Apple Park December 2017 Drone Tour 4K

YouTuber Matthew Roberts has posted a sneak peak of Apple Park as of December 2017.

Roberts’ aerial imagery is captured courtesy of DJI’s Phantom 4 Pro.

Located on a suburban site totaling 175 acres (71 hectares), Apple’s Colossal Distraction™ houses more than 12,000 employees in one central four-storied circular building of approximately 2,800,000 square feet (260,000 square meters).

Direct link to video here.

MacDailyNews Take: Great. Wonderful. Stunning. So, here’s our Mac Pro, Mac mini, HomePod, rock solid and secure OSes, AirPods for Christmas, a Siri Remote that doesn’t suck, etc.?

Look up “navel-gazing” and you get a photo of Apple Park.

At Tim Cook’s Apple, Steve Jobs is long gone, and so is the ‘it just works’ ethos – December 19, 2017
Jony Ive returns to Apple’s management of design team after 2 years – December 8, 2017
Royal College of Art in London appoints Apple’s Jony Ive as its Chancellor – May 25, 2017
Pundits suspect Apple’s Jony Ive no longer involved in iPhone, Mac product design – November 22, 2016
Where is Jony Ive? – March 28, 2016
Obviously, Jony Ive is preparing to retire from Apple – May 27, 2015
Jony Ive is Apple’s next Steve Jobs – May 27, 2015
What Jony Ive’s ‘promotion’ really means – May 26, 2015
Now Jony Ive will have an even bigger influence over Apple’s image – May 26, 2015
Stephen Fry meets Jony Ive, Apple’s newly-promoted chief design officer – May 26, 2015
Jony Ive gives up day-to-day managerial duties to focus on big picture – May 26, 2015
Jony Ive promoted to ‘Chief Design Officer’ – May 25, 2015
Jony Ive is the most powerful person at Apple – December 12, 2014
Jony Ive hasn’t been given too much power at Apple – because he’s always had it – February 5, 2013
Steve Jobs left design chief Jonathan Ive ‘more operational power’ than anyone else at Apple – October 21, 2011


    1. I’ve been a daily reader here for 15 years. MacDailyNews has ALWAYS called ’em like they see ’em.

      As usual, MDN is right on the money here, too.

      Tim Cook’s Apple is mistake prone. Something is distracting them and this giant project is certainly the most likely culprit.

      if ever then Apple fans are telling you that something’s wrong, then something’s wrong.

      instead of making laughably empty threats, you might want to open your eyes, take your fingers out of your ears, and stop babbling long enough to experience what’s really happening for a change.

      1. I have been a regular reader for longer than you, RR. MDN and its Takes were a lot better in the past. Apple lost SJ and so did MDN – SteveJack, the voice of reason and enlightened vision on MDN.

        In recent years, MDN has become meaner, more judgemental, and more self-righteous. I don’t like it at all. And I occasionally take a lengthy break from this site to cleanse myself of the hyper-partisan filth encouraged by MDN. MDN called pundits and other websites “hit-whores,” but what does that make MDN?

        MDN is not always right and never has been. But MDN used to be “on the money” a lot more often than it is now. You can call me whatever name you want, but that is the damn truth.

    2. You are nothing but a weak apologist.

      “Think very carefully before bashing Apple, because you’re losing your readers.”

      Do you have any proof of that? I’ll save you the time: No, you don’t.

    3. MDN is not anti-Apple, but they are less fanboyish.

      Artists Ship. Apple has been falling down on that for a long time. They have for the most part ignored the Macintosh- the Apple Stores did not even have a display model father new iMac last week and had no date to tell customers when they could even see one. Can you imagine the howling if that were the story of the new iPhone?

  1. I think the campus, project Titan, their ridiculous TV shows (Vital Signs, etc) and their muddled attempt to create a musical “cultural touchstone” whatever that is, have all been distracting Apple from what they are good at, which is building a good ecosystem of stellar hardware, software, and services.

  2. Some people think that Apple is distracted. Others that Apple has lost its innovation mojo. Well, I have heard that all before…many times. But Apple is still chugging along and doing a pretty good job of it. The best is yet to come, despite what some people think (and many people seem to hope).

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