Despite pleas from Apple CEO Tim Cook and others, President Trump pulls out of Paris Agreement

“President Donald Trump said Thursday he was withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement, striking a major blow to worldwide efforts to combat climate change and distancing the country from many allies abroad. He said the U.S. would try to negotiate re-entry on better terms,” Jill Colvin and Julie Pace report for The Associated Press. “‘As of today, the United States will cease all implementation of the nonbinding Paris accord,’ Trump said during a White House Rose Garden announcement. Suggesting renegotiating re-entry was not a major priority, he said, ‘If we can, great. If we can’t, that’s fine.'”

“‘I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris,’ the president said during his speech,” Colvin and Pace report. “Trump said the agreement disadvantaged the U.S. ‘to the exclusive benefit of other countries,’ leaving American businesses and taxpayers to absorb the cost.”

Read more in the full article here.

“Silicon Valley’s tech giants tried stopping Donald Trump from pulling the US out of the Paris Accord. It didn’t work,” Alfred Ng reports for CNET. “Despite multiple warnings from Apple, Facebook and Google, president Trump has decided to drop out of the Paris climate agreement.”

“In February, Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk argued he needed to stay on Trump’s economic forum to help influence the president,” Ng reports. “On Wednesday, Musk said he did ‘all I can to advise’ the president, and threatened to leave Trump’s council if the US left the Paris agreement. After the breaking news, Musk made good on his promise.”

“On Tuesday, Apple CEO Tim Cook personally called the White House to urge Trump to stay in the agreement,” Ng reports. “The same day, CEOs from Google, Facebook, Microsoft, HP and Intel also asked Trump to stay in the agreement.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Note: Vice President Pence and President Trump’s remarks from the White House’s Rose Garden today (remarks begin at 36:59):

Apple signs on to full page ‘open letter’ ad urging President Trump to keep U.S. in Paris Agreement on climate change – June 1, 2017
Apple CEO Cook calls President Trump as Elon Musk threatens to quit White House advisory councils over Paris decision – May 31, 2017
President Trump leaning toward exiting Paris climate change agreement despite Apple, others urging U.S. to remain in deal – May 31, 2017
Apple to stick with environmental pledges despite President Trump’s gutting of Obama’s climate change orders – March 30, 2017
Greenpeace: Apple again the world’s most environmentally friendly tech company – January 10, 2017


    1. These arguments on video are logical and balanced from a centered mind. Globalist lefties don’t give a damn to that. They don’t care on being rational. Their mission is to segregate, to create alarming to destroy the ocidental culture and diminish his major and most powered supporter, the United States. La La Land’s people and engaged press from both shores keep repeating this imposed warming’s mantra till everyone thinks it’s the “Absolute True”. This way, NGOs, globalist’s payroll scientific enteties and corporativism parasites would keep living from pay taxers efforts, while the new world order is being setted.

    1. Really? So you don’t believe that 95% of climate scientists are right? Climate change is real? You have some special knowledge that other folks don’t?

      You think that the fact that we and Russia are the only real countries to pull out of the accord is some kind of sign from god?

      You think that showing the world that we’re stupid and that we won’t stick to our agreements mean America First?

      You think the largest emitter of carbon not in the accord means harming the world to make America Great again?

      Sad, sad. You and the science denying Republican cults are going to drag the world down with you. But then that’s what you want isn’t it…

        1. I seriously doubt that a higher power has anything to do with Trump’s actions. If you haven’t noticed, Trump is not a religious person. Nor do Trump’s attitudes or actions adhere to the Word, in general. But believe what you want, even if it is utterly ridiculous and has nothing to do with reality.

          Botdude, you are one sad and misguided SOB.

        2. You lose, again…does this make sense, libtard?
          • The Presidency
          • The Senate
          • The House
          • The Supreme Court
          • The Governorships
          • The State Houses

          complete and total rejection, and the 2018 midterm carnage hasn’t even started.


        3. Tell me again why you think you’re intelligent? Manipulation by perverted legistation and gerrymandering does not make for a mandate. Neither does rigging an election by eliciting the help of an enemy foreign nation. By 2018 elections, Trump and his cohorts will have faced charges of treason and espionage. Then what will the Republicans say about their abject silence of this lunatic’s dementia-driven ways??

        4. You’ve forgotten the most important factor, Trump is not a Bush Crime Syndicate Republican or from The Plantation Party…

          you lose.



        5. Farcically incompetent, crown prince of all snowflakes, bombastic, lying traitorous leader of a bunch of traitors, rabid racists and billionaires. Yeh, great. I wish the effects of his lunacy coud be confined to his supporters.

        1. Sure, hocus, throw out incendiary statements like that without putting it in context. Exactly how many “scientists” were caught taking bribes to change their data? What percentage of the thousands of scientists? And what were the reputations of these fraudsters prior to being caught? Were they already irrelevant bottom feeders? Please enlighten us on your biased opinion…

          While you are at it, you might want to note how many of the climate denying scientists are funded from right wing sources and companies with a vested interest in suppressing legitimate research into climate change. Are you aware that former President Bush shelved a $100M geoscience satellite (originally called Triana) and kept it in storage for the duration of the Bush administration. It was renamed the Deep Space Climate Observatory and launched in 2015. That is how desperate the GOP and the climate deniers are to skew public opinion – you claim to believe in data, but you obstruct the collection of useful data at every opportunity.

          Guess what? Physics does not give a damn about your gut feel or your manufactured or skewed data, right wingers.

      1. “95% of climate scientists”

        “we and Russia are the only real countries to pull out”
        new fake

        “showing the world that we’re stupid”

        “science denying Republican”

        Why is it Liberals don’t understand economics, history, religion, or even the Constitution but if some guy with a degree wears a lab coat and calls himself a ‘scientist’ you will fall on your knees to accept his golden shower of anointment just to claim you know science?

        Don’t you feel just a little used and sometimes silly making claims like you did above…..or were you raised by parrots?

        1. You think that Conservatives somehow have intellectual superiority in terms of economics, history, religion, or even the Constitution?

          Don’t you feel just a little used and sometimes silly making claims like you did above…..or were you raised by parrots?

        2. Did I just hear a semi-deaf parrot choking on reality birdseed??

          Just look down, that’s the New York Times above the fold you are gracing with your diatribe.

          (and don’t blame yourself… had shit on it BEFORE they lined your bubble)

      2. Newton, we know the world goes through a “climate change” of mega-proportions every 110,000 years or so and will do so again.

        The result is NY City will again be under thousands of feet of ice (Hurray).

        The globalists could NOT persuade anyone of ‘Global Cooling’ in the 70s, so they switched to ‘Global Warming’ around 2000 and when the numbers started getting creaky, they started saying ‘Climate Change’. That allows them to ‘win’ no matter what happens however quick or slowly.

        I’ve got news for the ‘Climate Change’ crowd. The world is always changing. What’s more, the ecosystems of the world manage to keep on living, no matter the ice age or the warm periods.

        Nothing we can do will stop “climate change.” I don’t care if the ‘warmists’ bankrupt the entire world’s economy, they won’t stop climate change. The Sun variability and the Earth’s normal orbit variations guarantee climate change.

        1. National-socialism never brought anything good to none!
          You may enjoy Trumps populism for few months yet… But the harder will be the fall.
          USA will have a hard work to get great again to the eyes of the planet!

    2. :America First…always.”

      Considering repealing Obamacare is nothing but a giant tax cut in disguise for corporations and the Trump budget is nothing more than more massive tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, Trump defines “America” as corporations and the wealthy. Trump is Russian spy in the white house.

        1. Next Thursday Comey will testify on Trump asking others to leave the room while he asks Comey about just ending that silly Flynn investigations. That’s obstruction of justice by a president who is under investigation for being a Russian spy.

        2. You mean Comey has a great deal of dirt on Trump. Which all led to Comey’s firing by Trump. Of course Trump could evoke executive privilege with the conversations but that would only show guilt and prolong the inevitable. It will then go through the courts ending at the supreme court. In the end Trump will be shown as a red commy Russian spy and those that voted for him.

        3. Our President chose between his daughter’s naivete and the American people.

          Donald Trump is our champion.

          He’s the real deal.

          God bless him and God bless his courage.

        4. Oh, fuck! This is so insane, I think it goes even beyond the worst of Belligerent Asswipe’s ravings.
          I think
          – Either he is going full bore senile
          – Or he is just putting us on.

        5. Trump is just a greedy pumped up billionaire playing around acting a fake unresponsive president.
          Is making a fool out of Americans and of anyone else too. This guy has no clue of what he’s doing and knows only twitting around his childish point of view.

    3. Another Victory! The Kyoto Treaty which GWB was highly pressured to join, and did not, turned out the countries that signed up, ended up violating that and polluting more. What a joke. It was merely intended for the US to sign up and then hold us to the fire, while they pollute and produce, taking our jobs and our wealth.

      And over the next decade, the US – on our own mind you – reduced our carbon footprint more than the Kyoto countries.

      Why don’t these other countries go for it regarding the Paris Accord and we’ll see how they are holding up to their empty but politically correct promises. Oh, and China and some other countries? Yah, they are free to polite like crazy, as if China would ever regulate themselves in any environmental area. Please…

      Not signing up was a no-brainer. So what does that make Obama who DID sign us up?…

    4. As the prime benefactor of global free trade, you might not be so happy as Trump screws over Americans by ripping up international accords. He hasn’t the ability to replace the lost goodwill and will be unable to compete against China, or the EU, when those trading blocs now take the lead in establishing international standards.

      Isolationism has never created a world power, but it has been the main cause of many nations falling behind.

  1. Hallelujah!

    Under the Paris Agreement, the U.S. was expected to shoulder an inordinate burden while, even with the impossibility of all nations in full compliance, the Paris Agreement would supposedly only reduce temperatures by just 0.048°C (0.086°F) by 2100 (as if they can accurately project anything 83 years from now when they can’t even predict if it’ll rain or not three days from now).

    Time to PARTY!!!

    1. Wow. Besides all the stupid shit you posted you don’t even know the different between global climate and the weather?

      I only hope you folks are the first to go…

        1. Aw, poor botty now accusing people of being traitors. I would rather side with decent, clean-living, peaceful people than vindictive antisocial brats like you.

        2. You are seriously slipping botty. Your QA system is in deep need of renovations. First thing you need to do is stop relying on those morons who blow smoke up your ass for back up. They are so ignorant they make liberals look smart. A true leader doesn’t have a pack of morons following behind. When I look in back of you that’s all there is to see.

        1. I have never found anything to like about carbon credits. It was a stupid idea from day one. Please, criticize it until it dies. I’ll help.

          I could easily believe there are a-holes out there who figured out a way to turn this idea with good intentions into yet another way to scour money out of suckers and screw our future. It’s the Spirit of the Age!

    1. Do you guys every read anything other than MDN and Breitbart? You and the other dunderheads here are basically the only people in the world that doesn’t think global warming is a crisis that the whole world needs to solve.

  2. Covfefe:

    Choosing common sense, weighing costs and benefits, and displaying big brass balls on behalf of American citizens, despite the knowledge that the globalist elites will attack immediately.

    God bless President Trump!


      1. you lose, Vacillating Weasel.

        We are taking America back from spineless jackals who deny reality, ignorant Gruberized fools whose intellect is the depth of another masked Antifa vandal …consider yourself “bodyslammed,” prick.

        1. There certainly ARE spineless jackals who, at the very least, take $$$ in order to spew denial of reality to We The People. They’re called Republicans and Democrats. I have no respect for either at this point in time. But you already know that, don’t you.

          As for being ‘bodyslammed’: With what? Your vacuous sucker rhetoric. It’s mere hot air directed at people like myself who provide facts, figures and honest insight. Oh how you hate us.

          I like us!

  3. “So as far as climate change skeptics, I believe in the scientific method and one should have a healthy skepticism of things in general and first thing from a scientific standpoint is that you always look at things probabilistically, not definitively, and so, a lot of times, if someone is a skeptic in the scientific community what they’re really saying is that they’re not sure that it’s 100% certain that this is the case, but that’s not the point. The point is to look at it from the other side. There’s a certain amount of carbon that is circulating through the environment. It’s going into the air, and then getting absorbed by plants and animals, and then going back into the air, and this carbon is just circulating on the surface. This is fine and it’s been doing that for hundreds of millions of years.
    The thing that’s changed is that we’ve added something to the mix. This is what I would call the turd in the punch bowl.
    We have these low-cost stored hydrocarbons in the ground that have accumulated over hundreds of millions of years, perhaps over 1 billion years in the case of methane. And in a lot of cases since the pre-Cambrian era when the most sophisticated thing was a sponge. And we are taking trillions of tons of CO2 that was buried deep in the earth’s crust for hundreds of millions of years, and is not part of the carbon cycle, and are putting it into the carbon cycle of the atmosphere. And as the carbon levels rise in the atmosphere some of that CO2 migrates into the oceans, gets absorbed into the water, and creates carbonic acid and causes acidification. A lot of the shellfish in particular are super sensitive to changes in pH level.
    We’ve added all this extra carbon to the carbon cycle and the net result is that the carbon in the oceans’ atmosphere is growing over time. It’s much more than can be absorbed by the ecosystem. It’s really quite simple. We are putting so much carbon into the atmosphere that we are fundamentally changing the chemical make up of earths atmosphere and of the oceans.”

    Excerpt from: “Elon Musk: The Unauthorized Autobiography”

      1. Big Oil has received huuuge tax breaks all the way back to 1916. Tax breaks from 1916 through 1931 alone totaled $28.5 billion (in current dollars). This is established historical fact that anyone who reads will know. Check out the “depletion allowance” that let oil companies deduct 27.5 % (later: 23%) from gross revenues ***before*** calculating taxes.

        1. Very mature reply. My car gets about 55 mpg. We are a two hybrid car family and have been for 10 years. My next car will be a Tesla or Prius Prime Plug-In Hybrid (which gets 133 MPGe). I will be able to charge my car using my house solar photovoltaic cells. Our new house (thank you, Apple!) will have net zero carbon consumption. What have you done lately to “LOVE YOUR MOTHER”?

  4. I would like for you Liberal Climate Change Morons to tell me who is in control of our Climate and our Planet Earth????? Does anyone know who also put the Fossil Fuels deep inside the Earth????? Do you know whom I’m talking about here????? Come On, it’s not that hard to figure out, if you have a Brain…

    1. Oh, Sweet Jesus. Don’t tell me you are now going to argue that DOG has pre-ordained all. Like the Christian Right extremist who announced today that God expects us all to be stewards of God’s Good Earth …but this in now way means we must believe in global climate change.

      Lord, save us!

      The Pope believes humans in climate change, as well as leaders of other world religions.

  5. So, let us look at it from the side. I don’t know anything about climate science, so I am not allow to argue one way or the other. So, how do I make an informed decision? I do research. I look at what others have written. I look at how scientists debunk each other’s work. This is what they do, that is how science works: you present a theory, and the theory will only hold until the first scientist presents evidence (not just arguments, but evidence) that the theory doesn’t hold. So, you look at all the available research, you look at the underlying data, you come to the conclusions. Science is NOT a religion; you don’t simply repeat the proscribed doctrine. You present evidence. Theory doesn’t become a theory unless it is based on observable evidence that can be repeated. So, with respect to the client science, the matter is settled, by a consensus that is likely stronger than the consensus around the theory of natural selection, or theory that vaccination does not autism (and it doesn’t).

    Then we have one other, much more obvious issue here. There are two obvious camps in the climate science debate: climate change proponents, and climate change skeptics. When we look at their public campaigns, we can clearly see who is behind the skeptics movement: fossil fuel industry. Vast majority of all the funding that fuels scientific work that questions validity of climate change research is coming from fossil fuel (oil, coal) industry. As it has been well documented, the Big Oil lobby has been responsible for killing pretty much ALL innovative work on ANY alternative energy sources, regardless of their merits.

    So, without actually looking at the climate science, we can quickly figure out who is on the correct side of the truth by simply looking at where the money is coming from. With climate change deniers, it is Big Oil. With the others, there is no single industry source — vast majority of research is done in professional scientific institutions, with money coming from governments (which often change hands from left to right) and small-scale donors and foundations.

    And lastly, if you look at who wins and who loses, it is quite obvious that the only winner in the case of the skeptics is fossil fuel industry. Conversely, they seem to be the biggest loser to the other side. Countries that have weaned itself off from the dominance of the fossil fuel energy have benefited greatly from the programmes instituted as a consequence of climate science.

    America is truly a strange place. A political party is holding hostage an entire nation, for the benefit of a few people from Texas (and, to a smaller degree, West Virginia)…

  6. Since well before the end of the second world war, America pressed forward to take the mantle of global leadership in many ways. As the least scarred large nation of the war, America emerged as a military superpower, now known to be significantly more powerful at any time than its closest cold war rivals.

    But that is not what made America great. America prospered because, despite missteps, it made great alliances. The Marshall Plan lifted millions of war refugees in Europe out of poverty and created America’s greatest trading partner. Multilateral treaties like NATO or the United Nations, where America played a dominant role, enabled conflict resolution without America shouldering the entire burden of being the policeman of the world. America maintained the longest unguarded border in the world with its friendly neighbor, Canada. Over and over again America pressed for free trade, a lowering of tariffs, global standards, and simplified uinbalkanized rules for everything. Multilateral agreements paved the way for businesses to enter markets, access raw materials, and more and more exploit the labor of less mature economies.

    This apparently is the point where the opiod epidemic struck. America’s rich got richer for decades, and the working classes in America saw stagnating wages, so the rich invented boogiemen and riled up the logically weakest voters to demand a protectionist president. “Global elites” — which statistically would include practically everyone born in America — were to blame for making too much money with overseas trade. But then, Trump got a free pass for building all over the world, importing Chinese steel and serial eastern European wives. “Government regulation” was to blame for the lowly worker not taking home enough pay, even as corporate stock prices soared and offshore tax havens are bursting at the seams, and black market operatives invent digital currencies to hide wealth. The rabble was convinced that it wasn’t their non-elected corporate leaders who extracted too much information and consumer wealth, it was their own democratically elected “Establishment” and the ultra-boogeyman “Deep State”. Ignoring the advice of successful businessmen who never screwed society with serial bankruptcies, ignoring the advice of scientists, ignoring the advice of trading partners, the American electorate instead let itself be suckered by non-American propaganda and xenophobic rhetoric. America could only be great if pollution increased, a great wall encircled the fortress, and non-Christians were banned, they all agreed. A self proclaimed dealmaker president who still has no actual deals to brag about is now proposing that individual trade agreements with 200 nations is better than a common set of trade rules.

    Saint Reagan demanded that walls be torn down and international cooperation buoy business and worker prosperity. Now Trump has alienated himself to everyone that America spent decades working with. He does so at America’s peril. It will take decades to restore America’s ability to lead in the world.

        1. To use the usual rightie refrain, is that the best you got?

          Well, Trumpbo’s handlers have been caught red handed and the treasonous administration is going to be exposed for the sham it is. Plenty of smoke, and the investigators are going to easily find plenty of fire. Can’t wait until midterm elections when the current blowhard in chief won’t be able to campaign due to being in the brig. Should we use the same interrogation tactics he advocated on the campaign trail?

  7. If Apple wished for the US to stay in the Paris Accord, Apple would pull out of China and make their crap in the US where we have made strides in stopping pollution.

    1. China is an autocratic dictatorship with its eyes on building a regional empire and extending its influence worldwide, but facts are facts:

      Almost twice as high a proportion of Chinese electricity already comes from renewable sources than American electricity. China knows it has a pollution problem, which is why it has cancelled well over a hundred planned coal generation plants (some already under construction) and is planning to abandon coal generation entirely as existing plants age out. The proportion of Chinese electricity that comes from coal peaked two years ago and continues to decline.

      In contrast, the obvious policy of the US Government is to build as many additional coal-fired plants as possible. Natural gas (and even renewables) are so much cheaper than coal that it is hard to imagine how the Administration can meet that goal without massive subsidies.

      We have only made strides in stopping pollution in this country thanks to government laws and regulations that the current Administration wants to repeal. There are almost 200 other countries who are not about to follow that example. American companies that want to do business in those countries are going to be forced to take steps on their own.

      Oh, and Apple products are not crap.

    1. How many extra Category 5 hurricanes, floods, droughts, and other extreme weather events do you think it would take to drive the damages in America alone into the “billions if not trillions?” A global increase of 2 degrees will do all that and much, much more.

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