New website launched to ‘draft’ Apple CEO Tim Cook for 2020 U.S. presidential run

“A new ‘Draft Tim Cook 2020’ website was launched on Friday as an apparent effort to convince Apple’s CEO to launch a presidential campaign,” Brent Scher reports for The Washington Free Beacon.

“The website, which provides no information on who is behind the effort, features a modified red, white, and blue Apple logo and highlights speeches Cook has delivered in place of a campaign platform,” Scher reports. “The website also highlights tweets Cook has sent that indicate he is part of the movement to ‘#Resist’ Republican President Donald Trump. Other tweets are shown to illustrate that Cook has taken a position on DACA, the Charlottesville protests, the transgender military ban, and the Paris Climate Accords.”

“The website also highlights the fact that Cook was almost picked to be the Democrat’s vice presidential candidate in 2016, links to various profiles of Cook, and discloses his political activity in recent years,” Scher reports. “The anonymous group behind the website has also created a “@DraftTimCook” Twitter account on Friday.”

Read more in the full article here.

Apple CEO Tim Cook
Apple CEO Tim Cook
MacDailyNews Take: Back in August, when asked by a reporter for The Des Moines Register whether he was interested in running for the U.S. presidency, Tim Cook responded:

You’ve got to be kidding… I’ve got a full-time job. And I love Apple deeply. So no, there’s no connection there at all.

Tim Cook on whether he’s running for the U.S. presidency: ‘You’ve got to be kidding’ – August 25, 2017
Is Tim Cook running for president? – August 25, 2017


    1. I agree if the lesson was not learnt before the experiment surely it has now. I can understand the distrust of politicians and especialy ‘professional’ politicians who have never had a real job who are anathema to me, but there are fundamental reasons why we have politicians doing a politician’s job and not people playing at it like its thinking they know how to do it as if it’s just another game. You need experience learned at various levels just as in any other job but it’s a role distinct from any other job and has skills particular to it that are not easily learned, but need to be before being given the keys to the top job or you are dangerous and out of your depth on the national and world stage. At least Cook won’t have an ego that prevents him from understanding that I guess.

      1. I fully agree! The experience and skill a politician needs are not gained at the University level or are easily learned with a couple of years in office. These skills are developed and refined over time via mentoring such as in telling bald face lies to the public and in testimony before Congress while keeping a straight face, how to launder money, how to play with teenage boys (Congressional Pages) and not be charged with pedophilia, setting up illegal mail servers to avoid FOIA and government oversight, how to blame catastrophes you’re responsible for allowing to happen on actions of others that didn’t happen. These and a whole laundry list of other activities and conduct the average person is simply not capable of doing unless they receive appropriate and high level encouragement and instruction.

        Is is no wonder why Trump won the election? People in the USA are sick and tired of politicians.

        Presidents and members of Congress are not always the smartest tools in the shed for the job is often much bigger than one man/woman can handle alone, especially the job of POTUS which has shown over the years to age a man quickly. All those officers need is a good and competent staff, have the fortitude to tell the truth to the public and manage folks like an executive would. It’s not that hard to run a good government but very difficult to run one like we have had for the past 25 or so years!

        1. The problem of lifetime politicians is that they have never experienced the private sector, had responsibility for a real budget or employees. They don’t seem to understand the realities of the daily life of average people. And all to often they are only concerned with preserving their own asses instead of the greater good of their constituents.

    2. No more CEO Presidents….. speak for yourself and stay poor. Americans are sick of poverty. I would vote for Tim Cook if he was actually going to do good for the country. Unfortunately, cook would be too busy enacting bizarre social experiments.

      1. Big difference between CEOs here. Trump is a self-made billionaire and that speaks volumes.

        Cook is an executive hired in an interview like you and me. And later promoted. Big difference and the only thing in common is the CEO title.

        That said, I would prefer ANY business CEO over a professional politician regardless of experience …

        1. Trump inherited his wealth and gained an average return of less than 4% per year if you believe his claims, which you can’t because the serial liar won’t release his tax returns. You know, like the Clintons did. You are too lazy to find where so-called crook Hillary improperly profited, but you defend the worst scumbag of New York. Trump has no intention or draining the swamp. He’s just there to make money. Trump hotels have been doing a fine job profiteering since the Trump administration holds meetings there.

        2. If as you say, President Trump is only out for money, two things:

          1: He is a billionaire that does NOT need the money.

          2: He declined a yearly salary of nearly half a million.

          I don’t agree with you …

        3. You are truly naïve. Declining that salary was meant to be an empty campaign promise. When he was called on it, he realised that the people were listening. Regardless; even if he was genuinely magnanimous, it was clearly nothing more than a calculated investment. Give up on $400k per year, but rake in much more through all other Trump property.

          In the history of the US, no presidents has ethically committed greater improprieties. His properties are raking in massive amounts of profit every time he goes golfing (either in NJ, or FL). It isn’t just POTUS staying there; it is the entire Secret Service team and all the rest of the entourage.

          Make no mistake: this president is in it for only two things: Trump brand, and money.

          As for him being a self-made rich guy, that is profoundly, well, rich. A guy who was born to wealth, was gifted the amount of money most Americans will not have earned in their entire career, and ended up mismanaging all that money to barely get an inflation-rate return on it. Give that much money to a any person with a college degree, half of them will likely manage it better than Trump.

          Let’s look at Cook: nobody ever gave him any gift. He graduated from a public state university, and every one of his jobs he got on merit (by being the best candidate from all the applicants), based on the judgement of the hiring company. No successful company in the USA gives CEO positions as gifts. There are some companies that are family run, and CEO title is inherited from father to son, but Apple was never such a company. They had a string of CEOs throughout history, and some of them were quite bad for the company (Scully, Spindler, Amelio). It has been eight years of Cook as CEO, and in that time, Apple became the biggest company on earth by market cap. He is clearly doing something right.

          Unfortunately, the guy is gay, and there are some people for whom that fact simply negates everything else.

        4. “You are truly naïve.”

          And you are a leftist conspiracy theorist.

          “Declining that salary was meant to be an empty campaign promise. When he was called on it, he realised that the people were listening.”

          He promised, he delivered. People listen to EVERYTHING he says, including you. Your guilt by inference and hobby psychologist examination is laughable. Any black helicopters in your neighborhood today?

          “Regardless; even if he was genuinely magnanimous, it was clearly nothing more than a calculated investment. Give up on $400k per year, but rake in much more through all other Trump property.”

          Oh, so you know Trump and his financial advisors. They told you that strategy, right? Libtard bloviating opinion, nothing more.

          “In the history of the US, no presidents has ethically committed greater improprieties.”

          MORE Libtard bloviating opinion, nothing more.

          “His properties are raking in massive amounts of profit every time he goes golfing (either in NJ, or FL). It isn’t just POTUS staying there; it is the entire Secret Service team and all the rest of the entourage.”

          You don’t and STOP PRETENDING you know President Trump’s priorities. You are critic 100% of the time. You clearly misjudged him against all odds winning the presidency. I knew it over 1.5 years before the election, because UNLIKE YOU, I knew his priorities. And the most beautiful thing of ALL, so did the American people.

          “Make no mistake: this president is in it for only two things: Trump brand, and money.”

          You are one BIG MISTAKE.

          “As for him being a self-made rich guy, that is profoundly, well, rich. A guy who was born to wealth, was gifted the amount of money most Americans will not have earned in their entire career …”

          Your clueless misinterpretation is “rich.” What you left out: His family had some money, yes, but not uber rich and threw hard work grew a business in their neighborhood and then made a SEED LOAN to his son. Only a hate filled Libtard would pervert and denigrate what happens EVERYDAY in America a father naturally assisting his son into the world of business.

          ” … and ended up mismanaging all that money to barely get an inflation-rate return on it.”

          Yeah, he successfully mismanaged “all that money” to be more successful than his father ever dreamed and entered the billionaire class on his own skills and hard work. Like we see his tireless efforts everyday as President, remarkable for a man at his age.

          “Give that much money to a any person with a college degree, half of them will likely manage it better than Trump.”

          🐂💩 OPINION GRANDE!

          “Let’s look at Cook: nobody ever gave him any gift.”

          NO!?! Steve Jobs GAVE HIM the TWO biggest opportunities in his lifetime. Who do you think you’re fooling?

          “Unfortunately, the guy is gay, and there are some people for whom that fact simply negates everything else.”

          Unfortunately, that has absolutely nothing to do with it. The only thing I negate is stupidity from peddlers of FALSE narratives. That would be you …

        5. The lady doth protest too much, methinks….

          Can you please elaborate exactly how did Steve jobs give Cook opportunities? Apple was a public company when Cook had started working there, and BoD had hired him. Also, was Cook Steve Jobs’s brother, or son, or any other relative? Or even a close friend, or ANYTHING for that matter? Exactly WHY do you think Steve “gave him” the job? He got it as the best candidate for the job. This is PRECISELY the way people build careers on merit. They get hired by good companies because they are better than others.

          Meanwhile, sons don’t get hired because they are better than others. Their wealth is simply bestowed upon them by their fathers.

          Yes, many fathers naturally assist their sons, and I never said there was anything wrong with that. What I did say, and what you can’t seem to understand, is that there is no stretch of imagination that could define Trump as a self-made man, when he was given (not loaned; gifted) a massive amount of money (the sum that majority of Americans will never have earned in their entire life) to start a business.

          Look, I get it; you’re in love with your president and what he stands for, and that’s perfectly OK. And you are perfectly entitled to your own opinion. However, there is a big difference when you state an opinion, and when you state something that purports to be a fact, only it isn’t.

          American people voted for Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump won election fair and square, he is the legitimate president of the USA, but nobody can declare that most Americans wanted what Trump had promised. They haven’t. Only about 20% of Americans actually voted for him; almost 3 million more voted for the other candidate, and most didn’t bother voting. Even if you assume that the outcome of the voting roughly represents the opinion of the rest of the population, the difference is still significant. And it is quite clear that Americans don’t want what Trump is bringing; less than 40% of population actually approves what he’s doing. No US president has had lower approval rating at any time during the first year of the presidency since the polls have been taken.

          There is exactly one year left until the mid-term elections. I will tell you this, and will remind you of it next year: the senate will change hands next year, and there is a good chance the house will as well. Trump isn’t delivering nearly enough on his promises to make undecideds stay on his side (nothing on health care, nothing on the wall, nothing yet on taxes), and his core constituency isn’t nearly enough to stay in power. And the Russian investigation is still rolling.

        6. “The lady doth protest too much, methinks….”

          Me thinks you are wrong, no lady here. Your condescension is noted.

          “Or even a close friend, or ANYTHING for WHY do you think Steve “gave him” the job? He got it as the best candidate for the job.”

          After all that tedious verbiage you finally got to the core point. I don’t know why Steve gave him the job, it does not matter. But it does call you out on missing that fine detail in your previous post. Glad you came around.

          “Yes, many fathers naturally assist their sons, and I never said there was anything wrong with that.”

          Of course not, you and your ILK are MASTERS of implication. Hey, we can read between the lines. You fool NO ONE.

          “What I did say, and what you can’t seem to understand, is that there is no stretch of imagination that could define Trump as a self-made man, when he was given (not loaned; gifted) a massive amount of money (the sum that majority of Americans will never have earned in their entire life) to start a business.”

          What you don’t seem to understand in more tedious DRAMA is gift or loan, no matter, Dad helped son. Son went on to be more successful. Hollywood should make a movie about the remarkable RISE of President Trump. Oh wait, Hollywood is run by clueless Libtards.

          “However, there is a big difference when you state an opinion, and when you state something that purports to be a fact, only it isn’t.”

          You’re preaching to me about OPINIONS over FACTS?!? I called you out on your opinions with my last post. My, my, how quickly we deflect and forget and don’t address the fine details. You hope people are not paying attention, got it.

          “Donald Trump won election fair and square, he is the legitimate president of the USA.”

          Oh yes he did! By an electoral college landslide. The 2.8 million more who voted for Hillary in NYC and Hollywood precincts means NOTHING. Not the way the brilliant election process was designed. Thank the founding fathers for guarding against the tyranny of concentrated mob voting.

          “And it is quite clear that Americans don’t want what Trump is bringing; less than 40% of population actually approves what he’s doing.”

          Would that be the same Democrat media polling that gave Hillary a 65-90% chance of winning couple weeks before the election.

          “No US president has had lower approval rating at any time during the first year of the presidency since the polls have been taken.”

          No US president had to withstand the 24/7 negative biased media attacks, the most in recorded history, in a president’s first year in office. And you wonder why that is reflected in the polls?

          Also not reflected in the polls, the booming economy, low unemployment and near record economic numbers. If 10% of the same happened under Hillary, that’s all you would hear about in the media. In other words, the media is rigged and the polls naturally follow. How naive of you.

          Bottom line: Again, the polls are a reflection of what people hear in the media, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, what they DON’T hear.

          “There is exactly one year left until the mid-term elections.”

          Got it, the Senate will switch parties, possibly the House and the FAKE Russian investigation and accusations that has been going on for a year and a half found NOTHING. The TRUE Russian Collusion is Hillary and Fusion GPS. I’ll remind YOU AS WELL …

        7. Trump was “self-made” in the sense that he started on the 50th floor as a real estate developer in NY and made his way up from there. He declared bankruptcy at least once, but retained a great deal of wealth despite that fact. His investors often suffered, though.

          In my opinion, most wealthy people seem driven to “need” more money. The quest for more wealth can corrupt them – they lose sight of the value of people and community. Do not read too much into the fact that Trump gave up $425K or so in POTUS salary. A number of actions that he is pursuing as POTUS could yield returns to him and his family in the millions or billions, dwarfing that salary amount. He doubled initiation fees at Mar-a-Lago, for instance, and is enjoying increased use of his properties, such as the Trump Hotel in Washington D.C., at which he has raised prices. In addition, Trump makes frequent use of POTUS perks such as flights on Marine One and Air Force 1 to visit his properties, spending far more time away from the White House and incurring far greater expense than his predecessors.

          Trump attacked Obama for playing golf and issuing Executive Orders, yet he is worse in both of those aspects (and many others). Whether you support Trump or not, you need to consider his statements and actions with greater scrutiny and more open eyes. He is not the gift to American that 37% of the voting populace appears to believe.

        8. I don’t know what he owns anymore or how much he makes, if anything off the properties. Certainly, businesses are designed to make money, good for all of them, including Apple on its way to a trillion.

          The fact that he saves taxpayers his salary is truly selfless and has never been done to my knowledge. So, Trump is indeed, a gift …

    3. Actually, this would be a reprieve for Apple plus Tim Cook would never be nominated, much less, elected as POTUS. In the end, the Tim Cook era would fade away and a new Republican administration would be installed. This is described as a win-win.

      1. He could not at the time because Apple did not have a dominant position. He was train at Pepsi where they had a seedy income from hi profit products that really didn’t need much management. He could very well run the Apple of today just as well last Tim because he would be back in a position to run on cruse control. Jost don’t rock the boat and every thing will be OK.

        As for MDNs comment maybe Tim is using the old Steve Jobs method of calling what you plan to do ridiculous, IE why would anyone want that and then 1 year later you bring it out better than anyone expected.

    1. I remember vividly the live TV picture of Sculley sitting next to Hilliary in the gallery during the state of the union speech delivered by President Clinton.

      Will we see Cook sitting next to Melania next year after tax reform is passed? …

    1. Yes. When I mentioned social justice, I got hit with anti-sjw sentiment. I surmise social and justice and social justice are now bad phrases. Is it because they are arepublican talking points, or am I just out of touch? Remind me to never mention social or justice any more. They ring pavlovian bells. Morals and ethics, now, those words have not yet been preempted or appropriated by the Ministry of Truth because the blackguards use those terms themselves. From now on, I will be a preacher of virtue, an arbiter of morals, a princess of ethics. But only as an oracle in abstentia, stranded in California, an island within an island of humanitarian desolation.

      1. For your nation anything with justice is a bad phrase. unless it involves locking people up, but that’s not uncommon for those nations who haven’t totally crawled out of the cave or in your case nations that are desperately trying to crawl back into the cave of primitive beliefs like fear and loathing.

        Meanwhile those that value and apply justice as an integral part of ethics and morality move on to advance humanity or in other words, the free and civilized world keeps getting better and better and better.

        1. Once again, the NATO leaders meeting in Wales agree to the 2 percent standard, and even then they urged members to “move toward” that goal by 2024. That’s still seven years away. I’ve told you this before but you ignore this fact.

          Slovenia, Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg contribute less to NATO than Canada does. Again you ignore this fact.

          Now to address your comment about the issue at hand about the website launched to draft Apple CEO Tim Cook for 2020 presidential run I’d like to say, oh wait, you haven’t made a comment about the issue.

          Your entire post is off topic and nothing more than an ad hominem attack. I’ve politely asked you to cease these sorts of posts towards me to no avail. Considering that MDN has recently been posting “”Suffice to say, if you’re an off-topic poster or just issuing ad hominem attacks, you will be moderated and your posts will be removed. If you continue, you will be banned and your screen name will become unusable, so you’ll be forfeiting your identity, too.” you’ve clearly illustrated that MDN is not ready willing or able to actually put this into practice.

          Thank you for clearly illustrating the total lack of morality and ethics so typical from those of your nation.

        2. Antifa is a political movement of autonomous, self-styled anti-fascist groups in your country. Again no regard for the facts, no constructive criticism, nor an intelligent discussion, just a poor attempt at slander and personal insults.

          You sure are a patriot for your country.

        3. More off topic juvenile attacks. Does anyone monitor these forums? MDN is worse than Facebook at enabling uncivil russian assholes to hijack a discussion.

        4. Tell me about it, I make an inoffensive on topic post and the next thing I’m being attacked and insulted with no comment at the topic at hand.

          Of course it’s not surprising that this happens, there is no policy for posting here is ad hoc and reinforced as such.

          It does prove my point though, Apple still have a sense of morality and ethics.

        5. Talk about thin skin you are the MDN poster child.

          For you to constantly disrespect the U.S. and it’s good citizens, helping countries throughout the world by calling us a “terrorist nation” repeatedly, over the years, on a free forum U.S. website that allows your vile hatred to be posted.

          And you have the NERVE to ask MDN to ban botvinnik because he called you a “deadbeat.” Insulting a nation of 325 million people over and over through the years is far WORSE in my book. I have no respect for your misguided posts …

        6. I find it ironic that while you correctly point out that I’ve called your country a terrorist nation (though you may notice that I have not done so here) you fail to acknowledge the many times I have stated that while I no longer have any respect for your country I don’t hate it. It’s not a question of hatred, it is a question of fact, all you have to do is google terrorism by your country and you’ll get a long list of acts of terror performed by your country.

          I’m not asking MDN for anything. If I were I would have quietly sent them an email. While I have asked botvinnik to cease and desist with the insults it appears that he cannot help himself. Personally it does not bother me. I’m just trying to follow MDN’s guidelines. If that makes me a poster boy so be it.

          Now about the topic at hand, like botvinnik you have not made a single comment about it, instead your post it just another personal attack. Thank you for showing everyone the level the citizens of your nation has descended to.

        7. “Personally it does not bother me. I’m just trying to follow MDN’s guidelines. If that makes me a poster boy so be it.”

          You are a poster boy for thin skin whining. He called you a “deadbeat” wow. I have been called much worse and don’t whine and complain about it. But obviously, that’s just me and you can’t handle it.

          “Now about the topic at hand, like botvinnik you have not made a single comment about it, instead your post it just another personal attack.”

          I have many posts on the topic at hand. I suggest you READ THEM.

          “Thank you for showing everyone the level the citizens of your nation has descended to.”

          HA! I did not not know I represented the level of citizens for my entire nation. Pay attention: 🐂💩!

          That’s exactly what is so despicable about you. Creating FALSE U.S. narratives and ridiculous hypotheticals that have nothing to do with REALITY.

          You obviously hate the U.S. and can deny it all you want. But your writing betrays you. You think you are too clever for anyone to notice, sorry it is plain to read.

          Hey, have a great day and remind your deadbeat nation to pay its fair share. We in the U.S. are tired of carrying your nation … 😆

        8. Still nothing about the topic at hand, too bad.
          I’m really laughing, I think your nation take the cake when it comes to thin skin whining, I mean your nation does nothing but whine and whine and whine, about Iraq being involve in 9-11, about Saddam Hussein having a Weapons of Mass Destruction program. You’ve been over there war mongering for over a decade and you still haven’t found it? Boo hoo hoo.

          You haven’t made a post to me about the topic at hand. I’d suggest that you do but I don’t think you have the intestinal fortitude to engage in a civil discussion with me.

          You sure are a great representative of what you nation has become.

          What false narrative about your country am I creating? The atrocity of killing innocent civilians in Iraq by the thousands? The act against humanity by the torture you inflict on individuals at Guantanamo on the Bay Resort?

          Again I say I don’t hate your nation, I’m simply pointing out the hatred your nation has towards humanity.

          Oh poor whiner, whining about not getting your share, poor poor you, whine whine whine. If you are so tired why don’t you do something about it, like invade, seems that is the solution you have for everything you disagree with.

          I’m having a great day, I’m helping make the free and civilized world greater, and greater, and greater. I just love it.

        9. Goeb, if sure is and you’ve been absolutely brilliant at it. It’s also a great playbook tactic for offense as illustrated by your unethical invasion of a sovereign nation. Good luck finding that Weapons of Mass Destruction program in Iraq, you nation has whined so much about it it must be there.

        10. ” Good luck finding that Weapons of Mass Destruction program in Iraq, you nation has whined so much about it it must be there.”

          Good luck waking up from a 15-year coma …

        11. That’s the best you got? Nice try at distortion and distraction. And don’t forget that denial, I mean people in comas don’t type but I guess you’ll just deny that fact, as you deny so many other facts.

        12. Goeb, heck no, I go lots more. You’ll have to excuse me but I thing that it is your country that needs help, either that or that good dose of karma that is coming your way.

          You nation sure cares a lot more about I do about those weapons of mass destruction, after all it’s people from your country that are over there massacring innocent civilians. You’d figure after all those years you’d have someone intelligent enough to find it, or someone intelligent enough to realize that there are any but I guess your country just doesn’t have what it takes to realize that, much less apologize for the acts against humanity you’ve inflicted as a result of war mongering nation.

          Hundreds of thousands of innocent people dead as a result of your nation’s escape and you say that I need help. Irony abounds.

        13. “but I guess your country just doesn’t have what it takes to realize that, much less apologize for the acts against humanity you’ve inflicted as a result of war mongering nation.”

          Please detail for the rest of the class how the U.S. acts against humanity and inflicted a war mongering nation.

          Let’s start with World War II …

        14. Goeb I already did that for the rest of the class when I mentioned to look up terrorism by your country on google. I guess it’s pretty hard for you to concentrate with the stars and skidmarks showed so far up your rectal orifice.

          Don’t forget it goes all the way back to 1776. Since then your nation has been a war addict. Those wars are listed too.

        15. ” google. I guess it’s pretty hard for you to concentrate with the stars and skidmarks showed so far up your rectal orifice.”

          A new disgusting LOW for you …

  1. Yes, Tim, you can be the first openly homosexual POTUS. That really would be something. America is ready. Instead of Hail to the Chief your introduction would be Walk on the Wild Side.

        1. I was not happy when Bannon and Gorka, true revolutionaries, were gone. Let’s see if the alligators that know the swamp better than anyone can clean it out …

      1. The ability to dissemble is an indispensible political tool. Trump has that. He also has a built-in advantage over conventional politicians—he doesn’t pretend to be lily-pure. In the primaries he ran on Himself, and won, and because of that sees no reason to change his boorish manners, his contemptuous attitude about the media, or his sinful relationship with the truth. His supporters, weary of craven politicians mincing words and covering their asses, embraced him with glee. He is Ross Perot all over again, but sexier.

      2. “Lying idiots” do not beat 16 resumed politicians in the Republican primary.

        “Lying idiots” do not beat the most well financed, media approved, Democrat machine ever to run for President.

        Try again …

  2. Your right. I get it. Your so intent. You’re the perfect person. Your so right. But, so wrong… Career Polititians are the antithesis of Truth and Justice for all. They are all about “the system”, as you put it, and traditionally sell their souls to the betterment of their pocketbooks. It takes certain skills, as you pointed out to us all, to become proficient at lying, beyond high school and college prep school for the political control minded person engaged in gaining unwarranted power for themselves.

    Ronald Reagan pointed it out best, warning us all that government will try to take away your feeedoms if we are complacent and naive enough to allow it to happen. And the cowards will continue to cry in the streets for their parents [government] to take care of them…

    So go get an education in the deceitfulness of state and perpetuate the current problem?! Oh – ok. Back to the opening lyrics at top of my post…

    Or, like Trump who was just an adult [yeah, go figure] that got tired of the bastardization of our beautiful nation and finally decided to do something about the tyranny of that governing body of idiots. Still fighting the idiots but making headway, nonetheless. And he didn’t get the specific education required to participate in the sandbox… oh well. Neither did Lincoln.

    And the refugees are still flooding in… thanks to the shadow idiots OPPOSING the Good that TRUMP has brought in. Well, it’s going to be a hostile takeover folks… and we will have to stand up and fight again just like when our ancestors moved here, running from the tyranny of England. A little different, because it’s a sickness from within our government that is causing this to happen within our OWN borders.

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