New York Times seeks to profile Tim Cook after getting shut out by Apple

“A new profile of Apple’s chief executive, titled ‘Tim Cook, Making Apple his own’ actually says little about Cook and virtually nothing noteworthy about how he is leading Apple,” Daniel Eran Dilger writes for AppleInsider. “Instead, the New York Times simply recounts more predictions of doom for the company in a piece filled with fictions and fallacy.”

“Unsurprisingly, the article’s authors Matt Richtel and Brian X. Chen have to admit early on that Cook ‘declined to be interviewed for this article.’ It’s not hard to understand why,” Dilger writes. “Richtel may be best known for his bizarre hit piece castigating Apple for working to sell iPads to schools in 2011. Chen even more famously skewered Apple for even attempting to sell its iPhone in Japan, where he assured his Wired readers that the nation hated it. He even crafted quotes from people in Japan saying how “lame” the iPhone was, even if those quotes were actually completely fabricated.”

“Then of course, there’s the New York Times itself, the publication Richtel and Chen are currently writing for, which printed its ‘iEconomy’ series exclusively blaming Apple for everything wrong in the industry,” Dilger writes. “Even Yukari Iwatani Kane, who kicked off the ‘Japan hates the iPhone’ meme and crafted a masterpiece of delusional Apple doomsaying in her widely panned book ‘Haunted Empire,’ could likely anticipate that Cook wasn’t going to volunteer any insight to the Times, given her recounting of the aftermath of ‘iEconomy’ in a meeting between Cook, the series’ lead reporter Charles Duhigg and the Times editorial board. ‘I think you set out to write this story,’ Cook told the journalists. ‘There was nothing that we could have said that was going to change it.'”

Much more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: The New York Times gets crappier with each successive year.

When you know a subject inside and out and then read obvious falsehoods and fabrications in the New York Times, you have to wonder what else they’re falsifying and fabricating.

When the so-called “paper of record” is a joke, a “free” country stands on a rotten foundation.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers “Jim” and “Arline M.” for the heads up.]

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  1. When the so-called “paper of record” is a joke, a “free” country stands on a rotten foundation.

    Keep this in mind as the mainstream media gears up to sell Hillary Clinton to the gullible pawns known as “low information voters” in the U.S.

    1. F2T2, I usually hate you inserting politics into every story, but it seems to fit here. While I’m opposed to Hillary Clinton because she is a moderate-right-wing war-monger and you probably think she is some kind of liberal, I think everyone can agree that the mainstream media loves her and will ignore all the problems there are with her. Ugh.

      1. Would Hillary have supported or opposed Obamacare if she was voting for it at the time?

        I would put the line of demarkation between conservatives and liberals squarely on that singular issue. Once you give the Federal government power over healthcare, nothing else matters. You have gone down the slippery slope to hell.

    1. Umm… Wasn’t it the same NYT who erroneously trashed Phil Mikelson in another trash article? To quote, “Sources who previously provided the Times with information about Mickelson’s role in the investigation are now saying that they made a mistake.” The NYT is about the same level as the Inquirer in my book. Why believe anything they publish?

    2. TFlint, you (and only YOU) now need to step up to the plate and refute 100% of every citation Daniel did at Appleinsider.

      I dare you to do so. If you do not do so, you need to appeal for mercy for going off the rails mentally.

      Facts are the only “real” things. Entities that ignore facts seal their own fate.

    3. MDN is a breath of fresh air and blisteringly funny wit in a sea of group-thinking analysts and unethical media. If you want proof, study the ocean of stupid predictions, poor analysis and false accusasations regarding Apple for the last decade and a half. Calls for doom came before and after every Apple announcement in the past from creating Apple retail stores to the iPad. Accusations regarding labor practices have mostly been proven false or severely exaggerated. And the only way to have made money on Apple stock is to have bet against the “experts.” In my opinion, The New Tork Times has no more integrity than an unchecked blog — and this is across the board, not just regarding Apple. Thank you MDN for your perspective and, occasionally, making me laugh so hard!!

    4. Face it fellow MDNites, we have a pet troll, probably the same from months back, who anonymously, cowardly, like to inject his egestive comments solely for the sake of collecting taunts and hate directed back at him. This is his sickness to bear. Enjoy taunting the psychopath, but NEVER take him seriously.

        1. Anonymous coward hater, inspired by self-loathing. It’s always there. Every time. You never get tired of hurting yourself. So, right back at you.

          Haven’t you noticed how much I enjoy sharpening my troll trampling skills on your pin head?

    5. You support a paper who’s journalists have been proven to write fabricated articles, and you criticise MDN for calling on it?
      You don’t work for the NYT, by any chance?
      From the experience of living in the UK, where a whole bunch of newspapers have been shown to hack private phones, and lie and cheat to make a story, if you continue to support the NYT you continue to be a gullible fool.

  2. Hence, the phenomenal growth of alternative news media that is destroying the whores of main stream media as evidenced by dramatic drops in their Nielsen ratings. “The Great Day” will occur when advertisers figure this out: “Hey, Frank, nobody watches this shit, so why are we paying these outrageous rates for advertising on a news broadcast nobody watches?”

    Adios CiaNN, The Washington Compost and the rest of your Lie Machine.

      1. A free and open internet allows every man, woman and child to be their own printing press. The era of the Citizen Journalist is here, anyone with a smart phone can record and share first-hand verifiable reports from anywhere in the world on any subject. An open internet is a scourge to tyranny. I am confident that TJ himself must be looking down at all this and smiling.

  3. For f#$% sake, can NOTHING be on here anymore without being some sort of political diatribe? Hey, guess what? There are crappy “journalists” at every organization nowadays. Why? Because it’s all about bolstering their own names, not about actual reporting and interviewing.

  4. Although it is annoying that the media write articles that have a specific agenda without considering the facts, I find it hilarious that those journalists get it so wrong.
    The iPhone took Japan by storm and improved the sales figures for every carrier that started to offer it. The same is happening in China.
    The reality is that these guys are getting paid to send a certain message and to create controversy in order to boost circulation. This will backfire on them as readers lose confidence in their ability to report accurately and their lack of bias.

      1. Let’s see … title points out Jony Ive quotes rather than it being another NYT hatchet job, check … does not attack NYT’s biased (but accurate to the views of financial analyst idiots) recounting of Apple’s fiscal performance, check … focuses on the positive aspects of the article, specifically surrounding the Jony Ive quotes, check … does not point out any of the far, far more egregious positions and statements expressed in the article, check.

        Compared to how MDN usually treats thinly-veiled attacks on Apple like this, they practically endorsed it. Again: if MDN had actually gone and done their usual work pointing out the idiocy of this piece, I wouldn’t have clicked the damn link and rewarded the NYT for their whoring ways.

  5. Like SameSung I have stopped all my purchases and subscriptions to NY Times and related companies. The only thing they understand is action. If you are still reading their paper products or visit their online system then you are encouraging them to continue and be more controversial.

    1. Money is the only voice a consumer has that businesses take note of, so denying them subscriptions and page views is the only way to let them know you’re not satisfied with their product.

      I just wish MDN would have done a better job yesterday of realizing the article was “more of the same” from NYT. Instead, they made it sound positive, so I clicked to read the whole thing. And then I had to go take a shower to cleanse myself of that slimy, greasy feeling I get after reading typical Times bullshit.

  6. The NYSlimes lost all credibility years ago when PC identity politics became as important as facts, Jason Blair for example.

    Don’t know what to make of a liberal newspaper attacking the most successful liberal company on earth.

    Unless, Apple is the new punching bag replacing Walmart.

    Side note: Last week the publisher sacked the first woman to lead the newsroom replacing her with the legendary DB.

  7. Thank you brother Dilger!

    Integrity: Dropped from the NY Times dictionary. Not that most of the rest of today’s the biznizz world comprehends it either. One could even postulated that it’s a (bowel) movement of anti-integrity that blasts Apple these days. What was the Apple Bear Bullshit but a barrage of rubbish from those with no integrity?

    Thrive Apple, thrive!

      1. Dan Dilger serves WHO?

        I’ve known Dan since 1996. If you want to know an incredibly nice fellow who is incredibly dedicated to facts and researches what he says beyond the capabilities of ANYONE I know, including me, it’s Dan. I’ve never seen him FUD anything. Blowing away Apple Bear Bullshitters and trolls? Dan’s an expert. It’s not his fault that Apple happens to be the best technology. He’s simply got great taste and the data to back it up.

        So, your obvious comment makes me want to laugh. Is this really what you intended to say? Or did you forget to wink and /s?

        1. I have read his stuff since Roughly Drafted appeared online and was quite impressed with his stuff, but it seems to me that he has been towing the line with his writings more recently. One can state facts and still exhibit cheerleading, boosterism or bias.

  8. I loved the article, sure depicts modern day Amurderca. That story about the KKK burning a cross in front of an Amurdercan family and the guy lifting his hood to reveal himself as a church deacon is such a classic story of Amurderca’s warmongering birthright.

    Apple’s “advancing humanity” concept at odds with modern day Amurderca. It’s one thing as the article state to write “an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal in support of proposed federal legislation protecting gay, lesbian and transgender workers.” and it’s another thing entirely to come up with something entirely new and that’s what exactly Apple does.

    You can imagine the reaction when he or someone at Apple writes about the needs of bisexuals and that humanity needs to consider sum sex marriages for bisexuals, as “the union between a man and a woman” is a sum sex marriage as opposed to “the union between a man or a woman” is a some sex marriage. Another better way for humanity to move forward. Those in power will not like it, they never will unless they can tax it or go to war against it.

    That’s why publications like the New York Times needs to put out these articles, to control the masses, to keep them in the fold of propaganda bubble gum, so that those indoctrinated can go on ad nauseum stating that while there has been an increase in spying by 10000% by one leader they will totally ignore that the previous leader increased spying by 1000000000000000%.

    The New York Times article perfectly depicts modern day Amurderca, a couple towering buildings short of being a real country but with tower building potential that needs to be stifled. Hey they know what to do…..Iraq III, the sequel, harder nastier than ever. Ever go to war without a Bush pilot? Iraq III coming to a country somewhere soon.

    1. To answer your question “Ever go to war without a Bush pilot?”, yes as a matter of fact I have, 4 tours being dropped into hotspots defending your right to call us “Amurderca” and “Amurdercan”s and your right to post here and love reading fiction and not fact. Once you have walked the walk, let me know..Get a life…

      1. Thank you for your post MikeW. With all due respect I don’t think the incursion into Iraq had anything to defend my right to post here, in fact that is something I consider to be a fiction. I take if from your post that you’ve done 4 tours into Afghanistan (a NATO operation) under Obama, not G.W. Bush as my comment was made to be a pun, humor if you wish.

        I also take it that you are suggesting the walk the walk insinuates that you’d want me to let you know when I’ve been to war. You’ll have to excuse me, as while many of my family have been in the military, I come from a peace loving country one that follows the principles of the United Nations and does not go off on a whim to invade another country like Iraq that was minding its own business, had nothing to do with 9/11 (the second one, not the first one where Amurdercans removed a democratically elected government and installed a murderer known as Pinochet, certainly not defending anyone’s right to free speech and democracy there) and had no weapons of mass destruction.

        Hey, when you’ve walked that walk, the walk of peace, let me know…you’ll have a life…with the qualities of integrity, morality and respect for others.

        1. Ah great, I was worried that someone who has come through a military that is known to ignore the white flag and slaughter innocents might have trouble understanding the basic facts.

          I’m glad to see that’s the case.

          Have a peace full day.

        2. My Point that is.. Any case, not worth carrying on

          Oh your point, and what exactly is that point? You answered my question (you’ve been to war without a Bush pilot), I guess that’s a point although I am still not sure if you go the humor that I was referring to George W. Bush. I’ll take it that your tours were in Afghanistan under Obama, and if that’s the case I salute you, heck even if you were in Afghanistan under George Bush I salute you.

          That being the case yes, you served along side my country men to seek out and find Bin Laden who indeed was a terrorist and a threat so I will take it that you defended my right to speak freely about the atrocities that you and your country men did in Iraq, which did not have weapons of mass destruction and had nothing to do with 911 (the second one). For defending my right I thank you.

          Insofar as walking the walk, I’ve pointed out that I walk the walk of peace, yet fully support the military when they are used with justification, and that was certainly not the case in Iraq. Justice will not be served as George W. Bush will not be brought to the Hague to answer for crimes against humanity, but make no doubt it’s horrible karma, not to mention the torture that has been committed by US servicemen against other human being. Nothing justifies that in this day and age.

          At any rate, you’ve wisely raised the white flag, and decide it’s not worth carrying on. A wise choice. Good luck to you sir.

        3. Let’s just agree to disagree 🙂
          I am not raising any flag. your views and mine are totally out of synch and I really don’t want to waste time or the hosts space to argue it out. Just remember those who stand up for your and have died for your and my freedoms to be able to post this here. That is the important thing to remember. Thanks 🙂

        4. Mikew30: Thank you for your post mikew30. I appreciate that our views are out of sync and indeed I remember and greatly appreciate those who died for me and my freedoms, that is especially important to me as I have had family members do it in the line of fire. It is important to remember and it is important to discern when those freedoms are being violated.

          That violation in my opinion is exactly what happened in the second Iraq incursion. One of your commanders Colin Powell went to the United Nations spouting off that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and Saddam Hussein’s possible involvement with 911. Whether that was erroneous information or a blatant lie remains to be seen. Nonetheless, your military moved into that nation, without the sanction of the UN without even waiting for their democratic vote, based on a rumor that Germany would veto the move. From there your government invaded and captured their leader Saddam Hussein (who yes was a despot tyrant, the world has a few of them unfortunately) and left him to a new government that your country helped to establish. He died, so much for protecting him from his freedom of speech. Insofar as I know, there were no weapons of mass destruction, there was no involvement with 911 and there has been no apology for this, and no trial for your commander in chief to answer for what is in my eyes and in the eyes of many an atrocity that is in the realm of a crime against humanity. Not to mention the subsequent decision by your government to torture people, hold them indefinitely without due process and to strip them of their bare rights of protection under the Geneva convention.

          So you can talk about defending my freedom of speech but the walk, the actions undertaken in Iraq only show me and many others the forked tongue speech of a nation that has moved from a defender of human rights to a global bully and wannabe terrorist.

          You may consider it a waste of time and not worth it. I certainly feel differently and until I am convinced otherwise I will strive to point that out. I strive to keep an open mind on this but from what I’ve read, and from what I’ve seen the second Iraq conflict was a crime that will go unanswered for. Justice will not be served and that is to me very unfortunate. I have lost the respect of what I consider was once a great nation and Iraq, well sorry to day, I disagree with he who was your commander in chief, the job is not done, it’s a mess.

          That being said I have enjoyed our exchange. It certainly isn’t easy for either one of us to hear what we have to say, but yes I do believe that you act and believe that your actions were to defend the freedom of others and I salute you for that. I also believe that you took the time to listen to what I had to say, and will think it over. I have no qualms if we choose to disagree on that aspect and I still salute you.

          Thank you for the time and effort you took for this exchange. I find it was time well spent.

          I wish you the best.


  9. Happening to newspapers everywhere as they get more and more desperate and subsequently seek any means to push up sales figures. In such circumstances truth sinks conveniently to the bottom where the writers hope no one bothers to look.

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