for VersionTracker. It’s a great website out there to get the latest version of software for the Mac OS or for anything else, and I have iCal to Sidekick. But the Mac OS has been, you know, revved and upgraded many times since iCal to Sidekick came out in December of 2002 — and the author, the lazy bum author of iCal the Sidekick, has not revved his program. It’s still a beta that came out in December 2002. Now, it did work for a while. It worked for a while, but all of a sudden the Mac OS gets updated and now dates… It’s really… I really don’t want to spend all this time talking because most people don’t know what I’m talking about here,” Limbaugh said.

“I’ll just tell you this: All-day events, whatever calendar I have — home, work, moon phase, whatever — if I list it as an all-day event like holidays or listed all day events rather than a specific start ask stop time all day events show up on totally inaccurate dates that make no sense. Christmas is on February 3rd, you know, and so I’ve been trying to get a new rev of this. There’s no new rev. There may be now that I’m publicly whining about it, but there hasn’t been up till now. So this rev hasn’t been done. I’ve been seeking programmers for a price to commission my own program. I’m just mentioned all this because this is a simple one, and look how difficult it is to make work,” Limbaugh said.

Full article here.

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