‘Students for Bush’ offer free President Bush Mac OS X Screen Saver

Students for Bush (Bush Cheney U) have posted a Mac screensaver as well as eight new Mac Desktop Pictures (Economy, Health Care, Compassion, Homeland Security, Education, Social Security, Environment, National Security) available in 800×600 and 1024×768 versions.

The Screen Saver is for Mac OS X and features animated, scrolling images of President Bush along with text quotes on a variety of issues. The Saver file downloads as a .sit file. After the file is uncompressed, just double-click the gwbSS01.saver file to install the Screen Saver.

The Students for Bush “W Stuff Downloads” webpage is here.

MacDailyNews Take: The answer to the obvious next question for some is, no, Kerry does not currently offer a free Screen Saver for Mac OS X (or any Screen Savers that we can find). Checks of the Kucinich, Sharpton, and Nader websites also showed no Mac OS X (or other) Screen Savers available for download. It seems the Bush campaign has cornered the Screen Saver market for now. It is nice to see that they recognize and offer Mac OS X-specific items for download. May the others follow suit.


  1. Bush did not lie at all. The entire civilized world had the same intelligence information. Perhaps the WMDs are buried in a hole and nobody’s talking yet because they wnat to keep their heads? Or they’re now in Syria? Geez, you Dems are obtuse. Twisting facts to suit your delusions doesn’t help your credibility. It just highlights your lack of honesty.

  2. guess what all you iraq war supporters!?!? This is not going to end well. The reason someone like Saddam was ever in power is because of all the factions of Muslims in the area vying for power over the other. That’s the reason the Iran/Iraq war lasted over 8 years. That’s why there just can’t be a stable democracy there, RIGHT NOW. It can happen, but not this way. And ESPECIALLY not through lies and coersion.

    But I wouldn’t understand most right wing thinkers to understand that. It seems their mentality seems to stop short of understanding a more of the WHOLE picture. Name calling isn’t necessary. Calling George Bush a liar isn’t name calling. It’s stating fact.

  3. I really like their new “Sponsored by Halliburton” screen-saver, too!

    And their web banners are cool, too. I especially like this one:

    I agree with Mike, it is good to see the Resident offering something for Mac OS X. That’s the first positive accomplishment of his reign!

  4. Honest question:

    How did Bush lie when hundreds of countries and the U.N. all thought Iraq had WMDs? Seems to me that Bush was basing his decision on the intelligence he received – backed up by many other countries and sources. So, how can you say Bush lied?

  5. Flew back in this morning Joe. Penalty of running your own business is you don’t want to leave your clients for too long.

    I have a feeling I’ll be living down there permanently before long though. ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”grin” style=”border:0;” />

  6. “The entire world had the same information”

    You republicans love to revise history don’t you. ?

    The entire WORLD was screaming DON’T DO IT! The inspectors had said over and over that there were no WMDs! Millions of people around the world were gathering in the streets protesting that there is no need to start a war over a non-issue.

    Did the republican war mongers listen? Of course not!

    “We will be in and out of there in a couple of months!” was the moronic battle cry of the intellectually challenged sheep that support this president.

    “When we find the weapons, you tree hugging hippies will be thanking us!” yeah right idiots! Funny how you have now changed your story to “We went there to set up a democracy and bring freedom”, instead of “He has weapons of mass destruction that threaten our country and the world”. What a load of BS! You are a bunch of fucking liars, plain and simple. Everyone who hasn’t drunk your sick, mind numbing Kool-Aid knows that!

    The word pathetic doesn’t even begin to describe the level of pond scum you blind, right wing fools have lowered yourselves to.

    With the entire world on our side the day after 9/11, Bush pushes his warped pre-planned IRAQ WAR AGENDA down the throats of a nation in shock and morning. Now instead of compassion from our global neighbors, we are reaping utter disdain and contempt. Good job morons! What do you fucking idiots do for an encore? Lob a nuke over into China in the name of freedom?


  7. “How did Bush lie when hundreds of countires and the U.N. all thought Iraq had WMDs?” – Morris

    Morris, you idiot, hundreds of countries, and the vast majority of the intelligence community (including the the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency) did NOT think that Saddam had ANY WMDs. And they were right. Dumbass.

  8. A conservative Mac user – and I thought I was an island! : )

    As far as Kerry getting Mac OS X anything on their site, as I have seen some request, I doubt it will happen. He has no $ for it.

  9. Morris,

    Bush did not lie. Dems and Libs would like you to believe that – and maybe they actually believe it too, consumed by irrational hatred as they are, they cannot see the facts. Any logical person understands that the U.N. and the rest of the world had the same information knows Bush did not lie at all.

  10. uhhh… seems to me that the UN did not agree that Iraq had WMD’s. you think they did? If you do then you’d be a fool. If they had evidence one of any wmd’s they would have supported the war. No evidence, no support. Even the f***ing pictures Powell took in to show them as ‘proof’ was merely photos of trucks from above. And yes, even he now says that his ‘proof’ doesn’t seem to amount to shit. And guess what? over 10,000 people have died in a war to remove the threat of WMD’s.

  11. FOR ALL of you “where’s the WMD” people:

    I hope you never get into a situation where you personally need help from others like yourselves…because you’ll never get it! Everyone on this earth should be glad that milliions have been freed and are in the process of being freed from the rule of a mass murderer. There is nothing more to it! Either you value human lives more than politics, or you value politics more than human lives. You hypocrites.

    GO BUSH!

  12. Republicans (especially GWB) and ScreenSavers:

    Both are obsolete products based upon archaic theories that no longer apply to the current conditions. Only someone with Republican-like thinking would believe they need a ScreenSaver when LCD screens NEVER burn an image and modern CRTs take YEARS with the SAME image to create a burned image.

    Someone telling me that I need a ScreenSaver is as annoying as a public official saying that our laws must be based upon THEIR definition of Christian morals. Unfortunately, the latter is more dangerous to our society than all of the MS viruses combined.

    Didn’t the colonists leave England for RELIGIOUS FREEDOM?!!
    Time for another revolution BACK to the original intent of the Constitution.

    [“…darts scratched my screen.” That’s funny, John O!]

  13. “Bush uses a Mac”. What else would a dumbass use?

    you want a real PC with lots of features, come over to the Microsoft side.

    but i suppose it gets too complicated for Bush…

  14. How many resolutions against Iraq did the U.N. (representing the world community) have? Why did the U.N. vote to send in inspectors if they didn’t believe Iraq was making or would try to make WMDs?

    You Bush-haters are setting yourselves up for quite a fall. The next 4+ years are going to grind you all into a sad puddle of hate.

  15. why would i want to add spyware/shitware to my Mac?

    “Economy, Health Care, Compassion, Homeland Security, Education, Social Security, Environment, National Security”

    the republicans/bushies wouldn’t know what these are in the first place.

    Gore for President.

  16. regardless of what you think of the current political situation, the war, the economy…whatever. isn’t it amazing that people who think alike, apart from the majority of society, choosing to “think different”, can be so divided.

    I find it very interesting. a little scary

  17. Amen RV. you elequently wrote exactly what i was thinking reading the BS that appears above.

    one question for all those bush war supporters: why haven’t enlisted to fight alongs the american troops and mercenaries? easier to defend a war when you sit behind a desk…put your body where your mouth is then. if you’re too old to serve (or have have a boil on your ass) and you can go over and risk your life, at the very least start a fund raiser to support the returning wounded troops. Because if you’d take your head out of the sand, you’d know that bush has cut funding for veterans. halliburton and defense contractors get the $$ while vets get no support (soldiers even have to get relatives to send them kevlar/bullet-proof vests because BUSH SHLASHED the FUNDING for the TROOPS.

    wake up.

  18. The rabid Dems have lost thier minds. Calling for the assasination of Rumsfled is just the latest example of how off-the-deep-end they have gone:

    Get a grip folks! Bush is going to win and by a larger margin than you might think.

  19. Wow. It must be awful to be so consumed with hate.

    BTW, interesting approach to convincing other people – cuss them out and call them moron, idiot, etc. Yeah, you’ve really opened my eyes! Go ABB!

    <sigh> I despair for the future of this nation if this is what passes for political discourse.

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