Why Apple’s Beats 1 will change the game

“Yesterday I tuned into Jaden Smith’s first ever show on Beats 1,” Arron Hirst writes for RazorianFly. “It’s called ‘MSFTS FREQUENCY,’ (pronounced ‘Misfits Frequency’), and consisted of a selection of Smith’s own favourite plays, alongside a surprise interview with his father, Will Smith, all the while sitting next to his sister – Willow Smith, who also added some joviality to the broadcast, whilst, I’m sure, helping her brother Jaden through his first-ever live global radio broadcast – by keeping things moving.”

“But as I sat there, listening (intently) – as I have been doing for the past couple of days given my affection for all types of music, besides my three core genre loves: Alternative, Dance and Electronic – a surreal moment happened that ultimately had me wanting after a rewind button for live radio,” Hirst writes. “Jaden proceeded to interrupt the music to ask somewhat of a rhetorical question to listeners. ‘Hey all of you out there,’ Jaden exclaimed. ‘I got a question for you,’ … ‘What do Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, and Barack Obama have in common?’ … The answer, Jaden said with a hesitant pause … ‘They’re all cousins.'”

“No-one intervened. No-one gasped in the background at the comment just made by the young host. The stream wasn’t unceremoniously cut-off during Jaden exclaiming his own personal views on how U.S politics work,” Hirst writes. “It just happened. More importantly, it was allowed to happen.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: If he thinks that’s so gobsmackingly amazing, Arron should listen to Howard Stern on SiriusXM for three minutes.


  1. “f he thinks that’s so gobsmackingly amazing, Arron should listen to Howard Stern on SiriusXM for three minutes.” (MDN)

    I dont’ think SiriusXM is available (or even accessible) in the UK, and I don’t think many in UK know who is Howard Stern. For his domestic audience, he does what he needs; Beats 1 is now a global radio, so an American political joke may have gone over very many heads in the audience.

      1. The key is the next song. There is a new form of slavery in America, economic slavery. And the Bush family, the Cheney family and Obama are all part of the overlord class, cousins, not he slave class.

        That’s my take on the bit.

  2. Im always so very surprised how just about every celeb seems to have such amazingly talented children. Equally, for we mere mortals, its oh so tough to define exactly where that talent actually lies. Yes clearly they are truly our superiors to have hidden it so well from us.

  3. I don’t even get the joke. Is “cousins” slang for something I’m unfamiliar with?

    Let’s break this joke down, What do Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, and Barack Obama have in common?’ … The answer, Jaden said with a hesitant pause … ‘They’re all cousins.’”

    Urrrr. 2 were vice-presidents, 3 were(are) president and 1 was the Secretary of Defense. 1 was head of the CIA. All four are married and fathers of children.

    What am I missing?

      1. Someones cousins, not each others cousins. I think your idea may be better than mine. Getting too politonomical in my old age. Learning from Beats 1 and not even listening.

      2. Someones cousins, not each others cousins. As in the punch line to a joke or riddle? I think your idea may be better than mine. Getting too politonomical in my old age. Learning from Beats 1 without even listening.

  4. They are all cousins. Especially those born and bred in the southern states.

    Off course there are less than 6 degrees of separation between these Inbreds.

    Cousins indeed.

  5. I’m never certain whether Jaden Smith is a genius, a moron, or someone who just likes to talk/type randomly without caring whether or not the words make sense in that particular order.


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