Five tech issues to watch under President Trump

“How might a Donald Trump presidency affect Silicon Valley?” Levi Sumagaysay writes for The Mercury News. “Here’s a rundown of some issues that are important to the tech industry.”

“Trump has talked tough about trade, including slamming the Trans-Pacific Partnership that the tech industry has endorsed,” Sumagaysay writes. “In addition, among the seven items on the trade plan on his website are three about China, including ‘instruct the U.S. Trade Representative to bring trade cases against China.’ These threats and possible actions are likely to affect American tech companies doing business and manufacturing in China, such as Apple, Intel, HP and many others.”

“By Moody’s last count, in 2015, U.S. companies held $1.2 trillion outside the country, with Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet/Google, Cisco and Oracle topping the list,” Sumagaysay writes. “Trump’s tax plan proposes to reduce the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 15 percent, including a one-time rate of 10 percent for companies to bring the profits they’ve stashed overseas back to the United States, according to his website. If companies do repatriate, what might they do with that money? Options include paying down debt, investing in new technology or buying other companies.”

<strongMore issues in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: With upwards of $80 billion in debt, Apple being able to repatriate and pay that down might not be such a bad idea.

Donald J. Trump elected 45th president of the United States – November 9, 2016
Apple CEO Tim Cook smartly maintained ties to GOP ahead of Trump victory – November 9, 2016
Apple could be able to pay just 10% tax to repatriate overseas profits under President Trump’s plan – November 9, 2016
Why Donald Trump bests Hillary Clinton on key tech policies – November 8, 2016


  1. What did I say on January 29, 2014 on these very pages? This:

    The Democrats never think ahead. They never consider what their actions might cause to happen in the future.

    Go ahead, keep using “executive orders,” keep skirting/ignoring the law, keep imposing new “laws” outside the system, keep setting precedent for the president to impose his will on the people. Democrats seem to think they’ll hold the White House forever. Good luck with that.

    When Republicans assume control, I wonder if they will resist the urge to reset the government and restore order or if they’ll instead ram through some idiotic program to take over at least 1/6th of the economy, wrecking what was once the envy of the world, on a purely partisan vote? I’d like to see, if only for the educational and entertainment value, the Republicans using the presidency to issue executive orders 24/7/365 to impose their will on the people.

    Now we don’t even need to stoop to executive orders as the GOP will control the U.S. Presidency, the U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House while stacking the U.S. Supreme Court with conservatives for decades.

    Have a nice day. 🙂

    1. You said a lot over the years, Fwhatever, and the vast majority was total bullshit. Trump is not my President and I have resigned myself to tolerating the time that he remains in office after his inauguration. I hope that I am surprised and Trump turns out to be better than I expect.

      Once again, as in the first term of the Bush administration, the GOP will have control of the White House, Senate, and House. That turned into a fiasco back in the 2000s. Let’s hope that some faction in the GOP manages to rein in the excess this time around. The U.S. Is pretty darn resilient, but we can only withstand so much of the crap that you favor.

      The GOP played a grand game of name calling, trumped up accusations, and label and disparage. Still, it was Clinton’s battle to lose and she overlooked the angst among the working class. So I have to give Trump some credit…his bizarre tactics worked. Now he just has to find a way to avoid getting himself thrown in jail.

      I do not intend to say anything more about Trump. Unlike Fwahatever and botty and others, I prefer to talk about Apple and Macs.

  2. Tim Cooks supporting of Hillary was brilliant! She did a great job sabotaging Samsung phones and washing machines. Who needs the courts when a contribution to Clinton foundation makes your problems go away!

    1. Technically, he is “President Designate” Trump.
      He will be “President Elect” Trump after the Electoral College votes are counted on January 6.
      He will be “President” Trump after he is sworn in on January 20.

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